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Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 10, 2016 3:53 pm Title: Chapter 5

I knew we could count on B and J!

Author's Response: Always, they'll never turn their back and Gus, and he needs them more now than ever before... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Aug 09, 2016 1:14 pm Title: Chapter 5

Never doubted that Brian and Justin would stand by Gus and Cole.  Now they have to find Cole.

Author's Response: Don't worry, he'll be back in the next chapter... Things are on the up swing for the young lovers... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BritinForever Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2016 10:23 pm Title: Chapter 5

I'm loving this story.  I'm so glad that Brian and Justin are being so supportive.  Can't wait for more. :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Yes, Brian and Justin are great father's showing Gus all the love and support he needs... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Qaf4Lyfe Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2016 6:51 pm Title: Chapter 5

I just love this story thanks for the update is that a pic of Guz

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm so glad you're enjoying this fic... Yes, that my choice of pic as an older Gus. His name is Stephen Walker, he's a male model... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2016 5:22 pm Title: Chapter 5

My heart... this was such an AMAZING chapter between two darling men. I love that Brian, although not present in the scene,  has made provisions for Gus to be his own man seperate from Melanie and Lindsay's toxic influence.

I worry about what Cole is having to endure with his family because of Dumb & Dumber's anger, hate and selfishness. The fact that they are angry isn't even on Gus' behalf but about their 'perfect image' of THEIR son. Again I say those bitches should be WHUPPED!!! Hopefully Cole will make contact soon.

Hugs Darling!


Author's Response: Thanks so much Darling! Justin has always been a good father to Gus, and their relationship is very special for both of them. You'll be surprised at how Cole's parents handle the situation, to bad Lindsay and Mel didn't follow there leed... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2016 4:40 pm Title: Chapter 5

Have to say, the last chapter......I wanted to reach through my compter screen and literally kill those two "moms" Mel in particular. Terrible terrible behaviour! that chapter completely broke my heart! If those 2 acted in teh best interst of Gus, I could perhaps understand SOME of their thoughts. (Not attitude or behavious) however, they don't give a shit. 

Justin and Brian of course pull through. that's parenting! Love them and love how they love Gus!! (and each other)

Nicely done!


(Kiss me series please!!! ;)  )

Author's Response: I can understand that, bad munchers, very bad munchers... Who better to understand being a young, gay man that Justin, and Brian will always be there to protect his son... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

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