[Reviews - 94] half-starPrinter ePub eBook

Brian and Justin have not yet met. Brian is 29 and Justin is 17, but I have played around with timelines from the show. This is my first attempt at a mystery.

Rated: M
Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Violence
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Crime/Detective, Drama, Suspense/Thriller
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: Blinded Series
Chapters: 25 Completed: Yes
Word count: 62029 Read: 96257
ePub Downloads: 69 Published: Dec 14, 2016 Updated: Dec 14, 2016
Story Notes:

Thanks Gina for the plot bunny!

1. Chapter 1 by Thyme [Reviews - 9] half-star (2532 words)

2. Chapter 2 by Thyme [Reviews - 6] half-star (2469 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Thyme [Reviews - 4] half-star (2338 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Thyme [Reviews - 5] half-star (2398 words)

5. Chapter 5 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2577 words)

6. Chapter 6 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2745 words)

7. Chapter 7 by Thyme [Reviews - 4] (2834 words)

8. Chapter 8 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (3013 words)

9. Chapter 9 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2683 words)

10. Chapter 10 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2405 words)

11. Chapter 11 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2214 words)

12. Chapter 12 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2727 words)

13. Chapter 13 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2247 words)

14. Chapter 14 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2496 words)

15. Chapter 15 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2633 words)

16. Chapter 16 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2372 words)

17. Chapter 17 by Thyme [Reviews - 2] (2365 words)

18. Chapter 18 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2564 words)

19. Chapter 19 by Thyme [Reviews - 4] half-star (2251 words)

20. Chapter 20 by Thyme [Reviews - 4] half-star (2449 words)

21. Chapter 21 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2019 words)

22. Chapter 22 by Thyme [Reviews - 3] (2009 words)

23. Chapter 23 by Thyme [Reviews - 4] half-star (2580 words)

24. Chapter 24 by Thyme [Reviews - 2] (2391 words)

25. Chapter 25 - Finale by Thyme [Reviews - 8] half-star (2718 words)