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“So you have nyctophilia as well?” I ask as I sit on the cliff next to him. When he smiles, his fangs glint.

“Yeah, I too find comfort in darkness.” He chuckles. “Want to jump?” 

“As opposed to falling…” I snort. “...yes, I would.”

“Okay, up we get...” I do so, then look over the edge. “...don’t think of it as jumping from a great height, just a big step down.” I twist my lip. “Wanna hold my hand for the first time?” I reach for it. “By your lead.”

“On three. One, two, three.” I count, then step off. I hear the air whipping around as we descend. “This is amazing!” I call out, throwing my arms in the air, whooping and hollering. When we land, I immediately head back to the side we climbed up to do that again. I am surprised when he grabs my foot. I try to shake him off, but he pulls me firmly down. “What are you doing? I want to…”

“There is plenty of time for that. Right now, you need to rest! Stop sulking!” He laughs before stopping our progress. “Unless you don’t want to collect your bolass winnings right now?” He snorts with laughter. “I don't think I have ever seen fangs retracted so quickly!”

“Shut up so I can kiss you!” I demand, before rising so that our faces are level.

“By your lead.” He murmurs.




“I don’t understand, what has brought this on?” I look from Lindsay to her consort, Christopher. “What has brought this about?” I demand.

“I know you want me to marry and to accede, Mother, but this is just too much like a job!” Lindsay whines. “I am sick and tired of being ordered about by those pages of punishment. Six! Six tests we had to take!” 

“But you both passed, which is great!” I point out. “And…”

“Actually, they scraped it…” Alderman Caroline interrupts. “...both David and Christopher scored higher. Vampires of the lineage of Michael and Lindsay should know more!” 

“Why did they take the tests too?” I frown. “I don't recall this being the case when we acceded.”

“Times have changed.” Alderman Caroline returns crisply. “The consorts are to be versed too. They can’t be seen to be lollygagging about!”

“And as for marrying Christopher, my feelings, as I said, have changed. I feel no desire for him, and it would be unfair of him to be kept bound to me.” She pats his hand. He moves away from her, looking more pensive than distraught.

“You are not petting a dog! Stop that condescending behaviour immediately!” I rap out furious at her callousness. “And where does Christopher go?”

“What do you mean, where does he go? Back to his coven, of course!” She snaps, sitting down grumpily. “I have made my decision, which is mine to make. We are over, and I don’t want to be queen yet!”

“As for Christopher, then he can accede as well if he wishes. Lady Deborah would just need to put him forward as well as Michael, there would be nothing wrong with two brothers ruling, it would be just like her and Lord Victor.” Alderman Caroline rises from the chair. “Princess Lindsay, is your decision final?”

“It is, Alderman Caroline.” She bows her head.

“Then I will advise the Counsel. Master Christopher, please come with me.”

I say nothing until they are out of the room. “What are you playing at?!” I storm around the room, looking for something to throw! “You could’ve at least warned me! It was humiliating to be blindsided like that!”

“I want Mel. I can’t have her if I have Christopher, can I?” She declares.

“Mel? Do you mean Master at Arms Marcus?! You have no chance…”

“Mother, I can get anyone I want.” She drawls smugly.

“But not without help!” I spit back. “You did have to persuade Christopher, after all!” I press my fingers to my forehead sighing. “Lindsay, I warn you now, using persuasion or compulsion on her will not work, the consequences will be dire!”

“No, they won't because I will not get caught!” She smirks. “After all, you haven’t, and you taught me!”

“Times were different then! I warn you to be careful!” I seethe, then storm out.

Know this, Lindsay, if you attempt to take me down after you get caught, and caught you will be, I will return you to human in seconds! See how long you last without your powers of supposed beauty! Remember, that’s why you wanted to be turned half, my dear?!




We are all still wary of Lindsey's intentions. Her ‘abdication’ has put the Aldermen and us on guard. 

But that’s not the only thing that has put the cat amongst the pigeons. Elder Statesman Rodney came to see Lord Victor and Lady Deborah, he told her that Christopher is going to be allowed to be tested for ascension too! 

“He should put some clothes on!” Justin mutters as he passes. “There is no need for him to be wearing a jockstrap, especially one that small!”

“He’s training, this is what he wears when he trains.” I explain. He stops and slowly comes back, eyes blazing. “Inside voice, and...” I begin.

“You mean to tell me that you’ve trained with him wearing just that?!” Explodes into my head.

“Yes, and if you keep reacting the way you are, he will keep pushing those buttons! You have a very expressive face and body language! Yes, you’ve got your traits, but you also have no self-control!” I declare. He winces, then looks over his shoulder at Drew. He is leaning against the wall, just watching us.

He turns back to me. “I am in control and calm, I am in control and calm.” He repeats. “Excuse me, Master Lieutenant, I am going to change into something a little less restrictive.”

“Why? What discipline are we doing next?” I frown, looking at the timetable, we have sword fighting, archery, and...I stop reading as Justin strides towards Drew, taking off his tunic and chaps. He hangs them up on the hook right next to him, leaving himself bare chested and in skin tight, for the want of a better description, long johns, which show everything!

Justin trails his sword along the ground as he makes his way to the ring. 

“Mind if I have him before you do, Kinney?” Drew jogs up quickly. I flinch as he looks at Justin's heart shaped butt...heart shaped?! “Well, do you?” He calls over his shoulder as he passes him, then faces me. “I’m here now, it's not like you to be so slow. Master Lieutenant Taylor, may I take you...on?”

“You may, but perhaps we should do some, if you pardon the pun, warm up exercises first. How about hand to hand combat?”

Hand to hand combat?! Wearing just that?!

“Ah, Master…” Emmett calls out as he enters. His jaw drops slightly at the sight of Drew and Justin. “...Drool...ahem, Drew, your father wishes to speak with you.”

“Of course, Justin, we will reconvene later tonight perhaps?”


I follow Emmett out in silence. As my dad approaches, he pauses at a door and opens it. “You have five minutes! Get in there before you two explode!”

“Ten!” I plead.

“Seven, and that’s your limit!” He states firmly.

“I’ll take it!” I shove Emmett into the room and push him against the wall. “Hi…”

“Hi!” He squeaks. “What do you mean, ‘hi’? What are you doing here?!”

“Kiss now, explain in a minute!” I groan. He melts into my arms with a whimper. God, how I love kissing him! For all his ‘mannerisms’, as some people say, he is the most loving, loyal, and beautiful Vamp I have ever met! A complete juxtaposition to a ‘slut’ like me. But it is all image. I may cruise, but I don’t break the rules. No kissing, can fuck only once, and flowers every week. We’ve been ‘down-lo’ for 40 years!

“Mmm!” He starts to push, I reluctantly release his lips. “Explain!”

“Dad!” I whisper loudly, he steps in with a smile.

“Georgie!” Emmett flies into his arms. “What are they up to?!”

“Who?” Dad smiles taking a seat, Emmett settles in his lap. “Oh, the Aldermen and Elder Statesman Rodney, you mean?” He nods. “Twofold: one I am sure about, and the other I have a vague idea. As a non-elected Alderman, I merely…”

“Georgie, no honey cake!” I snicker as this get him every time! “Tell me what you can.” His tone softens in the face of ‘pleading’ look from Dad. “I will do my utmost.”

“Drew is clickbait. Actually, make that dickbait. There is a connection in the Burgh, it still needs a final push.” 

“Oh, I do love a romance!” Emmett beams, but that drops when Dad sighs. “Just say it.”

“Herma is back, a few cases, not as virulent.” Emmett goes still. “Emmett?”

“Let me speak to Teddy.” He sighs. We look up at the knock on the door, then he smiles. “Is this him?”

“Todd? Most likely.” Dad grins. “Come!”

The door opens, it is Todd, our new Steward. I frown at the look on Emmett’s face. It deepens when he prowls towards Todd and walks around him. Now, I know this sounds hypocritical, but I always get uncomfortable when he tricks, because he doesn’t do it that often. “Emmett?”

“Oh yes, I need to talk to Teddy.” 



“Why are you here?” Justin asks, settling on the beam opposite.

“Needed to think.” I reply, then sigh. “I get it. I didn't like it. If you must fight with him, wear more clothes.” His eyebrows go up, so I leap down. He joins me seconds later. “It is a perplexing feeling.”

“What is?”

“Possession.” We look at each other for a while. “I will ask him to do that when we train, I give my word that we will also behave in your presence.”

“Thank you.” He gives me a cheeky smile. “Was that our first lover’s quarrel?”

“No. Knowing the tempers we both have, that was a mere tiff.” I smirk as his jaw drops. ‘The make up sex after a quarrel, now that I look forward to.” I close his mouth. “Promise you’ll be gentle, it will be my first time.”

“You've never had make up sex?!” He laughs. “I don't believe that!”

“Think about what I just said. See you later, need to run off steam.”




I am just putting my tunic back on when I realise: He’s never pure blissed either!

Chapter End Notes:

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