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Reviewer: Fantgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 28, 2018 1:27 am Title: February 24

Don't trust Michael and Ben is blind Car ride was hysterical

Author's Response:

Yeah, I personally wouldn't trust Michael to follow through with what he says; he has a bad habit of going back on his word. And Ben is an idiot for putting up with all the bullshit that Michael puts him through. LOL! Poor Em... Thanks for reading! :)

Reviewer: BritinForever Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 26, 2018 1:34 am Title: February 24

Very interesting news.  I'm glad they will be going away for awhile...but the timing seems convenient.  My brain is working all kinds of scenarios.  I guess I will just have to patiently wait and see what happens.

Thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

I t does seem out of the blue, but hopefully everything is on the up and up and we can get Michael out of our hair for a while. :) Thanks!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Feb 25, 2018 1:09 pm Title: February 24

Something about Ben and Michael going to Seattle makes me think there is shinanigans involved.  Scaring Emmett with his driving was not nice of Sunshine.

Author's Response:

I don't think Justin was trying to scare him, but he really should be more careful LOL! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 25, 2018 11:35 am Title: February 24

I agree with Justin and I don't trust Michael: he will find a way to go back to Brian.

It's funny how you describe Justin's driving "skills". Poor Emmett.

Author's Response:

Skill is not exactly the word I'd use ;) And Mikey, ever the thorn in our sides... Thanks! :)


Reviewer: wellreadbunny Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 25, 2018 8:28 am Title: February 24

Ben is sending Michael to Seattle,  is David going to be there? Emmett  really is the best kind of friend.

Author's Response:

Well, I think David is still in Portland, so maybe? Who knows. We'll see what happens. Thanks! :)

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 25, 2018 6:48 am Title: February 24

Let Em drive back. Let him tell Justin that if he doesn't take care with his driving, Brian won't ever let him takr the baby out.

Let them all breathe a sigh of relief that that fucker is suppose to be moving again across the country.

Let that fucker know that Brian would gladly toss him to Seattle not welcome him back with open arms. This won't be a case of " absence makes the heart grow fonder."  It will be "out of sight, out of mind"

Still don't trust Ben but we'll see what happens.

Author's Response:

Emmett did drive backciting self-preservation! LOL! Lets hope Mikey is contained for now. We'll see. He's a little weasel and Justin is right not to trust him.Thanks for reading! :)

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