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Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2018 2:59 pm Title: ~Part II: YOUR STUDLINESS~

Lindsay is all kinds of repulsive! Not surprised she had Gus to use as a pawn for her plans for a heteronormative life. As if Brian would ever agree to all her delusional thoughts! I was right. Gus is a smart kid, and knows exactly what has been going on. I was right again about Sam. What a sleaze ball. I can't believe Lindsay brought him with her. Brian is going to be so pissed when he hears Sam is in the hotel room that he's paying for. I hope they are aware that by tomorrow they will be kicked out of there. And them having sex in her and Mel's bed, with the kids in the basement, is just all kinds of wrong! I'm glad Gus stood up to Sam and wouldn't take his crap, and then left. Because I was wondering if Sam got mad enough at the 'little shit' if he would have slapped him. If that happened, Brian would have destroyed that man. He would have been left homeless and pennyless, without a career. Hmm... Maybe he should have... NOT! Besides Brian is going to be infuriated enough when he finds out the way Sam has been treating Gus. And Lindsay take on the case, Gus was being a willful stubborn brat!  Boy I wish Brian could hear her true thoughts on how she viewed his son! She better quit calling Brian, Peter. She long since abused that term for him.

Very happy Ted and Emmett (with some input from Justin) have opened Brian's eyes to the true situation with Lindsay and Michael. (still don't know why Brian forgave Michael).  But he's taking a step in the right direction to have Lindsay and Michael banned from Kinnetik, and by blocking their numbers on the PBX system. Now that Lindsay doesn't have Gus to use as a bargaining chip, I don't think her WASP manners will come into play, and she will show everyone just what a hissy fit she can throw when denied access. But Mel better hurry and get back to the Pitts. If Brian doesn't have any legal rights to Gus, couldn't he be charged with kidnapping? Or will Lindsay be too scared to call the police, knowing the wrath of Kinney? And she has a PI following Brian? What for? What did she hope to find out? Very good thing she left before that last report came and she found out about the house.

So Lindsay's been up to some unscrupulous activity. Did she take out another withdrawal before leaving Toronto? How much has she actually siphoned out of Gus' college fund? Lindsay's ass-is-grass. What did Ted mean when he said, Your ass and assets need to be protected at all costs. Why would Brian need to protect his assets? Who would have access to them other than Brian or Ted? So, Ted is trying to get Mel to give Brian back his Parental Rights. I sure hope she does, as Lindsay needs her's stripped. Michael needs his revoked too. Shouldn't be too hard since he hasn't ever paid child support, and doesn't show any interest in her. Good thing Harry is around the corner. I hope Brian and Mel become good friends and can co-parent the kids.

Ben also needs to do some housecleaning, and throwing clothes out the window. Why does Ben think Brian would have seen his husband more than him lately? He apparently isn't aware that Michael hasn't seen Brian for the last few months, so what has Michael been up to? Has he been seeing someone on the side? Is he even opening up his shop anymore? And what's his beef with Hunter? It was interesting to hear Michael tell Debbie that, Ben's not going anywhere. No, mybe not, but I think you are, Michael.

Em, "You don't think that this is just some ploy to..."   Brian, "Get in my pants again," Must be another backstory there some place. It sounds like Brian, Emmett and Ted don't have any secrets between them. That makes me happy.  I loved Emmett's analogy of the girl's relationship. Who do you think is Freddy Kruger in this shit?

What are they all going to do with Gus tonight? Will Emmett have to miss the dinner in order to stay with Gus? Totally love the idea of a 'real relationship' between Brian and Justin. WOWZA! I love the idea of everyone sitting around Debbie's table having dinner, and Brian and Justin putting on a PDA...  But I have to wonder how far Lindsay and Michael will go to break them up!

Great story so far. I'm loving it!

XOXO ~ Cathy

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 12, 2016 6:20 am Title: ~Part II: YOUR STUDLINESS~

Gotta love this.  Please find time to write more on this.  Please, please, please!

Author's Response:

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2016 2:09 am Title: ~Part II: YOUR STUDLINESS~

Good thing for those Anti-Michael and Anti-Lindz tags! Lol. What a pair . . . TAG

Author's Response:

LOL! Between this one and The Anti-Couple, they are at their worst...well so far!! Maybe I should give them the monikers of Mischief and Mayhem, LOL Stay Tuned!!

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