Get Out of My Head... or Stay There Forever by Taylor-Kinney

Why can't Brian get one particular blond out of his head? He was only seventeen, for Christ's sake! And he was definitely stickier than cum. Brian should be glad he's gone. And he is. But somehow he isn't. The question is... is the boy really gone?
Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Michael Novotny
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), First Time (Other), Friendship, Language, M/M, Oral Sex, Rimming, Season 1
Genres: Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 6914 Read: 540 Published: Jul 14, 2023 Updated: Mar 10, 2024

1. Chapter 1 by Taylor-Kinney

2. Chapter 2 by Taylor-Kinney

3. Chapter 3 by Taylor-Kinney

Chapter 1 by Taylor-Kinney

Damn, I look hot tonight, I thought as I walked into Woody's bathroom and checked myself in the mirror. I mean, I always look hot, but tonight I looked extremely hot. In fact, I looked fabulous. Maybe being a father has its perks after all, though that would probably require me to actually act like one. I should probably stop by the dykes' house tomorrow.

And I should definitely wear this black shirt more often, it makes my biceps look better than ever. Well, considering how much money I spent on it, I'd be really pissed if it didn't. Speaking of pissing, I probably shouldn't be testing my bladder.

If there's one (and only) thing I really appreciate about being able to take a leak next to another guy, it's the fact that I get to see if he's worth giving him my phone number. But unfortunately, the guy next to me really wasn't. I mean, I have dildos bigger than that. Well, not that it matters because my ass isn't open to the public, but I'm seriously not interested in playing with dicks that small. Didn't you hear? Small things are a choking hazard.

God, I need a beer. And maybe a few shots of vodka. And some pill wouldn't be bad either. But probably not all at once... unless I want Michael to plan my funeral. Speaking of Michael, where the fuck is he? I need my drinking buddy.

"Hey, what can I get you?" the bartender asked as I leaned against the bar.

You, I thought immediately, eyeing him up and down. But I managed to control myself and just ordered a beer.

Not that I wouldn't enjoy fucking him because he looked more than fuckable. And I could definitely imagine those big ass juicy lips working on my dick and asshole. But he just looked dangerously young. Not that there's anything wrong with that considering I'm twenty-eight - alright, twenty-nine, which is still very young - but the last time (which was a week ago by the way) I was stupid enough to fuck someone "young", it turned out he was only seventeen. And that wasn't even the worst part, it was the fact that he was stickier than cum. I really thought I would never get rid of him.... and honestly? I'm still not sure I was successful.

But seriously, what the hell was that kid thinking? That he could just barge into my life like a goddamn tornado and turn it upside down? That just because I made his first time special and gave him an unforgettable night of pleasure, we're suddenly some fucking hetero couple? That I owe him anything? Shit! I seriously have better things to do than deal with a seventeen year old boy who has decided it's time to start discovering the magic of having a dick up his ass.

But I still cannot believe he actually showed up at my door unannounced and interrupted my plans with Mr. Goodfuck. I literally was about to murder him… but seeing his face when I told him I wasn't what he was looking for made me feel things I didn't even know I was capable of feeling. I mean, he just looked so hurt. Of course I did the right thing, he needed to understand that we were done, but I wish I never had to be in that situation in the first place.

And on top of that, Michael had the audacity to tell me that the twink was my responsibility because I fucked him... well, fuck that! I fucked him once, okay twice, but that doesn't change anything. My responsibility is only to myself.

But fuck! Why can't I stop thinking about him? Why do I even care what the kid says or thinks? I had so many tricks but none of them made me feel like he did. There's just something about him and I can't quite put my finger on what it is... I don't know if it's that perfectly shaped bubble butt or his blue eyes that almost make me want to drown in them or just his overall cuteness... well the point is, I just can't get him out of my head. Or my dick for that matter, which twitches just thinking about him. And it really drives me crazy.

God, Kinney, you're so damn pathetic. It's over. The kid is gone. Everything is back to normal. Life is good. There is no need to analyze anything anymore. The only thing you need now is a drink or two, someone to fuck and one hell of an orgasm. Easy-peasy.

Oh finally, Michael's here... and he's looking miserable as usual. I wonder what he's going to complain about this time. Don't get me wrong, I love him to death and would do anything for him, but he can really get on my nerves sometimes. And I'm sure the feeling is mutual. Although I am a total sweetheart.

"Hey Mikey," I gave him our usual kiss which usually cheers him up but this time it didn't seem to have that effect. "Wow, who pissed you off?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," he snapped. But I know him too well to know that he can never keep anything to himself. "I hate my job. Everyone thinks I'm in love with Tracy. They're practically planning our wedding. Assholes."

"Maybe you should just tell them you love cock… especially up your ass."

"Yeah, right," he rolled his eyes. "I'm going to get a beer."

"Careful, the bartender looks delicious tonight," I pushed my tongue against my cheek and smiled.

Michael just chuckled, but didn't seem to share my enthusiasm. Well, at least until he came back from the bar with his beer.

"You're right, he really is delicious," he laughed and sat down.

"I know," I nodded and rolled my lips in.

"I'm surprised you're not fucking him right now."

I was about to laugh, but suddenly I felt really pathetic. He was right, I should be fucking the bartender! But instead all I can think about is some fucking twink who annoyed the living shit out of me. This seriously can't get any worse.

"Where's your kid by the way?" Michael asked.

"He's only a week old, so I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to take him to a bar just yet. I assume he's getting his drink from Lindsay's boob right now," I laughed at the thought.

"I meant Justin."

Okay, I was wrong, it actually can get way worse. "Fuck you Michael," I barked.

"Hey, I'm just asking."

"You're asking too much. The kid is gone for good… okay? I'm done with him."

"That's good to know. He was really annoying. Next time just don't fuck a high schooler."

"Duly noted."

"I'm really glad you got rid of him."

"You and me both."

Well, that didn't sound very... convincing. I mean, I'm happy he's gone because he really was annoying... but why is it so damn hard to stop thinking about him? Why can't he just leave my fucking brain alone?

Fuck, I really need someone to suck me off. That will help.

Okay, you look hot. And luckily you're not blond and you definitely look older than 17. God, I still can't believe I fucked a seventeen year old... and the worst part is, I would do it again. Well, not happening.

"Where are you going?" Michael wondered as I stood up.

So I raised my brows and nodded towards the guy who's going to suck me off tonight and hopefully more than that.

"Oh," Michael chuckled, but I could see it in his eyes... he wasn't happy about it. Grow up, Mikey, just fucking grow up already. "Have fun."

"Always do," I smirked and finished the rest of my beer before heading over to my toy for the night. And as usual I worked my magic and the guy basically begged me to fuck him. He was all over me and we hadn't even left the bar yet. A little foreplay never hurt anyone, right?

"God, I can't wait to get my mouth on your cock," he moaned into my ear.

I was about to say that it was time to go then, but time (and my heart) stopped the moment I looked at the door. God, what the fuck is he doing here? I'm pretty sure it's a school night and I'm even more sure I was clear that we were done.

Is it possible that he's here just to get a drink and hit on someone? Well, he can do that. I mean if anyone is willing to buy him one because he obviously can't do it himself (seventeen... really Brian?) and I'd be more than happy to let someone else have the pleasure of dealing with this twink. Just please leave me out of it.

Wait, what is he wearing? I mean, he looks good. In fact, he looks better than just good... he's fucking hot. I would just rip his clothes off and then... oh, stop it and pull yourself together, Kinney. You're not going down that road again. It doesn't matter that those jeans look amazing on him. Or that his messy hair makes him look...

"You're so fucking hot... I wanna cum all over you."

Shit, I totally forgot about you. Anyway, that sounds like a good plan for tonight. Guess it really is time to go.

"He's here! I can't believe it! Little shit," Michael suddenly came up to me and informed me as if I didn't already know.

"Yeah, I noticed," I replied, not hiding my annoyance.

"Well? What are you going to do about it?"

"Why should I do anything?" I arched my eyebrows. Like really? Why is it my problem? I've already done my part by getting rid of him.

"Because he shouldn't be here!"

"He's not doing anything, Michael. Just leave him alone."

Shit, I just surprised myself, but hey... it's the truth, he's not doing anything wrong. And hopefully it will stay that way.

But of course, Michael immediately gasped in disbelief. "Seriously?"

"Yes, Michael, seriously."

He just shook his head and went to sit back at the table, pouting. Other times it would probably make me laugh, but right now it was the last thing I needed. Of course I wasn't too happy to have the kid back, especially looking like that, but as long as he's not bothering me, he can do whatever the fuck he wants. After all, he doesn't answer to me, and if he wants to be out on a school night and hit on older guys, that's his problem.

"So are we going to your place or what?" the guy I'm supposed to be fucking right now asked, obviously a little frustrated.

"Uh, yeah, we can defini..."

Fuck! What the hell are you doing, kid? This is the last guy on earth you want to talk to. And he's way older than you... even me! Christ, couldn't you just stay home and do your homework, for fuck's sake!

"So?" he arched his brows in anticipation.

"Uh... how about a beer first?" I asked, grinning. I can't just leave now and let the kid get himself murdered tonight. Although I have a feeling that I will be the one to murder him.

End Notes:
This should be a very short and very simple story (with some porn included;)) around 3-4 chapters I guess... hope you like it!
Chapter 2 by Taylor-Kinney
Author's Notes:
Yeah, let's just pretend it didn't take me 8 months to update this because I'd have to slap myself... sorry! And enjoy.

I could tell he wasn't exactly thrilled, and who could blame him, right? He was looking forward to sucking my dick and a lot more than that, so my stalling with a fucking beer had definitely ruined his plans, but like I said, I couldn't just walk away and let the twink get himself killed.

I mean, not that Steve was a murderer - well, who the fuck knows, right - but he certainly looked like one and he was definitely someone the kid shouldn't be talking to, especially when you consider that just a week ago he was completely innocent and had yet to find out what he actually liked or wanted when it came to sex. And Steve had all kinds of fetishes... not that I had the pleasure (because fuck no!), but I'd heard a lot, and I mean a lot. And most of it wasn't pretty.

"Yeah, sure..." He sighed, almost rolling his eyes.

But thankfully he didn't leave and continued to suck on my earlobe. It was really hard to concentrate on it though, given that I had my eyes glued to the other side of the room, making sure the twink wasn't doing anything stupid.

"What the hell are you keep staring at?" He asked in frustration, looking at me suspiciously.

"Nothing," I sounded offended, like I'd been caught doing something I shouldn't have. So pathetic.

And he obviously didn't take that for an answer, so he immediately turned his head to look at where my eyes were drawn to.

"Huh. Cute, a bit young, but cute. I'm up for a threesome if you want... although the boy looks like he's already got someone for tonight."

"He doesn't," I almost barked. "And he's very young, so forget it," I basically threatened him with a death stare, which I quickly switched to a seductive one. "So where were we?" I pulled him closer and licked his lips, tasting him. A mixture of beer and cigarettes. Ugh. Justin tastes like strawberries... I noticed he was using strawberry-flavored lip balm.

Goddammit, you've got to stop with this crap! You just need a little distraction.

And so, without warning, I just plunged my tongue deep into his mouth and kissed him like my life depended on it. Still, I had to keep one eye open and carefully monitor the situation the little asshole had gotten himself into. Christ, he was really driving me crazy.

Oh, hell no! What do you think you're doing with that fucking hand of yours, Steve? He's only 17, for God's sake, and he really doesn't need you touching his pretty ass.

Just go fuck yourself, Steve! I'm sure you could figure it out.

"I'm so fucking horny... can you feel it?" The guy eagerly rubbed his crotch against mine and I could tell he was big and rock hard, and for a moment I lost focus on the blond. "God, I want you to fuck me senseless," his warm breath tickled my ear.

Yeah, I want to fuck you senseless too... so why the fuck am I not doing exactly that? Why am I acting like it's my job to protect the kid from danger? I mean, if he's old enough to fuck, he's old enough to decide who he can go with. And if he wants to go with Steve, then... no, no, no, not Steve. Anyone but him. Kid, what are you doing?

"Seriously, if you want to fuck him, just go ahead and do it... because I'm done trying," the guy suddenly said, turning on his heel and walking away, making me look and feel like a fucking idiot.

Which was great, really fucking great. That little shit was seriously ruining my reputation. No, scratch that, he was ruining my life! And right now, he was about to ruin his, too, because if he decides to let Steve do things to him that I don't even want to think about, his sex life will be over as quickly as it started. Or... he's gonna end up liking it. Maybe he wants to experience weird kinky fucked-up sex, and who am I to judge him and stop him from turning his fantasies into reality?

Yeah, right. This is the kid who didn't even know what rimming was a week ago. Well, he let me show him, and he fucking loved it. But it was adorable how he tried to pretend he knew it so well, but I saw right through him. God, it would be so much fun to teach him all that stuff. To hear him moan in my ear while I...

Jesus Christ, focus, Brian!

I immediately pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration, closed my eyes and took several deep, calming breaths, reminding myself that this was exactly how I got into this situation because I just couldn't control my cock, my horniness and my fucking need to prove to myself that I could have whoever I wanted, and as a result, I had an annoying teenager on my hands who caught me completely off guard. And that was not good. Not good at all.

So with the firm decision that this would be the last time I would be involved in anything to do with him, I opened my eyes and felt a hell of a lot better because after tonight I was going to be completely free of him.

Wait, where are they? Don't tell me they fucking left already? Aaaaah. Fuck me!

Well, maybe this was a good thing. Maybe the fucking universe decided to save me the trouble for once. Maybe this was a sign to forget about him once and for all. Maybe... fuck, here they are. I should have known it wouldn't be that easy.

No, Steve, don't even think about it! Just keep your hand where I can see it... you don't deserve to feel that beautiful, big, perfectly shaped cock. The boy needs a mind-blowing orgasm, not a traumatic experience.

God, I should probably move to a safer location so I wouldn't risk getting caught giving a fuck about my one night stand. I mean, right now there was nothing else I could do because there was no way in hell I was just going to march there in front of everyone, but especially him, to save his ass. No, no way. That would be the death of me. I'd never get rid of him after that. So all I could do was watch and wait for my moment. But the watching part was... well, difficult.

I mean, he seemed to really enjoy it. Flirting with Steve. Being touched by Steve. Being undressed by Steve's horny eyes. Steve's dirty words in his ear. Like don't get me wrong, Steve was hot for his age. I would have fucked him too. If it wasn't for the part about him being a complete pig.

Suddenly a guy came up to me and looked me up and down. "You look lonely, why don't we..."

"Not interested," I said before he could finish what he was about to say. Then I caught a glimpse of his ass as he walked away and immediately regretted turning him down.

But right now, unfortunately, I had more important things to do - making sure the boy doesn't do anything stupid.

But it was still a mystery to me why I was giving a shit in the first place. He meant nothing to me. Nothing! Then why the fuck did I feel obligated to save him from this creep?

Maybe because I took his virginity and did everything I could to make him feel good, and I didn't want some asshole to ruin that for him. And maybe, just maybe, because he made me feel things I haven't felt in a really long time, and for some reason he's gotten right under my skin and now I can't seem to shake him.

Shit. You are so fucked Kinney, and not in a good way.

But right now it didn't really matter how much I wanted to get this kid out of my life, I couldn't just stand here and do nothing when I knew Steve was really really bad company.

"Hey, Bri," Emmett suddenly showed up next to me. "Is there a reason you're hiding here in the corner by yourself?" He chuckled. "I thought Michael was coming here."

"Could you not fucking talk so loud?" I really wasn't interested in having his vocal cords drawing attention to me. "Michael's around here somewhere, so go find him," I barked.

"Have I told you lately what a fucking sweetheart you are?"

"Fuck off."

"First tell me what you're staring at," I was about to repeat myself and tell him to fuck off, but his eyes quickly found where I was looking. "Damn. The boy looks hot tonight. Who would have thought? Maybe I like dangerously young blonds, too."

I immediately gave him a homicidal look, but quickly remembered that such remarks shouldn't bother me. Because that would imply that I cared about that little shit, and that really wasn't the case.

"Oh shit, is that Steve?"


"Is that kid crazy?" He asked as if he expected me to actually answer. "God, this is really giving me anxiety." Emmett clutched the pearls around his neck. "He's about to get in some serious trouble."

"How about you go find Michael so I don't have to fucking listen to you?" I snapped.

He rolled his lips in and gave a slight nod, deciding it was fucking better to leave me alone.

And it came at exactly the right time, because it turned out my moment had arrived. Because apparently the twat realised he'd had enough drinks and it was time to relieve his bladder. So I waited for him to disappear into the restroom, leaving horny Steve alone at the bar, and went to do the necessary. And I was really hoping that luck would be on my side and the twink wouldn't find out about it, because I really didn't need to give him another reason to follow me around like a lost puppy.

"Hey, Kinney. What's up?" Steve looked at me, surprised that I'd sat down next to him. It was no secret what I thought of him.

"Shut up and listen. That kid is out of the question, you hear me? Find someone else to play your dirty games with."

"Excuse me?" He tried to look puzzled.

"Don't play dumb. I know all about what you like to do to your tricks, and if you don't want a traumatized kid on your hands, trust me and leave him the fuck alone."

It wasn't what I said, it was the way I said it that made him decide he'd better listen to me. "Okay. Whatever. He's too shy anyway... it wouldn't be as much fun. Maybe some other time."

I clenched my jaw so hard I was surprised my teeth didn't fall out. Then I leaned closer to him. "Never. Got it?"

"God, what's so special about him?"

"Pardon me?"

"I mean, he's not the kind of guy I usually see you with, so... is it the ass? He's got a really nice ass."

"Just fuck off, Steve, and leave him alone. And I'm not going to say it again," I stood up, giving him my completely serious face. "And remember, I won't be this nice next time, so don't even think about trying anything on him."

He gave me a pissed off snort, but decided to be quiet, grab his beer and go somewhere else. I, on the other hand, pleased with myself, ordered one celebrating shot. My job was done. The kid was no longer my problem. Cheers to that.


Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me!

I slowly turned my head, hoping I was only imagining it, but no, there he was. With that giant annoying damn smile of his.

"Christ, what do you want?"

"Um, I'm pretty sure you're sitting in my chair. And where's Steve?" He looked around, almost looking disappointed.

"I have no idea," I replied very casually, trying to ignore how deliciously good looking he was.

"That's weird, we were supposed to go to his place," he said it like he was hoping to get a reaction out of me, but I managed to keep my face steady.

"Yeah, I'm sure you didn't miss much," with that I stood to leave, I needed to get as far away from him as possible because I didn't know what I would do otherwise. He was like a fucking magnet that I was constantly drawn to. And if I was stupid enough, maybe I wouldn't have tried so hard to resist it, but I knew it would only bring me trouble, so it was better to just stay away from him.

But fuck, why does he have to look so good? My tongue itches to lick every inch of his soft body.

Christ, just go. Don't even look back at him and go.

"Well, then maybe you could keep me company," he flashed me a big smile that was really an invitation to fuck the shit out of him.

But I had to be strong. "Find someone your own age." I said, and for my own sake, I walked away. But God, I felt like I was gonna explode.
Chapter 3 by Taylor-Kinney
Now that I had dealt with the "twink stuff" - whatever the fuck that meant - it was time to focus on my needs. The problem was that no guy seemed to interest me enough to even bother getting into his pants. Not that they weren't hot or fuckable, but they simply weren't him. And before you ask, no I don't fucking know what exactly it was about him that made me want him so much. I mean, I've fucked every type of trick you can imagine with dicks of all sizes, circumcised or not, had sex in the weirdest places, and experienced so many orgasms I couldn't even count, with so many guys that I'm sometimes surprised my dick still works. And not once have I had the urge to see my one-night stand a second time. But for some fucked up reason, I couldn't get that annoying seventeen year old completely inexperienced kid out of my head. It was like the more I tried to push him away, the more I wanted him near me. But I was more than determined to ignore that feeling and just go on with my life. Because there was simply no other option.

"This night sucks, and not in a good way," I complained and sat down at the table with Michael and Emmett. But I didn't like the look Michael was giving me. "What?" I barked.

"I don't know, it's just that saving your high school lover from a pig named Steve sounds pretty interesting to me."

I immediately shot Emmett a pissed off look. "This is my cue to use the ladies room, so excuse me." Honeycutt smiled and quickly disappeared. Which was a really smart move.

"Stop giving me that look," I snapped at Michael.

"What look?" He raised his eyebrow in amusement. "Guess I'm just surprised you care so much about that little shit."

"I don't," I gritted my teeth.

"Mmhmm," he hummed, looking like he wasn't buying it, which made me even more irritated.

"I fucking don't," I repeated angrily. "I just did him a favor, that's it. The kid doesn't need to start therapy at 17 because he picked the wrong guy to fuck."

Michael scoffed, shaking his head. "And since when is that your fucking problem?"

"Weren't you the one who said he was my responsibility because I fucked him?"

Christ, why did I just say that?!

"Yeah, and I remember you being pretty pissed about it."

Yeah, and I had a goddamn right to be pissed. So why am I bringing it up now? So stupid! Now I just have to play it cool.

"And here we are, for some reason I felt responsible to save his ass, but now that it's over can we just move on and stop talking about him before I get a fucking headache?"

Michael nodded, but of course he didn't seemed very happy, but I didn't give a shit, I just needed to forget the twink even existed, though when I moved my head and saw him standing leaning against the bar out of the corner of my eye I knew it was going to be quite a challenge.

God, he just looked so lost. Like a damn puppy. I mean, puppies weren't my thing, I wasn't the type of person to rescue one from a shelter, but this puppy made me want to take him home.

Christ, I wasn't that drunk, was I? Of course not, because I wasn't drunk at all. I was just completely brainwashed. So yeah, I needed booze. Lots of it. The problem was, that would require me to move to the bar where he was. And that was simply not a good idea.

So plan B was to fuck. Just fuck him out of my brain. That should work. I mean, hopefully. So I went after the first guy I laid eyes on.

"Hey," he smiled lustfully as I approached him, his voice deep and sexy.

I cleared my throat, my fingertips dancing on his biceps. "This is your lucky night."

"Oh, really?"

"Mmmm," I hummed, putting my lips to his ear. "Because I'm going to fuck you. Hard."

He practically growled, pressing himself against me. "Guess I'm a lucky guy then."

I smiled, giving him a slight nod before feeling his cock through his pants. I needed to be sure he was worth wasting my time with. And thankfully, it seemed we had a winner.

"So are you ready for a fun night?" I bit my lip.

"Fuck yeah," he nodded eagerly.

But I had one last question. "You're not 17 are you?" I laughed, trying to make it sound like a joke, but in reality I needed to check, because one never knows. And to be fair, he looked pretty young.

"No," he replied, letting out an amused laugh, probably finding my question odd. "I'm 24."

"Thank God," I muttered.

"Now that you know the size of my dick and my age, can we finally go fuck?"

"I don't see why not," I rolled my lips in, already imagining all the things I was going to do to him.

I mean, I'd rather do those things to one particular blond, but... fuck, stop it! Not again. Just go fuck your brains out. You know you need it.

But of course, that would probably be too much to ask.

"That's it." Michael appeared out of nowhere. "Either you get rid of him or I will."

"Sorry?" I looked at him, confused. "Can't you see I'm a little busy?"

"I don't care! That little asshole is talking to my mother!"


Like seriously, why should I care? Not to mention this was the second time he'd interrupted me trying to get laid.

"So I don't want him here! You said earlier that he wasn't doing anything and to leave him alone, well now he's bothering my mother. So fucking tell him to leave."

There were times when I really felt the urge to strangle Michael, and this was definitely one of those moments, but unfortunately I also knew that the reason the kid was even here was because I had fucked him, and as much as I hated to admit it, it probably meant that I was responsible for getting rid of him - even though I'd already tried, but obviously failed - and to be honest, I really needed him to go so I wouldn't go completely insane from having him in my sights.

"You owe me. Big time." I grunted.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Just get rid of him for God's sake."

"I'll be right back," I smiled apologetically at the guy, hoping he wouldn't find someone else to fuck. But I couldn't blame him if he did, I really sucked today. And all because of a fucking teenager.

Taking a few deep breaths and mentally preparing myself, I made my way to him. But from what I could see, Debbie didn't seem to mind talking to him, and his smile basically lit up the room, but that simply didn't change what I had to do for my own good. It just couldn't go on like this.

"Shouldn't you be home in bed?"

He immediately turned to me with a smile. "You're here."

"I'm an adult and I don't have school tomorrow," I replied annoyed. "Stop bothering Debbie and just go home."

"He's not bothering me," Debbie quickly defended him, forcing me to glare at her. "He's a sweetheart."

"See," he smiled, looking very pleased. "I'm a sweetheart."

"Well, go be a sweetheart somewhere else."

"Don't be an asshole, Kinney."

"Stay out of it, Deb." I snapped, and turned back to the twink. "Go home," I repeated more firmly.

"I just thought that maybe we could..."

"There's no fucking we and I'm pretty sure we've already talked about it so I don't know how many more times I'm going to have to repeat it for you to get it through your thick head."

God, the look on his face. Why do I feel so bad? I mean, this is the right thing to do. The sooner he realizes he's wasting his (and mine) time, the better. But... no, no fucking but!

"Just go away, Justin."

"Wow, you know my name, that probably means something," he smiled teasingly at me.

And for a second I almost smiled back. Almost.

"It means you're an annoying little shit, so do me a fucking favor and get the fuck out of my life."

His smile quickly disappeared and before I knew it, so did he. And I immediately felt an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. Even though I knew it had to be done.

"I hope you're proud of yourself." Deb looked at me with disappointment in her eyes and walked away.

But the thing was, I actually did him a favor. He obviously had different ideas about life and I simply wasn't the one to give him what he wanted. Because I had absolutely no interest in mixing sex with feelings. So as much as I hated hurting him, I really hoped he got the message this time.

"You're still here," I was surprised to find the guy where I left him. Not sure if he was that desperate, but I was really glad he stayed. Now I needed him to distract me even more.

"Well, you promised me a fun night, so..." He gave me a horny smile.

"I sure did," I smiled back, squeezing his firm ass. "Then I guess we should head over to my place."

He nodded approvingly, clearly horny and excited as hell. I mean, how many times does one get lucky enough to spend the night with me? Right, only once in a lifetime. The way it should be. And Justin's already been lucky enough to experience it, so time to move on. Christ, why do I keep making this about him? Okay, let's go fuck.

"Fuck," I muttered when I saw the weather outside. It was pouring rain. Not that I was made of sugar, but I looked hot and I wanted to keep it that way. "We'll have to move very quickly to my car," I informed him with a smile.

"The faster the better... because I really need you to fuck me."

I huffed a laugh and then didn't stop until we were comfortably seated in my car, the rain had probably messed up my hair and my clothes were slightly wet too, but I could live with that. Not to mention that I could see the guy's hard nipples under his shirt. At least the rain was good for something.

"Great car."

"Thanks, I know," I replied, putting the key in the ignition.

"Ever fucked in it?"

I paused with a smile before pulling the key back out and turning to him. "I like the way your mind works. So... creative."

"You have no idea," he licked his lips.

"Oh, I think I do." With that, I roughly dug my fingers into his hair and pulled him close, kissing him hard.

And his hand quickly found its way to my crotch, rubbing me. "You're so fucking hard."

"Mmm, I think you know what to do with that," I said suggestively.

Hs eyes immediately darkened and soon he unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out, giving it a few firm strokes before taking it into his mouth, sucking hard.

"Shit," I groaned and threw my head back. He was good, I mean, I've had better, but I couldn't complain.

I wonder if Justin ever sucked a dick. Probably not. But something tells me he'd be good at it.

Christ, what the fuck are you doing, Kinney? Concentrate! Your dick is currently being sucked and that's all you should care about.

"Everything okay?" He looked up at me, probably sensing that I wasn't completely relaxed.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Get back to it."

He smiled and took my cock back into his mouth.

I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind, forbidding myself any thoughts about that little asshole. And surprisingly it was actually working, I was really starting to get into it, my breathing was getting heavier and my cock was throbbing... and then there was a knock on the window.

"Fuck!" I yelled, not just because of the knock, but because the guy fucking bit me.

"Sorry!" He quickly apologized.

But I was furious. Because behind that window was none other than that blond idiot! I immediately pulled the window down, raging. "What the fuck do you want?"

"I was just hoping you could give me a ride... it's raining, in case you hadn't noticed."

I gasped, literally gasped. Was he kidding? "Well, in case you hadn't noticed, I was just getting my dick sucked."

"Sorry," he smiled innocently, but it was almost like he didn't even give a shit. "So?"

"This isn't happening," I pinched the bridge of my nose, genuinely expecting to wake up from this nightmare, but it didn't happen. "I'm not a fucking taxi driver," with that I pulled the window back up and didn't even look at him.

"Who the fuck was he?" The guy asked, clearly amused.

"One of my bad choices."

"Oh," he laughed. "Well, I hope I didn't hurt you too badly."

"I'll live."

"Great. In that case, can we pick up where we left off?" He ran his hand over my thigh.

God, I wanted so badly to say yes, just get a blowjob, then fuck him hard and head home, get a good night's sleep and get up for work in the morning in a great mood. It sounded so easy and appealing. All I had to do was say yes.

But seeing the little brat on the other side of the street completely soaked made me make another bad choice.

"Sorry, but you're going to have to find someone else to have a fun night with."

"Are you serious?" His brows shot up.


"Fuck you!" He shouted and before I knew it, he was out of my car and slamming the door loudly.

"Fuck you too!" I shouted back. Then I pressed my forehead to the steering wheel, taking a deep breath.

Because seriously... what the fuck was I doing? It was one thing to save him from Steve, but from the rain? Not my problem that he doesn't carry a raincoat just in case. Not. My. Fucking. Problem.

God, I'm so gonna regret this!

Swearing that this was truly the last time I would ever do anything for him, I started the car and drove to the other side of the street and pulled up to the curb, rolling down the window. "Get in," I ordered.

He blinked a few times, not sure if it was because of the rain or because he couldn't believe it was happening, but he was looking at me like I was a goddamn ghost.


"Are you deaf? I said get in," I barked.

"Why? So you can give me another speech about how I should leave you alone?"

"Justin, would you stop being a moron and get in the fucking car?"

"Wow, this is the second time you've said my name today, maybe you don't want to get rid of me as much as you think you do," he smiled at me like the little shit he was.

"You have three seconds to get in, then I'll leave you here and you can take the bus, for all I care."

"Okay, geez, you don't have to be so cranky," he climbed in and all I could think about was how much I wanted to fuck him... strangle him! "So are we going to your place?" He smiled hopefully.

"Yeah, in your dreams, smartass," I laughed. "I'm taking you home."

"No, you can't!"

"And why the fuck not?"

"Because my mom, she's... I just can't go there, all right?"

"So what the hell am I supposed to do with you?" I raised my eyebrows angrily. "Not happening," I said quickly when I saw the begging look on his face, suggesting I take him home.

"Then I guess you can just leave me here, I'll figure something out. But... can you wait until it stops raining? I'm really cold."

Don't say it, Brian, just don't fucking say it. "Fine, you can stay with me." Oh, you fucking idiot!

"Really?" His eyes immediately lit up.

"Just for tonight," I warned. "And on the couch."

"Mmhm," he nodded eagerly, almost making me laugh, but I held it back.

I then started the car, knowing I'd just made a huge mistake.
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