Craig Taylor
Other Results: 79 ePub eBooks, 8 Series

A very warm-hearted thank you to Predec2, who made this amazing banner !!!


Thank you so much !!!

Happily living their lives together with both success, fame and with children around them, Brian and Justin Kinney were in their own words 'living the life of great homosexuals', when a car accident changes their lives.

Now, they are back to the beginning where Brian, the ultimate asshole ad executive, and Justin, the blonde twink stalker. did not meet each other yet. This is the story of what these partners will do to make sure that they really have 'no regrets' in their lives and to avoid the mistakes they made in the way. 

Inspired by 'One More Time' by The WinsomeWasp

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jack Kinney, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, James Stockwell, Jennifer Taylor, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Coming Out, Dirty Talk, Established Relationship, Family, First Time (Sex), Homophobia, Kink, M/M, Non-Monogamous Pairings, Phone Sex, Possessive, Real Life Issues, Responsible Justin, What if...
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Could be Canon, Fable, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 65371 Read Count: 37485
[Report This] Published: Jan 30, 2017 Updated: Feb 15, 2018
Summary: taylorhome.jpg

How do Brian and Justin deal with a surprising revelation?

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Molly Taylor
Tags: What if...
Genres: Alternate Canon
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1249 Read Count: 1970
[Report This] Published: Dec 16, 2017 Updated: Dec 16, 2017
Summary: Feature

It's a different twist on how B/J met and the differences that follow. It's interesting how just one little change impacts the rest... -samcdee

On that fateful night when Justin stood under the lamppost and Brian took him home, what would have happened to them if events had not unfolded the way they did on the show?

Categories: QAF US, Admin Pick
Characters: Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Kip Thomas, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Celebratory Fuck, Family, First Time (Sex), M/M, Oral Sex, Slow Burn, What if...
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 64271 Read Count: 129566
[Report This] Published: Apr 18, 2017 Updated: Dec 15, 2017
Switch by charming1, SLHR Rated: M half-star [Reviews - 123]

Before Justin and Brian met, they both wanted something else: Justin wanted to be older and Brian wanted to be younger. They both get their wish, sort of. Brian wakes up in Justin's body and Justin wakes up in Brian's body.

This story was adopted by charming1. Original plot and Chapter 1 by SLHR.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Mysterious Marilyn, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Melanie, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Coming Out, First Time (Sex), Hatred, Language, M/M, Masturbation , Oral Sex, Rimming, Toppy Justin
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Magical/Supernatural, Romance, Science Fiction
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 41022 Read Count: 74551
[Report This] Published: Jul 23, 2016 Updated: Nov 30, 2017
Summary: Feature

Even though they have their ups and downs, Brian and Justin always find their way back to each other. They are ready to take on the world! -mamaduck

Sequel to Time's Up Volume I: It's Only Time

After ten years, Brian and Justin are still meeting in secret. Now one is ready to make things permanent while the other...Hmm- not so much. It will ultimately come down to hard choices, sacrifices and what's more important: everlasting love or freedom? And how will secret and not-so-secret enemies affect their decision? 


Categories: QAF US, Admin Pick
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Gardner Vance, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James Stockwell, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Tucker
Tags: 100k+ Word Count
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Could be Canon, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Suspense/Thriller
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Justin/Other, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Drew, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Other Cast Pairing, Ted/Blake
Series: TIME'S UP
Chapters: 50 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 306311 Read Count: 215771
[Report This] Published: May 06, 2016 Updated: Nov 15, 2017
Summary: Feature

This story puts such a smile on my face. It's happy, It's sad, it's beautifully written and most of all,  IT MAKES ME FEEL THINGS! -SunshineSally

I Don't Know.jpg

Justin loses his memory after the bashing. Can Brian help him get it back?

Timeline: 4 years post-513. This is a Season 5 AU series fic.

Lyrics taken from "I Don't Know When, But A Day's Gonna Come" by Bright Eyes.

Categories: QAF US, Admin Pick
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Bashing, First Time (Other), Oral Sex, Post-series, Raw Sex
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Justin's Fantasy
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12961 Read Count: 5076
[Report This] Published: Apr 12, 2017 Updated: Oct 20, 2017
Summary: Feature

I chose this story because it is not your typical Brian and Justin story. Also it deals with a subject that is very important to me. I lost a friend due to the lack of a donor -Lorie

Life has always been a constant struggle for eighteen year-old Justin Taylor, until one fateful day at the diner when he meets the man known as the Stud of Liberty Avenue, Brian Kinney. Both of their lives are changed forever in a way that neither of them ever anticipated.

Categories: QAF US, Admin Pick
Characters: Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Michael, Coming Out, Language, M/M, Real Life Issues
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 61594 Read Count: 167688
[Report This] Published: May 05, 2016 Updated: Sep 15, 2017
Summary: Feature

Brian takes the family he made to New York to save them from the family they once believed in. Justin lives in New York and meets Brian in the park.

This was plot bunny from DramaQueen who wanted to see if I could help bring it to life

Lorie as always you are the greatest beta I could have ever asked for. 

Categories: QAF US, Reader's Choice Award
Characters: Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jack Kinney, Jennifer Taylor, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Anti-Debbie, Anti-Ethan, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Melanie, Anti-Michael, Family, Friendship, Jealousy, Mental Health Issues, Minor Character Death, MPreg (Yup! Went THERE!), Out of Character, Possessive, Suicide
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Melanie/Lindsay
Series: None
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 77973 Read Count: 369798
[Report This] Published: May 25, 2017 Updated: Sep 01, 2017

This is a oneshot. Justin goes to Wonderland. 

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Craig Taylor, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Kip Thomas, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Ted Schmidt
Tags: One-Shot
Genres: Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3416 Read Count: 929
[Report This] Published: Aug 06, 2017 Updated: Aug 06, 2017
Summary: Feature

I choose this story because it has drama, intrigue, humor, sex... all the things which allow me to settle and suspend my reality for a good long while. Anytime I'm ready to bite folks for disturbing me while reading... well you KNOW that's a great read! -Nichelle Wellesley 

Sequel to The Buzz of the Wasp.  

Luther gathers enemies of Brian, Justin, and Zee... yes, including those two... to seek revenge for his humiliation. He thinks he's got game, he is so very wrong!

Categories: QAF US, Admin Pick
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, David Cameron, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Leda, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anniversary, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Brain Bleach Recommended, Christmas, Established Relationship, Family, Hatred, Homophobia, Post-series, Raw Sex, Rimming, Toppy Justin
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Drew, Ted/Blake
Series: Waking with Enemies
Chapters: 77 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 256975 Read Count: 414191
[Report This] Published: Jan 04, 2017 Updated: Jun 19, 2017

Justin and Brian meet when Brian leaves Pittsburgh for a campaign. 


Lorie thanks for always being a great beta and the person I depend on to keep me straight when I throw new stories at you.


DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Rodney, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anti-Michael, Out of Character, Toppy Justin
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Melanie/Lindsay, Vic/Rodney
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 33211 Read Count: 126017
[Report This] Published: Apr 23, 2017 Updated: May 17, 2017
[Report This] Published: Mar 09, 2017 Updated: Mar 30, 2017

Vegas, booze and our boys. Justin graduates Med school and goes with Daphne who is getting married, before they leave the country for their new jobs.


Lorie as always thank you for being not just my beta but a great sounding board.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Sam Auerbach, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Cancer, Out of Character, Wedding
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Drew, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake, Vic/Rodney
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 96684 Read Count: 356902
[Report This] Published: Feb 07, 2017 Updated: Mar 12, 2017

This story takes up where Bound By Fate left off. What fate brought together, love will continue.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Melanie, Anti-Michael, BDSM, Bottom Brian, D/s, Established Relationship, M/M, Oral Sex, Out of Character, Raw Sex, Toppy Justin, Unsafe Sex
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 70996 Read Count: 139879
[Report This] Published: Jan 31, 2017 Updated: Feb 10, 2017

Justin meets Brian at a show and walks away with a present.

Lorie, thanks for continuing to be my beta.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, David Cameron, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Sam Auerbach, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, MPreg (Yup! Went THERE!)
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 30 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 64279 Read Count: 774656
[Report This] Published: Jan 08, 2017 Updated: Feb 05, 2017

Justin is kidnapped. What happens when Brian gets caught in the middle?

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Justin Taylor
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), BDSM, First Time (Sex), M/M, Oral Sex, Out of Character, Sex Toys, Spanking, Violence
Genres: Alternate Universe
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 29650 Read Count: 34097
[Report This] Published: Nov 06, 2016 Updated: Jan 20, 2017
Why Not Me. by starlight Rated: E half-star [Reviews - 188]
Summary: Feature

I chose this story as it is a "what if" that continues the story of Brian and Justin after Season 5. Starlight is an author that pulls you into a story by the third paragraph and takes you on a wild ride. There's angst, humor and drama that has you cheering and yelling in disgust in the same chapter. She has this writing style that keeps you wanting more every chapter she writes - mamaduck

Brian and Justin decide it's time to have kids.

Categories: QAF US, Admin Pick
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Sam Auerbach, Ted Schmidt, Tucker
Tags: Anti-Lindsay, Post-series
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending, Could be Canon, Drama, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Drew, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 33789 Read Count: 149064
[Report This] Published: Jul 12, 2016 Updated: Nov 15, 2016


The boys fulfill Brian's dream for a treehouse for Gus and become a true family along the way.

Story #2 of  The Sunshine Files

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Family
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Drew, Michael/Ben
Series: The Sunshine Files
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 24716 Read Count: 26525
[Report This] Published: Oct 28, 2016 Updated: Oct 28, 2016


Another QAF faerie tale! What's a fairy tale collection without a fractured version of Cinderella? Please R/R

What happens when you throw broken condoms and a terrible STD called FADES into the mix? Read on...

Thank you so much to LibertySun for the amazing banner! Intro: What's a fairy tale collection without Cinderfella! More story/romance than anything hardcore in this one, sorry. I did quite a bit of research on fairy tale elements and different versions of Cinderella so I think I've come up with a nice mix and a unhealthy dose of QAF, of course! Please read and review and thanks to all my few fantasy fans that are doing so with my other stories.

Categories: QAF US, Original Fiction
Characters: Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Justin Taylor, Michael Novotny
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Anti-Ethan, Anti-Michael, Bashing, BDSM, Hatred, HIV/Aids, M/M, Oral Sex, Out of Character
Genres: Alternate Universe, Fairy Tale, Hurt/Comfort, Magical/Supernatural, Mythical
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Michael/Ben
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 54498 Read Count: 21408
[Report This] Published: Oct 02, 2016 Updated: Oct 02, 2016
Skillig by Acacia Rated: M starhalf-star [Reviews - 11]

“Ethan, we need the money. And it’s not like I’m going to go and see him anyway, I mean he’s a Partner now, and besides he never goes down to the art department anyway."

WARNING: This fic contains abuse and rape.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Vic Grassi
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Anti-Ethan, Anti-Michael, Non-Consent, Rape, Season 3
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Justin/Ethan
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 29211 Read Count: 4075
[Report This] Published: Sep 14, 2016 Updated: Sep 14, 2016