Reviews For Somewhere in Time
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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 26, 2021 6:39 pm Title: Chapter 14

Haha you slime! It was sneaky of Justin to get the watch by kissing him, yet with Brian and Justin aware of Ethan having the club, you’d think they could have just wrestled that away from him. Either that, or the men Brian hired could have held him as they just took it.

But Justin endured the kiss, which really took the pathetic man down. I wonder what Ethan will do in that time period? His clothes were outdated, and I assume he has little money. Some back-breaking menial labor would be funny.

I also think with Ethan having to stay in 1937, he’ll never find a bed mate unless it’s a woman. (Yes, I’m laughing!)



Author's Response:

Poor Justin having to endure THAT kiss. The very thought is too much for me. LOL. I think it was decided that the kiss was the safer route, although a revolting one. They wouldn't want to take the chance of the watch being damaged in any scuffle. I do think that would be a fitting end for Ethan. Lost and stuck in 1937. Of course, he could approach them as an old man. There's a thought. I should have done that - haha.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



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