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Brunch at Jennifer’s turned out like Brian had expected – a big mess.

Brian had promised Justin to keep an open mind, and as much as he had to agree with him that Molly and Hobbs loved each other, all Brian wanted was to punch the asshole. He couldn’t understand how Justin had found it in him to accept the situation and ignore the fact that the man who had attempted to kill him was dating his sister. Moreover, that person was going to become part of the family because his sister was pregnant.

Jennifer had taken Molly aside from the moment she arrived, but everyone could hear the screamed words through the closed kitchen door.

Brian had to hold Justin back, telling him not to interfere.

Molly had come out in tears, and flung herself at Hobbs, sobbing into his chest. Jennifer followed not a moment later, fuming. She threw Molly a disgusted look, before storming up the stairs.

Tucker had gone after her, which left the four of them in the entry hallway.

Justin was trying to get out of Brian's arms, muttering about going to talk sense into his mother, while Molly was telling Hobbs they should leave. Brian attempted to calm both siblings, since the asshole didn’t seem to have a backbone and tell Molly they should stay and confront her mother, show her why he might be worthy of her.

Amidst the chaos, Jennifer returned and stopped in front of Hobbs. Molly whirled around, shoving a finger into her mother’s face, daring her to touch her fiancé. Despite the warning, Jennifer slapped Hobbs across the cheek, which amused Brian, and it made Tucker gasp in shock.

“MOM!” Molly thundered.

“That’s for having a nerve to get involved with Justin's sister.”

“We didn’t know,” Molly groaned.

“I apologize, Mrs. Taylor,” Hobbs finally found his voice. “When all of Molly stories revolved around her big brother Justin who was a painter, I had a feeling she might be talking about Justin Taylor. But Taylor is a common name. I still told her in too few details what I did in high school…without giving her any names.”

“And you stuck around after hearing this monster almost killed a fellow student?” Jennifer asked incredulously.

Brian had to admit, he had the same curiosity.

“People change, Mom. And you have no idea what a mess Chris was when he talked about his past.”

“I can’t believe you,” Jennifer shouted.

“Can everyone stop screaming?” Justin yelled. “The only one who has any sort of right to be upset here is me. And I decided to be the bigger man and not hurt Molly like you and Dad hurt me when I started seeing Brian. If Hobbs makes her happy, if they want to have a family together…who the fuck are you to say no?” He took a step closer to Jennifer. “And don’t say you are her mother. You kept Molly in the dark about everything regarding me. You never told her about why I wasn’t home suddenly, or why I was in the hospital for three months, or why I was fighting with you constantly…you never told her I am gay. She had to find out from me, and I still remember how shocked she was…and how angry you were that I told her. And don’t get me started on how you forbade her to contact me while I was in New York.”

“Are you done?” Jennifer narrowed her eyes at her son.

“Yes.” Justin grabbed Brian's hand. “We’re leaving. I’m sorry, Molly. I tired,” he added, looking at both his sister and Hobbs, who stood frozen by the front door.

“Whoa, we’re not leaving,” Brian said, pulling Justin back. “I was all for being on your side, Jen. But Justin is right. Not only about how you kept his sister in the dark…for her own good, right?” he sneered. “Whatever. That was your best decision at the time since she was a child. But now, right here, in this moment, I’m starting to agree with Justin. He’s the only one entitled to make or break Molly’s relationship with Hobbs. Looks like he’s their biggest fan for some crazy reason.”

Molly threw her arms around Justin, crying into his shoulder. Justin patted her back, keeping his eyes narrowed on their mother.

He was relieved to have Brian on his side, when it felt like he wasn’t going to accept the fact that Justin didn’t care if Molly was dating the person who had tried to kill him in high school. Hobbs had proved over the past few days how much he had changed, and how he regretted what he had done.

It meant shit for Justin, but he appreciated how he tried to redeem himself in Justin's eyes.

“You accept this?” Jennifer gestured to where Hobbs had timidly joined Justin in comforting Molly. “Brian, I thought you had more sense.”

“It doesn’t matter what I feel about this. All that matters is that Justin accepts the situation. I don’t see him shouting or throwing punches.” Brian shrugged.

Tucker went closer to Jennifer, touching her arm. “I didn’t want to get involved, since I only know bits and pieces about what happened, but I agree with Brian. If you forbid Molly to see Chris, you might lose her.”

Justin cleared his throat. “You’ll lose both of us, because I’ll stand with whatever decision Molly makes.”

After several quiet minutes, Jennifer sighed loudly. “I’m going to keep an open mind, but don’t expect miracles. And you all better keep your opinions to yourselves. You have no idea how I felt when I heard what happened to Justin, and I’m the only one who knows how hard it was to deal with the aftermath.”

Brian was quick to pull Justin in his arms, shushing him. “She’s going to warm up to this. Give her time,” he whispered into Justin's ear. “And trust me, you don’t know a thing about how a parent feels about their child laying in a hospital bed. I had to experience that with Gus when he was a few months old, and then some years ago when he broke his leg in soccer.”

Justin's shoulders slumped. “I guess I’m seeing it from my perspective only again…like with the whole Nick missing his pappy…”

“Exactly. She needs to come to terms with this on her own.”

Justin nodded seriously, kissing Brian softly. “Thank you for being the rational one.”

“If you’d kindly move out of the doorway so we could go to the sitting room for brunch,” Jennifer said curtly.

Justin rolled his eyes, but pulled Brian after him into the sitting room.

They sat around the table, and talked about anything except the big elephant in the room.

Jennifer started a conversation with Brian about his latest advertisement, Justin replied to one of Daphne’s text messages about what his son ate because he refused everything she had offered him, while Tucker was kind enough to strike a conversation with Hobbs about his job.

“What are you doing,” Molly hissed, elbowing Justin in the ribs.

It made Justin startle and nearly drop the phone, grabbing his side. “Ow! Watch out.”

“I barely touched you,” she protested.

“I have a bruise,” he mumbled, rubbing the spot. “A little accident the other night.”

Brian stared at him in amusement, yet there was concern in his eyes. He had no idea Justin ended up with bruises after their tumble from the rocker mid-fuck. But he had an ugly, purple bruise on his knee, so it shouldn’t be a surprise.

“What accident?” Jennifer asked curiously. “Did you sleep with Nick and got kicked?”

“As a matter of fact yes, but I got the bruise somewhere else,” he answered diplomatically. When Jennifer eyed her son expectantly, Brian wished he hadn’t taken the seat across the table, so he could stop Justin. “If you’re so curious, I got it during fucking Brian.”

Brian gave Jennifer a tight smile, knowing how much she appreciated etiquette.

Tucker choked on his gulp of water, staring in shock at Justin.

Jennifer stared in disbelief at her son.

“What, Mom? You asked,” he said, amused.

“Who’s Nick?” Molly asked quietly.

“You never told Molly,” Justin said slowly. He took a deep breath, turning to tell his sister about his son.

“Don’t look at me like that, Jen,” Brian protested when she turned her eyes on him. “I’m not sure what you expected to get out of this glass ball you pretended to keep Molly in. Look how it all shattered.” He waved around the table.

“So I can come to you with questions,” Molly said loudly in a moment of silence across the table.

“I still have no clue what I’m doing half of the time, Molly. You figure out along the way,” Justin assured her.

“Oh, Molly. When you decide on having a child, I will help,” Jennifer said softly.

“Really?” Molly asked skeptically.

“Of course, honey.”

“You better get ready because…I’m pregnant.”

“What? When were you going to tell me?”

“You mean, you wouldn’t have screamed at me and called me a heartless person for hurting Justin by dating the guy who attempted to kill him? Chris is completely changed! Justin saw it. They met yesterday. And yes…we’re engaged, and we just found out last week that I’m pregnant.”

“God, Molly,” Jennifer said faintly.

“For fuck’s sake.” Justin got up, putting his phone to his ear. “I told you to give him the bag of cereal, not milk with cereal,” he muttered, leaving the room.

Brian figured Daphne was having trouble with feeding Nick.




By the time they left, Jennifer had changed tactics. She completely ignored Hobbs, but started talking about what sort of wedding Molly wanted and about a baby shower.

Justin promised Molly he will have Emmett call her if she wanted, which she accepted after hearing about what a successful party-planner their friend was.

On the way to pick Nick from Daphne’s, who didn’t seem capable to deal with the little boy, Justin complained what an uptight bitch his mom had been.

“You have to calm down. You know how Nick picks on your mood,” Brian warned him when they parked in front of Daphne’s building.

“I’m trying.”

“It will take a while for her to accept who your sister is going to marry…if she ever will. I’m not thrilled about it, either, but I’m not family.”

“No, you’re only my partner,” Justin sneered. “You’re the one who had to pick up the pieces and put me back together after Hobbs broke me. In all honesty, you are the only one allowed to hate him.” Justin leaned over the console, cupping Brian's cheek. “I’m sorry you had to be there, but I needed you there or I would have gone for the jugular at the way Mom acted.”

“Don’t mention it,” Brian said quietly. “Come on. Let’s get Nick and go home.”




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