Reviews For Family Matters
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Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 22, 2022 9:20 pm Title: Chapter 32

Hi! I already thought that you would post later because of Easter. Then I hope, that you had definitely a great time with your family! I have to admit that I'm not very enthusiastic about these festivals like Christmas and Easter.

Thanks for another great chapter. Luke continues to be on the right track and I think it's about time... Gus is a wonderful big brother and yes he's right,  "In the end we all need to decide what's important to us"... reminds me a little bit of Gandalf ;-) "We just have to decide what we want to do with the time that's been given to us" I always loved this saying. Looking forward to Sunday! Warmest regards!

Author's Response:

I had a great time with my family :) It was nice to see them again and for the first time in two years to not only see them for Christmas! Personally, I like Christmas and Easter, but I come from a family where we always got together for these holidays at my grandparents' house and the whole family was there. I love that :) Now we only do it for Christmas and with everyone grown up and having their own families now (my youngest cousin just had a baby son three weeks ago) and living all over Germany and with me in Ireland, it's really the only time a year when I can see everyone. I really love that :) 

Holidays like Christmas and Easter for me mostly mean that I can see my family without having to sacrifice any vacation days which I also need as I love travelling lol 

Gus is a good big brother - he did well in his conversation with Luke :) Haha, I never thought of Gus' statement like that, but you are right, it definitely has a bit of Gandalf in it. That is actually one of my favourite quotes from Lord of the Rings! Gandalf said many meaningful things, but that one is right up there at the top!

We still have a couple of twists and turns coming up, but I can honestly say that they have made it through the worst now :)

Thanks for your comment. As always, it's much appreciated :) More will be up tomorrow! If I survive the Ed Sheeran concert tonight lol 80.000 people at a concert - I am slightly worried ;) Thankfully, it's outside in a stadium, so it should be fine! 


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