Things That Go Bump In The Night… by 7Wildwaysup

It’s Devils’ Night and Justin is missing. Brian’s panicked, and Michael’s innocent act is failing miserably…

Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney
Tags: Anti-Michael
Genres: Alternate Universe
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 16401 Read: 1404 Published: Feb 05, 2023 Updated: Mar 20, 2023

1. Chapter One - Where’s Justin… by 7Wildwaysup

2. Chapter Two ~ Lies and Deceit by 7Wildwaysup

3. Chapter 3 ~ Shrouded In Darkness by 7Wildwaysup

Chapter One - Where’s Justin… by 7Wildwaysup
Author's Notes:
It’s Devils’ Night and Justin is missing. Brian’s panicked, and Michael’s innocent act is failing miserably…

Title: Things That Go Bump In The Night…
Story Type: AU
Word Count: 6408
Warnings: Anti-Michael
Beta Queen: Bigj52

Summary: It’s Devils’ Night and Justin is missing. Brian’s panicked, and Michael’s innocent act is failing miserably…

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, plot, etc. are property of their respective owners, including, but not limited to Russell T. Davies, Cowlip, and Showtime. The author of this story is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended…

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Chapter One - Where’s Justin…

In the early morning hours of Halloween…
Brian’s pacing - angry, frustrated, but most of all worried. He talked to Justin yesterday morning before he left for work, and they agreed to meet for dinner and then go to Babylon. But he never showed. Now it’s now almost 6 am and still no word from him. He’s called Justin so often that his voicemail is now full. He stomps over to the liquor cabinet, and grabs the almost empty bottle of Beam. Hearing Ted clear his throat, he thinks better of it. He’s had more than enough, and another drink isn’t going to change the situation. Ted’s just as worried, maybe even more so, because Blake’s never stayed out all night. He’s always mindful about keeping Ted updated on his whereabouts, and he always calls when he’s going to be late.

“Do you think we should report them missing?”

“Really, Ted? Do you think they’ll put out an amber alert? They’re not children, they’re grown men!”

Brian thinks. ‘Grown men acting like children!’

“Maybe we should just let Horvath know what’s going on.”

Just then the loft phone rings. Brian grabs it, not even saying hello first. He shouts, “where the fuck are you!”

“I’m at the diner, asshole! Where’s Justin? He’s late for his shift, and this place is packed. There are even people standing in line on the street. He knows how busy this place gets on Halloween. Half these fags have been up all night putting on their makeup, and getting into their costumes.”

“I don’t think he’s going to make it in today, Deb.”

“Bullshit! You tell Sunshine to get out of bed, wash his face, brush his teeth, and get his ass down here! I know he doesn’t work here anymore, but he promised he’d help out today.”

“He’s not here, Deb.”

“What do you mean he’s not there? Did you two have a fight?”

“No! Not at all. We had plans to meet up for dinner last night. But… But he never showed.”

“Justin’s missing?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know where he is, and it’s not just Justin. Blake’s missing too.”

“What? Blake’s missing too? Do you think they’re together?”

“I really don’t know, Deb. I hope they’re together. That way they’d have each other if they’re in trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?”

Brian’s so frustrated he shouts, “I Don’t Know!”

“Okay. Okay, I’m sending Carl right over.”

“Thanks, Deb.”

Debbie goes to the counter to talk with Carl. The cook rings the bell, placing a breakfast order on the counter. Debbie automatically boxes them up and sends them off with Carl, ignoring the table of drag queens complaining that she just hi-jacked their breakfast.

After hanging up, Brian starts to make a pot of strong coffee. He doesn’t need Carl thinking he’s drunk, and overreacting. He decides to jump in the shower, he needs all the help he can get to clear his head. By the time Carl gets there, both Ted and Brian are freshly showered and drinking coffee. When Carl enters the loft they both look exhausted. It’s obvious that they’ve been up all night. They’ve both cleaned up, and Ted actually looks good dressed in Brian’s clothing, not as nerdy as usual. Even so the loft looks messy, like Brian threw a little temper tantrum. There are pillows tossed about, Justin’s sketch pads are ripped up, not to mention the place smells like a brewery, and the ashtrays are overflowing with cigarette butts.

Walking to the dining room table, Carl sets down three Styrofoam boxes, then accepts a cup of coffee from Brian.

“Can we open these windows? This place smells like a bowling alley.”

Brian moves to open them, as Ted starts emptying the ashtrays, and straightening up the living room.

“So, you boys want to tell me what’s going on.”

“Justin didn’t come home last night.”

“Did you boys have a fight?”

“No! It’s nothing like that!”

“Ah ha… Did he go home last night with another man? I know you both play the field.”

“I didn’t see him last night.”

“So, it’s possible that he’s just shacked up with a trick some place.”

“I really don’t think so.”

“But it’s possible?”

“I knew you wouldn’t be any help!”

“I’m just trying to get a feel for the situation. Do you know how many missing persons’ cases turn out to be misunderstandings?”

Carl looks at his watch, it’s now 7:30 in the morning. “You know he’s probably just sleeping if off at a friend’s house. I’m sure he’ll be home soon.”

Brian knew this was useless to ask Carl for help. But he knows something is very wrong, he can feel it in his soul. Besides, he and Justin have come so far since the early days of them tricking and drugging. I mean, not that they don’t still trick, or do a hit of E every once in a while. He knows what Carl is going to say, but he still has to ask for help even if it is an unrealistic request.

“You don’t understand, he was supposed to meet me last night for dinner. He’s always harping at me when I’m late. He gets irritated when I don’t call, and let him know I’m running late. So you see, he would have called or texted me, to let me know what was going on.”

“Brian, when was the last time you saw him?”

“Yesterday morning.”

“Hmm… Usually a person has to be missing for twenty-four hours before we can start an investigation. But it sounds like we’re approaching that timeframe.”

“Yes! That’s right. It was just about twenty-four hours ago.”

He decides to forego mentioning that he did talk with him around lunchtime yesterday.

Ted says, “Blake is also missing, and the last time I saw him was at breakfast yesterday at the diner.”

Brian refills Carl’s coffee, as they all sit down at the table. Brian picks at his breakfast, mostly eating the toast and bacon. Carl has his notepad out, writing down all the details they’ve mentioned so far.

“Blake. He’s the short blond, small frame, who’s usually very quiet.”

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“Do you both have current photos of Justin and Blake?”

“Yeah. Ted clicks on his photo app on his phone, and shows Carl pictures of both Blake and Justin.”

Brian’s relieved, as he doesn’t have any current photos of Justin on his phone. It makes him kind of sad to realize that even as far as they’ve come, he’s still taking Justin for granted.

“Do you know anyone who might have it out for either Blake, or Justin? Do they have any enemies?”

Brian and Ted look at each other, dreading the idea that either one of them has had a run in with their nemesis.

Ted takes a deep breath, hating to have to divulge personal information about his or Blake’s history.

“Well, Blake could have run into Dr. Crystal. He’s an ear, nose and throat specialist. His name is Mark something?”

“He has a beef with his doctor?”

“He… He’s not Blake’s doctor. But he is a doctor. Although, I can’t really imagine anyone going to him for a medical problem.”

“So, he’s a disreputable doctor?”

Brian rolls his eyes. “You could say that! He’s a drug dealer. He sells crystal meth.”

“And you boys know this guy?”

“Everybody knows him on the Avenue!”

Ted replies, “Blake had a little problem a few years back, but he’s clean now. He’s actually a counselor for recovering addicts.”

“Well, that’s good. I’m glad he’s turned his life around.”

“Anyone else who might be angry with Blake?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Okay. Brian, how about Justin?”

Brian looks at his feet, and thinks where the fuck do I begin.

“Yeah, there are a few people that might have a reason to want to harm him.”

“Really? He looks like such a sweet kid.”

“He is! It’s just that he’s had the misfortune of… Of meeting some real assholes!”

“There’s more than one?”

“Yeah… God, I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Okay. Tell me about them.”

“Let’s see, there’s Chris Hobbs. He’s the fucker who bashed him at his prom.”

Carl says, “What the fuck? I had no idea.”

“I know. We don’t talk much about it, too many bad memories.”

“Oh my God, Brian. You were there?”

“Yes. He asked me to his prom. I refused at first, but then I realized how important it was to him. How important he was to me, but I never should have gone. It wouldn’t have happened if I’d stayed away.”

“You don’t know that. You shouldn’t blame yourself, some people are just evil. Believe me, I’ve seen it all over the years. You’d be amazed at what people are capable of, given the right situation. Have they had any recent altercations?”

“Not that I’m aware of. God, I sure hope not.”

“Who else should I be looking at?”

“There is also this punk, Cody something or another. He started a vigilante group against homophobia, called the Pink Posse. Justin ran around with him for a while. He was trying to work out some of his repressed anger over his bashing, but this Cody was bad news. He was really angry all the time. He even convinced Justin to carry a gun. That was when I started questioning Justin about his motives. Thank goodness he stopped hanging around with him a week or so after that. That guy scared the hell out of me. I was sure he was going to get Justin killed. Cody wasn’t pleased when Justin quit the Pink Posse. He kept calling him, harassing him about turning his back on the group. Justin was pretty upset about it. He would never tell me what happened, or why he was so frightened of Cody.”

“Okay, I’ll check with the officers assigned with monitoring the local gang activity. He hasn’t contacted Justin recently, has he?”

“I don’t think so. Justin hasn’t mentioned anything. As far as I know it’s been a couple of years since he’s seen Cody.”

“Is there anyone else you can think of?”

Brian takes a deep breath. “I don’t really think this is a possibility, but he was seeing this musician, Ian. I mean Ethan Gold, he attends the same art school as Justin. PIFA.”


“Were they boyfriends?”

“Yeah, we… We had some issues back then, essentially communication problems. We split up for a few months. Basically, I wasn’t there for him when he needed me. We were both struggling with our emotions. I didn’t know how to show him how I felt. It took me losing him to acknowledge that I needed him. Thankfully he gave me another chance.”

“I’m glad you two are working things out. You seem good for one another. So, you think this Ethan might have unresolved feelings for him? Might be resentful of you and Justin getting back together?”

“We haven’t seen him around since they broke up. But I can’t imagine he’s very happy that Justin left him.”

“I’ll pull him in for an interview, see what he’s been up to. I’ll question him and see if he still has feelings for Justin.”

“That’s probably a good idea.”

“Is there anyone else I should be looking at? Anyone that you think might have a reason to hurt Justin?”

“Well… Justin and his father had a falling out when he came out as a teenager. A few years ago, during that whole Prop 14 Ballot initiative, he had Justin arrested. Justin was protesting outside his electronics store, and they got into an altercation.”

“Jesus! His own father had him arrested? That’s cold.”

“He’s a total bastard, he hates me. He calls me a child molester; he thinks I turned Justin gay.”

“Well, that sure moves him up on the suspect list. It’s almost always family members who are involved in disappearances.”

“So, that’s everyone, right?”

Brian shakes his head. “I don’t know. I just don’t know… Michael has always had a grudge against Justin. He’s always resented Justin’s place in my life. Michael always called him ‘the trick who would never leave’. It wasn’t until we got back together that Justin told me how bad it really was. He really gave Justin hell the first few years we were together, never missing an opportunity to put Justin down, although he hid it from me.

Then, when we got back together after the Ian fiasco, Michael was back to resenting him. He didn’t even try to hide his belligerence towards Justin. In the beginning he never put him down in front of me, after our reunion he became openly hostile towards him.”

“I’ve certainly seen Michael acting rude and immature. He does seem to be having more temper tantrums lately, he even went off on Debbie just this morning.”

“Yeah. He stormed into my office yesterday, furious that Justin no longer wants to draw the comic book. I mean, if he wasn’t just ranting about Justin yesterday, I might not really consider him. But he was acting so irrational about it. Then at Babylon last night he kept insisting that Justin was seeing someone else.”

“God, I really hate having to consider him, knowing that Debbie is going to freak out, but I don’t really have any choice. His behavior lately certainly makes him a suspect.”

“Brian, let’s not forget about the biker-bear at Babylon the other night.”

Brian groans. “Yeah, there was this guy who wouldn’t take no for an answer. He kept coming on to Justin, refusing to accept he wasn’t interested. It took two bouncers to get him away from Justin. I was up in the office, too far away to put that asshole in his place.”

“Do you know what this guy’s name is?”

“Everyone calls him Spike.”

“Any idea what his birth name is?”

Ted adds, “I’m pretty sure it’s Marshall, or Mitchell. He eats at the diner all the time. Deb might know his last name.”

“That’s quite a list.”

“Brian, are you sure this isn’t just some kind of misunderstanding between the two of you? Maybe he stayed out all night to punish you in some way?”

“No. It’s nothing like that. We had special plans last night, that’s why I’m so worried about him not coming home.”

“What kind of special plans?”

Brian rolls his eyes. “Really, Carl? Do we have to get into that?”

“I need as much information as possible, to help to try and find him.”

Normally Brian didn’t have a problem talking about his personal life, hell he usually boasted about it.

“Justin and I… We’ve been monogamous for the last six months, and we both just got our test results back.”

“Tested for what? Are you sick?”

Not being gay, Carl doesn’t really understand the significance of the statement. Ted takes a deep breath, looking almost shocked. Then he grins like a fool. “I’m so happy for you, Brian.”

It’s funny but Brian almost looks embarrassed. “We were going to celebrate that we didn’t have any STDs.”

“Did you think you might have?”

“Christ, Carl! We’re gay, there’s always a possibility that we might have contracted something when you have multiple partners.”

“But you’re exclusive now.”

“Yes. We’re committed to each other. You know, forsaking all others, until death do us part.”

Ted gasps, “Congratulations, Brian!”

Brian glares at him. “Not a word!”

“Zipping, Zipping.”

“So, that’s not common knowledge.”

“No, and I’d like to keep it that way. We’re not doing the whole ceremony, or announcement thing. It’s just between us.”

“Well… I’m proud of you, Brian. Congratulations! And don’t worry, I won’t mention it to Debbie. But you know she’s not going to be happy you didn’t tell her.”

“Not if she doesn’t know.”

“Point taken. Okay, I’m going to make a few house calls and see what I can find out. Hopefully Justin will show up, unharmed and we can wrap this thing up.”

Ted says, “Aaah… Brian… Aren’t you forgetting someone?”

Brian just looks at him, and then it occurs to him. He had told Ted in confidence, about the whole Saperstein incident. Partly because he now considers Ted a close friend, and he needed someone to confide in, because Ted oversees Babylon, and Saperstein is now banned from the club.

“Okay, yeah… Fuck, I hate going into this… The thing is, this is a very private issue for Justin. Hell, he didn’t even tell me about it when it happened. It wasn’t until we got back together and we knew that the only way were going to be able to make this thing work between us, was if we were totally honest with each other. God, this was probably the hardest thing we’ve ever done… ”

Brian thinks back to that fateful weekend, that was supposed to be a few hours of talking, and the rest of the time just relaxing and playing in the sun. We rented a cabin in the Poconos, on Lake Harmony. It was beautiful, and far away from Pittsburgh and all the chaos that seemed to be surrounding our life. But we soon found out that Dr. Alex Wilder was renting the cabin next door. He and his boyfriend, Reid are both psychiatrists. As it turned out, with their help, Justin and I were able to open up to one another about our past issues.

“I realized when Justin was gone just how much I truly loved, and needed him in my life. I’ve spent all my life running from love, but with Justin it was different. Once he was gone I was left with a huge hole in my life. I didn’t know what love was until it was gone, and I knew I’d never feel this way about another man. At first I was angry with Justin for leaving me, even though I was the one that pushed him away, thinking it was for the best. Then I was angry with myself as I watched Ian and Justin walking down the street holding hands, kissing openly in front everyone. But it was the look of happiness in Justin’s eyes that haunted me, because that look was supposed to be just for me. My jealousy raged within me, because I knew I had caused all the pain he experienced.“

“As the weeks passed, I came to realize that if I was ever given a second chance I’d open my heart to Justin. I’d stop putting up all the walls around my heart, even if it frightened me. I always told myself that love wasn’t real, that love was pain. That I’d never give anyone the power to hurt me like that. But it turned out that in the end it was me who caused all my own pain, just because I refused to show Justin how much I really cared. That’s when it occurred to me that what I was feeling was love. I fucking loved my twink, but he was no longer mine because of my own stupidity. No matter how much I drank, or how many hits of E I took, or fucking my way through the backroom would stop the pain buried deep in my chest.“

“So, now as Justin and I sat there with Alex, I found the nerve to finally tell someone about my childhood. Not the homogenized version I told Deb and Michael. No, now was the time to tell the real truth, the one I swore I would never allow myself to face. As painful as it was to trust and confide in Justin, I also knew that it was the only way that Justin would ever understand why I acted and behaved the way I did. I was running from love, because I feared the pain and rejection that always came after trusting someone who I thought loved me.”

“Through all the anger and tears I finally confronted all the pain and sorrow inflected upon me. I grew up in an emotionally and physically abusive household. As hard as it was for that scared little boy inside of me, I was finally able to scream and cry. I disclosed each and every incident I experienced at the hands of my angry, drunken father, as well as my withdrawn mother, who was indifferent to my pain. She wasn’t any better in her own intoxicated state as she emotionally abused me, humiliated me, threatened me, and punished me. So many bruised and broken bones that never received medical attention, no intervention from my teachers, or even her precious God that was supposed to love me. It’s no wonder I withdrew into myself. I learned to never let my emotions show, to never trust, never love. To believe that no anyone could want me, believe in me, or love me.”

“And now I sit here worried that the one person that means the most to me is missing, and I need desperately to find him.”

Carl clears his throat, bringing Brian back to the present time, and situation.

“Yes, there’s one other person who might want to hurt Justin.”

It still hurts him to know that Justin had to go through something so dangerous all alone.

“Back when Justin was accepted to PIFA his father refused to pay for his tuition, and at the time the little shit refused to let me pay for it. He got a job at Babylon as a go-go dancer, which was back when Gary Saperstein owned the club. I begged him not to take the job, but he wouldn’t listen, and of course we fought about it. So it’s no wonder he didn’t tell me what happened for so long. I’m sure he thought I’d throw it back in his face. But I wouldn’t have, I couldn’t have.”

“So what happened exactly?”

“Sorry, it’s just so painful to think about. Justin needed a shift off to complete a school assignment, and Gary insisted that he work a party at his house. If I have known, I’d never have let him go. He was drugged, probably with GHB, but before it really took effect he realized that he was about to be fastened into a leather sling. That there was a lineup of men waiting to…”

There’s tears in Brian’s eyes as he tries to continue…

Carl says, “I understand.”

“Anyways, he fought back. He ended up kicking Sap in the teeth, and broke loose. He ran out of the house as fast as he could. Thankfully, his friend, Daphne lived just a few blocks away, and she took care of him until the drugs wore off. She made sure he got home safely, and neither one ever told me what happened. It wasn’t until our weekend of full disclosure that I found out, and I wanted to kill the motherfucker. But he was already in jail for embezzlement, and tax evasion. Otherwise…”

Carl replies, “Thanks for telling me. I know that wasn’t easy. I’ll start checking out these suspects and get back to you later today. Let me know if you hear anything, or if he comes home. Like I said earlier, hopefully he’s just sleeping it off at a friend’s house.”


Brian thinks back to yesterday…

Brian’s reading through the contract for Rick’s Café, a new nightclub set to open up next month. He’s waited all day for his legal team to finalize all the changes necessary to meet the client’s needs. Sometimes he wonders if it’s really worth all the effort just to obtain this client. Michael’s fidgeting on the sofa waiting for a response from Brian. He’s feeling ignored, after patiently explaining in detail how great it will be to explore a haunted house.

“Brian… Are you even listening to me?”

He doesn’t bother to look up, completely ignoring Michael’s whining.


“What! What the fuck is it, Michael? I’m trying to read this contract!”

“Did you even hear my idea for celebrating Halloween?”

“I’m taking Gus and his friends trick or treating.”

“I know, after that. We can rent this haunted house for twenty-four hours, to just explore, try to see if we can find any ghosts.”

“Ghosts? What the fuck are you talking about?”

“It will be just like when we were kids, scoping out the old Richfield mansion.”

“As I recall, you were too scared to even go inside that decrepit house.”

“I know, but I was a kid. This is different. We can rent all that equipment to detect ghosts and spirits. Just like on that Ghost Detectives TV show. You know, with all that paranormal electronics.”

“You watch that shit?”

“Brian, you used to love exploring old abandoned houses. Remember how excited we’d get as kids?”

“Christ, Michael, you can’t be serious?”

“Of course I am!”

“We’re not kids anymore! I have better things to do!”

“Oh come on, explore your wild side.”

Brian just shakes his head, going back to reading his contract.

“So, what do you say? Can I have two thousand dollars?”

“No! You want to do this so badly, waste your own money. I’m not going with you. I have plans for this weekend.”

“What? What are you going to do? Where are we going?”

“Who said anything about you? Justin and I have plans, just the two of us.”

Leaving, Michael complains, “Justin, Justin, Justin! You’re not even a couple! Why is he still here?”

“Get out of my office, Michael!”

Later that night…

Entering Babylon, Michael sees the guys leaning on the bar, watching everyone on the dance floor. He walks up to them grinning, then he leans into Brian, hugging him a little too long. He goes to kiss him on the lips, but Brian turns his head away.

“Christ, Michael! You’re acting like we haven’t seen each other for weeks.”

“I’m just happy to see you. It’s been so long since we’ve hung out.”

“We had breakfast at the diner this morning.”

“I know, but I mean having fun together. You know dancing and partying like old times. Brian! Are you even listening to me?”

“I’m just watching to see if Justin’s here yet. We were supposed to get together for a late dinner.”

“I wouldn’t worry about him. You know he’s always spending time with other guys.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? He hardly has time to go out these days since he’s been offered a place in the upcoming art show at the Wood Street Gallery.”

“You’re blind, you’re always at work. I’ve seen him running around town with other guys. As a matter of fact, he seems to be spending a lot of time with Blake.”

“He’s good friends with Blake, they do a lot of things together.”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

Ted leans in, joining the conversation. “I’m sorry, just what are you trying to say?”

“Just that they’re together a lot. It seems like they’re more than just friends.”

Both Brian and Ted say at the same time. “That’s bullshit!”

“I’m just telling you what I’ve been hearing on the streets.”

Brian frowns, looking at Ted for confirmation that Michael’s way off base.

“Come on, Brian, let’s dance.”

Michael takes his hand and pulls him out onto the dance floor. Moments later, Michael’s resting his head on Brian’s shoulder, holding him tight. Brian’s just as fast to react. He pulls Michael’s arms from around his neck, then places his hand on his chest, pushing him away.

“What the fuck, Michael!”

“What? It’s just like old times. I miss the way things used to be between us.”

“Things were never like that between us!”

“They could be if you’d just relax and let it happen. You know I love you, Brian. Always have, always will.”

“What has gotten into you, Michael? Where’s the professor?”

“He’s out of town. He’s interviewing for a new job in North Carolina.”

“You two are moving?”

“No. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to be away from you. I need you, and you need me. I think it’s time we really gave our relationship a try. We’ll be so good together.”

“What? NO! We don’t have a relationship! Besides, you know I’m in love with Justin!”

“Justin! He’s not even here, and I am. He’s probably out fucking Blake! Or, who knows, who else he’s stringing along.”

“Enough, Michael! Justin’s not sleeping around, he and I are together. Our relationship is strong, and there’s no way he’s running around behind my back!”

“Oh, really? Then where is he? You don’t know! Do you?”

Brian takes a deep breath, and wonders once again where the hell Justin is…

“Yeah, that’s what I thought!”

“Fuck you, Michael! Once and for all get it out of your head that we’ll ever be anything more than friends!”

“Best friends!”

“I don’t know about that anymore!

“Brian. Forget about Justin. I’m here with you now.”

“What’s going on with you, Michael? Where’s Justin?”

Michael turns and looks away, knowing that the guilt in his eyes will give him away.

“How should I know? Have you checked the backroom? He’s probably taking it up the ass with someone else!

“Fuck off, Michael! Are you trying to piss me off?”

“You never can tell with him, he’s such a whore! He’s probably with Blake doing the nasty!”

“I thought you just said he’s in the backroom? Now he’s with Blake? Which is it?”

“I… don’t know!”

“What’s going on, Michael? Why are you acting so strange? Where is Justin?”

“I told you, I don’t know! I don’t know anything!”

“I don’t believe you! Where the hell is he? Michael, what have you done?”


“You’re lying!” Where’s Justin! Where is he?”

“What makes you think I know?”

“I can tell when you’re lying. So just tell me!”

“Like I said, he’s probably out cheating on you again! He’s nothing but a whore!”

“Stop lying! Stop spreading gossip about him!”

Brian’s so mad at him right now, he wants he punch him.

“Just stay away from me, and stay away from Justin!”

Frustrated, that wasn’t how Michael planned on Brian treating him. They go back to the bar and Brian orders a round of drinks for everyone, then he and Ted leave. Michael continues drinking, and after several shots of whiskey, he regroups, and schemes his next approach.


Later Halloween afternoon…

Several hours later Brian’s pacing, exhausted, and hasn’t slept in over twenty-four hours. He’s drank so much coffee he’s getting jittery. He looks at Ted apologetically, knowing he’s been snapping at him, forgetting he’s in the same situation worrying about Blake.

“I just can’t imagine where they could be? Why haven’t they called us yet? I just know something’s happened.”

Ted looks at him with sad eyes, there’s nothing to say. They’ve been pondering this all night. It’s just not like either Justin or Blake to take off, or stay out all night. Brian’s right, something’s wrong, but what? They’re both startled when someone knocks on the door.

“Deb, what are you doing here?”

“I thought you boys might want something to eat.”

It’s not that he doesn’t want to see her, but he just doesn’t want to see her right now. He doesn’t have any new information, and he’s not up for small talk or having to comfort her. He takes the offered casseroles, already knowing what’s inside. Puttanesca, Justin’s favorite and Tuna noodle casserole, not his favorite, no matter how many times her tries to tell her.

“Thanks, Deb.”

“So, any word on our missing twinks?”

Brian just glares at her. “I haven’t heard from Carl, but hopefully he’ll be able to track down some information.”

Sensing Brian’s foul mood, she decides it’s best to leave them on their own. I know it’s a first for her, and it isn’t easy to bite her tongue or not crack jokes. But now isn’t the time, so she decides to leave after again promising not to call Jennifer, or anyone else. The last thing they want is the gang sitting around the loft, putting their two cents worth into the mix.


Michael’s reflection on last night…

I finally make it to Babylon. The drive back into the city seemed to take longer than I thought and getting lost didn’t help. After showering, I couldn’t decide what to wear. I wanted to wear something that Brian would like, show him that I can be sexy and make him desire me. I ended up wearing one of Ben’s muscle shirts, the black one. Of course, I had to tie it at the waist because it was too big, but that’s okay because it shows off my stomach, making me look hot. I even bought some hair product and lip gloss, just a little something to turn Brian’s head.

I see him at the bar. He turns and sees me, a huge grin on his face. I knew he was missing me, and now he can focus on me without Justin distracting him. I saunter up to the bar, giving him my best sultry look, as he gives me the once over. I knew he’d like my outfit.

Ted looks at me funny, asking me, “What are you wearing?

Emmett says, “That’s a new look for you, isn’t it?”

I glare at Emmett, thinking he’s never had very good taste in clothes.

Emmett smirks, saying, “You’re supposed to wash the conditioner out of your hair.”

Brian wrinkles his nose. “Are you wearing lipstick?”

Okay the color may be a little dark, but he noticed, and that’s all that matters.

Smiling, Brian takes my hand and pulls me out on the dancefloor. He pulls me close to him, holding me tight as we reminisce about the way things used to be, before he was trapped in a relationship with Justin. I know he’s happy it’s just the two of us tonight. I know he wants me, he’s just waiting for Ben and me to break up. So I tell him Ben’s going to take a job in North Carolina, that’s there’s no need for us to wait any longer. This seems to make him happy, as we return to the bar and he orders another round of drinks. Just to make sure he understands our path is clear, I mention again that Blake and Justin seem to be growing closer. That there’s a rumor they’ve been seen together all over town, and they’re probably together right now. This seems to irritate Ted, but Brian just smiles at me and I can tell he wants me. I can’t help feeling like everything is perfect. Ted’s getting snippy, and for some reason him and Brian leave together. I’m disappointed, but I know I have to be patient. After all, isn’t that what Justin did, wait patiently for Brian to come around. He’s not the only one who can play that game.

I hang around Babylon a while longer, drinking and fantasizing about Brian and me together. I’m feeling a little tipsy by the time I make it to bed, and my imagination is on overdrive. I can barely keep my eyes open, and I swear I can feel Brian’s hands running down my arms.

I whisper his name, “Brian…”

I’m feeling totally sexy, as he turns me away from him. His lips kiss and nibble my shoulder, then he runs his tongue up my neck and to my ear. I’m sporting a woody, as his hand slides around my waist, and encompasses my erection. His breathing has increased, and I can feel all the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up. This is so much more erotic than my wildest dream, and I can’t believe that he’s actually here with me. I guess Justin not coming home tonight, and knowing Ben’s out of town, Brian has finally allowed himself to admit how he feels about me. That it’s time he declared his love for me.

“Oh, Brian! I love you so much!”

He simply blows in my ear, turning me on even more. I feel his teeth graze my neck. I think that’s a little weird. His hand is now pulling on my erection just a little too hard. He must be even more excited than me. He’s squeezing my balls to the point I’m in pain, bringing tears to my eyes.

“Brian, please. You’re hurting me.”


No matter how much I plead, he only increases his pulling and squeezing. I guess this is what they mean when they say pleasure and pain. Just to make him stop I cum, letting my juices run through his fingers. He takes his hand and wipes it on my face, it feels nasty. I’m confused as to why he’s treating me this way. This can’t be what all the fuss is about on Liberty Avenue. Crying, I ask him why? Why is he doing this?

“Brian. Brian, please answer me.”

He turns me over until he’s straddling me. Looking straight into my eyes, he asks. “Who’s Brian?”

Terror and fear run through my body as I stare at him. I’m so frightened, I can’t move. Soon he has Ben’s black muscle shirt tied around my wrists behind my back. I can’t move, I can hardly breathe. He runs his hands up my arms, across my shoulders until he’s grasping my neck. At first he just holds it tightly, and then he starts to squeeze. I can’t breathe, my heart is racing, and I’m totally panicking.

He gets so close his lips are right next to my ear, then he asks me, “Where’s Justin?”

I’m shaking, scared, my breathing is becoming more labored. And he just keeps asking. “Where’s Justin, where’s Justin, where’s Justin?”

I’m feeling light headed. I can’t help thinking about Brian, and him scarfing. Is this supposed to make you feel excited, erotic, and euphoric? I’m so scared. I’m pretty sure these are my last breaths. He asks me one last time, “Where’s Justin?”

Then he starts laughing hysterically, squeezing even harder. I’m totally consumed with fear, but then he turns sideways and I see the right side of his head is missing. There’s a splintered bone sticking out of the side of his neck, and blood is running everywhere. I can feel its warmth as it drips on my skin, coating my shoulders and chest. Then everything goes black.


End Notes:
I know, I know... Before you say it!

It's not that I wasn't writing during the pandemic, I was... Dozens of fics, but like always I didn't finish them. So as I clean off my desktop, working my way back to all my uncompleted fics. I'm just polishing and finishing up the smaller ones... Enjoy Kids ~ Kathleen
Chapter Two ~ Lies and Deceit by 7Wildwaysup
Author's Notes:
Michael’s manipulations leave everyone frantic…

Title: Things That Go Bump In The Night…
Story Type: AU
Word Count: 4067
Warnings: Anti-Michael,
Beta Queen: Bigj52

Summary: It’s Devil’s Night and Justin is missing. Brian’s panicked, and Michael’s innocent act is failing miserably…

Chapter Summary: Michael’s manipulations leave everyone frantic…

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, plot, etc. are property of their respective owners, including, but not limited to Russell T. Davies, Cowlip, and Showtime. The author of this story is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended…

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Chapter Two ~ Lies and Deceit

Brian’s resting his head on the back of the sofa, eyes closed, begging for the phone to ring. Ted’s texting with Cynthia, keeping Kinnetik’s business plugging along. Carl’s voice comes over the intercom, announcing his arrival. Brian pulls back the door just as the elevator comes to a stop. He ushers Carl in, praying for good news.

“So, you have an update for us?”

“Yeah. I’ve managed to track down a few of the suspects.”

“But you haven’t found Justin or Blake yet.”

“No. I’m sorry, but I have a group of my best detectives working on it.”

Brian looks sad, disappointed…

Carl can understand. It’s more than obvious to him and everyone else, that Brian’s deeply in love with the blond.

“Okay, here’s what I know about a few of the suspects. I’ll start off with the easy ones.”

“Craig Taylor, Justin’s father. He’s on his honeymoon with his third wife in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Is it just me, or is that weird? I mean, who takes their bride to Oklahoma for their honeymoon?”

At least that made Brian crack a smile for about ten seconds, before he got serious again, curious about all the others.

“Edward Wagner, AKA Dr. Crystal. It’s seems the good doctor abused his own product, and was found DOA about six months ago at the Paradise Hotel.”

Ted observes, “Um… That’s fitting, considering that’s where he saw most of his patients.”

That raises Carl’s eyebrows, enough said.

“Next there’s Chris Hobbs. He fell off some scaffolding at one of his company’s construction sites. He broke both of his legs, and he’s still in the hospital.”

“Good! I hate motherfucker!”

“That brings us to Ethan Gold. He’s done a one eighty since leaving Pittsburgh. He lives in Kansas City, Nevada, with his wife and daughter. He’s a music teacher at the local high school. He’s a pretty straight arrow these days, he doesn’t even have a speeding ticket.”

“Christ, what a pathetic loser. I should have known he was straight!

“Next we have Cody Bell. He’s a total wannabe criminal. He shot himself with his own gun, shattering his knee cap, and then fell down a concrete stairwell. Needless to say he is now wheelchair bound, so I don’t see him masterminding any plot against Justin.”

Brian can’t stop laughing. “That’s perfect, I can’t wait to tell Justin.”

“I asked Debbie, and she told me Spike’s real name is Mike Marshall. He was actually at the diner when I talked to her. He was really concerned about Justin, and embarrassed about the way he acted at Babylon. It seems that he and his boyfriend had an argument earlier that night, and he was just acting out. They were both at the Liberty Diner together when I talked with him. He seems like a really nice guy.”

“Well… I didn’t really think he had any reason to hurt Justin.”

“I have an inquiry out about Gary Saperstein’s whereabouts. I should hear back later today.

“That leads us to Michael. Well, what can I say? Everybody knows who Michael is, and they all have something to say about him. Surprisingly most of it isn’t very positive, although they all seem to love Debbie. The general consensus is that he’s a fool who pines for you, Brian, without a hope or prayer of ever having a chance with you.”

Ted adds, “Isn’t that the truth… He’s always had a thing for Brian, to the point that he’s completely delusional.”

Brian just takes a deep breath. “When we were kids, we were really close. Nothing ever developed between us, but maybe I should have let it. Then we could have moved on, and he wouldn’t still be having these unrealistic expectations about what could be.”

“So, the word on the street is pretty accurate? He’s a lovesick puppy without a chance in hell.”

Ted says, “Yep. You should have seen him last night.”

Brian burst out laughing, just thinking about his outfit and makeup.

“Yes, let’s talk about last night. Was he acting unusually strange?”

“You could say that.”


Alex and Reid have been attending a mental health conference in Philadelphia. After spending the last few days listening to lectures, and rubbing elbows with other physiatrists, they decided the last thing they wanted to do was drive on the interstate in heavy traffic. They mapped out a scenic route to take them back to Pittsburgh. It’s a series of long and winding back roads, passing through a few small towns, otherwise it’s pretty much rural countryside out in the middle of nowhere. They’re on the last stretch home, just a couple of hours until they arrive in Pittsburgh. They pull off at a roadside café, and enjoy a relaxing lunch, unwinding from the long drive and intense conference. The mental health community over the last few years has really expanded to include depression from Covid, and drug abuse with the increased use of oxycodone. Not to mention all the other psychoses out there, physiatrists have never been in more demand.

Once they’re back on the road it’s late afternoon, and the sun is casting shadows over the landscape. Reid sits up straight, and stares off into the distance.

“Alex. Alex, stop! Look there’s a couple of guys laying in the tall grass over there.”

Alex stops the car, and they both get out. It’s a strange place to see anyone just laying in a field. There’s nothing for miles, and they didn’t pass any vehicles with car trouble. They start walking towards them, and get an eerie feeling. They seem motionless, totally unaware of their presence as they approach.

Alex calls out to them, “Are you two alright?”

One of them sits up and looks at them. Maybe more like, looks through them, questioning if they’re really there, if they’re real.

Alex and Reid walk a little closer, when they realize they know them.

“Justin? What are you doing way out here?”

He looks panicked, frightened. He jumps to his feet and starts running away. The more Alex calls to him, the faster Justin runs away. Reid makes his way to Blake who seems to have the opposite reaction. He’s just lying motionless, staring up into the sky. He seems incoherent, catatonic. Alex has stopped trying to catch Justin, he just watches him as he cowers and hides under a bush a few yards away. Reid calls over to Alex, and they both kneel next to Blake checking his vital signs, and looking for any injuries. It’s clear that they’ve both been traumatized. Blake is covered in bruises, and scratches, with dried blood on his clothes and an open wound on his skull. He’s unresponsive to their questions, and physical examination. Reid lifts him up and starts to carry him back to the van.

Alex stands and tries calling out to Justin again. Justin just stares at him, as Alex approaches him like a caged animal. He’s talking to him in a smooth and calming voice, but Justin’s eyes are everywhere and he looks like he’s about to bolt.

“Justin, you know me. Everything’s going to be alright.”

“Justin! Justin, look at me. Are you hurt?”

Justin backs up slowly, unsure what’s happening. But he trips and falls, giving Alex enough time to approach and hold him tight.

“You’re alright. Everything’s going to be alright.”

Justin struggles, trying to get free. He’s panicked, frightened, acting irrational, screaming and hitting Alex. It’s all Alex can do to hold on to him, so he can’t run away.

“Justin, stop. Stop fighting me. Everything’s going to be alright. You’re safe now. I’ve got you, you’re safe. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

He goes limp in Alex’s arms, as he carries him back to the van, and lays him on the backseat. Like Blake he’s covered in scratches and bruises. There are visible handprints on his arms, and around his neck, and blood running down his side. Alex combs his fingers through his blood-soaked hair, but he doesn’t see any cuts or open wounds on his head. He keeps checking for injuries, and finds a large laceration on his side. It looks like he’s been clawed by a large animal.

Justin’s shaking, crying as he just repeats Brian’s name, over and over.

Taking a tee-shirt from his luggage and a bottle of water, he cleans and bandages Justin’s wound. Reid washes all the blood from Blake’s head and face. Alex tears long strips of the cotton from the tee-shirt to help wrap around Blake’s head. There’s a large gash across his forehead, which explains his state of semi-unconsciousness. This scares Alex, he wishes Blake was more coherent, at least somewhat lucid.

He tries talking to Justin, but he doesn’t seem to be able to have a rational conversation with him. He’d like to take him to the hospital for a more thorough examination. But the moment Justin hears hospital, he starts to panic again. He’s trying to get out of the car, screaming and thrashing about. Alex considers sedating him, but he doesn’t know what drugs he’s allergic to. After calming him down again, and he’s sure he isn’t going to run off, Alex decides to call Brian to let him know he’s found Justin and Blake out on an old country road, and their medical condition.


Yesterday afternoon…
Michael’s angry, he can’t believe that Brian just blew him off like that. He misses the way things used to be. Brian always had time for him, they were practically inseparable. They used to tell each other everything, and now their friendship seems to be changing, slipping away. If Justin hadn’t come back to him, he knows things would still be the same. Why is he even fucking Justin again? Even though he’s been with Ben for a few years, he is still in love with Brian. He feels like now is the time for them to finally be together.

Ben’s away interviewing for a position at North Carolina University. Michael remembers when he moved away with David, and soon after his life was in a tailspin, until it finally crashed and burned. He doesn’t like the idea of moving away from his mother, and all his friends. He needs them, as he doesn’t really make friends easily, even though Ben has no problems making friends. There’s always other professors, and professional people, which makes Michael feel inferior and stupid. That’s what happened with David, and it didn’t take long for him to feel out of place. He started feeling lonely, missing everyone back home, especially Brian. That’s how he’s feeling now, and he hasn’t even moved away yet. Yes, he knows what he wants, he just has to find a way to make that happen.

He goes back to the shop, trying to think of a way to make Brian see reason, see that Justin’s all wrong for him. Brian needs someone who will be totally loyal to him, someone who will always be there for him. Justin’s proven that he can’t be trusted by how much he’s hurt Brian. He’s left him so many times, and it’s always Michael that’s there to pick up the pieces. Yes, he’s the one who’s stood by Brian, the one he comes to when things go off the rails. Business is slow, so he wastes his time searching Google for local haunted houses. Even though Brian rejected the idea of exploring abandoned houses, he really wants to do it. He knows he just has to convince him to relive their wild teenage years. After searching for the last hour, he sees a video on YouTube posted by some teenagers. They’d been to an old insane asylum outside of Pittsburgh, and it scared the hell out of them. He ponders the idea and then sets his plan into motion.


They’ve been driving almost an hour when they make a turn into a grove of old trees. The rolling hillside has become more extreme, as they look up at the edge of the sanatorium built on the cliffside.

“Michael, is that where we’re going?”

“Yeah, doesn’t it look creepy?”

“I don’t know about this.”

“Oh, come on, Justin! You’re not scared, are you?”

Justin turns and looks at Blake, as they both regret agreeing to humor Michael in his quest to search for ghosts in an abandoned building. The road curves around, and the entrance to the property is just ahead.

Blake shudders, “You never said it was an insane asylum.”

“This is so much better, don’t you think?”

Off in the distance they see an old graveyard.

Michael excitedly says, “Did I mention that over five hundred patients have died here?”

Blake replies, “You never mentioned anything about this being anything other than an old house. This is not what we signed up for!”

Michael: House, hospital, what’s the difference?”

Justin: “Again, I’m not sure I’m up for this.”

Blake: I agree. Let’s go back home.”

“Christ, Blake! I knew you were a wuss!”

Blake and Justin just look at each other, knowing this was a big mistake.

“Look, here we are!”

“This place is huge!”

“I know! It’s going to be so much fun trying to reach the ghosts of all those buried patients out back. I heard that some died during experimental treatments like lobotomies, while others jumped to their deaths. This is the hospital they brought most patients to who suffered from tuberculous, because it was so contagious. So a lot of those headstones are from those patients who died.

Justin is freaked out, he wants to leave. Michael totally deceived them when he asked if they wanted to explore an old building. He thought they’d walk through a few old rooms and play with the stupid equipment Michael rented. He really thought this was just going to be a joke. He only agreed to come because it was afternoon, thinking they’d be on their way home before dark. But of course Michael was running late, then he dicked around, loading all these cases into his car, and trying to find batteries for the flashlights.

“Come on, help me carry all the equipment.”

Blake: “Why don’t we just check it out a little first? Get the lay of the land.”

Snarky, Michael huffs. “Okay fine! But I think we should leave our phones in the car, they might interfere with the electronics.”

Blake: “I think we might need them. You know, in case we get separated or lost. Look at the size of this place.”

Justin whispers to Blake, “There’s no way I’m going very far into this building and I’m not leaving my phone behind.”

Blake: “This place is all boarded up. How are we supposed to get in?”

Justin: “If you got permission to investigate this place, shouldn’t someone be here to let us in, maybe show us around?”

Michael ignores him, and keeps moving forward. Walking up to the front of the hospital they get an eerie feeling like someone is watching them.

The board covering the front door took some work, but Michael finally got it loose enough to pull open. They walk into the entrance and chills go up Blake and Justin’s spines. They both feel like bolting, but they won’t give Michael the satisfaction of seeing them scared to death.

Blake: “So you’re positive that Brian and Ted are meeting us here after they finish up with their presentation?”

Justin: “Brian didn’t say anything to me about this. It seems to me he would have mentioned it.”

Michael: “I told you we talked about it, and Brian promised he’d come. He said he wanted to surprise you. You know, something about you two doing something special tonight.”

Justin: “This is not what we had planned for tonight!”

“You know Brian, plans change.”

He looks at Blake, whispering, “Something is off about this. Brian and I are celebrating something special, very special. I don’t trust Michael.”

“Will you two hurry up!”

“Justin: “I really don’t like this.”

“You know this is one of the reasons that Brian agreed to do this. He thinks you’re weak. He’s fed up with how insecure you are about challenging yourself.”

“That’s bullshit, Michael! Brian would never push me to do anything I don’t want to do.”

“Well, are you coming or not?”


They enter the decrepit building and see a long hallway between a double stairway. Surprisingly, there seem to be some lights on, as well as sunlight coming in the windows. Michael’s excited as he starts down the hallway, suggesting they check out what’s up the stairs. They watch him almost sprint down the long corridor, until he’s out of sight.

Justin: “I’m not comfortable with this. I’m calling Brian to make sure he’s on his way.”

Blake’s looking out the tall window at the top of the stairs, while Justin paces back and forth, willing Brian to answer his phone.

“I guess he’s still in his meeting. I’m sending him a text. I have a really bad feeling about this.”

Once they reach the top of the stairs, they turn to the right and look down the hallway.

Blake: “This place is so creepy. I can’t imagine being hospitalized here.”

Justin: “I know. It seem so inhumane to send your relatives here.”

Blake: “It seems more like a torture chamber than a hospital.”

They slowly walk down the corridor, peeking into the rooms as they go, each room seeming creepier than the last. Justin stops in the doorway of a children’s room, and shudders at the thought of children actually having been admitted here.

“Oh God! I can’t even imagine!”

Michael shouts up to them, “I’m going to bring in some of the equipment.”

Blake: “No! I don’t want to explore this place. I’m ready to leave.”

Just then they hear a loud bang.

“Jesus, he never listens to anyone. He always has to get his own way.”

“I know he’s lying to us. There’s no way Ted and Brian agreed to this.”

There is another bang, then more banging, but this time it sounds like someone hammering something.

“What the fuck is he up to?”

Michael’s almost giddy. This is so much easier than he ever thought, but he’s struggling to get the board in place covering the entrance, while holding the hammer and nails. He drops a nail, and a tall slender man reaches down and hands it to him.


The guy just smiles and nods, as he reaches up and holds the board in place, making it easier for Michael to pound the nails into the rotting wood. It was a lot more work than he expected, and he’s grateful for the help, never questioning where this guy came from.

As the hammering continues, both Justin and Blake start to freak out as they run back to the top of the staircase. Neither one can see anything out the window, as a feeling of dread fills the air.

“Michael! Michael, what the fuck are you doing?”

They run down the staircase, and try the door but it doesn’t budge.

“Michael! Michael! Let us out of here! Are you crazy! What the fuck are you doing?”

They both body slam against the old door, but it’s no use. They know there’s a huge wooden board covering the doorframe, and there’s no way they’ll be able to get out through this entrance.

Justin looks at Blake, trying to keep it together. “Why the fuck would he do this?”

Just then they hear the sound of the engine of Michael’s old car start up, and then he guns it, squealing down the dirt driveway.

“I can’t believe this! This is so fucked up!”

“Yeah, and you know there’s no way Brian and Ted are coming to get us. They probably don’t even know where we are.”

“Michael’s such a liar. He totally conned us. I knew when he mentioned this that it sounded like bullshit. There’s no way Brian would even want to do this.”

“We need to try and find another way out of here. It’s getting late and the sun will be going down soon.”

“Wait, I’m calling Brian again.”

Justin keeps hitting redial as the call keeps dropping out, until finally the screen says no service. Blake’s phone isn’t any better. They look at each other trying not to panic. It was at that exact moment that they heard high-pitched laughter echoing from the hallway upstairs.

“What the fuck was that?”

Panicked, Justin starts to run. Blake calls out, telling him to stop as Justin runs down the hallway. When he rounds the corner, Blake catches up to him and grabs him, holding him in place. They’re both shaking, looking down at the lower level where the floor has given way, realizing that they could have very easily just fallen to their death.

Justin’s breathing is increasing as he feels his heart racing. He knows he has to get it together before he goes into a panic attack. Blake senses his anxiety, knowing about his asthma and panic attacks. He helps calm him down, instructing him to take deep breaths, rubbing his back and holding him tight.

“That’s it, nice deep breaths. Let the air into your lungs…”

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, it’s just…”

“I know. I know you’re scared, and so am I, but we have to keep our heads. We have to stay together, no matter what. We have to be logical about this. Don’t go any further into the building. We have to stay on the outer walls, there has to be another way out.”

“Okay. Yes. You’re right. Be logical.”

“Fuck! I’m going to kill Michael when we get back.”

They both can’t help thinking, ‘If we get back!’

The wind outside picks up, and it sounds like rain. The old rotting boards covering the windows creak, and the glass is making rattling noises.

Blake reaches out and takes Justin’s hand. “Remember. Don’t panic, and don’t bolt.”

Turning around, they slowly inch back along the outer wall. Dusk is falling and it’s getting harder to see.

Justin can’t help saying, “No one coming for us…”

Blake squeezes his hand, because, what can he say? It’s true that no one knows where they are. Just then the wind blows a door shut, somewhere out of sight. Then hysterical laughter is heard echoing in the distance.

Driving back into Pittsburgh…

Michael’s almost giddy he’s so happy. He’s finally done what’s needed to be done for years. There’s no way Justin will be able to get out of that building, because he’ll probably die of a heart attack. One of the guys from the video said his friend ran off, then jumped from the third floor window. He smiles to himself, no one will ever find them. They’re so far out in the country, and there’s nothing else out there. No one will ever go down that old country road. He gleefully thinks this is just what Justin deserves. How dare he refuse to keep making the comic book! Even after Brett Keller showed interest in making Rage into a movie, Justin wouldn’t consider it. He didn’t believe Hollywood would ever make a gay superhero movie. He wants to focus on his art, and he refused to move across the country, away from Brian. Yes, he had no other choice, he had to remove Justin from Brian’s life. He was ruining his plan, because he was the one Brian was supposed to want to share his life with. Brian never should have given Justin a second look. It was always supposed to be him, only him.

Michael finally makes it back into town after getting lost. None of the old country roads have street signs. He should have paid more attention to where he was going on the drive there, but he was too excited about what he was about to do. Ever since he left the hospital, he’s had this strange feeling like he’s not alone. He chalks it up to nerves, although he’s certain he won’t get caught. How could he when no one knows anything about his little day trip to the country? It’s late by the time he gets home. He dresses up for his big night tonight. He just knows that he and Brian will finally take their relationship to the next level.


Chapter 3 ~ Shrouded In Darkness by 7Wildwaysup
Author's Notes:
Now you know what stalking is, but not in a good way…
Title: Things That Go Bump In The Night…
Story Type: AU
Word Count: 4753
Warnings: Anti-Michael,
Beta Queen: Bigj52

Summary: It’s Devil’s Night and Justin is missing. Brian’s panicked, and Michael’s innocent act is failing miserably…

Chapter Summary: Now you know what stalking is, but not in a good way…

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, plot, etc. are property of their respective owners, including, but not limited to Russell T. Davies, Cowlip, and Showtime. The author of this story is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended…

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Chapter Three ~ Shrouded In Darkness

On the side of the old country road that leads back to Pittsburgh…

Alex curses as he hits redial again. His phone keeps dropping his call, and he can’t get a hold of Brian.

“Fuck! We’re in a dead zone!”

Justin’s head whips around and stares at him with big eyes.

“No. No, it’s okay.”

Justin whimpers, “Dead, they’re all dead.”

“Who’s dead? Justin, is someone hurt? Did someone die?”

“Not real! Not real! Don’t touch me!”

His eyes are back to panic mode, shifting in all directions. He’s shaking, with tears running down his face.

“Hey, hey. It’s alright, you’re safe now.”

“I want to go home! I need Brian! Where’s Brian?”

“Can you tell me what’s happened?”

“Whispers, chanting, laughing. Someone’s touching me! Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!”

Justin’s hyperventilating, shaking, and crying. He whispers so low you can hardly hear him. “Not real, not real. It’s not real.”

Alex reaches out to calm him down, and he totally freaks out. He panics, clambers away from him, trying relentlessly to open the van door. It’s then that Alex sees that his fingernails are split and broken, from clawing at something. There’s dirt, and what looks like dead skin underneath them, and dried blood around his cuticles. The closer he looks at Justin, he can see his skin is splattered with tiny blood droplets, and what looks like handprints are forming on his arms and around his neck. Justin’s a walking crime scene. Alex needs to remove his clothes and preserve them. He needs to document all his injuries. Something horrific has happened, and he needs to take them to the hospital.

“Justin! Justin, it’s me, Alex. I’m not going to hurt you. Look at me!”

Slowly Justin turns and looks at him. “See, it’s just me. You’re going to be alright. I’m going to get you home.”

It’s then that Blake moves slightly, moaning, whimpering. Justin reaches out and pulls him close, holding him, rocking him in his arms. He whispers again. “I want to go home. I want to go home. I need Brian.”

“Okay, we’re going home, but I need you both to put on your seatbelts. Will you let me help? Can you do that?”

“No! No, don’t touch me!”

It’s starting to get dark, and the wind has a chill to it. Everyone’s senses are heightened with a feeling that they’re not alone, that they’re being watched.

“Reid. Start the van and turn on the heat. We need to get out of here.”

But the van won’t start. It barely turns over, and that’s when a chills run up and down their spines. Something’s wrong, something’s very wrong. There’s rustling in the trees, and they hear twigs snapping, off in the distance. Reid knows he should check the engine, but he jumps back into the van and locks all the doors. He knows it’s irrational to be afraid, but this whole situation has everyone on edge. He feels like they’ve walked into a nightmare. One that Blake and Justin have been living in for the last twenty-four plus hours.

There’s a flash of lightning in the sky, and the sound of thunder follows. Alex looks out on the horizon, and sees the rain is moving across the countryside.

“We have to get the van started. We have to get out of here.”

Reid nods at him and Alex grabs the toolbox, locking Blake and Justin in the van. They swear they can hear whispers mixed in with the sound of the wind.

“Run, run, run. You better run…”

“Did you hear that?”

With big eyes Alex stares at Reid, handing him a wrench to tighten the loose bolts on the battery. Damn, he wishes he had taken the time to replace it before they left.

“I hope that’s all that’s wrong with this old heap of metal. I swear I’m buying a new van when we get home.”

Reid turns the key and the old van sputters and coughs, but it finally starts. As he pulls out onto the road, he glances in his rear view mirror and is sure he sees a bald man in a doctor’s coat, with very pale skin, so white it almost glows.
Alex looks in the back seat and sees that Justin has placed a blanket over his and Blake’s head, and he can hear their teeth chattering. He looks over their heads and out into the night as darkness sets in.

“Did you see that?”

“Don’t say it! Just get us the hell out of here!”


Michael’s POV
Michael didn’t sleep well last night, because he kept having nightmares about Brian and what happened last night. He’s convinced himself it was all just a dream, even though it felt so real. That is, until he stands in front of the mirror, looking at the bruises around his neck, and the dried blood running down his chest. Panicked, he jumps into the shower to wash away all his visions from the previous night. He can’t help thinking it can’t be true, that really didn’t happen. Fear sets in again when he remembers the splintered bone protruding from his neck, and the ghostly whispers, ‘Who’s Brian …’

Still shaking, he dresses in a hurry, needing to get out of the house. He found an old turtleneck sweater of Ben’s in the back of his closet to cover his bruises. The last thing he needs is his mother asking questions. Of course that doesn’t stop her interrogation about why he’s wearing a sweater that’s too big for him, and a color makes him look washed out. Then she asks where the boys are, and why he’s having breakfast alone. She makes him sit at the counter, she needs the booth because the diner’s crowded. He can’t help lashing out at her, telling her to mind her own business, and then he storms out like a petulant child.

He’s eating McDonald’s at the cash register of Red Cape Comics, when he hears noises coming from the storage room in the back. Opening the door, he doesn’t see anyone but the place is a mess. Comics are strewn about and a couple of his stupid toys, I mean, statues are broken. He actually breaks down in tears, crying about never being able to replace them. In a hushed whisper he hears someone say, ‘You’re totally pathetic.’
It’s reminiscent of Brian’s old saying, but it’s not Brian’s voice. It is a voice that’s familiar to him, and that frightens him even more.

“Who are you? What do you want?”

Then he just hears that creepy, hysterical laughter, followed by, ‘Where’s Justin?’

He questions what’s going on, and why he feels like he is constantly being watched. Like he’s losing his mind, and for the first time he wonders what might have happened to Justin and Blake. He can’t help searching the internet to see that video again from the insane asylum. Staring at the screen, he sees the two friends narrating the video they made exploring the hospital. They show footage of their friend wisecracking about not believing in ghosts, and daring them to show themselves. Michael’s eyes are glued to the computer monitor, as he realizes that he’s the guy that helped him nail the board back in place over the door. He’s the one who jumped out of the window. He’s the one who was in his bed last night. He’s the guy who keeps asking, ‘Where’s Justin?’


Brian’s POV
Brian’s nerves are shot, he’s agitated, on edge, but mostly worried. The sound of the phone ringing makes him jump, and for some reason he’s starting to feel paranoid. It’s Lindsay, and she sounds overly cheerful, but her voice has that condescending tone at the same time.

“Where are you, Brian? Please tell me you didn’t forget about taking Gus out trick or treating?”

“Is it that late already?”

“It’s almost five thirty. It will start getting dark just after six. Are you on your way?”

Brian hesitates, knowing all hell will break loose if he bails. He really does want to see Gus, and he hates to disappoint him. Maybe it’s the distraction he needs from all his worrying. It won’t be more than an hour or two, and he’ll have his phone if Carl calls. He just hates not being home should Justin show up. What to do? What to do?

“Okay, I’m on my way.”

He drags Ted with him, letting him drive as he tries Justin’s phone again. Surprisingly, he’s able to leave a message, but he’s kind of pissed that Justin didn’t answer.

“Where the hell is he! He better have a good excuse for all the worrying he’s put me through.”

“Calm down, Bri. At least you were able to leave a message. He’ll probably be home soon.”

Glancing at each other, they both wonder if that’s true.

They pull up to the girls’ house and Gus is already waiting for him, bouncing with excitement. He’s dressed as a pirate, complete with a pirate hat, long coat and sword.

“Daddy, you didn’t wear a costume!”

“Sure I did, Sonny Boy. I’m James Dean!”

“What about Uncle Teddy?”

Ted grabs an old flannel shirt from his car’s trunk.

“See, he’s a lumberjack.”

“Oh, okay then.”

He rolls on the balls of his feet, swinging his little plastic pumpkin in one hand and his sword in the other. Brian hands the pumpkin to Ted, and grabs Gus’s hand, as they start down the street.

“Just don’t stab anyone with that thing.”

Teddy starts reminiscing about trick or treating with his sister when he was little.

“I always dressed as a hobo, dreaming about what life would be like riding in old train car, traveling from city to city.”

“And look, all you need now is a stick tied with an old bandana, slung over your shoulder.”

“How about you, Brian? What did you always go as?”

“A boxer. I always had a black eye and bruises to complete my costume.”

“Sorry about that.”

“Why? You weren’t the one beating the shit out of me.”

“Still. I’m sorry you experienced that.”

“Yeah, well… You should have seen the ridiculous outfits Deb dressed Mikey in.”

“I can imagine.”

“He loved dressing up as a gypsy. He wore some girly blouse with lots of ruffles, and lots of Deb’s scarves tied around his waist. Oh, and his makeup. You’d think he was practicing for his drag queen debut.”

Ted laughs. “Channeling his inner Dina Devore.”

Gus runs ahead to the houses to collect his candy. Brian plays with the sword, challenging Ted to a duel as they wait for Gus on the sidewalk. A chill runs up Ted’s spine, as he feels like someone is watching them. They walk several more blocks, but the sensation hasn’t lessened.

Ted asks, “Is it just me, or do you feel like were being watched?”

Brian looks around. He’s also sure someone is lurking in the shadows, but he refuses to believe anything’s wrong. Gus’s excitement is waning, and his pumpkin is almost full of candy.

“What do you say, Sonny Boy? You ready to start back to the house?”

“Yeah. It’s spooky out here, Daddy. I’m scared.”

Glancing around again, he starts to feel uncomfortable. He lifts Gus up and sets him on his shoulders, holding the sword as if it could protect them. The wind picks up, rustling the tree branches, and a cat yowls in the distance. Yeah, someone is definitely watching them, following them. He thinks he sees a faint outline of someone behind the hedge. Then it turns and faces them and it’s some ghostly-looking kid in a white lab coat, with a painted white face. Only, it wasn’t really a kid, and his face wasn’t painted, it was glowing in the moonlight. It’s the first time Brian has felt real fear in years, and he’s grateful they’re almost home.

Once they’re in the house his fear dissipates, but doesn’t really leave. He checks his phone, but there are no new messages. None from Carl, or Justin and he can’t help feeling like something’s really wrong. Gus is dancing around, swinging his sword, and singing.

“Brian, how much candy did you let him eat?”

“It’s Halloween, give the kid a break.”

“That’s so typical of you. Getting him all wound up and then just dropping him off with us.”

“Fuck you, Mel! Where would you like me to drop him off?”

“Brian. All Mel is saying is, it’s almost his bedtime and he’s cranked up on sugar.”

“You’re the ones that sent us out on a candy run!”

“Let’s not fight?”


“So, where’s Justin tonight?”

“Leave Justin out of this!”

“Trouble in Paradise again?”

“Fuck off, Mel!”

Gus is still spinning around in circles as he says, “Justin’s with the spooky man tonight!”

“What? Why’d you say that, Sonny Boy?”

“Because, that’s what the doctor said.”

“The doctor?”

“Yeah. The one in the white coat with the spooky face.”

Brian glances at Ted, and they both go very pale.

“Is Blake with Justin?”

“No. Blake’s in a time out. He’s not anywhere anymore.”

Lindsay, in her superior voice asks, “Gus, what are you talking about? How do you know this?”

“I told you! The doctor says they’re going to live in the hospital from now on.”

“What hospital, Gus?”

He looks at her like she’s stupid. “The spooky hospital, of course.”


They’ve been driving for an hour and it’s pitch black outside. There’s no moon in the sky, just darkness. Reid glances over to Alex, as he slows down, looking off in the distance. The van’s headlights are illuminating the trees in front of them, as the road curves around. They recognize it was the spot where they stopped the van earlier that afternoon.

“Isn’t that the same field where we found the boys?”

“Did we really just drive around in a circle?”

“How is this possible? We didn’t turn anywhere, we’ve just been driving straight.”

Slowly, from out from the shadows they see several figures approaching.

“I don’t know. I don’t know, but don’t stop! Not here!”

“We can’t just keep driving, we’re getting low on gas.”

“What? We just filled the tank when we had lunch.”

“The gauge says it’s almost empty.”

Justin mumbles from the backseat. “Not real. Not real.”

They both turn to look at him. When they look back up the van is surrounded by people, but they appear to be from another era from the past. They’re dressed in old muslin fabric clothes, and medical scrubs. Their skin is weathered, translucent, and their bodies are thin and boney. It’s almost like you can see right through them.

“What the fuck?”

“Make sure the doors are locked!”

Looking back out at the road it’s empty. Darkness everywhere with just the sound of whispers in the air.

“Run, run, run. You better run!”

Reid slams on the gas pedal and they speed down the road.

Justin mumbles from the backseat. “Not real. Not real.”


Michael’s been walking up and down Liberty Avenue since dusk. He keeps hoping he’ll see Ted and Emmett, or Brian. He knows it’s silly, but he’s afraid to go home, afraid of who might be waiting for him. He could go to the shop, but he might be there too. He wishes Ben was back from North Carolina. He even thinks he wants to move there now with Ben. He’d go to the diner, but his mom told him to leave if he wasn’t going to order something. It’s crowded and she’s needs the seat for paying customers tonight. After all, it is Halloween.

He ends up at the loft, and he can’t shake the chill running up his spine, as he ascends the stairs. He prays that Brian’s home, but it’s eerily quiet as he unlocks the door. The streetlights shine through the large windows, leaving distorted shadows across the living room. He calls out, even though he knows no one’s home. He wants to stay, as he thought he’d feel safe here, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t feel safe anywhere, and he doesn’t know where to go. He pulls out his cell to call Brian, the call connects but there’s just silence.

“Brian? Brian, are you there?”

Then he hears it, the same creepy voice that’s been stalking him. “Who’s Brian?”

He throws his phone across the room, and hears it break as it hits the wall. Then hysterical laughter echoes through the loft. He panics and runs down the stairs, leaving the loft door wide open, still hearing the laughter as he reaches the street. He runs as fast as he can until he finds himself across from Babylon. He grasps the lamppost for dear life as he catches his breath. Looking around, he’s surrounded by dozens of costume-clad queers, yet his fear still claws at him, as he scans the crowd for a friendly face. There’s no one, not a soul, not even Todd…

Where is everyone? He feels like he’s stepped into the Twilight Zone. This is his Babylon, but not his people. Everyone looks freaky, and they all seem to be staring at him, talking about him, pointing at him. He’s unsure what to do. Should he stay, or should he go? He laughs to himself as he hears the old Clash song running through his mind. Someone hands him a drink and he gulps it down fast, needing something to take the edge off. He stumbles out onto the dance floor as his mind slowly melts. Soon he’s in a mosh pit with hard bodies pressed up against him. He gasps for air, as their cold clammy skin brushes up against him, making him feel nauseous.

Something’s wrong, and again he thinks to himself, these aren’t my people. Looking closer at them he realizes that they’re, they’re… Dead… The mosh pit is closing tighter around him as they all reach out to touch him. Cold dank fingers and hands run up and down his arms, across his back, through his hair, around his neck. Tighter, tighter, tighter… Less and less oxygen is getting to his brain, and finally he goes limp, sliding down onto the floor. Just before he passes out someone whispers in his ear, “Where’s Justin?”


Ted’s driving back to the loft, as Brian’s anger at Mel dissipates and his fear returns.

“We have to find them? They’re in trouble, something really bad is going to happen.”

“If it hasn’t already.”

“Don’t say that, Brian! Don’t even think that!”

“I can’t help it. I know everyone thinks he’s strong, invincible, but he’s not. He’s been through so much already, and eventually he’s going to break.”

“They’re strong, they’re together. We just have to find them.”

Ted knows, even as the words come out of his mouth, that time is running out.

Brian’s voice cracks. “I’m scared. I can’t lose him. Not after coming this far. I need him. I love that fucking twink!”

“I know, Brian, and you won’t. We’re going to find them, we are.”

But the words sound hollow as he says them, and he tries not to panic for his own sweet boy.

Brian’s phone rings, and Carl asks where he is. They’re almost back at the loft, when they see Carl standing at the front door. Waiting for the elevator, they feel a gust of wind breeze through them. Seeing the loft door wide open gives Brian hope, but it quickly vanishes as he realizes that no one’s home. Looking around he’s astonished. Nothing’s missing but the furniture is all rearranged. The Naked Guy painting is hanging over the bed upside down. Cocktail glasses and half-empty beer bottles are scattered around the loft, and all the bottles on the liquor cart are empty. He suddenly hears the sound of the shower running, but when entering the bathroom, he can see no one is in the shower. The mirror over the sink has a question written in the steam. ‘Where’s Justin?’

Staring at the mirror, his image is distorted through the steam, but through the lettering he can see Justin’s image staring back at him. He brushes his hand across the wet glass as Justin’s image appears briefly, and then as the water drops run down the mirror, it’s gone. He reaches out and grips the sink, unable to comprehend what’s happening. He can’t take much more, he’s at his wit’s end. He needs a drink, but he promised himself that morning that he wasn’t going to drink anymore. Well, at least not until Justin was home. Then they could drink the expensive bottle of champagne he bought to celebrate their commitment. Why is it that every time he’s ready to make a commitment to Justin, he’s always taken away from him? Was the universe trying to tell him something?


The radio in the old van suddenly stops working, maybe they were in a dead zone where they can’t get a signal. All they can hear is static, or maybe some weird white noise. Then strange humming, that slowly changes to soft chanting. Alex reaches over and turns it off, but it just turns back on all by itself. He tries again, and then he turns the sound all the way down.

Reid just stares at him. “What the fuck is happening?”

Then the soft chanting starts again, but it’s not coming from the speakers. It’s coming from under the blanket in the backseat. Both Reid and Alex turn and look at them, and that’s when they hear scraping against the side of the van. Looking up, Reid turns the steering wheel hard, just scraping the old wrought iron gate at the entrance to the hospital.

Alex asks, “What the fuck are we doing here?”

“What is this place?”

“It’s an asylum, a mental hospital. It’s been closed for decades.”

Justin screams from the backseat, “No! I want to go home!”

Reid has already started making a U-turn through the tall weeds. He swerves, almost hitting someone, but he doesn’t stop. He accelerates, speeding down the driveway. Looking back in his rearview mirror, he sees that same figure from before. A balding man with ghostly white skin, wearing a doctor’s coat.

“What do we do now? Obviously, we’re not being allowed to go back to Pittsburgh.”

“There was a small motel next to the café where we had lunch. I think we might be able to make it back there before running out of gas.”

“Okay, we could all use something to eat, and a good night’s rest. Maybe we’ll be able to reach Brian, if our phones work.”

Justin mumbles, “Brian, I need Brian.”

“I know, I know, Justin. I’m working on it.”


Michael finally comes around, all his senses on high alert. He’s blindfolded, his hands and feet are bound, yet he feels like he’s floating. He’s really high, and he knows that he’s been drugged. It must have been when he first got there, and someone gave him a drink. He can hear Brian’s warning, ‘never accept a drink from a stranger, or leave your drink unattended.’

He feels someone’s warm sour breath near his face, as someone tightens the straps around his wrist and ankles. It finally hits him that he’s bound in a sex swing. He remembers the one Brian gave him and Ben. Ben convinced him to try it out, but he freaked out once he was strapped in. Ben was disappointed and thought he was acting like a prude, throwing a temper tantrum. He demanded that Ben get rid of it, saying only perverts would actually use such a device.

Now here he is about to experience the true meaning of being owned. He’s scared, unprepared for the unknown, and terrified as he listens to the sounds of sex all around him. He hears the snap of a flogger whistle through the air and the cries of pain that follow. He can’t help wondering when Babylon got a dungeon, and where all these leather daddies came from. Fear is coming off him in waves, as he feels the touch of someone’s hands on his waist, and senses their body closing in above him. He whimpers and cries, pleading to be let go. This isn’t his style of sex. He’ll do anything else, but please untie his wrists and ankles.

“Just relax, boy, you’re about to have the time of your life! Over and, over and over again!”

He feels the swing shift, and the head of his penis against his entrance. Flesh to flesh, no condom, and no lube. Michael’s pain is fierce as his master plunges into him, pushing deeper. Tears run down his face, as he screams, begging for them to stop.

“You’re not afraid of a little pain, are you?”


Carl looks around the loft. “What the hell happened here tonight?”

After all, he only left there a couple of hours ago. Ted’s at a loss for words…

“I don’t know. It wasn’t like this when we left, and you were with us when we got back.”

“Looks like someone had a party! And what’s with the furniture being moved all around?”

“It must be someone’s idea of a joke.”

“Who has a key to this place?”

Brian’s returned to the living room, surveying the changes.

“Just me, Justin, Lindsay and Michael. Oh, and Cynthia, my assistant. But she wouldn’t do anything like this, and we just left Mel and Lindsay’s.”

“Well, that leaves Michael.”

“That it does.”

“I’m going to kill that motherfucker!”

“I wasn’t able to track Michael down this afternoon. It almost seemed like he was hiding. Although I did talk to the feds about Gary Saperstein, or as you like to call him the Sap.”

“You did? What did they say? Could he have something to do with Justin’s disappearance?”

“I don’t think so, but it’s possible. He was convicted for embezzlement and tax fraud, sentenced to ten years. He was in Federal prison in upstate New York for three years. But he was released early for good behavior. Obviously, they never investigated his sex crimes, and drug abuse. He never even showed for his first parole hearing, so he’s pretty much in the wind. I wouldn’t cross him off our list, but I don’t think he’s a real threat to Justin either. I mean he wasn’t arrested until a couple of years after Justin’s run in with him. But it sure would be nice to know where he’s at these days.”

“But you said it’s still possible.”

“Yes, but Justin didn’t turn him in for the sexual abuse. He never reported anything that happened at that party. He may not have liked Justin kicking him in the mouth, and breaking his teeth. But Saperstein would be a fool to come back to Pittsburgh.”

“You know, Carl, weird shit has been happening tonight. I know it’s Halloween and everything but …”

“What kind of weird things?”

“Well, like all this …”

Brian waves his arms, motioning towards all the mess in the loft.

“And earlier tonight when we took Gus trick or treating.”

“What about it?”

“We just felt like someone was stalking us.”

“Did you see someone?

“No. Not exactly. I mean, it was probably just a kid in a Halloween custom. But, it just seemed off, really strange.”

“But he didn’t approach you, or hurt you in any way?”

“No. He was just lurking around in the bushes near the girl’s house.”

“I can send a patrol car over to check the neighborhood.”

“No. That’s not necessary, stranger things are happening here at the loft.”

“Well, my guess is that it’s Michael playing a prank. He’s awfully childish and immature these days.”

“Isn’t that the truth.”


Somehow the café and motel seem more menacing now than it did earlier in the day. The neon sign is blinking like it’s about to burn out. There were other travelers and patrons around that afternoon, now there’s no one else around. Reid gets out and orders food to go, and gets a motel room for the night, while Alex stays with the boys, making sure they don’t bolt off into the night.

Reid came back loaded down with lots of burgers, fries, milkshakes, and a whole apple pie. Their room has two double beds and a big screen TV, hopefully they’ll make it through the night unharmed. Hopefully…

This story archived at