Date: Apr 15, 2021 7:15 pm Title: Right as Rain
I loved this story. I had it narrowed down to either Ethan or Michael, but then was right on the money with Ethan. And if he thought he was getting leniancy after brutally killing people, he is truly not playing with a full deck!!
Date: Aug 23, 2019 4:00 am Title: Right as Rain
had toread it again, thanks
Date: Nov 03, 2018 5:01 pm Title: Right as Rain
Love it
I figuered it was Eathan who did the killing
Date: Nov 27, 2017 3:33 pm Title: Right as Rain
Loved this... thank you for the epilogue... I love hearing how everyone turned out... but no update on Maniac Michael? It's ok, I would love to just forget about him too lol
Date: Nov 27, 2017 3:26 pm Title: All That Remains
So glad Debbie still didn't give up and found out who the first two boys were... so sad.
Glad Mikey disappeared into the ether and Ethan got exactly what he should have.. .still delusional and blaming anyone but himself!
Date: Nov 27, 2017 2:09 pm Title: Final Curtain
As bad as Michael is, I didn’t expect him to be the killer.
Date: Nov 27, 2017 1:07 pm Title: In the Presence of the Enemy
Yay for Sam.
Date: Nov 27, 2017 12:56 pm Title: The Likeness
Aaron’s parents had my heart breaking
Date: Nov 27, 2017 12:49 pm Title: Nemesis
Poor Debbie.... of course she loves him since he’s her son, but she doesn’t like him (and shouldn’t)
the only reason I’m not worried about Justin is because this is a “prequel” lol
Date: Nov 27, 2017 11:23 am Title: Postmortem
They all have such big hearts
Date: Nov 27, 2017 11:16 am Title: In Cold Blood
Both bodies looked like our boys???? Scary
Date: Oct 09, 2017 10:50 pm Title: Right as Rain
GReat story- Yes, it was dark but also heartwarming- your words are too true. I would love to read other stories in the universe- ( barring anything about Michael)- a little angst is okay but happy endings are always welcome
Author's Response:
Very glad you enjoyed our story.
So far there are four other stories in this universe:
Bittersweet Promise, the one that started them all. Daphne asks Justin for a favor that changes his life.
I'll Cover You, about Emmett and Drew expanding their family.
Coming Clean, a story about Gus and a friend.
7, a Prince Tribute, written by charming1.
Michael is only very briefly in one of the stories, and only for plotline purposes.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Oct 08, 2017 7:26 pm Title: Right as Rain
Wonderful ending ! Thank you for this great story !!
Author's Response:
So happy you enjoyed our story.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 08, 2017 10:28 am Title: Right as Rain
Nice sweet ending.
Carl did do those four boys proud.
Author's Response:
They all got what they needed.
The boys would be very proud.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 08, 2017 9:34 am Title: Right as Rain
So sad to see it's ending already, such a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing :)
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed our story.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 08, 2017 4:53 am Title: Right as Rain
Great story! I hope this exits for real.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the story.
We wish this could be a real thing, it really would help so many kids.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 08, 2017 2:46 am Title: Right as Rain
Great, Love it and looking forward to more
Author's Response:
So happy you enjoyed the story.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Oct 08, 2017 2:31 am Title: Right as Rain
A fantastic ending. It was so nice that Deb and Carl got a trip. Looks like the Sunshine Home was coming up rainbows.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Glad you enjoyed the story.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 07, 2017 1:40 am Title: All That Remains
I know a family who threw out their HIV positive son as a teenager, my son's boyfriend who did not come out until his mother died. Being ashamed of you are used to make my son crazy. Some of this still exists it is so scary!!!!!
Author's Response:
It's sad and scary to think that you can't even tell your family who you really are.
Children should be loved and accepted for anything that they can't control. It's ridiculous to think that anyone would choose to be something that their family refused to accept. I can't imagine doing that to any child.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 07, 2017 1:16 am Title: Final Curtain
Ethan Gold such a wimp always was a dick now a murder
Author's Response:
Ethan just had a very sinister look, couldn't put anything past him.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Oct 07, 2017 1:05 am Title: In the Presence of the Enemy
There are parents who don't care who their child loves...they are out there
Thanks for writing about the parents of the slain boy
Author's Response:
There are many parents who accept their children no matter what, but there are many that don't.
Kids like this are thrown out all the time.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Oct 06, 2017 3:29 pm Title: All That Remains
I have read the 7 chapters. First I thought the murderer was Michael he is so childish making others responsible for his miserable life and it's ian !!!! He deserves much suffering for what he did to these young men
The shelter is really a good idea thanks to the family of Liberty Avenue. And thanks to you Ladies for this great story !
You are a wonderful team ! Waiting for the epilogue !
Author's Response:
Michael is angry and childish but he is all about being able to brag and that wouldn't be something he could brag about.
The chin rat has several lifetimes to reflect on what he did and the suffering he has caused. Prison won't be fun for him.
The shelter will be a great thing for everyone.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 06, 2017 3:56 am Title: All That Remains
Ian is a nasty guy; he should at least shut his mouth.
The foundation is a great idea to rescue some of the lost boys.
Author's Response:
The chin rat thinks very highly of himself and expects everyone else to feel the same way.
People who care want everyone safe.
~charming1 and Lorie~
Date: Oct 05, 2017 9:36 pm Title: All That Remains
This was a great update.
Michael just couldn't face growning up and being. a responsible adult.
Ethan can't handle not being someone's all. Maybe he'll enjoy prison life. Can form an orchestra of convicts.
Looking forward to epilogue.
Author's Response:
Michael only sees himself and his wants and needs.
Hopefully Ethan will get what he deserves in prison.
An all violin orchestra, they can call themselves the Tortured Cats.
More soon.
~charming1 and Lorie~

Date: Oct 05, 2017 8:41 pm Title: All That Remains
I can't help feeling that Michael isn't innocent. That first murder has his name written all over it. Deb gave it to him straight and he merely asked if she was going to leave the food? It's nice to see how everyone is working out. Can't wait to see what your last chapter tells us.
Author's Response:
Michael doesn't have the balls to actually kill someone, he is all talk.
He may wish he could hurt Justin and Brian but he would never do it.
He is a narcissistic bastard, only thinking of how to get things for himself.
In his mind there is no one in the world more important than he is, and that is the way he thinks he should be treated.
Everyone who deserves happiness will get it.
~charming1 and Lorie~