Reviews For Smoke and Mirrors
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Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 14, 2018 8:19 am Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Finally caught up. I really enjoyed this chapter. Michael kind of had a small smackdown. That's the second time Barnabus has made a jab about how poor Michael performs in bed. Hmm, we haven't heard Ben's opinion on that.

Brian's gonna feel ill when Ben reveals Michael's feelings, wants and craves for Brian. When Justin hears about it, I can just hear the underhanded comments being spoken by Justin in Michael's vicinity.

So Justin was punished by delayed ejaculation. Meanie Brian. Although that was most definitely better, than the humiliation off being spanked, naked, in front of your two best friends.

So the chinrat has made an appearance. If I would have just considered canon characters, the writer of the music score would have been easy to figure out.  It makes me wonder if Kip will eventually make an entrance into the story. I don't think we have the actual killer yet, but I'm holding strong in my believes that Michael is somehow involved.

How did Ethan get Brian's watch in the first place? Hmm. I have to think on that one for a bit. But Ethan as the shooter? Don't think so. Besides, if he knew the watch was originally Brian's, I can't see him wanting it back. But if either Ethan or Michael think they are goona get the watch back, well all I can say, is don't hold your breath. They will either pass out or die first, before that is happening.

{{{Big Hugs}}} Cathy =^..^=

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 12, 2018 3:54 am Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Oh this was good.  Love when Mikey is an idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 10, 2018 7:27 pm Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Live to see Michael try to get that watch from Mercy lol

Michael seems lacking in intelligence, sexual prowess and human decency, bet the next time he gets off his left will want a refund his right will be suing <smirks>

Barney did good coming to Ben and explaining how much he liked being chased but the sex wasn't anything to write Penthouse about, Michael was a small blimp and now he is a forgotten one too.

Ethan gave Michael Brian's watch?

How the Hell did he get it in the first place?!

Snooping is so Rewarding and Tiring ;)

Thanks for the Update.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 10, 2018 5:22 pm Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Did Barnabus have a threeway with Michael and Ethan? I guess Brian's watch has been stolen by Ethan or someone who sold it to him.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 10, 2018 1:59 pm Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Michael is so delusional.  So the watch came from Ethan?  Now that's something new!

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