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Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 5:31 pm Title: Chapter 16

I'm surprised that Emmett didn't know about Luke at this point as almost everybody on the Avenue must have been aware of that fact. If I remember well what happened in "Back for good", Emmett discovered Luke's existence when Justin came back. Being one of the best the gossip queens of the Avenue, how come did he skip this earth-shattering event?

Author's Response:

It was mentioned in one of the earlier chapters that Emmett after his falling out with Brian has mostly moved away from the Avenue. He has concentrated on his catering business and his relationship with Drew and has moved away from much of his Liberty Avenue life. Much like Brian and Ted, he has grown up and his life has changed. As he was also getting more and more fed up by Michael and in addition now had a grudge with Brian, he started avoiding them and the places they usually hung out.



Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 4:31 pm Title: Chapter 16

Yeah, as if she could be trusted!

Author's Response:

Never trust Lindsay - a lesson Brian will learn soon as well :/

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 3:22 pm Title: Chapter 16

Oh my goodness... What a bitch... Now, she's blaming Michael! That's what I meant, Michael is just a pathetic idiot, but Lindsay is sneaky and calculating, much more dangerous. And I wish Brian had listened to mother Taylor. On the other hand, it's understandable that he wants to believe her. He has experienced so many changes in his life so quickly and is very alone, so he's desperately clinging to what was once between him and Lindsay - friendship. If that ever was friendship, but whatever... And as you mentioned it, he's already lost Justin and also Michael, because the damage between Michael and him runs even deeper as with Lindsay. And as we already know, he'll try to give also Michael another chance. Otherwise he wouldn't meet him again to talk... So sad, what will happen, that his trust will be destroyed again. And that happens to Brian who has already trust-issues. And again, it's crazy, how similar Brian's and Justin's situations are. Just like Brian tried to forgive Lindsay and give her a second chance for the benefit of the family and especially Gus, so Justin decided to forgive everyone and start trying to start over for the benefit of the family and his sons. Hopefully, Justin won't be getting disappointed again as Brian had to experience.

Now, something positive... :-) I really love how you describe Brian spending time with Ted and Blake, recognizing there is more about life than getting his dick sucked. :-) And I'm happy for Brian's sake that he has these two at least. Would have been great to see them together with Justin. These four could have created a great friendship! Thanks again for this amazing two stories! Warmest regards!

Author's Response:

Yes, a true bitch indeed :/ And I agree completely with your assessment of her character and the situation.

You also understand Brian so well in this - sometimes I wonder if you've already read the whole story and know what's going to happen *lol*

Thanks for your nice comment! More is now up :) 

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 2:58 am Title: Chapter 16

Brian you sucker! You should have taken into consideration what happened at Britin, when she was calling herself 'Mommy" to Luke!  Also, the condescending tone and the hateful words she had spoken when he called her regarding CPS.  I am so angry right now. It's not like Brian to be so trusting. He should have talked this over with Ted and Blake first. I suppose next, she will worm her way back into Britin...

Hugs, Cathy

Author's Response:

Brian is in a weird situation. He has lost the three people that have always meant the most to him (Justin, Lindsay and Michael) and is now faced with being all on his own. 
Yes, he is the one to blame for the Justin situation, but it can't be easy to have been betrayed like that by two people you considered your closest friends. Maybe he's just hoping that somehow against all odds, he can at least save one of those friendships...

We'll see about Lindsay's next moves soon :)

Thanks for your kind comment! More will be up soon!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 2:39 am Title: Chapter 16

I assume she stabs him in the back.

Author's Response:

We'll have to wait and see ;)
More will be up soon!

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 1:40 am Title: Chapter 16

Great update, but I really don't trust the witch.  We all know her track record and she is willing to do and say anything to get what she want.   Terrific writing.

Author's Response:

Lindsay should never be trusted - you're right about that ;)

More will be up soon :)

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