Reviews For Smoke and Mirrors
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Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 09, 2018 6:12 am Title: The Smoke Starts to Clear A Bit...

Lindsay really is a bitch. Standing around accepting condolances for James, when she was the one who kicked him out. Her actions are probably the cause of the accident.

I've been following along, fairly well, but this chapter actually has me a tad confused. Nobody was finishing thoughts or sentences, and I'm not sure if that was intentional. How can a man be an aunt to Mercy? And if Barnabus was a 'good' cop, why was he carrying Brian's personal belongings out of the hospital room? And why did Barney have the watch?  He said a friend gave it to him. Why are they not demanding this friends name? Lindsay found someone to do the music score, and that person has Micheal upset. Is this a character we have been introduced to?  And has she, in reality, really hired this person? And is Mercy's cousin, actually her sister? And why does Mercy want Everybody to go to Rajan's house? And you TOTALLY lost me when we got to Brian's POV. Cyn started out asking for someone to say something. ABOUT WHAT??? What are they talking about? Then Brian saying that's why Michael would always be where was. AGAIN, Total Confusion!

What I did gather from this chapter, is that it sounds like Michael might be connected to the shooting. Whether directly or indirectly, I'm not sure, even though I have voiced my suspicions about him a few times, already.

(This doesn't have to do with the the chapter)- but it amazes me that six people can write a story together. I just don't know how it's done.


Author's Response:

Hey Cathy, this chapter was intentionally confusing, but things will begin to clear with the next chapter...maybe :). However, you are completely right with one thing you have said.



Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2018 1:51 am Title: The Smoke Starts to Clear A Bit...

Fantastic chapter.  Terrific writing.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2018 6:13 pm Title: The Smoke Starts to Clear A Bit...

So Barney didn't steal the watch but how did he get it??

Mercy and her sister have been through so much and it cause to wonder what really happened to her parents?

Did Dixon die due to alcohol or was he helped?

Was it Michael calling Mercy and her parents?

So many questions and not enough answers yet.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2018 4:57 pm Title: The Smoke Starts to Clear A Bit...

You know that list that Horvath started on the chalk board I need to see one of all the characters to keep straight mainly because you put new characters in.  So far some things seem to point to Michael.

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