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Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2016 6:56 pm Title: Chapter 9

I just don't get those 2 women. Not a abit. They have both been absolutely hainous towards poor Gus. for me, they behaviour is totally unforgivable. this fic I have to say has spiked my emotions! It's great!! :) I love it when a fic does that. Naturally being a parent, their behaviour sends me into orbit. lol.

Lindsey looking "fondly" on Brian saounds a bit ominous....

I'm glad Ted was there to shed some light onto the situation for Mel. Put things into perspective. He was much more gentle that I would've been that's for sure. She REALLY needs to get over the whole Brian thing, and learn to be grateful for all he's done. While seh recognises that she needs to apologize to Gus, she also knows she has issues with doing just that. Will she actually step up and do it properly? Or will she point fingers and try to blame Brian for some reason? Will Gus accept her apology? I think it will take taime. Both she and Lindsey have gone to far for either of them to be forgiven speedily. They have alot to do to prove themselves.

Was totally thrilled to see this update!! 



Author's Response: Thanks Darling! What a great comment! I think they've both obsessed about Gus and their expectations for him to follow in Mel's footsteps, that they feel slighted by him choose a different path. The fact that Brian is supporting Gus's decisions, is only furthering their need to keep Gus under their thumb, treat him like a child trying to control him. Ted is trying to make Melanie see how controlling she become concerning Gus. Pointing out that he's a really a good kid, never causing trouble. After all he's almost nineteen, and she needs to let him spread his wings, instead of smothering him trying to make him a mama's boy... As for an apology, they need to acknowledge their behavior, and not just say they're sorry. What they've been doing is just deplorable. He needs love, understanding and support as he learns how to accept his positive status, and what he means to have to live with it for the rest of his life. Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BritinForever Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 03, 2016 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 9

I just want to smack those munchers!!!!  Leave Gus alone.  He's a smart boy.  If he wants to be an architect let him be one.  Thanks for posting this chapter.

Author's Response: Gus is very smart, and that's way it's so important for them to treat him as an adult, and with respect... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 03, 2016 8:14 pm Title: Chapter 9

I appreciate that Mel has FINALLY seen reason that Gus isn't a baby and can make decisions that don't have to be exactly what she wants.

I'm also so proud of Gus for standing up to her and even getting that little dig about relying on Brian's money lol

Author's Response: Mel really needs to thank Ted for putting things in perspective for her. Otherwise if she doesn't change her ways, she might loses Gus altogether... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 03, 2016 12:58 am Title: Chapter 9

It's a good thing they ate at Deb's rather then at the girls' house.  Just them and Gus would have been much worse.  Thank heavens for the voice of reason - Ted!  Great chapter.

Author's Response: Oh God! Can you imagine what a scene it would have been if it was just Lindsay and Mel, having dinner with Gus and Cole... I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have stayed long enough to eat... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 02, 2016 11:49 pm Title: Chapter 9

Glad that Gus is asserting himself and calling Mel on her shit. She needed to be told that she was acting like an asshole (Apologies to assholes everywhere for the insult to your questionable characters.. but I couldn't find a better term for the termagent with her head up her ass)! And she goes again trying to play "Peaceful Lesbian in the Middle!" Either she stands with her child or she doesn't but make a decision already so that Gus can move on with or wthout you. I abhor flighty females and fair-weather family. Gus, Brian and Justin are surrounded by them in spades!

Great Update and Looking forward to MORE!!



Author's Response: Now that Gus is no longer living under their roof, it's easier for him to speak his mind and stand up for himself. I hope Mel takes Ted's advice, because they're coming close to losing Gus if they don't change their ways. Thankfully Gus has a strong support system, with Brian and Justin. After all Justin knows all about disapproving parents, and learning to let go... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

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