Date: Mar 27, 2020 5:26 pm Title: Chapter 7: We Meet Again and For the First Time
Whoa I Am So Hooks On This!
So Many People Are About To Have Their Lives Permanently Destroyed As They Tried To Destroy Brian and Justin.
Deb, Michael, Lindsay, Craig, Jack, Joan and Claire are about to get the full meaning of Payback Is A Bitch!!!
Deb should be arrested for hitting Matthew.
What A support system Brian and Justin are acquiring right now and they will need it for what lies ahead.
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Apr 06, 2018 8:20 pm Title: Chapter 7: We Meet Again and For the First Time
Love that Justin has a cat. Not so sure that Brian does. Looks like the Kinney's are going to get what they have coming to them. Goody!
Author's Response:
Not Justin's cat. In the show, Glee Hunter has a cat named Mr. Puss. It's his cat
Date: Mar 18, 2018 12:54 pm Title: Chapter 6: The Secrets are Out
Maybe Brian's family is not that bad, considering John and Joan are not his parents. Why did they take him?
Date: Mar 18, 2018 12:46 pm Title: Chapter 5: Two Worlds Collide
Emmett and Ted are so much better friends than Michael and Lindsay.
Date: Mar 18, 2018 12:41 pm Title: Chapter 4: What's happening in Pittsburgh
The trio is going to end in jail if they push too many buttons.
Date: Mar 18, 2018 12:37 pm Title: Chapter 3: The Talk
Another huge coincidence! In the whole town they ended in the same building?
Date: Mar 18, 2018 12:31 pm Title: Chapter 2: Finding out and Moving
What a family from Hell! And what awful friends!
Date: Mar 18, 2018 12:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
What a circus Brian just landed in! At least, he has Gus with him.
Date: Feb 21, 2018 7:40 pm Title: Chapter 6: The Secrets are Out
All five chapters, wow oh wow!

Date: Feb 21, 2018 3:18 am Title: Chapter 6: The Secrets are Out
Thanks for giving us a backstory. This makes sense.

Date: Feb 20, 2018 1:56 pm Title: Chapter 5: Two Worlds Collide
If William and Chris are Brian's parents how did he end up with Jack and Joan? Love that Brian is reaching out to Emmett and Ted.
Date: Feb 19, 2018 11:58 pm Title: Chapter 5: Two Worlds Collide
Oh this is getting really good.

Date: Jan 16, 2018 2:34 am Title: Chapter 4: What's happening in Pittsburgh
Sadly Deb is well on her way to the insane asylum along with her son and Lindsay.
Date: Jan 16, 2018 12:05 am Title: Chapter 4: What's happening in Pittsburgh
Will the three idiots never learn?????? Good chapter.

Date: Jan 09, 2018 7:34 pm Title: Chapter 3: The Talk
I agree with John, shopping is a bad idea. Perhaps Brian can explain why he has custody of 3 kids? Now back to the kissing.
Date: Jan 08, 2018 3:13 pm Title: Chapter 2: Finding out and Moving
Cliffhanger. I hate cliffhangers, but this will be a good one so I am going to be ok. Wonderful chapter.

Date: Jan 08, 2018 3:00 pm Title: Chapter 2: Finding out and Moving
Wow. I'm liking what I read. What are the chances of Brian meeting Molly? So he's changed the locks to keep Michael, Deb and Lindsay out and is now in New York! What was the shock that Brian got? Next chapter please.
Date: Jan 04, 2018 9:42 pm Title: Chapter 1
Yeah, another good story to read on these cold, wintry days. Thank you.

Date: Jan 04, 2018 9:02 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oh this looks to be so good. I can't wait to see how Brian goes about finding Justin and how he ends up with three kids, make that four once he finds Justin.