Reviews For Family Matters
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Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 23, 2021 7:06 am Title: Chapter 2

Hi! No, I wasn't out of Berlin at all, but just having time off and being at home is nice too. I live in a house with a small garden, so it's great to spend freetime at home too. I've never been to Ireland, but it must be beautiful. Mabye some day in the future ... When I was around 20 years old, I was a big X-files fan and read a lot of fanfictions at that time. But that passed pretty quickly. And two years before Queer as Folk I read "Eragon" with my son (don't know if I had told you that before) and fell totally in love with Murtagh. So I ended up with fanfiction about him and actually he is also to blame for the fact that I found Queer as Folk. There were stories about him and Eragon and I found the two of them perfect together. The only problem ... they are half brothers ... well ... and then I found Brian and Justin!

So, the second chapter ... As always, wonderfully written and I'm so curious ... I'm a little suspicious whether Jenny's story is really true. I have to admit, I like Mel ... I always felt sorry for her because in my opinion Lindsay played Mel and Brian off against each other. But well, the anti-Mel-tag is there, so... But, whatever! I'm really curious how it'll continue! By the way, I so love how you picture them as a family! Warmest regards and stay healthy!

Author's Response:

Ireland is extremely beautiful - Dublin itself is well... a big city... but once you leave Dublin (even where I live now, 20 minutes away from city centre), you'll have beautiful beaches, cliffs, amazing scenery. It's definitely worth a visit :)

Ooooh, X-Files. I remember meeting with a friend every Monday in the 90's and watching new episodes together on ProSieben. Loved the show at the time. It was Buffy, Angel and X-Files that we always watched together and we would discuss episodes afterwards for hours, sometimes even days later. I still can't hear Tunguska without thinking of X-Files ;)

As for Eragon, I have to admit that that passed me by, somehow. At the time there had been so much fantasy (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Narnia, etc.) that I felt quite saturated when it came to fantasy.

Back to Jenny: Can she be trusted? Hmmmm, good question. We'll find out soon!

With Melanie, I always feel torn and much depends on how I feel about her on a certain day lol. Sometimes I feel sorry for her, like you said and then again, she just pisses me off. She's a lawyer, so smart on some level and then allowed Lindsay to play her like that and honestly? Even if Lindsay played her and Brian off against each other - she went along with it. She never gave him a chance, she never had a good word for him and yet she always went for him for help as well when she and Lindsay were in trouble again (the French man, for example)... Unfortunately, for Melanie lovers, the day I decided where to go with her character in this universe, I didn't feel too empathatic and went with anti-Mel ;)

We have to remember what Mel did in Back for Good - The Pittsburgh Years and how things ended between her and Brian, and probably more importantly, between her and Gus. Of course that will determine a lot of the interactions with Mel in this story.

What can I say? I just love me some Kinney-Taylor family. They are certainly a happy place ;)

As always, thank you so much for your comment! It's much appreciated and more will be up tomorrow :) 

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