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Author's Chapter Notes:

Special shout out to Deb Tanner for the plot bunny and of course my Muskababes!





He leans against the shovel and stares at me. “I need something to shovel this shit into, don’t I? Unless you want me to dump it in…”


The arrival of Tyrone and his Twink Posse cuts him off. “Okay boys, keep an eye on him and make sure he cleans up real good. I will see you all later. And if he gives you any lip, call me or Marcel.” Tyrone kisses each of his boys. “We’ll be all too happy to come and set him straight. Oh the irony of that line!”


I smirk as he glares at them while they put down mops, shovels and buckets. Timothy, who is Tyrone’s favourite, clicks his fingers. “Get on with it! The longer you take, the more we’re going to help you pack!” He looks meaningfully at the floor.


He starts to shovel fast!








“Did you know?!” I demand of a grinning Markus.


“Had an idea when they were talking closely at the stag party.”


“And you didn’t think to tell me, your fiancé?”


“Why? You’re smoking hot when you’re punishing me for withholding information!” He waggles his eyebrows. “Come on, don’t be like this. At least, it’s someone close and that you know. Besides…”


“Do I really get that fixated on work?” I sigh crossly at having missed something again!


He takes my hand and a breath. “Yeah, you do. And you don’t need to. Let someone else do it, for a change. You’ve achieved so much… it’s about time that you enjoy your success. For example, take the wedding reception… Your grandpa had to practically threaten to disown you if you didn’t let Tyler and Bella do what they were there to do.”


I look at him and slowly nod. “Okay, I will train Tyler to take over the bar on ship...I know he’s been itching to switch.”


“Thank you. But just to confirm, I’m still being punished, right?”


“Oh yeah...by me withholding it.”


“What?!” He gasps and pulls me tight to him and I just stare back. “You’re kidding...right?”


“You said I should slow down…” I reply, taking his arms from around my waist and heading to the kitchen, leaving him standing flummoxed in my wake.


Two minutes later, he’s chasing me up the stairs cursing like a sailor!








“What are we going to do with this place?” He asks, coming in just wearing a robe. Not the one from his place, this was bought especially by us for each other. His is a dark grey with pale blue pinstripes and mine is chocolate with green stripes.


“What do you mean?” I pat the space between my legs and he settles down.


“Well when we’re not here, what’s going to happen to it? With Mel coming to work for Seabird, it’s going to be empty half the year. And then there’s the little matter of Michael... Once he…”


“Fuck, I hadn’t thought of that!” He rubs my thigh to calm me down. “Maybe I could persuade Debs, Carl, Vic and Rodney to stay here while we’re away and rent out their places. Then when we’re back…”


“See. Problem solved. Well one part anyway. I hate to bring him up again but…”


“Michael. Yes, he’s going to be a thorn in our side. Though I have to admit what they did was impressive. Especially Daph! What was that smile for?”


Our side.” He grins again and then goes quiet. “He won’t do anything that takes a lot of energy so the worst he can do is spread nasty lies about you, but your clients know you. Plus, you’re married now. So realistically all he can do is spin his wheels and get nowhere.”


“I know but…” I take his hand and pat his thigh. “He’s a vicious man-child. I can handle him easily enough, but he knows your businesses and will take great delight in trying to disrupt them.”


“Then I will take great delight in pulling his nuts through his nostrils.” He replies, smiling up at me.


I blink for a few seconds and then smile. “Franc?”


“Yeah. She does come out with some good threats… But rather worryingly, she’s more than capable of following through with each one!”


“Are we done with the topic of him now?” I slide the shoulder of his robe down and lick his neck.


“Uh huh.” He murmurs and turns around to straddle me. “Before you continue…” He smirks and from his pocket, pulls out a jug exactly the same as the one we got from the pub.


“Okay, nice but why?”


“No lining on the wedding kilts.” He husks into my ear. “That was very naughty of you.”


“Yes, very bad indeed.” I brush his nipples and pause. “Oh thank you!” I groan as my fingers come into contact with his ring.


“I was thinking of getting the other one done, but with just a bar. They say that the twirl of the bar is more intense than the tug of the ring...what do you think?” I shut him up for a few minutes with the torridness of my kiss. “So a-an appointment should be made!” He gasps, taking in some much needed air.


“Please. But right now. Right this very second, I need you desperately!” I groan against his juicy, slightly swollen lips.


He kneels up and takes his robe off then guides my hands to his perfect ass. “Take it out and you can have me.” He whispers, looking down at me with love and lust blown eyes.


I work my fingers between his plump cheeks and feel the butt plug. “Naughty boy.” I growl and twist and thrust it for a while. His fingers scramble in my hair as he writhes and whines in the most delicious way.


“Oh please!” He begs and then arches as I stroke his balls with feather light touches. “Brian! I...please!” I slowly slide out the butt plug and hold his hips still. “Brian?” He frowns and tries to wriggle out of my grasp, but stops when I shake my head. “What are you...oh! Oh! Oh!”


If anyone was to ask me how I managed to raise my hips and nail him in the position I was in, I wouldn’t be able to tell them! All I know was that I did...and that I held him still and fucked him hard and long, while he screamed and begged me to never stop!


“N-n-now please, now please!” I bellow as I felt my balls tighten. I let go of his hips and sink down onto the sofa. “Yes! Fuck yes! Ride me! Ride me!” I scream.


“God! God! Don’t! Don’t you fucking move!” He yells and plunges up and down. “HOLY FUCKING CHRIST!”


“TOUCHDOWN! THERE IS A GOD!” I shout and then my world whites out.






I am hunting for the bacon ice cream and some balm. We made love once we came to from blacking out, but now we are in desperate need of sustenance! As I spoon it into a bowl, I can’t help the twitch of my cock as he comes in buck naked, after having cleaned up the lounge. God he is so fucking hot…and mine! “One scoop or two?”


“Two...now come here and let me salve your problem.”


“That was awful!” I snicker, but turn around and lean against the fridge. He gently applies the salve and I can’t help but sigh in appreciation. We settle on a chair at the table. “Oh…” I groan, sucking the spoon clean. “That’s so good...wait taste this, there’s something. What is it?” He takes a spoonful and his eye widen.


“Yeah, that’s good.” He takes another spoonful. “It’s definitely a nut...and caramelised…”


“Pecans!” I exclaim and then leer at him. “Upstairs, Mr Taylor-Kinney. I have the perfect place to eat this from!”








I wait for his reaction. I wanted to give this to him away from everyone else. “So…”


“Is this a key to your heart?” He smiles, twirling it in his fingers.


“No, it’s a key to this place.” I reply and wait.


“This place?”  He repeats and pauses twirling. “A-are you asking me to move in?”


“Yes. I know it is ridiculously soon, but you go in a few days and I want you to know that....” I find the rest of my sentence disappears when he kisses me and then straddles me. It’s when he strips me down, in seconds, that I know I have a new roomie!








I look up at the bedroom ceiling and can’t believe what has happened over the last few days! Not only am I not married to Brian, but it took four showers to get rid of the smell of bull shit! On top of that, everywhere I went on Liberty Avenue people were either whispering or ignoring me. I am determined to reclaim what’s mine! I have had him for years and I’m not giving him up...but first, there’s a Marvel Christmas Marathon on that I don’t think I’ve seen…








Franc’s really trying, bless her! But old habits die hard. Once again, she forces herself to sit down and let other people do the food and gets beaming smiles from Dottie and her parents. Brian and Justin arrived about an hour ago, looking very well honeymooned! The real revelation has been Ray. His time in London has done him the power of good and the fledgling relationship he has with Marcel is being left well alone on the strict instructions of Veri, who has a soft spot for Marcel. I am brought out of my musings by the tapping on the glass by Brian.


“Ladies, gentlemen, children, cats and dogs...I would like to say something.” He clears his throat. “Thank you. The Kinney family wasn’t kind to me when I was growing up, but thanks to the Grassis and now you guys and the Avenue, I finally have a family. So thank you.”


I watch for Debs’ reaction and instead of anger, which is what I feared when he didn’t use her normal surname, I see love and pride.


“Most of us will be leaving Pittsburgh on the 27th to head to New York and then round the world for six months, which means that Britin will be unoccupied. That is unless of course, I could persuade Debs and Carl primarily and then maybe, Vic and Rodney, to move there instead and rent out their places until we get back?”


“Are you fudgnucking kidding me?!” Debs exclaims, ever mindful of little ears.


“No ma, I’m not. Justin and I have discussed it and this is what we want…”


“Please say yes, grandma and Uncle Carl. Please!” Gus calls out.


“Please ma and Uncle Vic, say yes.”


Debs gets up and makes her way round the table to pull him into her arms. “I think I speak on behalf of all four of us when I say yes.” He smiles, then he buries his head in her shoulder and starts to shake. Without a word, she leads him out and with a nod from Justin, Vic follows.


After twenty minutes, they come back in and retake their seats, but Brian doesn’t sit down.


“And a special thanks goes to my husband, my best friend and father to my children. To Justin, for always and I mean always, knowing what I need. I love you.”


As we raise our glasses, I take the handkerchief from Dottie and wipe my eyes.








Gus and I are looking at each other. While I appreciate the help, the warmth and giggles aren’t there. “Let me go speak to him.” I stick my head out of the door and yell for Markus. He comes in, takes one look at Gus’s face, snickers and leaves, shouting the best words of the day...Franc, your boys need you!


She comes flying through the door and shoos everyone else out. “Okay, my darlings. What’s occurring…?”


“Well...Egg casserole, orange pecan French toast, fruits, sausage links with spicy apricot glaze and for the tweens and grown-ups spiced coffee with brandied whipped cream with hot chocolate with whipped cream for Gus and Ruby. That’s all you’re getting for now...so shall we?


“Fudge yeah!” She grins and immediately puts Gus to work on his favourite thing, cracking eggs.


An hour later, we are making our way back to the dining room. We’ve all been banned from the lounge because the ladies were on decorating duty last night.






She is so very happy to be where she belongs. I sniff the air appreciatively and smile.


“Grady, lie down!” David orders as Grady starts to creep from under the table. Grace, on the other hand, is being the princess that she is and waiting for tidbits patiently.


“Don’t worry, we have catering for the cute canines! The fancy felines are being sorted out by Gus.” Emmy Lou laughs. “Now you two come on!” He orders and with one look at David they follow swiftly.


“As a matter of interest...” Andrew begins. “...what did you give them?”


“Salmon confit for Rhubarb and Custard and Tomahawk steaks for Grady and Grace.” Emmy replies as he takes his seat. “And no...I am not kidding! Now come on people, we need to dig in, then get in that lounge for presents!”






I have worked out how this can work which will benefit all three of us! I stride up to the gates and find it locked. I press the buzzer.


“Taylor-Kinney residence, may I help you?”


I roll my eyes but keep my thoughts to myself. “This is Michael Novotny, can you let me in please?”


“No sir. You have been banned.”


“I said it’s Michael Novotny!” I repeat.


“And I said banned. Happy holidays.”


I press the buzzer for another five minutes relentlessly. I smirk as I see someone approaching and from the distance and it looks like Brian. “I knew he was there and couldn’t stay away.” I mumble aloud while leaning against the gate, waiting for him to get to me.


“Sir, you need to leave now!” A voice barks out and I am startled to see it is not Brian, as I’d thought. “The police are on the way!” I just gape at him, still in shock. “Although since it’s bound to be a long time for a cab, you might as well wait and get a lift back with them. Because you sure as fuck aren’t coming in here!”


As I hear the sirens in the distance, I start to feel sick to my stomach. I think that Brian is serious about never seeing me again, but surely not. Surely, right?!








“For goodness sake, Rose! Let them in!” I demand, laughing as he finally opens the door and there is a gasp and it’s not from the rest of our guests...yes our guests! The last of my things were moved in and I have signed the apartment over to Daph officially! The gasp, followed by a choked sob, is from my Rose as he takes in the Winter Wonderland theme the ladies went with.


“Daddy...it’s so pretty!” Gus gasps and we all slowly come in, taking in the fairy lights, the furs and the tree.


Christmas Tree 


“Oh my god!” Rose gasps. “I never had this, even when I was married! It’s so...warm and wonderful and...I just don’t know what to say!”


“Egg nog, you say egg nog.” Emmy calls out and Rose nods.


Twenty minutes later, we are sipping egg nog and watching Gus try really hard to be patient as he keeps looking at the pile of presents under the tree. Finally, he can bear it no longer!


“Daddies and mommies? If Ruby and I are very, and I mean very, good, can we open one present before lunch?”


“Oh sure, Sonny Boy, but are you sure you don’t want to wait until after to open them with…”


“Merry Christmas, bestie!” Chandra calls from the door as she grins at him.


“Ch...Chand...CHANDRA!” He shouts, startling Ruby and she starts to cry. “Oh sorry, Ruby! Oh wait Chandra, I have to...um...to…”


“Go hug your best friend.” Justin laughs as he picks up Ruby and she stops crying, almost immediately.


“Oh Chandra!” He rushes to her and they hold each other so tight, it’s a wonder they don’t pass out!


“How are your cheeks, Sonny Boy?” Mel calls out.


“They are hurting, mommy! They are hurting so much and I’m so happy they are!”


“Hurting?” I look around for an explanation.


“Because he’s smiling so much.” Debs chuckles.


“Okay you two, you can open one present each. The rest are for after lunch, okay?” Frederick orders and he is peppered with kisses by both of them.


“Gus, can you pick that, and pass that one for Ruby please?” Brian calls out and Gus brings it to him. “Can you open it for her please? She’s a little too small and then read out what it says.”


Carefully, Gus opens the present and frowns. “Why Gus is the Best Brother in the World. Um…”


“Open it and read it please.” Justin asks, his voice sounding thick and already, both Emmy Lou and Debs are starting to tear up.


“Want to sit here and read?” Brian pats his lap and Gus clambers in.


“Why my brother Gus…” He begins and the room goes silent. “...is the best in the world. When I was born I was really small and he made sure that everyone was super-duper gentle with me. He made sure that my papa met me by himself so he could have that time with me. He makes sure that my mommies and daddies always have Ruby time. He makes sure that Rhubarb and Custard are very gentle and has promised to introduce me to the Fantastic Four when I’m a bit older but he tells me about them all the time. I can’t wait to meet his bestie Chandra because anyone who is a friend of Gus has got to be awesome. I love my brother so much and every day I’m...I’m going to…” He tails off and starts to cry into Brian’s shoulder.


“Come on Sonny Boy, you’ve done so well. Read the rest...please?”


We wait for him to compose himself and with a sniff, he nods. ”And every day I’m going to make sure he knows that by being the best sister in the world. I’m going to fill this book with the things he teaches me, what he says and pictures of him, so when I’m older I can look in this book and smile until my cheeks hurt!” He looks up at Brian and then Justin. “Do...do I have a book, too?” He asks quietly.


“Yeah, it’s that one over there in the green and yellow wrapping.” Justin points and he rushes to get it.


“Thank you! Oh thank you!” He kisses each of his parents and then grabs Chandra’s hand.


“Sonny Boy?” Leda calls out.


“I have to write and Chandra has to help!” He declares and they dash out of the room.








I try Brian on both numbers again. Still no reply! I head to the dining room only to find it full of families having a great time. As I sit at my solitary table, not one of them asks me to join them...selfish fuckers!








I watch Debs and I feel for her. I could not imagine not having Justin home for Christmas, but then again, Justin would not have behaved the way Michael did. I catch her eye and she grins back at me before she turns back to chat to Carl, who has his arm draped over her chair...and I know she’s going to be fine.


“Okay people, food is about to be served. The first course is okra gumbo and then we will serve the rest of it family style.” Emmy announces.


I have never had gumbo before and make a mental note to ask for the recipe. It is delicious!


“Aunt Jennifer, can I asks you something?” Gus calls down.


“Of course, sweetheart.”


“Papa’s our other daddy and you’re his mommy, so doesn’t that make you our grandma?”


“Yes. Yes, it does. And that makes Molly your aunt, too.” I sniff.


“So can I call you grandma Jen and Molly...Aunt Molly then; and tell Ruby what to call you when she can speak?”


“We would love that.” Molly calls down as I’m unable to speak.


“Daddies, mommies make sure you write that down for Ruby please! I might forget when she starts to talk!”


“Are we finished with the starter?” Franc asks and with a nod, we all help to clear and load the dishwasher before heading back to the dining room with covered platters….which were handed out with strict instructions not to look until everything is on the table.


“So what do we have here?” Rupert asks. “And who’s carving if there is carving to be done?!”


“Spiced goose, prime rib roast with potatoes, turkey wings, jambalaya and fixings.” Franc grins. “As for carving, that would be down to the dads of the chefs!”


I watch Rupert stand and then there is a pause...then Carl stands. “So Emmy Lou, which one am I carving for you?”


And with those words, I had the best Christmas ever!






I have been keeping a low profile, but have been finding out some interesting pieces of information. I know where he is...so now to put my plans in motion!


Forty minutes later, I finally flag down a cab and we’re heading to the Schickel residence.






“David, Andrew, would you mind if we took Grady and Grace for a walk?” I need to walk off some of that food!”


“God no! Be our guest...you walk, we nap!” Andrew chuckles.


I take the leads and wait for Justin to come down, having put Ruby down for her nap. Her first Christmas has been the most magical; we have so many pictures! Gus and Chandra were going to come with us, but the lure of a movie tucked under warm blankets proved too much of a temptation...even too much for present opening!


“Ready?” Justin asks, plonking a trapper hat on my head and then another on his. “It looks really cold out there, saves a wind-chill headache.”


“Okay, let’s go.” I smile as David puts on Grady and Grace’s coats and then we head out.


As we walk the grounds, it’s not as cold as we thought. Grady and Grace are bounding across the grounds, chasing each other and with matching grins, we join them. We’re having a great time until I think I hear something and pause.


“You okay?!” Justin calls back and I nod, starting to chase him again, but then I hear it again.


“Hang on!” I shout to him and beckon him closer. “Grady! Grace! Come!” I yell and put their leashes on. “Let’s go back, as I’m clearly hearing things with this cold!”




“No! Please God, no!” Justin groans as that whine permeates the air.


“Oh for fuck sake!” I snap and watch the determined figure, making his way across the grounds towards us. “This is not fucking happening! Where’s Babe Rebecca when you need her!”


“What do we do?” Justin asks.


“Go inside. We go inside and ignore him!” I decide and taking his hand, start to head back to the house.


“BRIAN! JUSTIN! Wait! You need to listen to me! I have the perfect solution to our current dilemma!”


“Oh, this I have to hear!” Justin comes to a halt and turns around. “What dilemma is that?!”


“What dilemma...wait let me get my breath back!” He pants and I itch to keep walking, but Justin holds my hand tighter. “You have five years to get his bug out of your system, and then you come to me as we always planned.”


“Bug out…” I begin.


“I’m not finished. And in return for his time and use, you give him 25% of the company as a parting gift, so that he never bothers us again.” He smiles at us as if he’s not just effectively called Justin a prostitute!


“Three things. First, in these five years you are talking about, you need build up your stamina. You being shattered after that little jog means, for sure, that you won’t be able to keep up with me in the fucking front. I go long and I go hard and Justin matches me thrust for thrust, never letting up for a second or asking me to stop so that he can catch his breath.” I growl and pull Justin into my arms. “Secondly, he is not a bug to get out of my system; that accolade belongs to you, the parasite who thought to figuratively and literally suck me dry. But you weren’t in my system quite the way you thought, were you? I was fucking the men that I was fucking because they were hot, not as some replacement for you. Hot you are not! As I said the last time, we were in your odious company, you are nothing to me. And lastly, why in God’s name would I go back to condoms?!”


“What do you mean go back to con...oh my God Brian! Don’t tell me you are doing it raw with…”


“My husband, my lover and my best friend...yeah I am...every day and every night, which also includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in between snacks! When it comes to fucking Justin, you can call me the fucking Energizer bunny, because I just keep going and going...and we keep cumming and cumming!”


“We’re done here.” Justin whispers and we take advantage of his shocked disposition to start to run back to the house!


“I WILL KILL MYSELF AND BLAME YOU FOR IT, BRIAN!!” He bellows at the top of his voice and we both stop.


“Stay here.” I order Justin, but he shakes his head and smiles at me. I take a calming breath and nod. “You’re right, as usual. Come on, let’s go.”


As we walk back to the house, I can hear his footsteps as he runs after us. “Didn’t you hear what I just said?!” He yells as he comes closer.


“Yeah and no, you won’t do that. And even if you do and succeed, still wouldn’t care.” I retort and as we near the house, I see some of the family rushing out pulling on coats and running towards us.


“Oh hell the fuck no!” Markus shouts. “That’s it; I have had enough! Come any closer, Mr Novotny and I will arrest you!”


“Fuck off, Officer Gimp! This is between Brian and me!”


“Officer Gimp? No buddy, you don’t do that!” Franc snarls and before anyone can stop her, she’s has tackled Michael to the ground. At first we think she’s going to start pummelling, but instead she grabs his scarf from around his neck and hogties his hands to his knees. “Time to take out the trash!” She growls and with very little effort from her, but a lot of screaming and yelling from him, she starts to drag Michael towards the front gate. While at the same time making a call!


“Jesus…” Debs looks at Markus, who looks proud but also embarrassed. “It must be…”


“Yeah, it is!” He mutters going puce.


We all crowd round the gate as Michael tries and fails to get himself untied and wonder who Franc was calling.


“Here he is.” She calls out as a van pulls up near the drive and a very happy looking Tyrone gets out. “Put him where he’s going to be nobody’s never mind!” She orders and he nods.


“Ma!” Michael shrieks as Tyrone approaches. “Stop them! Do something!”


“Hold it!” Franc calls out and everyone pauses. “If we let you go will you promise to leave them alone?”


“Yes! Yes! I promise!” He exclaims.


“Okay.” She bends down next to him and the next thing we know, she has pinched his nose and stuffed one of his gloves in his gaping maw. “I don’t believe you, and nor does anyone else. He’s all yours T...be gentle!”


He screams as Tyrone lifts him up and dumps him in the back of his van and with a kiss to her cheek, drives away.


“Okay everyone, let’s go back inside. It’s starting to snow. Emmy you and I need to start the mulled wine!”


“We will catch up with you.” Justin waves them off and waits for us to be alone. “Have you ever caught snowflakes on your tongue?”


“No, but I have an angel in my arms.” He beams up at me. “And this cold is giving me dick shrinkage. In now!”






We’re waiting for Brian and Justin to come in from taking off their coats. Franc has refused to say what she and Tyrone have planned before they do.


“They’re in now!” Emmy declares before they even sit down. “Dish!”


“Tyrone is a dom. He’s just going to put him in his place until we are gone.” She replies and then notices the stunned silence.


“Tyrone is a dom?” Marcel gasps. “I have known that guy for five years...so his Twink Posse are his…”


“Subs. Yep.”


“Damn. I thought he was just being greedy!” Marcel snickers.


The door opening stops all dom conversation as Gus comes in, rubbing his eyes with an equally sleepy looking Chandra. “Daddy, Papa? Did we miss anything?”


“No Gus, we were waiting for you two so we could restart our Christmas.”








I am fucking furious! Last night, I was dropped in a cage and kept there until early this morning and then driven back here! I grab my wallet and head to the police station determined to have that bitch and that asshole arrested! But then I stop and think and think carefully. This will not get me what I realistically want...a life of luxury. I need to think this through and with a smile on my face, I head back to my room. An hour later, I have packed a small bag and head to Britin.


An hour later, I am leaning against the bell at the gates. “Michael, what the hell do you want now?!”


“Justin?!! Is this Justin?! Please listen! I know what I said yesterday was crassly worded, but if you can just listen without interruption…” I pause. “Are you listening?”




“Great. I promise to go away and leave you and Brian alone, if you give me my store back as is, but with no Nathan and me living above it. Also, Brian has to give me 25% of Kinnetic…”


“This is not Justin, this is Cory. Nathan’s a very good friend of mine, so you wanting to make him homeless, makes me want to break your face. However, this is going to be so much more painful for you. Brian and Justin are on their way to New York and won’t be back for six months...oh and your momma wants a word!”


“You’re lying and why would my mother want to talk to me?!” I shout into the intercom.


“Because I live here! With Carl, Vic and Rodney and Cory is not lying. He’s gone, Michael. He’s living his life without you in the one place he knew he could make it!”


“Brian wouldn’t do that! He loves me!”


“No, he doesn’t Michael, and in all honesty he never did. He felt beholden to you, but that debt has been more than paid. But the irony is that you, of all people, have given him the life he needed... and it’s one without you in it. Go away and live your life and let us do the same.”


I wait for her to speak, but there is nothing but silence no matter how hard I lean on the bell. In defeat, for now, I trudge up to the main road and wait for a cab. When I get back to the hotel, there is a package for me. I take it to my room to open it but once I get inside, I throw it on the counter. I decide to watch a bit of TV before putting in a call to Brian, but it just rings and rings. “I bet he’s fucking his husband.” I snark to myself. “Well, I’m not having that! I know how important his phone is to him!” Smiling, I keep ringing him. It isn’t until the sixth call to him that I hear the buzzing and look round the room. “Where is that coming from?” I walk round trying to locate it and keep trying Brian. It’s when I get to the counter that I see that the package is vibrating. I hang up and warily open it.


“What the fuck?” I gasp as I pull out something I recognise all too well...Brian’s phone, with the missed calls from me taunting from the screen. I try his other number, but get the message that the number is no longer in service.






“You are an evil genius.” I kiss Justin until he’s tugging at my hair.


“I’m not an evil genius; just very possessive over my husband!” He laughs.


“Good. Don’t ever change!”


And for as long as we both lived...he never did.

Christmas Breakfast






Christmas Lunch







Chapter End Notes:

Please review kindly and constructively. Thank you.

This is the end of this fic. I hope you have loved reading it as much as I loved writiing. Thank you MissMerlot xx

The End.
MissMerlot is the author of 24 other stories.
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