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Reviewer: Morwen80 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 27, 2018 9:59 am Title: Getting Nailed, Being Found, Getting Caught and Cut Out

54.   Michael!! Attention seeking, disruptive filth!!! *growl* Well, at least he got that one symptom right even if he mistook the kind of attention he is supposed to seek as a patient with Munchausen. Allegedly attempted suicides are not part of the picture! It is something of a relieve that nobody seems to buy his woe-attempt… not even his mother.

Yeah! Emmett is getting his Quarterback! Great and about time!

And our favorite couple has fun, even if there are some stiff consequences (*giggle*) and is making plans… looking forward to what Justin is coming up with…


And going forward to 55…

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 12, 2018 6:32 pm Title: Getting Nailed, Being Found, Getting Caught and Cut Out

Yeah, Drew is back! I so love Drew and Emmett together; they are hot and so well matched.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 11, 2018 4:30 am Title: Getting Nailed, Being Found, Getting Caught and Cut Out

Wow!  Tigger and Brian are going after it a lot.  Michael thinks he got away with it but nobody is buying it!  lol.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 11, 2018 3:46 am Title: Getting Nailed, Being Found, Getting Caught and Cut Out

Was he really hoping Brian would come running to hold and comfort him?

What An Idiot!!

He could've killed himself all to make himself look like a weak willed innocent little boy.

Too bad his act isn't very convincing since the hospital would've checked for scars and probably photographed his body <shudders> for evidence of more cutting.

Deb and Michael are so pathetic and such a waste of air.

Brian and Justin were funny the really should stretch before they get strenuous lol

Emmett deserves to be happy and Drew deserves to be swept off his feet and to sweep Emmett off his.

The trials will be starting soon and time away is good they need to be relax for the nastiness that is headed their way.


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