Modern Art by Triciaqaf

“Why the fuck would I want to go to the art gallery?” Brian leaned over Justin, picking up his drink . . .

Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: None
Genres: Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 5449 Read: 4436 Published: Oct 23, 2016 Updated: Oct 23, 2016
Story Notes:


Schmoopy, too, a bit
Don’t know where it came from, but here it is

1. Chapter 1 by Triciaqaf

2. Chapter 2 by Triciaqaf

3. Chapter 3 by Triciaqaf

Chapter 1 by Triciaqaf



“The art gallery?” Brian’s smirk lifted his eyebrow high.

“Yes - you know, big building, high ceilings, pretty pictures on the walls?” Justin was not interested in the smirk.

“Why the fuck would I want to go to the art gallery?” Brian leaned over Justin, picking up his drink.

“You don’t have to go, Brian. I’m going. But I think you’d like his work. Brian Jungen* has done some really amazing pieces – he makes sculptures out of everyday materials. He’s done whales out of plastic chairs, and Aboriginal masks out of Nike shoes – they’re really wild, actually.” Justin paused, noting Brian’s slightly higher attention level. “But it would probably bore you. Modern art, and all that.”

“Hmph. It’s not that modern art bores me,” Brian brushed the lint off his black sweater. “But I can think of any number of other things I’d rather do with my time.”

“There are always the other things one can do in a gallery,” Justin prompted, smiling.

“Like what?” Brian snorted.

Justin got up, walking to the kitchen to drop off his plate. “Like having sex…” He busied himself with loading the dishwasher.

Brian snorted again. “We can have sex anywhere. Why the fuck would I want to have sex there?”

Justin stopped, dripping plate in hand, as he mused. “Did you know the third time I had sex was in an art gallery?” He grinned to himself at the memory as he slotted the plate into the rack.

“No it wasn’t. We never had sex in an art gallery.” Brian lifted his feet to the coffee table, reaching for the remote.

“I know.”

Justin walked to the bedroom, climbing the steps and heading into the bathroom. It was a good thing Brian couldn’t see the look on his face.

Justin bit back his laugh as Brian appeared in the doorway. “What are you talking about?”

Justin smiled wider as Brian moved closer, wrapping his arms around Justin’s waist from behind. He looked at both of their faces in the mirror.

“I never fucked you in a gallery, Sunshine.” Brian kissed Justin’s now bare shoulder.

“I know,” Justin grinned. He moved out of Brian’s grasp and reached for the shower door. “It wasn’t you.”

He stepped into the enclosure, turning the water on. Justin turned to face the stream of water, letting it wash the smirk off his face. The room was quiet for a moment, then he heard the snick of the door opening.

Brian said nothing, just pushed Justin against the glass and fucked the shit out of him.


“Why are we here again?”

Justin was going to smack him if he asked again.

“For Christ’s sake, Brian. You aren’t twelve. If you’re bored, go do something else. You didn’t have to be here.”

Brian stood quietly for a few minutes, pretending to be interested in the pieces Justin was clearly enjoying.

“I thought you said we’d have sex in the art gallery,” Brian tried.

“I said we could have sex in an art gallery, not that we would.” Justin pushed him away slightly. It made him uncomfortable that the security guard was starting to notice them.

“Mmm, I see.” Brian sidled closer.

His breath was almost touching Justin’s neck.

“Brian, stop,” Justin whispered.

Brian just turned and looked at him, face innocent and questioning. “Sorry, am I bothering you?”

Justin shook his head, then nodded. “Yes. Don’t fuck around, Brian. We haven’t even gotten to the Jungen exhibit yet.”

Brian nodded, face contrite. Justin turned back to the watercolor in front of him.

Justin shivered when Brian’s lips touched the edge of his ear suddenly. “I haven’t begun to fuck around, Justin,” he drawled. Justin’s legs twitched slightly when Brian’s tongue pushed warm and wet into the center of his ear.

Time to move on to the next painting.

They passed through another small room, Justin studiously ignoring Brian’s hand resting in the center of his back, sending warm little shockwaves every time his fingers moved.

When Brian’s hand casually slipped under the knit of his shirt, Justin willed himself not to respond. He turned his head towards Brian, only to see his lover carefully examining a painting that consisted entirely of one blue square.


The rooms with Jungen’s work in them were a little more crowded, but still pretty empty given that it was the middle of a Tuesday afternoon. They’d moved away from the beady-eyed security guard to one who seemed both deaf and blind, given the amount of attention he was paying to anyone.

“Fuck, that’s cool,” Brian murmured, eyeing one of the Nike-crafted Aboriginal masks. Justin moved closer, marveling at the way you didn’t realize you recognized the materials while your brain still told you something was familiar, and off-setting.

“Ok, but that’s modern art that just doesn’t work for me,” Justin sighed, looking at the sculpture made entirely of cafeteria trays.

“Mmhmm.” Brian stepped closer again, the spice of his cologne wafting under Justin’s nose.

“So who’d you fuck in an art gallery?” Brian’s voice was carefully neutral. “And when exactly was that? I thought you were pining away for me, following me around like a lost puppy.”

Justin looked down at the wood floor, a small grin on his face.

“Look at this one, Brian – how cool is that?” Justin moved them over to another exhibit.

Justin’s smile got swallowed up by a shaky breath when Brian pressed up against the back of his body, his cock a hard ridge between them. His head fell back when Brian’s hands began to move under the waist of his pants.

“Brian!” Justin whispered harshly, pulling away with difficulty.

When he turned around, straightening his shirt, Brian was again studying a painting, nothing in his demeanor giving anything away.

They were looking at a sculpture of a whale skeleton when Justin said, “It wasn’t like having sex with you.”

“No shit,” Brian murmured, moving to the next room.

Justin watched him walk over to the tufted leather ottoman in the middle of the room, his long body folding as he sat down, his legs sprawling out in front of him. Justin told himself to look back at the work on the walls, not at the sharp lines of Brian’s body.

He even managed to do it for a while, the colors of an abstract landscape catching his attention.

When he looked back at Brian to point out the faint traces of a man in the shadows of the painting, he started at the sight of Brian sliding his hand down the inside of his thigh. Casually, of course, his eyes still scanning the artwork in the room.

Justin was determined to ignore him, and yet he found himself shifting to a spot where he could appear to be looking at the art but still be able to see Brian. He wasn’t even sure if Brian knew he was watching.

Brian leaned his shoulders back slightly, his legs spreading wider as his hand rubbed casually over his thigh. When Brian’s long fingers splayed wide across the cord of muscle in his upper leg, Justin stopped pretending he was paying any attention to the paintings. He watched Brian’s hand inch higher, his eyes only lifting to meet Brian’s when he realized he was being watched too. Justin laughed at the slow, lazy smile on Brian’s face.

A subtle shake of Brian’s head stopped him when he started to close the distance between them. He paused, then positioned himself so he was standing in front of a different group of art work, Brian still in the middle of his view.

Then raised his eyebrow at his lover, waiting.

He could almost hear Brian’s chuckle from where he stood.


Chapter 2 by Triciaqaf

Part 2


Brian held Justin’s gaze, still smiling, as his hand brushed over the zipper of his pants. Justin’s posture straightened up, his body paying attention.

Brian’s hand didn’t linger, but slowly rose higher, sliding up the very center of his chest. His blinks got slower, his body sinking deeper into the leather beneath him.

Justin watched, the warmth pooling slowly in his spine. He sauntered a little closer, making Brian’s smile spread.

Brian’s fingers traced up over his collarbone, wrapping around the back of his neck, sliding up through his hair as if he were easing the kinks out of his neck.

Justin knew a casual observer would see nothing awry, but he couldn’t focus on anything other than what those fingers felt like on his own skin, what that skin felt like under his touch.

He moved closer still, their eyes locked. He could hear a growing conflagration outside the room, but only had interest in what was before him.

Brian’s smile was contagious as Justin moved near enough to brush against his narrow shoes. They were ridiculously long, clearly intended to be suggestive, and Justin couldn’t help himself from noticing. He wanted to drop to his knees and rub the polished leather with his thumbs.

He was close enough to smell Brian’s cologne again.

He held Brian’s gaze, feeling himself being swallowed deeper into the vortex of desire that this man could bring out in him with nothing more than a look, a posture, a careless gesture.

He barely noticed the commotion in the room as a large group of Japanese students bustled in, chattering quietly. They filled the open spaces, surrounding Justin, claiming the spots on the leather ottoman around Brian. Brian never stopped looking at Justin, a teasing smile on his face.

“Why don’t you sit down, Justin?” Brian asked softly, his smile stretching wider.

Justin looked at the ottoman, filled with teenagers.

“I don’t think there’s room,” he commented wryly.

“Sure there is,” Brian smiled, motioning with his head. He pulled his legs up closer, glancing down at his lap.

Justin laughed.

“I don’t think so,” he whispered, his voice husky.

Brian raised an eyebrow, still smiling. “Afraid?”

“That’s such ancient history, old man,” Justin scoffed.

Brian raised his eyebrow again. “Then what are you waiting for?”

Brian turned to the kids sitting beside him, chatting with each other. “You don’t mind if my boyfriend sits here, do you?” he swept his arm over his lap. “We don’t want to take up too much space,” he smiled graciously. They tittered, heads nodding, leaning into each other.

Justin shook his head, laughing.

“Sure you’re not afraid?” Brian taunted when Justin hadn’t moved.

Justin snorted, stepping closer and putting one leg on either side of Brian’s long limbs. He lowered himself down slowly, holding Brian’s gaze as he tilted his pelvis forward, straddling Brian’s lap, his hands resting on Brian’s arms. He didn’t miss the inhalation of Brian’s breath as he made contact.

“Oh – I won’t be able to see the paintings this way, will I?” Justin mocked, lifting himself up again. He smiled at the girls beside them as he turned around, wiggling his ass slightly before sinking down onto Brian’s legs again. He pushed back, nestling his ass into the curve of Brian’s body.

“That’s better.” He shifted slightly again, feeling Brian’s cock against him. “Don’t you think so, honey?”

Brian’s hands curled around his hipbones, holding him there. “Much,” Brian agreed, his breath warm on Justin’s neck, happy to ignore Justin’s sarcasm.

Justin pulled in a breath as Brian’s hips shifted under him, pushing up. When they started to circle slowly, Justin closed his eyes.

“Brian,” he whispered.

“Mmmm?” Brian’s responding whisper was throaty, close.


“Who’d you fuck here?” Brian breathed into his ear.

Justin laughed. “You still worried about that?”

“Curious. Not worried.” Brian corrected.

“Uh huh.” Justin replied.

“Some guy.” How was he supposed to think when Brian was rubbing against him like that?

“What guy?” Brian prompted, his hand moving closer to Justin’s zipper.

“Brian,” Justin warned.

“Was he hot?”

“Mmm, I guess.”

“Where’d you do him? Or did he do you?” Brian kissed the back of Justin’s neck, making the hairs there stand on end.

“Bathroom,” Justin breathed.

Brian’s soft chuckle rumbled under him.

“And…?” Brian’s hand slid between their bodies, cupping Justin’s ass, his finger pressing into the seam in the middle of Justin’s pants.

Justin bit his tongue as Brian’s finger pressed upwards, rubbing the thin cotton against his bare skin. Why hadn’t he worn underwear today? Oh god…

“Show me,” Brian whispered, his lips capturing the bottom of Justin’s earlobe, pulling it into his mouth. He pushed against Justin more firmly, his hands guiding Justin to his feet.

Brian smiled charmingly at the girls beside them, wrapping an arm around his flushed boyfriend as he steered them to the doorway.

“I haven’t fucked anyone in a bathroom stall for ages,” Brian teased as they walked through a wide, bright hallway.

“Makes me horny,” he commented, pulling Justin’s hand to his crotch. Justin laughed, pulling his hand away with a blush. Brian loved the country club manners that could still make Justin blush when he came on to him in certain settings.

“Everything makes you horny, Brian,” Justin teased.

"You complaining?"


Chapter 3 by Triciaqaf

Part 3


Justin’s heart sped up automatically as Brian pushed open the bathroom door, stretching his arm out and stepping back so Justin could go through first. Justin brushed him as he moved into the room, his hip making contact with Brian’s crotch for one languid moment.

Brian let him lead, waiting by the door as Justin walked further into the white-tiled room. Justin knew what he wanted, didn’t have to ask. He turned to look at Brian over his shoulder and then stopped in front of the last open stall, running his hands up the inside of the cheap door in a quick, fond remembrance.

“He put his book down over there,” Justin indicated the sink. “Then he kissed me. I think he pulled me around in the stall by my tie.” Justin looked back at Brian again, a nostalgic smile on his face. Brian watched him, expressionless. “And we kissed a lot.” Justin looked back at the door, remembering the thrill of doing something so completely foreign to his life at that point, the rush of adrenaline from the dirtiness of it, the freedom, the very thought of it.

The guy wasn’t a bad kisser, either, and the feel of a stranger’s hot, hard cock against his hip made a 17-yr-old Justin swoon just a little. He’d been swooning a lot at that age, especially when Brian was around. His cock kicked at the memory. God, was he ever that young?

Justin jumped as Brian materialized behind him, his steps quiet on the damp floor. He leaned back into Brian, closing his eyes at the familiar feel of hard muscle bracing his back.

“Your tie, huh?” Brian whispered into his ear, his breath warm and soft. “Kinky.”

Brian turned him slowly by his shoulders so they were facing. Justin watched Brian’s eyes travel down his body and come back to meet his own. “You were pretty hot in that uniform. You should have done that one on the bar at Babylon – imagine the tips.”

Justin laughed. “You should have fucked me in my uniform.”

“I did,” Brian corrected.

“Not enough, apparently,” Justin grinned.

“I could never fuck you enough then,” Brian murmured, his admission almost more to himself than to Justin. “You were like an itch I just couldn’t stop scratching. Like a fucking drug.”

Justin pressed his hand to the side of Brian’s face. “You say the sweetest things,” he smirked.

Brian’s eyes flashed at him as he pushed Justin into the stall, pressing him into the wall with one hand as he pulled the door closed with the other. Brian held his gaze as he leaned his head forward, a sultry smile on his face as Justin waited, smiling despite himself. He felt pinned to the wall like a butterfly on a display board.

Brian let his mouth graze the side of Justin’s face, his nose whispering softly across blond stubble. “Mmmm,” he murmured, his hands dropping to Justin’s arms. Justin stood still, letting himself be kissed, stroked, petted as Brian lifted one of Justin’s hands to his face. “What else did you do with him?”

Brian’s intense gaze bored into him as Brian opened his mouth, drawing Justin’s thumb inside with soft lips and wet tongue. Justin’s lids flickered as the soft sucking motion started, Brian’s cheeks hollowing as he pulled Justin’s thumb slowly in and out of his mouth, liquid heat running down Justin’s spine and throbbing into his cock. Brian’s eyes registered amusement and lust as he watched Justin respond, his hips pushing forward into Brian’s of their own volition. Brian sucked harder, his tongue pushing Justin’s thumb into the roof of his mouth before releasing the pressure and using his own hand to slowly pull Justin’s thumb back out across his lips.

Justin whispered out an “oh” when Brian sucked his thumb back in again, his cheeks darkening. The teasing from Brian’s mouth was making him ache, making more than just his thumb wet.

Brian watched him, seeing the heat winding through his body. He smiled slowly and let Justin’s thumb slide out again, kissing the tip before whispering, “Think I can make you come this way?”

Justin’s responding grin spread slowly across his breathless face. “If anyone could, Brian – it’d be you.”

Brian laughed. “Ah, now you’re just stroking my ego,” he teased, leaning into Justin in that way he had, that way that made Justin feel covered and safe, yet still ran a dirty thrill up the back of his neck.

Justin looked up at him, innocent eyes and raunchy mouth. “I’d rather be stroking something else, actually.”

Brian laughed but Justin saw the flare in his eyes. Brian backed away slowly, leaning himself against the opposite wall. Justin’s heart raced up into his throat as Brian lowered his head slightly, bracing one foot on the wall behind him and spreading his arms.

“So do.”

Justin’s responding chuckle was throaty as he closed the distance between them. “Mmm, really?” His hands found Brian’s waist, pulling the silky black sweater up so he could touch bare skin. He always loved that first moment of touching Brian intimately, the feel of supple skin stretched across muscle that twitched under his fingertips, those tiny hairs that always led his hand lower.

Brian pulled in a deep breath through his nose as Justin’s hands fanned across his belly, sliding higher till the tips of his fingers brushed Brian’s nipples. He let his hands move higher still, sliding under the sleeves of Brian’s sweater and across his arms, careful not to stretch the fine knit too far.

“I like you like this,” Justin whispered, bringing his lips to the side of Brian’s bare neck. “Spread out for me, like a feast.” He licked a path up Brian’s neck to his ear, letting his tongue flick the spot where the two joined. Brian’s quiet laugh rumbled under his mouth.

“You like me anyway you can get me,” Brian snorted, but his words faded out as Justin’s hand slid inside his pants, warm fingers closing around his cock.

“That’s true,” Justin murmured against his throat, his hand pulling on Brian’s dick expertly, forcing Brian’s hips to respond to the movement. “I do.”

“I like you in my mouth…” Justin worked the button and zipper open on Brian’s pants with his other hand. “…in my ass, in my hand.” Brian leaned his head back and watched Justin through hooded eyes as he dropped to a crouch, taking Brian’s pants down with him. “On my knees, on my back…” Justin looked up at him with a soft grin as he positioned himself in front of Brian’s dick.

“Don’t forget on your hands and knees,” Brian teased, a gasp leaving his mouth as Justin started to suck. Justin nodded and moaned his agreement around Brian’s cock, the vibrations making Brian close his eyes in pleasure.

The playful banter was abandoned as Justin went to work, reveling in the feel of Brian’s hard length in his mouth, the taste of his skin, the sounds of pleasure building in his chest. It was so different from the experience he’d had in this same place so long ago, he marveled. That had been fast, titillating, dirty. The guy had come fast and hard, even with Justin’s inexperience. He knew he’d scraped him with his teeth a few times, even gagged when the guy tried to go too deep. But a warm mouth is a warm mouth, especially when it’s willing and you’re 17.

But this – this was different. This was a taste he knew better than anything he’d ever put in his mouth, a smell he fantasized about when he jerked off. The texture of Brian’s skin, the angle of the flared head, the fit of it against the roof of his mouth – these things he knew with every fiber of his being. The way Brian would wait, would hold his hips still with sheer force of will, until he couldn’t anymore. The way his come would flood Justin’s mouth, a tiny thrill of victory always snaking through Justin at the first salty spurt. The way Brian would sometimes moan, sometimes curse, but always say Justin’s name before he was done.

“Shit, Justin…” Justin looked up, seeing Brian’s eyes screwed shut, his head thrown back. “Fuck.” Brian’s hands flexed against the wall, his back arching as Justin pulled him deep, swallowing around the head of his cock.

“Oh fuck!” Brian muttered, his hands coming to the back of Justin’s head as he came, holding Justin still as he pumped. Justin swallowed, pulling back to let some of the last spurts pool in his mouth. His own cock always responded to that first pulse with a responding throb, a small surge wetting the head of his cock as Brian’s released into his mouth. He closed his eyes as Brian’s breathing slowed, sucking softly, not wanting to let go. His own dick raged, but he was content for the moment.

Brian’s hands reached for his arms, helping him to his feet. His knees cracked and he winced. He wasn’t as flexible as he’d been at 17, that was for sure.

Brian laughed softly, pulling Justin into his arms for a kiss. “Sorry – hard on the knees?”

Justin kissed him back, smiling. “I’m not as young as I used to be. Last time I did this in here I was a LOT younger.”

Brian brushed his hair off his forehead. “True.” He looked at Justin for a long moment. “But I bet you’re a fuck of a lot better at it now,” he grinned. Justin laughed. “That’s true too.”

Brian pulled him tight, his lips finding Justin’s ear, his hips circling suggestively. “In fact, you’re incredible at it. Still makes me lose my mind, every time.”

Justin blushed against Brian’s chest, a silly smile on his face. “You’re just saying that so I won’t tell you to fuck off next time you want me to blow you in public. It’s a hell of a lot more comfortable to do it at home, you know.”

Brian laughed, pausing as he did up his pants to push Justin back and look at his face. “Oh my god – don’t tell me you’re going hetero on me? Sex at home?”

Justin rolled his eyes. He didn’t need to point out that they had sex at home more than anywhere else these days. Brian didn’t enjoy being on his knees on a cold tile floor any more than Justin did. Especially with their age difference, but Justin knew better than to remind Brian of that.

“Come on, there’s still something to be said for illicit sex in public places,” Brian breathed into his ear, reminding Justin that his own cock was very much in need of attention.

“Tell me what else your little boy toy did to you in here.” Brian’s voice got that silky, husky tone that made Justin’s dick weep. “Did he suck you, Justin?” Justin’s knees sagged as Brian’s voice wound around his spine, his tongue teasing Justin’s ear until he had to pull his head away with a gasp. “Was it good?”

Justin closed his eyes as Brian spun him around, switching their places and pressing Justin back into the wall.

“Did he undress you, or just drop to his knees and pull you out, quick and dirty?” Brian lowered himself to a crouch. Justin held his tongue as Brian maneuvered them around so he could sit on the toilet seat, his knees unable to hold a crouch for long enough and his pants far too nice to kneel on the floor.

But Brian read his mind and smirked up at him, “I’m not wearing out my knees.” Justin laughed. “Besides, I want to take my time,” Brian whispered, his eyes sly. Justin flushed. This man could do things to him that shouldn’t be possible. Especially after this long.

“Turn around, Justin,” Brian commanded, his hands steering Justin. “Put your hands on the top of the door.”

Justin moved as he was directed, closing his eyes to ride the wave of desire cresting in his chest as he gripped the top of the stall door, his ass pushing back towards Brian.

“Very nice,” Brian murmured, his hands sliding over Justin’s ass, pulling on the front of his thighs to straighten his legs, to widen his stance. Justin held his breath as Brian pulled on the fabric of his pants, sliding it painstakingly slowly down Justin’s skin.

“Very, very nice,” Brian whispered, his thumbs running up the inside of Justin’s thighs, pushing his legs apart with the barest touch. Justin let his forehead rest against his arms, bracing himself psychologically more than physically, but he still jerked when Brian’s warm breath reached his skin.

He waited, holding his breath, for the wet caress he knew was coming. Waited, legs wanting to shake, body tensing tighter as each second passed, fingers gripping the top of the door. He wanted to scold Brian for making him wait, but knew it would just prolong the agony. Brian loved leaving him on this edge, toying with his anticipation. Knew it made Justin crazy, made him want to shove his ass back into Brian’s face and grind down onto him, forcing that wicked tongue inside him. Knew it, and used it to his advantage.

Justin closed his eyes again and let out a long breath, letting go of the tension, giving himself over to this. The moment he did, he felt Brian’s hands on his ass, spreading him wide. He groaned as Brian dove forward, mouth hungry and tongue demanding entrance. His head smacked the door as he rocked forward, the strength of Brian’s lunge pushing him too fast for him to catch himself. He tried to hold the moan in his throat but he couldn’t, not with Brian doing that. Oh god.

His legs genuinely shook now, shook with the strain of keeping himself upright, keeping his body from crumpling from the shards of pleasure shooting through his limbs as Brian’s tongue circled slowly, flicked quickly, then pushed, hard, inside him. He moaned Brian’s name when he felt the hot air exhaled from Brian’s nose as Brian buried his tongue deep, moving it inside Justin until he cried out incoherently.

Brian’s fingers curled around his hips tightly, holding Justin’s body in place while his thumbs still held Justin spread wide. His tongue moved relentlessly, fucking Justin slower, then faster, licking him as deep as Brian could reach. Brian’s stubble scraped his skin, his breath hot and his mouth hotter, until Justin could feel his hands wrenching the door as he thrust back against Brian’s mouth rhythmically.

He cried out when Brian pulled away, both of them panting for air. His ass dripped, soaked from Brian’s mouth, red from the rough stubble against his much more tender skin.

“No, no, please…” was all he could say, pressing his hips back and reaching for Brian’s head. “Oh fuck, Brian, don’t stop!”

Brian laughed softly, his thumbs stroking over Justin’s wet skin. “Did he do that to you?” Brian’s voice was thick, heavy with desire.

“Fuck no. Are you kidding?” Justin looked over his shoulder incredulously. “Oh my god, Brian. No one does that to me like that.”

“Please, god… Brian…” Justin tried to breathe, tried to bite down on his frustration. He wanted… he wanted so badly, it was like a physical ache in his body. “I need…”

Brian’s hands on his hips turned him around, turned him until he was facing Brian, interrupting his thought.

“Need what?” Brian prompted, his hands pulling Justin’s hips closer.

“Huh… oh!” Justin swayed on his feet, scrambling for support as Brian pulled his cock into his mouth. “Oh fuck.”

Justin’s hands reached for the top of the stall divider, one grabbing hold while the other scrambled for purchase on the tile wall. “Oh god,” was all Justin could say as he held on. Brian brought one hand to the base of Justin’s shaft, holding him steady so he could move his mouth freely, could tease and nip and lick, keeping Justin exactly where he wanted him. He let his thumb and forefinger circle the base, then let his other fingers stroke Justin’s balls, cupping them as he sucked. Justin moaned deep in his throat, his hand coming down from the wall to cradle Brian’s head.

Brian sucked him slowly, pulling deep, hard draws along the skin just barely moving up and down Justin’s cock. The head was rock hard and dripping into Brian’s mouth, a soft wail leaving Justin’s lips as Brian dragged his teeth gently over the flared ridge. He wasn’t going to last, couldn’t possibly with Brian’s mouth doing this to him. His ass was still wet, still pulsing with tremors of need from the recent attention paid to it, but Justin concentrated on the feel of his cock in Brian’s wet mouth.

Right until he felt Brian’s finger stroke over his hole, making him bite down on his tongue when Brian took him deep and pushed his finger in at the same time, holding Justin immobile on both sides. Justin forced his legs not to give out as Brian sucked him hard, pushing a second finger in easily. Justin held onto his orgasm, trying to ride it, to stay with Brian a little longer but he knew he wasn’t going to make it.

So when Brian pulled his mouth away and stilled his fingers, Justin cried out, opening his eyes and reaching for Brian’s shoulders to steady himself.

Brian looked up at him, eyes heavy and penetrating. “Did he suck you like that?” he whispered, moving his fingers inside Justin’s ass slowly. Justin shook his head, unable to speak. “Did he fuck you?” Justin shuddered as Brian’s fingers stroked his prostate. “Fuck you in your little school boy uniform, tie over your shoulder as he pounded you?”

“Did he pin you to the wall, Justin, nailing your ass? Or did you fuck him?” Brian licked the head of Justin’s cock, his fingers still moving inside him, holding Justin on the edge. “That’d be so hot,” Brian murmured, sucking Justin’s cock in to his mouth for a moment, then letting it go again. “You in that uniform fucking some guy into the wall.” Brian’s eyes were lidded when he looked back up at Justin’s face. “Makes me hard,” he grinned.

“Christ, Brian, can we stop this conver…” Justin stopped mid-sentence when Brian’s mouth closed over him again, a third finger joining the two already in his ass. “Oh god.”

Justin held on as Brian’s fingers pushed deep, rubbing his prostate continuously as his mouth sucked first just the head of Justin’s dick, then slowly took him deeper until his nose touched Justin’s skin.

“Oh god, Brian!” Justin shouted as he came, shuddering, into Brian’s mouth. Brian sucked him until he stopped pulsing, draining him dry, his fingers slowing in Justin’s ass until they carefully withdrew.

Brian stood up immediately, pulling Justin into his arms, stroking his hair from his damp forehead. “I love doing that to you,” Brian whispered against his face, kissing him softly on his cheek until Justin turned his head into the kiss, deepening it. “Love making you come like that,” Brian murmured into his mouth, letting Justin taste himself.

“Now I want to fuck you though,” Brian mused, holding his hips tight against Justin’s, grinding them together to show Justin his renewed desire. “But let’s go home first,” Brian grinned slowly. “You need to be wearing a tie.”



This story archived at