Reviews For Family Matters
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Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 01, 2022 9:04 pm Title: Chapter 29

Hi again! Adam Kinzinger was one of the first republicans to acknowledge the election defeat in public and he supported Trump's impeachment process after the storming of the Capitol. He and Liz Cheney are also the only Republicans sitting on the investigative committee. I don't think he's made many friends in his own party, but yes, in the end he's still in that party. But I have the impression that he's not an asshole as so many other republicans. Have you followed the confirmation from the new Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson? I saw how she was treated by Lindsay Graham and others. That was so awful. This guy really is an asshole. You can watch it on youtube if you are interested.

So, thanks again for another chapter! I find it interesting that you use the example of Luke and Jenny to make it clear that a certain situation can have very different effects on people due to different experiences, lifestyles, habits, whatever, and accordingly also evoke different reactions. But it's so good to see that Luke is further moving in the right direction. It's good to see that he has made peace with Jenny and also apologised for his behavior. Now I'm curious how you will let him find his way home. Stay healthy and warmest regards!

Author's Response:

To be fair, everyone who stayed in that party, even after what happened on January 6th... that's like saying "Yes, I am in the AFD, but I am not a nazi or racist"... There are things you can excuse and there are things you can't and for me staying in that party after what happened in the last two years? A huge no go :( You can't say:  "I vote/am Republican, but I don't condone behaviour like that". Well, if you don't, leave the party! Have some balls!

I followed that confirmation hearing and it was horrible... The Republicans once again showed the world what they are truly like. Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz are the worst - ugh! 

Sometimes I want to tell myself, thank God, we don't have people like that in Europe, but then you look at Orban or even just Alice Weidel in Germany and I want to cry :( Or that Julian Reichelt guy from the Bild? So the "Sendung mit der Maus" showing a piece that explained to kids what trans actually means now makes kids want to change their gender all over Germany? Really? Watching a TV show or reading a book will not make any child gay, bi or trans or whatever... but if they are, it might teach them that they are not alone and that nothing is wrong with them! 

I watched the Sendung mit der Maus my whole childhood and saw so many things on there, but I never wanted to be any of those... God, some people just need to focus on their own lives instead of destroyng the lives of others :(

I think it's one of the most important things I have learned growing up: Depending on how your own experiences have influenced you, you might see things very differently from other people who have had other experiences. My best friend grew up in a very happy family, I didn't. We have very different views on how we see family and relationships which are clearly influenced by our experiences growing up. And we both know that we will never really understand where the other one is coming from. You try, you have empathy and you are there, but there are just some things you can't understand if you haven't experienced them yourself. That has always fascinated me to some degree :)

Luke is definitely getting over his anger and moving in the right direction. Still some twists and surprises to come though ;)

As always, thanks for your comment. It's much appreciated :) More will be up tomorrow! Stay safe :) 

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