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Reviewer: susi_in_love Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 09, 2017 4:50 am Title: Chapter 10

Michael is even more fucked up than I thought and I didn't think that was even possible. 

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2017 6:42 pm Title: Chapter 10

The scene between Brian and Justin was epic: fun, hot, tender, so unexpected for Brian and so loud!!!

The comments they received from Jennifer, Emmett and the others were hilarious, especially Jennifer about the soundproofing... and as usual, Justin ashamed and red, and Brian mischievous.

The end was surprising with the death and the way Michael is considering his mother. I hope she will understand her huge mistake before it's too late for her.

Reviewer: m273252 Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2017 7:04 pm Title: Chapter 10

I love how you write your stories, they pull in to want more and more with each chapter.

Can't wait for more of this and your other stories.

Reviewer: BritinForever Signed [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2017 12:22 am Title: Chapter 10

I'm so glad that Justin and Brian got to reconnect in the morning.  They really needed that time together.

Love how Jennifer was with Ben. 

Well Lindsay's dead so now Michael can be charged with murder.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2017 12:10 am Title: Chapter 10

Wow 8xs and 9 1/2 How was Justin not in traction and not surprising Brian is The King!?!?! ;)

Deb is basically grasping at straws to keep up the Brian Is To Blame For Everything and Michael Is An Angel.

Not surprised she actually thought she was coming to Britin nice to see her get knocked down another peg, and she used the whole 'You know Michael didn't mean to say that' maybe Deb should get that on a t-shirt.

For every small thing Michael did it was insignificant to the bigger stuff Justin did to save Brian, just because Michael tossed a pebble in the ocean doesn't mean he created the perfect wave Deb<eye roll>

Now that Lindsay is dead Michael will be charged with Murder...Now Who's To Blame Deb??

Glad everyone knows about what was said at the party that got Michael a punch in the mouth.

Getting a glimpse into the depraved mind of Michael was scary because the extent of Michael's selfishness knows no bounds, he wanted to try  kill Justin again and that he wanted Lindsay dead too, and he wanted Deb to devote everything to him and to Hell with everyone else.

No Father Figure, What The Hell Was Vic???


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2017 9:34 pm Title: Chapter 10

Has Coin seen the look on Michael's face.  I'm sure that he was an open book with his thoughts.  Now he'll get convicted of Murder one, since they have proof that he swung the bottle that knocked her out.

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2017 9:22 pm Title: Chapter 10

Interactions between B&J were fabulous. a few times a little worrisome, but it appears justin was playing him a bit. I enjoyed it. A much needed light hearted scene.

Laughed at the kitchen chats. A mind boggling EIGHT times! hehe. Describing Michael's BJ attempts. Much like Jenn, I'll never look at corn on the cob the same way again. I'll start having giggle fits in the grocery store. It was bad enough before with just zucchini, now there's corn! LOL

WOW! Lindsey is dead?!?!? (is she really or are they just trying to entrap Michael?) I always have to question these things. Your mind is a wonderland of ideas, twists and turns. ;). If she is, I'm assuming Michael will be charged.

Deb is soon going to run out of excuses for her son. she already sounds ridiculous and foolish. 

Michael's exclamation of never having a positive role model before..What the hell was vic you f-cker! Grrrrrrr.

Holy shitballs batman! Michael is absolutely, positively certifiable! His inner diatribe was scary as shit! He's nuts! And that last part, about his mom. that he should be the only one that mattered...I seriously got chills up my spine! All I could think of was Norman Bates! 

WOW! Every single chapter is intense. Thrilling! Emotional...not enough words to describe. I am completely enthralled. Sucked into this story! Once update is posted and I'm salivating for teh next one. :)



Reviewer: mamaduck Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2017 8:25 pm Title: Chapter 10

What a selfish, narcissistic ass (oh wait, I'm channeling my view of our president again) but fitting.  They both have the same maturity.

Will he now get charged for Lindsey's death? 

Deb found out more truths about her baby boy and we can hope she wakes up soon, but I'm not holding my breathe.

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