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Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2018 6:57 pm Title: Chapter 33

Hi again! Sorry for my late review, real life keeps me busy... What a beautiful chapter! I just love these scenes with Brian and the kids. And Luke is just.... I want to hug and cuddle this mini-sunshine. I'll miss him so much!
It's so cute how Brian handles this situation, explaining to Luke how it will work and how the picture will keep him safe. It's a little bit strange, that Luke seems just to accept these stories about his Papa. I asked myself if he wouldn't ask for example where New York is, but I think, okay he's just four. These questions would have come up later, so in some ways, Brian can be kind of glad that Justin returns at a time when Luke has not asked so many more specific questions. But, whatever. Thanks for this beautiful, amazing and cute chapter. What can I say, although I'm sad that it will be the last chapter, I'm looking forward to it. Warmest regards!

Author's Response:

I know all about real life, so don't worry! I totally understand :)

Yes, I love this "new" Brian who is a devoted father as well. And the scenes with Gus and Luke were my favourite to write. I just enjoyed the boys so much, especially Luke. Then again, what's not to like about a mini-Sunshine with a splash of Brian Kinney? ;) And as I have mentioned before, I think the Brian in my story is a Brian that we could have seen on the show if the writers had given him the chance. I'd like to think that Brian could have matured into this version of himself. We know all the things he has already done for Gus on the show and how much he cared for him and we can only assume that being pregnant himself with the child of the love of his life would be even more intense as an experience for him. How could he not change after that?

As for Luke accepting the stories about Justin: First of all, this is not the first and not the last conversation that Brian and Luke have about Justin. It's just a snapshot. They have talked about his Papa before and will talk about him after. I am pretty sure that he has asked before where New York is and why his Papa can't come from New York to Pittsburgh. And I am sure Brian sold him some BS about why Justin had to stay away and being only four years old, Luke probably bought it. But yeah, it's safe to assume that Brian and Luke have had conversations about Justin and his absence before and after this particular talk. Secondly, in my own experience from working with young children for years: It's amazing again and again what kind of explanations they fall for and the things they believe ;) And we know Brian is a salesman that can sell anyone on anything *lol* 

Thanks for your comment :) As always, I appreciate it more than I can say! 

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 06, 2018 4:08 am Title: Chapter 33

What is with you authors and ending amazing stories? I know they say every good thing must come to an end, but seriously?  Any plans for a new story? Because you are an awesome writer, who has two great stories under her belt. And I'm sure you must have another lurking in your mind. Right?

That said, this was another wonderful chapter. Brian has truly turned over a new leaf in life, and became a better man and person.  I loved how Brian has incorporated Justin in Luke's life. It explains a lot how Luke knew instantly who Justin was when Justin showed up Britin. 4 1/2 years. Wow! Time has sure passed. I can almost see this story ending with Brian coming to the door and seeing Justin standing there. The stories then becoming full circle.

When I first read about Ted showing Luke a movie, and Luke said, Monsters... In my room… under my bed, the first movie I thought of was, "Little Monsters" with Howie Mandel, then realized how foolish, because that movie is probably close to thirty years old. (Christ! Am I That Old?)

Am I looking forward to Wednesday?  Kind of. 'Yes', in order to read the wonderful ending I'm sure you have written for us, and 'no', because I hate to see it end.

Any sequels in mind?  "Back to Good - The Future Years"?  Mikey gets out of prison, and heads back to the Pitts?  Don't mind me. Just a fangirl of your writing, who has a love for this arc. Hate to see it end. I hope I didn't overstep any bounds.

XOXO ~ Cathy

Author's Response:

All good things must come to an end ;) If stories go on for too long and start to drag... well, that's not a good thing either. So I'd rather finish on a high note than start to annoy people *lol*

I think I mentioned in one of my previous replies on one of your comments that I was writing something new (not related to this Back for Good universe) and that it had grown bigger than I had anticipated. I have finished the first draft of that story recently, but haven't had any time yet to review and edit it... damn real life *lol* 

Yes, I like this "new" Brian quite a bit as well. And I like the idea that he would tell Luke stories about his Papa even though he's not there. I just like the idea that in his own way Brian would still try to include Justin somehow in their family.

Don't worry - I appreciate everyone who asks about a sequel. It only shows that people really like this universe and that warms my heart. When this story started it was just a crazy idea in my head and I never really expected that people would actually come along for the ride and enjoy it. So thanks for all your comments and for your interest in these stories - I appreciate it more than I can say :D 

Reviewer: Alexandra Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2018 9:56 pm Title: Chapter 33

Wonderful story, I will miss them all when it ends. 

Author's Response:

I miss them as well - over the course of two stories these characters have become quite close to me :)

Thanks for your comment! 

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2018 4:33 am Title: Chapter 33

Beautiful chapter and great tale! Luke is really adorable.

Author's Response:

Yeah, I like him as well - but who wouldn't like the perfect mixture between Brian and Justin ;) 

Thanks for your comment!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2018 2:37 am Title: Chapter 33

What a delightful chapter.  Wish Justin could have been there.

Author's Response:

I think we all do, but we know that won't happen for another year :(

Thanks for your comment! 

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2018 12:52 am Title: Chapter 33

Wow what a great chapter.  Love how Brian became such a wonderful Dad.  Only 1 more chapter to go, but I know it will be a good one.

Author's Response:

Yeah, I love this new Brian quite a bit as well, if I may say so :)

Thanks for your comment! 

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