Date: Aug 30, 2020 12:27 pm Title: Chapter 1
Really enjoyed this.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for taking time to let me know that you enjoyed reading this story, Calliesky. Huge hugs, Grammy
Date: Jan 21, 2018 5:06 pm Title: Chapter 1
Great idea to write this story: this episode was unfinished somehow.
Author's Response:
I agree with you, SNO. I felt that Stockwell's story wasn't complete. He wouldn't just fade into the background. I'm glad you enjoyed my version of his final scne. Thanks so much for commenting. Hugs, Grammy

Date: Jan 21, 2018 1:16 am Title: Chapter 1
I don't remember reading this story before.
It was wonderful, I love how you included Emmett's dance partner in it.
Great job, as always.
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you checked out this story, Lorie. It was a lot of fun to imagine what might have happened after everyone celebrated Stockwell's defeat. I just couldn't see that pathetic man letting it go without some kind of reaction. I'm happy that you liked where I took this story. Hugs, Grammy

Date: Jan 20, 2018 4:39 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wow. Brian was so brave. But shouldn't Justin have gone to the emegency room? Loved this, it was definitely suspenseful.
Author's Response:
Actually, you are the second person to mention the emergency room. The other was a nurse, but as I told her the injury was just a scratch. For the couple, it was no different than getting a scratch from anything else and they were far too eager to get back to what they had been doing before being so rudely interrupted. Also, if they had gone to the emergency room they would have had to explain how he got the scratch, and they would have gotten the same care Brian provided at home. At least this was my way of thinking when I wrote the story. But I appreciate your asking me about it. Thanks so much for your comments, YumYum. Hugs, Grammy

Date: Jan 20, 2018 5:41 am Title: Chapter 1
Omg...that was terrifying...damn...amazing plot twist.
Excellent like always.
Thank u for sharing.
Banner was superb too.
Author's Response:
I love the drama in the banner and am glad you liked it too. Thank you, Nkaur. As for the story, I was eager to show Stockwell as the villain I always saw him as. I hate hypocrites and he was the epitome of one in my opinion. I'm so glad you approved of the direction I took this story. Hugs, Grammy
Date: Jan 20, 2018 12:19 am Title: Chapter 1
Another great story. Brian showed he was a much better man than Stockwell and even tho he couldn't say it, Justin knew he was loved.
Author's Response:
I had always wished that we heard more about Stockwell paying for his ignorance, so this gave me the chance to get some closure. Of course, I had to show the man for the jerk he was, and Brian will always be my hero. I'm glad you liked this story, Mamab. Thank you for your great comments. Hugs, Grammy