Reviews For Addiction
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Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 13, 2022 9:40 am Title: Chapter 15

No sympathy for Chris Hobbs he got what h deserved and Justin got justice for the crime Chris committed against Justin and so many others before or in the future.

Brian and Justin together for all of eternity will be very interesting for both of them because it will never be boring nor easy but it will be quite fulfilling cor both of them.

I  Really Enjoyed This Story

Thank You????

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 27, 2021 7:09 pm Title: Chapter 15

thank you

Author's Response:

Your welcome. Thanks for reading!


Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 27, 2021 5:13 pm Title: Chapter 15

Ah… they should have toyed with their food a little longer. Allow Chris to walk away, only in the blink of an eye be next to him again. They probably should have let Hobbs, Sr. spend thousands of dollars on lawyers, only to kill Chris afterward.

Anyway, Justin called himself a 'monster'. They COULD become ‘vegetarians'. Although it would not be as fulfilling.

OR - they could start taking care of the vilest criminals, saving the county lots of money. Just think of all the good they could do.

Unless there were pests like Michael and Craig that needed to be under their control.

And lastly, this was a very nice alternative to season 1.



Author's Response:

I think having Chris Hobbs fate in his hands was probably too much for a baby vampire. Of course he would be savage, but he's not a monster. I don't think Brian will ever allow that to happen. Justin has so much to learn about life as a vampire, and I doubt he could have a better guide. :) 

I'm glad you enjoyed this alternative season 1. It was certainly that, and nice to see them in a happy and loving place at this stage.

Thanks for reading and commenting, Cathy.



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