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Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2020 2:43 am Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

As I said I needed to reread. I am doing that. Love it.

Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2020 2:43 am Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

As I said I needed to reread. I am doing that. Love it.

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Oct 20, 2016 3:30 pm Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

So what IS Brian up to next. Other than starting a lawsuit on Justin's behalf, what else could he do? Good thing there's another chapter to read so I can answer my own questions. Lol. TAG

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 03, 2016 4:43 pm Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

So I just realized I don't think I said anything on teh last chapter!! Sorry !! My bad!

Kinda goes without saying that it was of course....brilliant! 

but on to this one...OOoooooooooooooh so much happening!! I get tingles reading this to be honest! I think it's my level of anticipation. LOL. Anticipating Michael and Lindsey's downfall. :) And it's coming along so sweetly! Absolutely divine!!!!!!!!!!! hehe

I am so glad that Emmett was there to fill Deb in on teh reality of the situation! I do believe she's a very reasonable person. she may be very protective of her son, but if she's hit with real facts, she's able to see Michael for what he is. I kinda feel bad for her. Knowing she's protected Michael all these years, Putting blame on everyone else but him, making everyone else a scapegoat all teh while Michael has been the one to balme is many cases. Having that veil lifted from her must be a pretty harsh reality for her.

Hmmmmmmmmm. this Phoebe chick. Is she going to be someone to worry about? Will she stay loyal to Ethan and tell Ethan all of what's going on? I know Justin and Daph filled her in on stuff, and yes, she may have promised not to say anything, but will seh keep her word? 

Good for Mel walking out when she did. I know she tried to lay it all out to Lindsey, but we all know that  Linds won't listen. she has an idea in her head about Justin and Brian. By working with Michael she thinks' she can be on teh right side of things to manipulate B&J's relationship. mel is right, Lids should be thanking her lucky stars that she wasn't named in the law suit. But that's only becuase she hasn't actually done anything yet. If she drew even one cell of the comic she could've been. 

I really am looking forward to seeing what Brian's gonna do next, That the mahjorit of the "family" is in on it or at least aware is going to be a shock to them as well. Definitely going to be fun to see. lol.

Another amazing chapter!!!!! 




Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 03, 2016 1:50 pm Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

Girl this is getting GOOD! I can't wait to see what happens next.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2016 8:39 pm Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

Love this chapter.  Having Daphne, Emmett and Melanie on their side is not hurting at all.  Loved Emmett telling Deb what really was going on rather then taking Mikey's word for it was sooooo good.  Now I know they are trying to keep Brian's involvement out of it, but why?  Mikey is truly stupid and Ben might have to pay for that fact. 

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2016 3:57 pm Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

Just goes to prove the old cliche that, with friends like this, Brian & Justin don't need enemies! TAG

Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2016 3:31 pm Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

Laughing all the way through as Michael & Lindz are going down in flames! Go Emmett! Go Daphne! Go Mel! 

I really hope Ian's friend Phoebe doesn't start talking, well let's hope Justin gets out of there soon anyway. 

I don't see how Michael can avoid jail time, he won't be able to pay Justin back even if Sunshine does take his store. At least he'll be reaping his rewards now from all of the Rage merchandise. 

Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2016 11:36 am Title: Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS?

So glad to read that Deb is finally getting some truth about her dear "Baby" and his manipulations.

I don't trust Phoebe at all; she won't side by Justin if Ethan learns about Brian and Justin's meeting. I just hope, she won't be the one to tell him that.

Same for Lindsay, who is dying to get information from Mel.

Yes, Mel is right about Justin; he's very smart and that certainly is part of what attracts Brian to him, and him to Brian; of course, the looks and sexual appetite are a great part of it too.

Great chapter!!! Can't wait for the next


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