Stuck Together by addict_writer


It was supposed to be a night filled with fun, but Brian coating his fingers in lube to prepare Justin…turned into a disaster when he discovered that it wasn’t lube he had grabbed, but rather super glue. With his fingers now glued in place, inside Justin, what do they do? 

Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor
Tags: None
Genres: Canon, Could be Canon, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1643 Read: 202 Published: Feb 08, 2024 Updated: Feb 08, 2024
Story Notes:



DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

1. Stuck Together by addict_writer

Stuck Together by addict_writer



“Fuck you, Justin,” Brian spat.

“How is it my fault? You did this to us,” Justin retorted over his shoulder.

“You wanted to glue your fucking shoes. If they break, that’s a good reason to buy a new pair.”

“I like these sneakers. They’re my favorite.”

Justin shifted under Brian, leaning his chest against the pillows, sighing heavily.

“I’d shove your beloved sneaker up your ass, but guess what? I can’t. My fingers are glued into your ass.” Brian cursed colorfully several times. He attempted to pull his fingers out, making Justin cry out in pain, and effectively stopping his actions. “Does it hurt?”

“Only when you move your fingers. What do you suppose we should do?”

“Any idea how to unglue skin?”

“You should know. You made a campaign for Krazy Glue.” Justin glanced back at Brian.

“That would have been counterproductive – to tell people how to remove the glue. All I know is that this is the strongest glue on the market. Rarely whatever you glue with it gets broken or ripped again.”

“Not helping, Brian.  As much as I love your fingers in my ass, I’d rather not have them attach there permanently.”

Brian snorted a laugh, finding humor in their situation for the first time since he had grabbed the damn super glue instead of the lube.

“Shuffle to your right and get my phone.”

“Who are you going to call?” Justin crawled to the right side of the bed, with Brian behind him. “Please, don't call Debbie. I’d never be able to look her in the eye after this.”

“I was thinking of Mikey or Emmett.”

“Michael will only laugh and point.”

“Honeycutt will do the same,” Brian pointed out.

“But then he’ll help us.”

“Okay. Call him. Don’t go in too many details. Say we need his help to get something unstuck.”

Justin chuckled, dialing Emmett's number. It took several rings for him to answer.

“Brian?” Emmett asked, confused.

“Hey, Em. It’s me,” Justin greeted him.

“Hi, sweetie! Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Not really. Sort of.”

“What has Brian done?” Emmett asked, worried.

“It’s nothing to alarm you. Listen, do you have any idea how to remove glue? From skin?”

Emmett burst out laughing. “Let me guess. Brian glued his fingers together while doing housework?”

“Something like that. So? Any tips?”

“Just soak acetone or ordinary nail polish remover containing acetone on the bonded area. The bond will break but be sure to rinse the area thoroughly after de-bonding.”

“What?” Justin squeaked. “No, thank you. Is there any other way?”

“Regular soap and warm water. It takes a long ass time. Soak the bonded area in warm, soapy water. Carefully peel or roll the skin apart gently and slowly.”

Justin whimpered. None of Emmett's suggestions sounded good.

“Could you lend us a hand?”

“Sadly, I’m not in town, honey. Drew took me to his away game.”

“Oh, that’s sweet. Well, thanks for the tip. Have fun!”

There was a long pause once Justin hung up, then Brian shifted impatiently.

“So?” he asked, curiously.

“You won’t like it.”

“I figured as much from the moment my fingers got glued into your tight ass.”

“Emmett recommended acetone. Of course, that’s not an option.”

“Obviously,” Brian muttered. “What’s the other option?”

“Soap and warm water.”

“It’s gonna be tricky how we get a bowl of water and soap.”

“And messy,” Justin added. “We have to do this in the bathroom. I have no idea how I can walk—”

There was loud knocking in the front door.

“If we’re quiet, maybe they’ll go away?” Justin whispered, feeling his face burn in embarrassment.

“Are you home, guys? I hope you're not fucking,” Daphne shouted from the hallway.

“Come in, Daphne,” Brian called out.

“Are you absolutely crazy?” Justin hissed.

“She’s a doctor. She should know more the Emmett about this.”

“Seriously. You guys never lock the door.” She squeaked from the bottom of the steps leading to the bedroom. “A little warning would be nice if you decide to invite me in while you’re fucking.”

Justin stuck his head under the pillow, mumbling an apology.

“Our savior!” Brian waved her over with his free hand.

Daphne's eyes widened when she approached the bed. “You seriously have no shame. Can you take your fingers out of his ass?”

“I’d love to.” Brian grinned widely. “See, this twat replaced the lube with glue for the kicks of it.”

“I didn’t,” Justin shouted, throwing the pillow at Brian. His movement made Brian move his hand, which resulted into a hiss of pain from both of them. Justin turned his pleading eyes to his best friend. “Take pity on us, Daph.”

“You mean…” She gestured wildly, before doubling over in laughter.

“Are you done?” Brian snapped, glaring at her.

She wheezed some more, pressing one hand over her stomach and with the other one she wiped her tears. “You guys are hilarious. Who mixes up lube with glue?”

“Brian, apparently.” Justin winced when he tried to shift in a more comfortable position.

“It’s all your fault for not returning the glue to its place in the kitchen drawer!”

“Fine. It’s my fault. Now, Daph, kindly stop laughing and help us.”

“I don’t even know how to help you. Maybe we should call 911 and take you to the Emergency Room?” She suggested, trying to sober up.

“Are you for real? We’d be the joke of town. No way,” Brian said, resting his free arm over Justin’s ass.  “This position is getting on my nerves.”

“I called Emmett earlier. He suggest soap and hot water. If you could assist us, we’d be forever grateful.”

“You’re never going to live this down,” Daphne declared. “Okay, where do you want to do it?”

“Bathroom,” Brian said quickly.

With a lot of effort and more laughter from Daphne, they moved the party to the bathroom.

“Get in the shower. Turn the water on and make sure it’s warm, but not hot.”

“You’re enjoying this too much,” Brian muttered.

“Our sadistic friend, sent straight from Hell,” Justin bent so his hand were splayed on the shower glass while Brian aimed the shower head to where they were stuck.

“Be nice to me, or I won’t help. Just so we’re clear, I won’t touch either of you unless it’s completely necessary. And on a serious note, you have to visit the hospital once Brian has his fingers out.”

“No way. You’re a doctor, Daphne. I’ll let you take a look at my ass.”

Daphne chose not to acknowledge what her friend said, and continued firing instructions at Brian.

“Soap him up around the rim. Then try to slip a soaped finger inside. Use the hot jet to help.”

“So clinical. You even make sex sound boring,” Brian joked.

“Ow! Focus on what she’s saying,” Justin chided Brian. “Stop that.”

“Does it hurt?”


“Oh, my God!” Daphne stripped down to her underwear, she slapped Brian's hand away, taking the soap. She kept asking Justin if it hurt the more she inched inside, along Brian's fingers. “You had to shove three fingers up his ass, didn’t you?” She rolled her eyes.

“He can take my fist.”

“Brian,” Justin cried out in embarrassment.

“That might help,” Daphne mumbled.

“Hey! You’re talking about me. Fuck. Ouch, Daphne.”

“This is going to hurt a lot more,” she warned him. She started rubbing her finger around Brian's fingers.

“It’s working,” Brian exclaimed, making a move as if to pull his fingers out.

Daphne gripped his wrist, holding him in place. “We’re not even ten percent done. Stay put. Unless you want to tear him apart.”

Brian shot her a look of horror. With his free hand, he rubbed comforting circles on Justin's back, whispering that it would be over soon.

Brian could move two of his fingers freely, but the ring finger was trickier for Daphne to unglue. She kept rubbing, adding more soap and aiming the shower head to Justin's hole.

“I’ve got two bad news for you,” Justin mumbled, stifling a moan. “Whatever you’re doing, it’s making me horny as hell.”

“And the bad news is?” Brian laughed.

“I’m not sure if you’re aware that the water is more than helping with unbonding me from Brian. You’re kinda giving me an enema.”

“Oh, fuck.” Brian bit on his lips when Daphne glared at him. It wasn’t his fault his dick twitched at the thought of Justin experiencing his first enema.

He was so distracted that he didn’t realize that Daphne had pulled his fingers out of Justin's ass. She was crouched, checking his tender skin with a probing finger.

“You’ll be fine. Just let your ass rest. Brian can help you with cleaning out any remains of glue.” She patted his ass, getting up.

“Oh, thank you so much!” Justin beamed. He preferred not to hug her in his current situation.

“You’re the best, Daphne.” Brian kissed her cheek. “I hope you won’t think we’re horrible hosts if we don’t show you to the door?”

“Have fun, but not too much. Justin’s ass needs rest.”

They didn’t move until they heard the front door sliding shut.

“So, wanna fuck?” Brian ran a clean finger over Justin's rim.

“I want all this water out of me, and my ass is out of commission until further notice.”

“If I tell you that I’m terribly sorry…” Brian whispered, kissing Justin's neck.

“I believe you and forgive you, but it doesn’t change the fact that my ass is burning as if someone shoved a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire into it.”

“Go, take care of that water inside you. I promise to blow you later.”

Justin snorted. “That’s so considerate of you; taking care of me when I’m in pain.”


Brain pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek. “I have my moments.”

End Notes:

I hope you enjoyed this. I had it in my laptop for ages...and forgot about it.

This story archived at