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Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 28, 2017 5:07 pm Title: Chapter 33

Excellent! Lindsay is once again too "busy" so she missed a huge opportunity to get some money.

Reviewer: susi_in_love Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 20, 2017 6:59 pm Title: Chapter 33

Maybe someday Lindsay will realize that if she always thinks of herself she will miss out on amazing things. Hunter really does have a knack for finding lost paintings. 

Reviewer: Lorie Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 07, 2016 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 33

This just gets better and better. That bitch must look like she's sucked on a whole bushel of lemons.


Author's Response:

Salted lemons with a shot of vinegar.

- Nicole

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2016 12:21 am Title: Chapter 33

Valentine's Day!  Heh, heh, Mikey actually thought he could piece together the letter he tore up and salvage the $3000.  Not happening.  Lindsay thinks she can get envolved with the Melody party.  Again not happening.  Jenny has the best ideas.  Love, love, love how Hunter found those paintings and Lindsay couldn't be bothered to look at them.  Well, he called in the right person.  Justin. How did Lindsay get into the gallary?    Hunter is coming into some serious money and Lindsay is not.  Oh joy!

Author's Response:

Of course he did, this is Michael after all.  And of course she did because she's a Petersson and their name means something...

Gallery answer: she just followed the noise of an excited Justin and Brian, she didn't get into the gallery room itself just the room with the Kirkidans in it.

Happy reading


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2016 8:48 pm Title: Chapter 33

That house is the perfect place for Brian and Justin's wedding it has enough room for family and some guest plus it would be hard to break into lol Way To Go Jenny!!

Lindsay wants to spend Valentine's Day with Michael and Mel is she high?

So Much for at least the idea of romance she should just take whatever she bought for Lindsay and exchange it, I doubt Lindsay got Mel anything thoughtful she couldn't even pretend she wanted to spend time with Mel.

Whatever plans Lindsay comes up with will be tossed into the bin where they belong Melody wants experts not an amateurish whore who has no experience planning parties.

Lydia isn't going to like this new development when she finds out.

OMG! Hunter just found a real prize and the finders fee will be helpful for college plus it will look good for the gallery.

Lindsay can't be bothered to actually do her job so she can't be surprised that she got scooped yet again by Hunter, he is going to be one Hell of a great curator because he has a good eye for lost or unknown pieces.

Michael and Lindsay can have some more humble...I mean crumble pie it must feel like lead going down? lol

Lindsay believes she is an expert in everything but reality shows she is an expert ineptitude, San Francisco is going to hurt especially if Hunter or Martine find another prize for the gallery.

Wonder if Lindsay is going to hook up...I mean look up Sam? :)


Author's Response:

Ah yes, out of the mouths of teenagers, she's a doll to write for.

No Michael's their friend and alone, can you imagine if Mel suggested the same to her regarding Leda....kabooom!

He does indeed have the eye does our Hunter, and he sees right through Michael's sudden interest in being dad...!

Ah San that is going to be fun to write.

Happy reading


Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2016 7:06 pm Title: Chapter 33

I AM LOVING THIS STORY!!!!! OMG!!!!! Hunter is such a jewel! Lindsay continues to remain a stuck-up heifer!! And Michael is still a petulant and repugnant pain in the ass! 

First things first, surely Aunt Dee and Uncle Luc are NOT getting a divorce?!!!! Please say it isn't so! I couldn't bear it since they are so well-suited and lovable. Considering how long they have been together, I think it is the absolute PERFECT venue for Brian and Justin to get married. Plus the fact that it is not at Britin and in Portland, it will also make it much more difficult for Michael and Lindsay to crash the wedding.

Secondly, I swear fo' goat cheese and clean underwear Lindsay suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder! Charles had it right when he said 'the importance is strong with that one.' The fact that she has been told, asked and pleaded with to leave the Reichmann party and all the other details alone is completely lost in her quest to prove that she is the best at something other than being a useless, scheming, tired and re-fried BITCH! Then to top it all off, she misses out on one of the most important artistic finds of a curator's career and discounts Hunter's ability in the same breath. I'm glad that Zee locked that room and that Lydia is on her way because I don't doubt that Lindsay would have done everything in her power to sabotage Hunter. 

Third, what the hell did she mean to include Michael in Mel's plan for Valentine's Day?? 'He's alone and he's our friend...' I'm so glad that Mel didn't buy what Lindsay was trying to sell. There's being compassionate and then there's being cunty. Lindsay is definitely being a cunt to force her views, opinions and wishes onto Mel and not expect backlash! And if Michael had any type of decency and wasn't the selfish little troll he is, he would have bowed out of the invitation to stick around with the couple. But as always, birds of a feather... Michael and Lindsay are definitely cut from the same self-absorbed, egotistical cloth. They should just stick together AWAY from everyone else! 

Fourth: I LOVED Hunter's assessment of Michael! I couldn't stop laughing picturing that pants-shitting face! Then Michael's reaction hearing how much Hunter stands to gain from finding the Kirkidan series was also priceless. I'll bet Hunter won't be the butt of any more of Michael's jokes since the young man is making more than Michael ever would or could with those bullshit toys. Somehow I think Hunter will be hit up for money to support Michael. He and Lindsay always revert to type when dollar signs are involved. It will be my pleasure to read Hunter tell him to go find a life!

Happy Writing and HUGS,


Author's Response:


Ah now would I be that cruel to divorce them...

Lindsay sees only one thing, all that Lindsay wants she should mostly get, and because Hunter doesn't have the schooling or the breeding she has she belittles him at every opportunity, she may have schooling and breeding but he has the eye and that's what makes him Lydia's protege and golden urchin.

You can bet everything you own if Mel had invited Leda WWIII would've broken out.

Hunter has the measure of Michael and sadly he will see exactly how Michael sees him...all of a sudden!

Happy reading & hugs


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2016 3:00 pm Title: Chapter 33

self centered Lindsay.. if you had just followed Hunter you would have been the "finder" i'm sure (you would have made sure you got the money), and I can't wait for you to find out that Hunter will be in San Fran and it isn't just your little trip LOL

Michael... just not sure if he can be any more of an idiot! lol

Author's Response:

Indeed and yes she would've stiffed Hunter.  He can and he is...!  

Happy reading


Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2016 1:13 pm Title: Chapter 33

Why does Lindsay feel the need to help with the party anyway when she was asked not to....smh. And good on Hunter again for such a great find. If Lindsay would have been minding her own business, Hunter just might have shared the finders fee with her when her help was actually being requested.

Author's Response:

Exactly what Mel says in the next chapter...and can you imagine how happy Lydia is when she hears from Melody....

Happy reading


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