Date: Dec 06, 2018 5:35 pm Title: Is it luck?
Please update
Date: Nov 27, 2018 2:55 am Title: Is it luck?
Wonderful chapter. So sorry to hear of your loss. We all face difficult times in our lives and want you to know that I am sending love and prayers. Will wait for updates as you can do them. Perhaps a day will come when writing will help to ease the pain and allow other thoughts to take over. In any case we will be here for you.

Date: Nov 26, 2018 2:06 pm Title: Is it luck?
With the bad comes good news.
Date: Oct 25, 2018 12:29 pm Title: Tests
Wow, what a powerful chapter. Tissues were out again. Hope you realize what a fantastic writer you are to bring out the feelings and emotions that you do. Great job.
Date: Oct 25, 2018 12:00 pm Title: Tests
Oh my goodness, i am loving this story...and hating this story!!! Loving it because you have managed to write a beautifully poignant story for our boys, with Brian open and vulnerable and downright lovely, without losing the essence of who he is.Hating it because a lovely young girl I have mentored since she was a little girl was just diagnosed with a brain stem tumor, and so this is so close to my heart right now. Also, I love that Michael is so supportive in this piece. That is something we so rarely see.

Date: Oct 25, 2018 5:06 am Title: Tests
Michael did a good job telling everyone. I'm sure once Brian asks everyone will be willing to help.
Date: Oct 25, 2018 4:35 am Title: Tests
Another great update.
Jennifer giving her approval by welcoming him to the family. Made me smile. Getting the doctor to keep her informed as well was the right thing to do.
The family better get a grip real fast. Brian won't let them near Justin if they're going to be a weepy. That's the last thing they would want.
Date: Oct 21, 2018 6:45 pm Title: Behind the mask
I really like this story. I hope Justin is cured of cancer because I can not read a sad ending, where Justin or Brian dies. During the story there can be pain, struggle, fight for healing, only the end should be positive. So please, write a happy end to the story.
Otherwise, I really love and thank you so much.
Date: Oct 20, 2018 8:37 pm Title: Behind the mask
I’m ready for this newly mature Brian. But why do I get the feeling it won’t be that simple ... TAG

Date: Oct 20, 2018 12:41 am Title: Behind the mask
Love that Brian admits to himself that he wants Justin in his life. Hope he gets his wish.
Date: Oct 20, 2018 12:18 am Title: Behind the mask
Loved this update. Brian deciding to except his relationship with Justin, to grow up, to see him processing his thoughts of his future was amazing.
He nailed everyone's reactions. Mikey and his jealousy, oh yeah. I mean look at the stupid question he asked. Is he okay. Sure Mikey, my boyfriend got bashed and then I find out he has a cancerous brain tumor. Yeah I'm just fine. What a stupid stupid question asked by a stupid man.
Date: Oct 16, 2018 12:21 pm Title: Chapter 2
Touching. Love that Brian is trying to be supportive for Jennifer here. TAG
Date: Oct 16, 2018 12:05 pm Title: The news
Hmmmm, brain cancer sounds super bad. I’m not sure Brian’s ready for this. TAG
Date: Oct 15, 2018 8:09 pm Title: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 was posted on Oct. 11 and I reviewed it than and now it is posted again today. Shouldn't this be Chapter 3?
Date: Oct 15, 2018 5:19 pm Title: Chapter 2
He's going blindly into unknown territory. It is so hard to stay strong. Jennifer being there, her shock and all, will help. Let them cry, shout, curse the powers that be, but together they'll get Justin through this.
Great chapter. Definitely felt all his confusion and pain.

Date: Oct 11, 2018 1:47 pm Title: Chapter 2
Can't wait to find out what you have planned. Brian having to keep Jennifer up on what's happening is so different and nicely done.
Date: Oct 11, 2018 8:20 am Title: Chapter 2
Wow, great powerful chapter. Terrific writing.

Date: Oct 06, 2018 7:01 pm Title: The news
Very powerful start. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Date: Oct 05, 2018 2:16 am Title: The news
You've given us more than enough, yet we need more. Looking forward to it.
Date: Oct 04, 2018 10:41 pm Title: The news
Please continue this. I love it!!!
Date: Oct 04, 2018 6:50 pm Title: The news
Hi Megan! WELCOME TO KD! The first chapter was not only heartbreaking, but stunningly written. Well wishes on your writing journey!
Date: Oct 04, 2018 5:40 pm Title: The news
Heartbreaking first chapter.
I like the twist of them having each other's POA. Smart move on their parts. Craig wouldn't have cared. Jenn isn't going to be happy at first but she'll come around.
Mikey Mikey Mikey, didn't have to wait to see the love between Brian and Justin. Now he'll be able to be a true friend to them both I hope.
Hard pill to swallow knowing or not knowing what would have happened if Chris didn't...
Date: Oct 04, 2018 5:02 pm Title: The news
Great start. Intriguing. Love it. Thanks for writing this.
Date: Oct 04, 2018 2:22 pm Title: The news
Hey Megan... Welcome to Kinnetik Dreams. I wrote you a long review over on Midnight Whispers. I mentioned that I had a different user name on Kinnetik Dreams, so here I am welcoming you here. I will be reading and reviewing your story from here from now on, as most of the stories I read are on written on Kinnetik Dreams. Really not that much to read over there.
I will once again say what an amazing writer you are. I love your story premise and I love your narration. I'm so looking forward to the continuation.
XOXO ~ Cathy
Date: Oct 04, 2018 11:48 am Title: The news
Welcome to KD! I’m very excited to read your first QAF story! TAG
Author's Response:
Thank you!! I actually can't believe you've commented on my story! I admire your writing so much and have read so many, if not all, of your storys!
Thank you so much!