Reviews For The Anti-Couple
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Reviewer: starlight Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 1:20 am Title: Chapter 4: M.I.A.

I love that Mel, Ted and Emmett aren't trying to be nice. Michael and Lindsay should marry each other so they can stalk Brian together. This is going to be good.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 09, 2016 2:04 pm Title: Chapter 3- FROM THE INSIDE

Boy I can't wait to see what happens when they meet in a professional setting.  It was so sad to read about Daphne and the baby. 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 09, 2016 4:49 am Title: Chapter 2: EQUALLY MATCHED

Goody.  Both Brian and Justin have decided to deal with the pains in the butts that each have.  My question is where is Molly? 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 09, 2016 4:11 am Title: Chapter 1- DANGEROUS LIASIONS

Love how Justin and Brian are two sides of the same coin.  The differences like Mel carrying Brian's child.  Justin owning two very successful companies.  I can't help but wonder what becomes of Arnold?  Maybe out on his ear?  There's so much to look forward to in this story.

Reviewer: Lorie Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 07, 2016 1:34 am Title: Chapter 3- FROM THE INSIDE


This chapter was the perfect mix of HOT and plot.  I wonder how long it will be before they realize that by being together they may be able to help each other heal.  Love this story.

~Lorie <3


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 06, 2016 5:56 pm Title: Chapter 3- FROM THE INSIDE

Whew.......Dear me and my goodness. Those scenes between B&J were scortching! AS in, once agains squirming in my seat, all hot and bothered now. I may have to go back and re-read that part again...later. ;)

Some great back story giving here. Loved the history of Justin's grandfathers. They sound wonderful. Certainly gives explnation for who Justin has become dispite Craig.

The part of Daphne and Joseph was heartbreaking1 So much to go through for them and so young. I definitely want to hear more about both backstories. 

This chapter gave me real satisfaction. does that sound weird? I guess it's just that B&J are as equals in so many ways. Emotionally, sexiually...They are curious as to why they are reacting towards each other as they are, yet they seem to be willing to take a chance. Open to the fact they both acting out of the norm and for some reason willing to go with the flow. We'll just have to see now how far they really are willing to go. How many others will try to put themselves into the fray and if they do, what will teh consequences be. Both B&J are incredibly strong in this, which I love to see, and I can't see anyone being allowed to interfere. Not without a high price to pay. This is definitely going to be an interesting ride for them both and am so glad you are taking us on this journey.

My only complaint is that I tend to read these at work sometimes and, after a chapter like this, I seem to need a cold shower adn a cigarette. A shower just isn't plausible when I'm supposed to be dealing at work. LOL

Another fantastic installment! I had to re-read the previous chapter to familiarize myself with this one. Yeah...such a job. 

thanks for this! Not sure how you keep track of all your fics. It's mind bobbling! 

Can't wait to see what further tortures you put upon Craig!! Always fun to read those.



Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 06, 2016 4:53 pm Title: Chapter 3- FROM THE INSIDE

Hummmm, this is so delicious that I don't want it to end.

Can't wait to read about that week-end. Sounds very promising...

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 06, 2016 12:45 pm Title: Chapter 3- FROM THE INSIDE

Chelle I lover where this is going. I can't even begin to imagine all the psychological scars the boys are dealing with. Hopefully they can help each other heal.

Author's Response:

Thanks Tamara!! Hopefully they will get let each other in enough to build something before the family has a chance to throw their two sense in...

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09, 2016 6:00 pm Title: Chapter 2: EQUALLY MATCHED

YAY!!! New chapter!! Happy dance!! 

OK...first off...That whole scene between Brian and Justin had me squirming in my seat. Woah......that was hot! Loved the testing between the 2. So out of character for the both of them. they obviously left an impression on each other! Next meeting should be VERY interesting!! LOL.

Micheal and Lindsey have alot of freaking nerve! The term is perfect...such a sense of entitlement. It's something I tend to see in kids these days, not 30 year olds. Both of them need a serious wake up call. I get the feeling though that it's going to take a long time if ever that they see things as they should be rather than as they want it to be. I have the feeling also that they may cause alot of problems for our 2 boys.....can't wait to find out!!

glad they got Kitty out of there. Time will tell what she does. Holy shitballs! Craig is beyond evil!! the deal he made re: Molly!?!? And Chris....OMG.......It gave me the chills just reading it. Wondering what craig will attempt to do in his revenge. we all know he's gonna try. Wonder how far he's going to take it before he's eventually stopped. And how will you stop him??! 

I say this every bloody time girl....but I love it! Looking forward to the next one, as well as any installment to any other piece you are working on. all are a treat to read.



Author's Response:

Thanks a whole Bunch, Elaine!!! Brian & Justin are certainly surprising themselves as well as each other! I'm looking forward to exploring their ever-changing dynamic. It's definitely going to be interesting!

Lindsay and Michael are spoiled beyond measure. Both have partners and yet are most territorial and clingy where Brian is concerned. It will be interesting to see how Justin deals with it...or even if he wants to.

Craig is definitely some piece of work. He's hell-bent on gaining Justin's fortune back for himself but at what cost? Now THAT is the real question! He's not a man who takes rejection and losing lightly..but then again neither does Justin so there are bound to be explosions (fuck the fireworks,  LOL). 

I'm going to update everything very soon. I've been trying to get back on a solid schedule since the Hell-i-days (everyone else had a holiday/ Yuletide season but me...nah I had Hell month!). Hopefully I'll be able to get it back sooner rather than later!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09, 2016 4:03 pm Title: Chapter 2: EQUALLY MATCHED

Thank you for this wonderful new chapter; it was worth the wait.

Very interesting view of the duo.

The next meeting might be fun to read if it happens in an actual meeting room. I can't wait to see how Brian will react.

If it happens in another kind of room, I might need a cold shower.

One way or another, their encounter will be very welcomed.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much, Claire!! We have a few more instances for them to meet before getting to the boardroom bit OH what a fun ride it will be!! Hopefully they will have become solid friends before the meeting but you how neither Brian nor Justin like secrets. It's bound to get VERY interesting!

Happy Reading and HUGS,



Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2016 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 1- DANGEROUS LIASIONS

So thrilled to see a new chapter. Boy do I have a lot of reading to catch up on! TAG

Author's Response:

LOL!!! That makes two of us! Back to writing!! YAY!!



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