Date: Oct 31, 2018 12:39 am Title: Three Days
Wonderfully written. Just wonderful. You could almost see Brian’s anguish during those three days. Thank you for writing. TAG
Date: Oct 21, 2018 3:24 pm Title: Three Days
I was surprised this story was a reflective look through Michael's mind and life than that of Brian's. An account of the three days Michael and Brian spent at the hospital, after Justin was bashed. I guess I thought we'd be hearing the heartwrenching pain Brian was going through, in his words, during those three horrific days, while also reliving Brian's past year since he met Justin. About the state of Brian's mind while he sat with Justin in his hopstital room, holding his hand. Not Michael's POV. And I was a little creeped out by all the constant touchy-feely behavior Michael was showing Brian, even after Brian had fallen asleep, constantly stroking and petting on Brian. *shivers* Brian is not that type of person, one wanting contact and sympathy.
IMO, you had one very correct look into Michael. When Brian first called Michael to inform him about Justin. And Michael's immediate thought was, Had he changed his mind about letting Michael go? Was he calling to try to talk Michael into staying? It's as if Michael thought Brian wouldn't want to have a life without him in it. As if HE was the most important person in Brian's life.
I know this is probably not the right place to say this, but everything Michael witnessed after he walked into the hospital where all his thoughts were describing the devastation and brokenness of Brian Kinney, hearing how Brian was blaming himself, realizing how much Justin meant to Brian, even Brian loving Justin, well it made me think of Gus' birthday party where Michael was spewing how Brian should have left Justin to die on the cement. How could someone say something like that to a person who was obviously so beaten down by that circumstance? Especially since Michael had gone through an attack. Did Michael feel as if he should have been abused to the point he would have have died? And Michael claims he's Brian's best friend. Some best friend. That makes me think how much I would love to read a story regarding Michael AND Brian's thoughts from the moment they each see Justin at the party, during the party, and after the slug to the eye. I've never read anything like that before. *hint* Anyway, I can't control my thoughts while reading something that spins my mind somewhere else.
I know I'm definitely not a Michael lover, and I personally don't like Hal Sparks. And I'm sorry if I have down-graded something you've written. The writing is fantastic and visually sound, but I guess it's the context I have a problem with. The back-story you wrote for Michael was innovative and believable.
Author's Response:
I chose to write it from Michael's POV because Brian just simply wasn't in the condition to tell the story. What we see at the end of 122 is Michael physically comforting Brian, so I chose to extend that farther as the story continued. They care deeply about each other. I was trying to show that from Michael's side. Brian is also a little bit out of his head, here...he's in a strange, very upsetting situation that he's never been in before. And he called Michael in the show (at least, we presume he is the one who called), so that to me says that he wanted him to be there. And he was. He didn't shrug Michael off in what we see in the show -- he let Michael try to comfort him.
I know a lot of people don't like Michael. But I do. I won't be writing any anti-Michael stories, and I'm frustrated by some of the inconsistent writing the character got in the series.
In 301, the anniversary party where Brian punches Michael, I think Michael said what he said because he was upset at Justin for hurting Brian. BUT, I do think what he said was totally out of line, particularly in the context where he knew how much the bashing had affected Brian. I think here that Michael felt like he was "defending" Brian, although Brian didn't want to be defended, and certainly not in that way. Michael said what he said in the heat of the moment, upset because Justin had hurt his best friend. That doesn't make what he said right, but I feel that was his thought process. And he did come to realize later that he shouldn't have said it.
Date: Oct 20, 2018 6:59 pm Title: Three Days
WOW, What a powerful story written so beautifully. A definite tissue box story. It really does seem like this is how the events of those three days not shown in the series would have taken place. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 It's a tearjerker, for sure. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Date: Oct 19, 2018 8:41 pm Title: Three Days
wou, just wou!
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 Glad you enjoyed it!

Date: Oct 18, 2018 3:26 pm Title: Three Days
Wow, you gave us a comprehensive look at what was going on. Michael's background was a bonus, I just thought he was too lazy to study without Brian being there to hold his hand.
Author's Response:
There was definitely more there than met the eye...
Date: Oct 18, 2018 2:07 pm Title: Three Days
Wow...I can totally see all of that happening in my mind's eye....thank you for this! It was wonderful & very powerful. The backstory on Michael, holy shit! Never thought of any of that possibly happening in the series. It definitely would have given me pause with respect to how I always felt about Michael. Just wow.....
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you liked it, Gloria! I hope I got enough of Brian's thoughts from the moment you were looking for in there. And I love how it made you reconsider Michael's character a bit. That wasn't something I was setting out to purposely do with this story, but others are experiencing that as well, and I'm happy that I could do that, even if sort of by accident.