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Jennifer glanced anxiously in Tucker's direction as he escorted her into the king's formal dining room. Her eyes moved around the room, touching briefly on everyone; sadly, one person was still missing. "Will Justin be coming to dinner? I know he returned with the king hours ago." She flushed slightly at Tucker's scrutinizing stare, an obvious question in his look. "It was too many guards on horses, jeeps, and carriages to possibly be missed."


Tucker smiled and nodded. "How right you are, Lady Jennifer. They never approach quietly once they are within these walls. And I would assume Justin will be here at some point."


"I can understand that; I'm sure they are relieved to be back home." Jennifer thanked Tucker once he seated her at the table, hopeful that her son would be attending soon, and that she would get to speak to him. "Will the king be joining us for dinner?" Jennifer couldn't imagine anything else being the case. From her brief look inside the palace, this was but one of the dining rooms, and by the extravagance of it, she knew this to be the more formal fare.


"It is my understanding that the king will make an appearance... but he won't be here at the beginning." Surprised at the frown that came over the lady, he explained, "There are many matters that require the king's immediate attention. He simply doesn't have the time."


"I see." Jennifer looked at Tucker hopefully, before she asked, "Will you be joining us?"


"Yes, dear lady. The king dines with his personal guards; I am one of those. The other guards dine with the king's slaves, and the guards dine at intervals. The king is very proficient. The castle is never left unprotected during a meal."


Jennifer inclined her head. If not for the king accepting the barbaric contract that made her son his property, she thought she would actually have deep admiration for him. He had already spared her further indignities at the hands of her husband and done so in a way where she could still see that her son was safe. No matter how primitive the king was by reputation, there still seemed to be much good in him. For now, she would believe that until proven otherwise.


Seeing how all those that were present were now taking a seat, obviously expecting the first course to begin, Jennifer looked down nervously, quickly noticing that all those present were looking at her curiously. She didn't look up until a large and beautiful Greek salad was placed in front of her. Jennifer was surprised by the sight of it. She wasn't sure what she had expected, but it would have probably been something more localized. The king was full of surprises.


Thanking the servant that placed the scrumptious-looking salad in front of her, Jennifer nearly jumped in her seat when she heard hands clapping, a voice laughing in merriment. She looked to her left at the entrance to the dining room, when she noticed a tall and very slim man wearing robes of bright colors, waving his arms about madly, her breath catching in her throat when she saw her son standing next to him. Jennifer wanted to run to Justin but knew that wasn't what was best for either of them. She needed to act decorously as she always did, and how she had taught Justin to act in such social situations; right now though, it wasn't easily done.


"Good evening, everyone. The king has instructed that everyone enjoy dinner. He should be arriving soon, although he could be called away at any time." Looking around the room, he clapped again, whispering to his young charge - "This way, Justin. There is a seat next to your mother. I'm sure you want to sit near her."


Nodding forcibly, more than a bit overwhelmed by all of the king's guards present, and the grandiose setting, Justin answered, "Thank you, Emmett. I appreciate that."


"There's no need to thank me, Justin. That was the king's orders..." Emmett escorted Justin to the other side of the table, smiling down at the young man's mother. "Good evening, Lady Jennifer. We haven't been formally introduced, but I bid you welcome. The king wishes for you to enjoy your visit with your son during dinner... and then, I must escort him to his rooms."


Justin grunted. "You mean my prison?"


Jennifer gasped as Justin took his seat, her heart jumping in her chest at Justin's rebellious attitude. This had to end, she thought to herself. The king would not tolerate it... and he needed to stay in the king's favor, at least for now, no matter how much she resented the necessity of it. "Justin..." she whispered. "Remember who you are!"


Rolling his eyes, Justin was silent until his salad was placed in front of him, and the server moved away. "Yes, Mother." He turned to look at her, smiling at the sight of her, and how well and rested she appeared. "I'm glad you're here and safe." He lowered his voice, "I'll think of a way to get us out of here..."


"You'll do nothing of the kind!" Jennifer hissed. "We are safe and now under the king's protection."


Justin looked at his mother incredulously. Could she possibly be that naive? "Mom, you do understand what the king wants with me... right?" He laughed when his mother looked at him in confusion. "Unbelievable..." he muttered. "I'll just let you figure that one out."


Moving around the table, seeing that mother and son were reunited, even if much tension seemed to be passing between them, Emmett took his seat next to Ben and Michael, remembering as an afterthought to stand up and announce, "By the way, our guests are Lady Jennifer and her son Justin. The king demands that they both be treated with respect. They will be staying with us for an indefinite amount of time."


Michael laughed at Emmett's speech, whispering to him, "Will you sit down, Em? We're all starving... and I think everyone in this room knows exactly why Justin Taylor is at the palace."


"Hmph..." Emmett grunted. "Everyone except his mother..."


Ben smiled benignly. "She is a lady of class and an aristocrat. I believe they are taught to take a different view if they see something they deem as unpleasant."


"True enough..." Emmett agreed. He glanced down the table, watching as the men devoured their salads, a true sign of their hunger. Most of them generally held off until the more substantial courses arrived. His eyes touched on Justin, his pale face brightening as he seemed to be quietly arguing with his mother. He was worried about the young man. Immediately, he had taken a liking to the boy. Despite his protests, he didn't mind his assignment of watching over him. In fact, he was glad to do it, if only to play devil's advocate. If something didn't break in the boy's attitude toward their king shortly, he feared what could happen.


Michael snickered. "I can't wait for Lindsay to return. She isn't going to like the king's new guests."


Ben gave his fiancé an admonishing look. "I don't think it's something to look forward to, Michael. She returns in two days. There is enough chaos within these walls. The queen will only make things worse."


"Yes, you are right." Michael couldn't argue that point. "The good thing about Lindsay's returns is that they never last for long." Michael ate his salad, pausing to ask thoughtfully, "Why does she stay if she hates it here so much?"


Emmett snorted. "That's easy. Prestige and power, not to mention the king's fortune. However, I too live in hope that one day she will decide not to return."


Michael shrugged. "I guess it doesn't really matter. They each live their lives as they like, and the king doesn't have to worry about matchmaking attempts. And it's not like he could actually marry one of his slaves..."


A gasp fell from Emmett's lips. "I suppose he could do that, but the scandal! Oh, my. That never occurred to me. What if he did that one day?"


Ben laughed. "I think we are safe from the scandal, Em. I don't think the king will be divorcing the queen anytime soon." Glancing at the time, and noticing the next course was being served, Ben frowned when one of the king's personal guards entered the room. He groaned. Something must be wrong. Standing to his feet when the guard approached, Ben took a small slip of paper from his hand. Nodding his head in response, Ben watched as he made his exit as quickly as he had arrived.


Michael scowled. "Please tell me he isn't making you leave again. You just got home!"


"Calm down, and let me read it." Opening the folded note, Ben read it slowly. He held his hand to his head, before handing the note to Emmett. Ben looked down at the mother and son reunion, not the least bit surprised it still seemed to be filled with tension. "No, Michael. The king won't be joining us for dinner. He wants me to escort Justin to him in his study once he finishes eating. Then, Emmett will be summoned once Justin is ready to be taken to the tower."


Emmett gave the note back to Ben, a weary sigh escaping. "Perhaps it's for the best. Justin is still being his outspoken best. An explosion with the king wouldn't be wise on his first night here, especially in the presence of so many of the king's men. The king would be forced to take action."


"True enough." Ben smiled at Emmett, a mischievous twinkle in his own eyes. "I don't mind delivering Justin to the king. My part will be simple. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with the aftermath."


"Thanks so much, Ben..." Emmett pushed his food around on his plate, thinking to himself that this day couldn't be over soon enough.



"Here we are, Justin. The king's study..." Ben told him, stepping past the guard, with his hand tapping twice on the thick wooden door. "I am to leave you here. Emmett will escort you to your rooms later."


"Thanks..." Justin grumbled, wishing he was being escorted now. The last thing he wanted was a private audience in the king's presence. They hadn't had much time alone so far, which suited him just fine. At this point, hostilities erupted, and so much more. He wasn't certain he was ready for the next round of war to commence.


Silent and still until he heard the deep voice shout out for him to enter, Justin tentatively opened the door, glancing briefly over his shoulder to see Ben rushing away, and the guard looking straight ahead, ignoring everything except attending to his duty. Stepping inside, Justin left the door ajar, not the least bit surprised when he was ordered to close it.


"Close the door... and sit down." The king didn't even look up from the documents he was signing with a bold, slashing signature. He didn't have to look to know who now stood before him. It wouldn't have mattered if the blond hadn't been summoned by him. He would still know.


"As you wish, Your Highness..." Justin drawled, his tone dripping with sarcasm, determined not to act the frightened little captive, prepared to give the arrogant king a hearty dose of sass.


Brian closed his eyes, that snarky tone tempting him to go primal on the hot little blond, in one response, putting his newest acquisition firmly in place. He opened them to lift his head and pierce the boy with a steely gaze, uncertain at the moment if he wanted to fuck him or spank the living hell out of him. As his eyes took in the beautiful boy, Brian knew it was both, and he wasn't sure in what order. "You never learn, do you, pet..." Brian drawled, laughing at the rage that matriculated in Justin's eyes the moment he spoke the word that some of his slaves viewed in an endearing light, but he knew in Justin's self-righteous eyes, it was deemed as an insult.


"I am NOT your pet!" Justin raged. "How many times do I have to say that I don't want anything to do with you? Just let me go and transfer your attentions to someone that gives a damn about them!"


"Justin, I am trying very hard to remember what you've just gone through; and I might add, all of it being due to your rebellious behavior. However, I caution you, keep in mind who I am! Not only do I own you, but I also decree everything that happens on my lands - including who does and does not survive!"


Eyes widening, Justin simply stared at the enraged king. Was he threatening him? No, that couldn't be, he thought. "Am I supposed to cower in fear before your esteemed highness? Begging for my very life?"


"Of course not!" the king snapped, to his irritation finding that his patience had completely evaporated. "I mean you no harm, Justin. In fact, I only hope to make your life better in time. I have rescued your mother from a fate that I'm sure to her was far worse than death, and I think my acceptance of the long-ago written contract has saved you as well. Once I have dealt with your father's multiple acts of terror and treason, I will look at other options."


Justin smiled, standing quickly to his feet. "Do you mean it? After my father is in custody, will you dissolve the contract? Allow me and my mother to go?"


Brian looked at the boy incredulously. Let him go? Was he out of his hot little blond head? "That's not what I said." He stood to his own feet, knowing it was probably a mistake to go anywhere near him. It was too soon. He knew that... but he couldn't resist. He wanted him too fucking much. If he didn't have something, he thought he'd go mad; that was if he wasn't already. Approaching him slowly, Brian slid one arm around the blond's waist, surprised that he didn't attempt to jerk free from him. "I was speaking regarding your mother's placement. When your father is brought to justice... my justice, I will give her a choice of where she wants to be. Until then, she will remain here where she can be protected."


Knowing he should dislodge the hand that was now tracing circles on his back, forcing a separation that he knew needed to be done before it was too late, Justin stammered out a question, "A-and me?"


Raising his other hand, Brian ran a finger down Justin's cheek, and further down to rub against his closed lips. "That's something completely different, my own. I don't intend on letting you go. I want you... and nothing on this earth will prevent me from having you. The sooner you accept that the easier your life will be."


Justin shoved against him with all of his strength, aware that he only found himself so easily freed because of the king allowing it. "Save it for your other slaves, Your Highness. I will NEVER surrender to you."


Striding briskly to the door, the king opened it, he angrily informed his guard to summon Emmett. He couldn't be in Justin's presence a moment longer without showing him exactly how much he could be made to succumb. Slamming it shut, he turned to advance to the blond that heated his blood, not to mention swelled his cock, to an unnatural level. "In time you will learn to use caution with that sharp tongue. Your days will be spent in the tower. Then, in the evenings, I will come to you. There is much you need to learn before you can be released from your confinement."


"I've already been given the tour. It's a bit luxurious for a prison." Justin's eyes glared hatefully at the arrogant king, refusing to admit even to himself just how handsome he found the presumptive monarch to be. "No matter where you place me, I will remain strong. You will not break me."


Brian laughed. "Another unwise move, my pet. Don't ever challenge me. However, let me tell you this... if it was my wish to break you - you would already be broken."


When he heard the soft knock at the door, Justin breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm not trying to challenge you. I just want to be free. No matter what I have to do, one day I will be."


Reaching his hand up, Brian dropped it back down just as quickly. He couldn't touch him again. Now wasn't the time, and his control was nearly non-existent. He didn't know how he knew it since he was never this possessive of his slaves, but one thing was for certain - Justin would always be his. He would never let him go. "Get some rest. I will allow your mother to come and visit you in the morning. Tomorrow evening I will come to you. Your true lessons will begin then..."




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