Thorns - A Honest Talk by SandyGale

Brian and Justin talk about specific moments...

Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: Abduction, Anti-Ethan, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bashing, Cancer, Family, Friendship, Hatred, HIV/Aids, Infidelity, Jealousy, M/M, MPreg (Yup! Went THERE!), Real Life Issues
Genres: Alternate Universe
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: The Thorn Series
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1493 Read: 2828 Published: Sep 24, 2018 Updated: Sep 24, 2018
Story Notes:

There were some scenes throughout the story that had readers wondering and I decided to have Brian and Justin talk about those moments. I hope you enjoy it.

1. Chapter 1 by SandyGale

Chapter 1 by SandyGale
Author's Notes:

Enjoy. I hope I was able to answer some questions.


Brian looked at his beautiful little family sleeping peacefully in the bed. Gus had laid really close to Justin who used a cushion to make sure he wouldn’t squish little Leonie. His own hand kept rubbing over his belly. Brian was 6 months pregnant by now and enjoyed it. 

Last night, he had asked Justin some questions that still burned inside of his head. 

“After Mother Taylor left us alone in the hospital, I’ve asked you to come back home with me and you agreed pretty quickly. I wasn’t expecting that. Did you plan to come home by then?” Brian asked his blonde beauty. 

“Huh? Oh, you mean when we found out about my pregnancy?” ​ Justin asked a bit confused. It was long ago but it obviously meant a lot to Brian. When his partner nodded, Justin continued. ​“I hadn’t made any specific plans yet. I wanted to talk to you about our baby, yeah but I didn’t think we could try again. But at the hospital, I saw how sincere you were and I was really, I mean REALLY tired and didn’t want to argue or talk anymore so I said yes. You know how much I love you and always wanted to have a family with you and your eyes told me that you were serious and that’s really all I needed and wanted to hear and see at that time. I never regretted that decision.” ​ The young man smiled at his partner. 

“I see. Back then I didn’t care because I was happy to have you back with me but I thought about it a few times later and wondered.” ​ Brian told his lover. ​“Did you know how Michael and Lindsay reacted back then? It should’ve told me how fucked up they were. I should’ve seen the fucking signs.” 

“Brian, stop blaming yourself! Please stop it. Nobody had seen it coming, not even Carl who’s an experienced detective.” ​ Justin tried to reason with the brunette. 

“Yeah but they didn’t even bat an eyelid when it was clear that no one had an idea where you’ve been. They just said that you had left me again for someone younger or whatever. Mel on the other hand was so worried. Before she and Lindsay left to pick up the kids, she took me aside and literally begged me to keep her updated on you. And I didn’t make fun of her worry because I felt the same.” ​ Brian admitted. 

“Mel has become a real good friend to you, Brian. She had already been to me, more so than Lindsay but I’m really happy you and her get along so well now. When she and Leda got together I felt like you were truly happy for her.” ​ The blonde smiled. 

“I was. I mean, look at what she had been through… her fucked up health situation, break up of her marriage with the supposed love of her life, all the worrying about the kids and you, moving out of the familiar home. Not many people would have had held their heads as high as she did and after all the heartbreak she deserved the same happiness as us.” ​ The brunette explained. 

“Yeah, I agree. And I’m still so fucking pissed with Lindsay for abandoning her. I mean, her wife sick and losing so much weight but Lindsay was fucking around with Sam again instead. Mel really needed her but Lindsay was too busy spreading her legs. I still remember the phone call I got from Sydney. He was so confused. He wanted to know when Lindsay and Mel split and when Lindsay decided that she was either bi or straight. He was really shocked when I said that Lindsay was still with Mel although they did have some problems. He said he just found her and Sam Auerbach fucking in his office on the copy machine. I accidentally yelled that Lindsay was a bitch for fucking him again and Sydney was even more confused. Figures, he had no clue about the two fucking before. He got even more upset when I explained they had fucked in the gallery before when Mel was pregnant. He almost lost it. He was really just happy to fire her.” ​ Justin said, still angry at Lindsay and feeling bad for Sydney. The older man considered Lindsay a friend and cherished her as his employee. 

“Lindsay is a bitch, what’s new?” ​ Brian mumbled. ​“Lindsay actually came to me before she moved in with Michael. She demanded a house or an apartment in the loft building for her and Gus since Mel kicked them out. I told her that Mel kicked her out, not Gus. She wasn’t happy when I made it clear I’d fight her on taking Gus away from Mel and Jenny.” ​ He remembered. 

“I didn’t know about that. I hadn’t even noticed she was here.” ​ Justin mused. 

“She came to Kinnetik. Walked in with the tears ready and her ‘I’m the poor victim’ face but stormed out like a raging bull when I told her off.” ​ Brian snickered at the memory. 

“Would’ve loved to have seen that. Did Lindsay actually ever ask about Mel’s condition?” The younger man asked? 

“Nope. Not once. At least, nobody said she was asking about her wife’s welfare.” Brian replied put off. He couldn’t imagine not supporting Justin when he was sick. He still regretted his own insecurities and fears that kept him away from the blonde after the bashing. 

“Reminds me of Michael.” ​ Justin mumbled. At Brian’s confused look he elaborated. ​“When you had cancer, well when Michael found out he was acting all worried but I don’t remember him ever asking about you or your status.” ​ Brian nodded in agreement. It was true. Michael also never really cared much about Ben or Hunter’s health issues. 

“By the way, I don’t think I ever managed to tell you about Fip. He requested to see me one night at Babylon. He told me you were the reason he let the charges against me drop. Care to explain that one?” ​ Brian finally had the nerve to tackle that topic. 

“Brian!” ​ Justin admonished his lover. ​“The name’s Kip. Kip Thomas. You’re doing that on purpose, aren’t you?” ​ The younger man laughed heartily. ​“Anyways, I knew he made it up and I was 17 and in love with you. So I made sure he would leave you alone.” ​ Justin said but Brian wasn’t satisfied. 

“And how exactly did you make sure of that, sunshine?” ​ Brian teased.

 “I picked him up, you know. We went to his apartment and I let him blew me a bit. Just enough so I can say he touched me and then I told him some fake story about my dad having thrown the last guy I fucked into jail because I was underage. Not my fault he had no clue about the law.” ​ Justin shrugged. 

Brian had to admit that it was brave and pretty smart but also dangerous. Kip could’ve hurt him. ​“Please don’t say that it was a risk and dangerous, Brian. I did it for you and Kip couldn’t physically hurt a fly. I would have had no problems dealing with him. It’s over and done with.” ​ Justin said sternly. Brian respected that but thanked his younger lover with a deep kiss. 

“Why did you actually call Cynthia about Ethan? She told me you called about him.” ​ Brian wondered. 

“I didn’t want him to have the element of surprise in case he approached you. He was spouting his usual bullshit and I wanted to make sure you wouldn’t fall for his shit.” ​ Justin said, still remembering that day. A little later he got the call from Chris Hobbs lawyer. ​“When Hobbs’ lawyer called me about Michael and Lindsay I felt so lost, upset and hurt. Mostly for you because they were your friends and didn’t think twice about hurting you.” ​ The blonde said gently. 

“I thought Ethan did something to you when I got home and found you crying. Our lawyer called this morning, we’ll get our money back that Lindsay and Michael used to pay all the people they’ve hired. I can’t believe she thought no one would notice or say anything to her using Gus’ money.” ​ Brian muttered. 

“Please Brian, we’re talking about Lindsay Entitled Peterson. Of course she thought it was okay to use the money you gave her for Gus.” ​ Justin said. 

“Yeah… I’m just so fucking glad it’s all over and we can finally live in peace and happiness. All of us. I think we deserve it.” ​ Brian said, with a smile. 

Therapy had worked wonders for both of them. Brian had been able to burry most of the demons that were still haunting him. Justin on the other hand was able to cope with the kidnapping, attempted murder and rape. Both men enjoyed their lives and love every day and nobody could ever tear them apart.

End Notes:

Well, I think this is it now for the Thorn series. I might write a sequel later on but as of now, I want to focus on the Consequences series and new ideas.

Sandy xoxo

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