Reviews For Family Matters
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Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 17, 2021 12:05 pm Title: Chapter 14

Hi! You wrote: "Remember when all this started and we went into the first lockdown? And people thought: Okay, it's gonna be a few weeks and then we'll be fine? We were so naive lol." - Oh, I remember! I just read an email this week from one of my doctor colleagues. I think I have told you before, I'm working as a study assistant in a neurosurgery department and at the beginning of the pandemic there were no regulations of how we should treat follow up visits for out patients. And I asked him what I should do and he answered that I should cancel the appointment and move it to four weeks forward to a point when this would be all over... Oh my, were we wrong... and now, with omicron, there is no end in sight... :-(

I've had to think about you the last weekend and today. I remember that you were (or are?) also active in this whole Tolkien fandom. Well, it never fascinated me the same way as with QAF, but I've seen the films so often and I haven't seen them for maybe 5 years. Last weekend the Hobbit Part 1 came on TV and my son and I watched all three parts on Saturday and Sunday. Today we have continued with Lord of the Rings Part 1 and tomorrow we'll watch Part 2. I have to admit that I always have to force myself first a little bit, but it's good to see something other than just QAF. :-)

So this chapter. You make it exciting ... I had expected that the talk with Gus and Luke would already take place in this chapter ... but well, it will probably happen in the next chapter. I'm really curious about their reactions. I could imagine that Luke in particular will be very hurt at first and maybe also a bit angry ... And I really wonder what's going on with Melanie ... It seems so strange that she has not yet reacted again. So, looking forward to Sunday! Stay healthy!

Author's Response:

I have to admit that while I love The Lord of the Rings trilogy, I am not a fan of the Hobbit movies. I watched them in the cinema when they came out but never again after that. I know it may sound weird, as it's the same creative team, even most of the same actors, etc. But to me the Hobbit has a completely different feel. Way more Hollywood - less story, more CGI. I never really got into that. So it's all about the Tolkien books and Lord of the Rings movies for me ;) 

My friend and I just realised last weekend that we have been watching the trilogy together once a year since 2007. Our very own tradition ;)

Thanks for your comment :) 

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