[Reviews - 42] Printer ePub eBook

Chris Hobbs' life has sucked ever since his first encounter with Justin Taylor. Five years later he's living in a crappy apartment and working an even crappier job and he blames it all on Taylor. Because of Taylor he lost his football scholarship, didn't graduate from college and is estranged from his family and former friends. Now he wants revenge!

The story starts the night of the bombing of Babylon. . . .

****Many Thanks for my new Banner to Marny - the Banner Goddess *****

Rated: A
Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Mental Health Issues, Other Character Death, Violence
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes
Word count: 66541 Read: 42447
ePub Downloads: 19 Published: May 05, 2016 Updated: May 05, 2016
Story Notes:


Disclaimer:  All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners.  The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  No money is being made from this work.  No copyright infringement is intended.


This story was sort of inspired by the premise of a story by fortuna_phoenix - it's a very old, unfinished fic originally posted in 2008. I haven't actually read that story, but I did read the story summary and it got me thinking. I purposely didn't read the two chapters posted since I didn't want it to influence my story, but if the author is reading, thanks for the idea. I'm trying to write this like a good old-fashioned thriller/mystery, which is a genre I've never tried before, so any feedback you want to send my way to tell me how I'm doing would be appreciated. And, therefore, without further ado, here goes . . . TAG

1. Chapter 1 - The Alley. by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] (3678 words)

I'm writing this in third person and there will be shifts in POV and flashbacks so I hope it doesn't get too confusing. Unfortunately, that's how the story wanted to be written and who am I to argue with middle of the night literary inspirations. Let me know if you absolutely hate it and I'll try to edit accordingly. And now, for your reading pleasure . . . Enjoy! TAG

2. Chapter 2 - The Cage. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (2470 words)



3. Chapter 3 - The Hole. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3492 words)

Inside this chapter we get another glimpse of Hobbs' current life. I gave him the absolute worst job I could possibly imagine - just a little payback for what he's done to our poor Justin. Hope you enjoy! TAG

4. Chapter 4 - The Hospital. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (2878 words)

How to Create a Super Villain 101 - take an ordinary guy, make him almost sympathetic and then twist him until his mind snaps. He he he. Poor Justin, those Pink Posse days were a mistake in more ways than you could ever imagine! Look where it got you. I promise, however, that no real Justin's were harmed in the writing of this fic and (eventually, after I've tortured them sufficiently) our boys will emerge from this story just fine. In the meantime, though, enjoy the torture! TAG

5. Chapter 5 - The Room. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (4458 words)

Here you go - another chapter in 'How to Torture Brian and Justin'. I threw in a little extra torture for Michael too since he was feeling left out. Just keep in mind that I'm not a doctor so all improbable medical situations are probably just that - improbable. Hope you Enjoy! TAG

6. Chapter 6 - The Pit. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3996 words)

And the torture continues . . . It's kinda fun being so incredibly evil. Only, I'm running out of ideas of evil things for Chris to do. I guess I need to watch more episodes of Dexter.  Also, I'm not really a computer geek (ok, well I'm sorta a geek, but won't really admit it) so if I got something wrong about the way the GPS phone tracking software and cell phones work, please don't go all psycho on me. Enjoy! TAG

7. Chapter 7 - The Daily Grind. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3611 words)

Here's the next installment for you. I probably should post a warning for mild descriptions of near naked women - boring and slightly icky, I know - but necessary for plot development so you'll have to deal with it. Maybe that's why I had a touch of writer's block on this chapter? Writing descriptions of breasts was a bit of a turn off to say the least. Let's hope it never happens again. Enjoy! TAG

8. Chapter 8 - The Stands. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3855 words)

Brian is getting wise to what is going on . . . finally. He's about to become more proactive. But, is it too late? What will be the fallout from Hobbs' failed little outing to The Daily Grind? You'll have to read on to find out. Enjoy! TAG

****Chapter dedicated to the ever-observant Jazzepoet - within less than a half-hour after I posted the prior chapter dear JP had already reviewed AND correctly guessed the location of the Cage where Justin's being held. I'm not sure if that means I did an adequate job describing the setting or if JP is just an obsessive QAF fan? Thanks for being so into my story, though, JP.****

9. Chapter 9 - The Denial. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (2112 words)

Hobbs' odd behavior is getting even worse. . . . What's going through that psycho head of his? Well, here's a shortish chapter where I've tried to explain a little more. Read on and you'll see. Enjoy!


10. Chapter 10 - The House with the Red Door. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (2284 words)


Brian's plan looks like it's going to work! He's trying his best to get to his Sunshine in time. The suspense is killing me too, guys! Sorry - I know this chapter is a little short, but the next chapter is going to be sooo busy and full of action that I had to break it here or risk a monster chapter. Hope you enjoy this while I finish writing my next installment. TAG

11. Chapter 11 - The Apartment. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3413 words)


A fun action-packed chapter for you, folks. Hope you like raw, primal Cave-man!Brian. I know I do . . . Enjoy!

12. Chapter 12 - The Repercussions. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3463 words)

13. Chapter 13 - The Retreat. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3458 words)


Enjoy! TAG

14. Chapter 14 - The Emergency Room. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3520 words)

15. Chapter 15 - The New Plan by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3702 words)


Even I was getting tired of torturing the boys, so, we have a lighter, less-gloomy chapter for you. Unfortunately, not all the drama is completely over just yet. But I thought we could all use the break for now. Enjoy! TAG

16. Chapter 16 - The Hostage Situation. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3202 words)


I know you were hoping I'd get you off that last cliff sooner rather than later - Well, sooner it is. But, I don't promise that this chapter really resolves anything. He he he. (Being an evil author is so very rewarding!) TAG.

17. Chapter 17 - The Standoff. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (4115 words)


Ready for an INTENSE chapter? I think I got my mojo back. Read on and Enjoy! TAG

18. Chapter 18 - The Shot. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (3468 words)

As one of my readers commented, leaving all of you on that last tiny little cliff was rather dangerous - it was starting to crumble away - so I've rushed to get you the next chapter as soon as possible. I don't want you all eroding the landscape so egregiously or falling down the cliff without warning to those below who might be injured in the process. Please come down off the cliff now. Hope you like the big CLIMAX here! Enjoy! TAG


****Chapter dedicated to Snow - sorry I've tortured you so much with this one!****

19. Chapter 19 - The Morgue. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] (4308 words)


Yay! Time for the happy ending! Hip, hip, Hoorrah! Enjoy! TAG

20. Chapter 20 - Epilogue. by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] (1058 words)


And so we come to the happy, fairy-tale ending (a.k.a soppy, romantic drivel). I hope you enjoyed this, even though you had to read too much about Hobbs. That's the way the story decided to tell itself. Enjoy! TAG