Date: May 23, 2022 5:32 pm Title: Renewal, Part Three: Beauty in the Aftermath
I want a new series, in fact, I demand one. This is such an incredible story. It makes me smile, laugh at how silly our boys can be, and cry at all the shit they have been through and survived.

Date: May 23, 2022 4:35 pm Title: Renewal, Part One: Past, Present, and Future
So hot, and it's great that Justin still gets what he needs while still giving Brian what he can. I wonder if there will ever be a way to almost stimulate a fake ejaculation?

Date: May 23, 2022 3:30 pm Title: Reinvention
These boys make me so happy, as does your writing. Thank you.

Date: May 05, 2022 5:12 pm Title: Emergency
Thank fucking god he called Rob, I kept wishing he'd call Jen too, he needs that cuddle asap, so Rob is definitely nearer for that. Argh, Brian is so poorly.

Date: May 05, 2022 5:12 pm Title: Emergency
Thank fucking god he called Rob, I kept wishing he'd call Jen too, he needs that cuddle asap, so Rob is definitely nearer for that. Argh, Brian is so poorly.

Date: May 05, 2022 5:12 pm Title: Emergency
Thank fucking god he called Rob, I kept wishing he'd call Jen too, he needs that cuddle asap, so Rob is definitely nearer for that. Argh, Brian is so poorly.

Date: May 05, 2022 4:55 pm Title: Stress Response
Shit, fuck. I forgot this part. Brian has been killing himself at work and not looking after himself :(

Date: May 05, 2022 4:55 pm Title: Stress Response
Shit, fuck. I forgot this part. Brian has been killing himself at work and not looking after himself :(

Date: May 05, 2022 10:21 am Title: Adaptation
Poor Brian, but I am so glad he has Justin to look after him. And the fact that Justin felt like he could attempt some work, even if it was to help Brian out is amazing.

Date: May 05, 2022 9:28 am Title: Family
I love Jennifer, and I loved her so much in this chapter. I wish there were more stories where she sees how wonderful Brian is for her son hehe. Seriously though, I am glad she sees that although his action speaks louder than words, he has gotten better at talking.
Justin at the end about making new memories made me smile so much, I want to hug him

Date: Apr 29, 2022 8:00 pm Title: Home
I love that Justin is learning all of this again, and he's right, it's a good hand workout.

Date: Apr 28, 2022 2:06 pm Title: Friendship
I forgot how much I loved Rob.

Date: Apr 28, 2022 1:37 pm Title: Relief
I really do like seeing Brian letting out his emotions like this.

Date: Apr 27, 2022 5:44 pm Title: Upside Down
I am an emotional wreck reading this.

Date: Apr 27, 2022 5:25 pm Title: Moving On
Our boys cannot catch a break, can they?
You are such a wonderful writer.

Date: Apr 27, 2022 5:25 pm Title: Moving On
Our boys cannot catch a break, can they?
You are such a wonderful writer.

Date: Apr 27, 2022 4:58 pm Title: Beautiful
I will never not cry reading this chapter. Not only was it beautiful just imagining Brian walking towards Justin and them getting to hug and kiss standing up, but those wedding vows were perfection.

Date: Apr 26, 2022 6:06 pm Title: Familiarity
Have you watched a girl called Makayla on Youtube, she also has a SCI (I believe her neck) and I love watching her videos with her trainer. They work so hard and it's amazing the things they have managed to achieve.
I am glad Brian is allowing Justin to look after him a little more.

Date: Jul 26, 2021 4:45 pm Title: Renewal, Part Three: Beauty in the Aftermath
I am going to try and write this through my tears because holy shittballs, that was beautiful and everything I could have ever wished for and more. The standing chair was just how I pictured it, and I hope he uses it lots and that Justin gets lots of standing-up cuddles out of it. And omg, he gave one to Rob, the moment Rob said he was jealous, I was hoping he'd offer and he did. This really was the perfect ending to the perfect story. I need more. I crave more. Please.

Date: Jul 26, 2021 3:55 pm Title: Renewal, Part Two: Second Chances
I'm so happy the show went so well for Justin, we knew it would though because he's a survivor :)
And wow, the woman coming up to Justin saying she was there the night of the accident, that was kind of cool. As Brian said, it was a relief to know he wasn't alone.
I can't believe his paintings were returned to him, it's all coming together for Justin, just as it always should have.
I have another request/idea. Brian goes swimming for the first time after his accident with Justin. It's great for his body because it takes the weight off his legs. And it's a fantastic workout for his upper arms. My friend now goes swimming each week because the weight of carrying around her legs is a lot, and this takes that pressure off. I can imagine how nervous he'd be and there could be some really cute and romantic pool scenes as well as really happy ones for Brian. It would be cool for him to find a sport or activity he can excel in now he can't do all his usual workout stuff at the gym.
This is nearly over. I am not ready :(

Date: Jul 25, 2021 5:45 pm Title: Renewal, Part One: Past, Present, and Future
I don't want to keep reading because then I am done and I am not ready for that. This is such a beautiful world you have created. So well written and so easy to picture.
God bless the sex chair.

Date: Jul 25, 2021 5:16 pm Title: Reinvention
Justin sounds like the most amazing art teacher, I am so happy Adam convinced him to do it for those two weeks and that now Justin wants to take it on full time. Sometimes you just need someone else to show you the way a little.
Yoga is brilliant and it's something I could see Justin becoming really into, which would probably make Brian roll his eyes, but be secretly happy for him.
I can't wait to "see" what Brian thinks of the work at Nick's restaurant. I hope it helps his business, but mostly I hope it makes Brian happy to know Justin did this for him and for others in his situation.
I don't want this to ever end.

Date: Jul 25, 2021 1:50 pm Title: Rebirth
Cynthia and Brian are amazing together and I really hope they get to have more of this in later stories. I am sad I am almost done though. Like I really am in love with this story. It's my favourite.
I am excited about the standing chair, another thing I suggested and didn't know you had planned haha.
I would love to see Brian maybe try a disabled sports game, like basketball or dodgeball. Something sporty, because he was. Maybe he and Rob join a team?
Justin definitely needs to introduce full-body massages to their routine, which you mentioned in the last chapter. That is something my friend said she cannot do without now. Her boyfriend also does VERY light ankle weight exercises while holding her legs, to help her muscles.

Date: Jul 25, 2021 11:17 am Title: Release
Way to go Justin. Doing something that freaks you out so much is always hard, but what he did was even harder. But he did it.
It was wonderful to hear Justin yell Bria the prom wasn't his fault, he needed to hear it - even if it didn't need to be said. And hearing the prom night from his POV was so wonderfully heartbreaking.

Date: Jul 24, 2021 7:15 pm Title: Fighting to Let Go
Justin and Rob are ganging up on Brian and I love it. But he needs to listen to them both. He needs to have that talk with Justin as Rob says. And Justin telling him it wasn't worth it was perfection.
I love the idea of Cynthia being in NYC with Brian.