Date: May 27, 2019 11:10 pm Title: Part Four: A Secret Revealed
Grammy, I just finished this excellent story on the Joan/Brian (mother/son) dynamic. Reading it from your perspective, makes so much sense as to Joan's hatred and disgust of Brian. Was it that she was disgusted by Brian's aversion, or was it because maybe she thought 'she' passed this infliction onto Brian, thus more disgusted with herself, rather than Brian?
Interesting topic. You did good once again...
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
I've always found it interesting on how a mother can be so cold to their child. I know there are many reasons why this happens in real life. I decided to explore this unique reasoning, and I'm very glad you approve of my idea. And considering how Joan would feel about having lesbian thoughts, she would definitely hate seeing such a thing in her own son. And of course, she also hated her husband, so she could easily transfer those feelings onto the child borne of that man. Thank you so much for checking out this story and for leaving me feedback. Warmest hugs, Grammy
Date: Feb 16, 2019 4:32 pm Title: Part Four: A Secret Revealed
Wow, what a fantastic story. You had me when Brian said his husband and I had to just keep reading, not even stopping to review each chapter. Terrific idea on the Brian/Joan situation. Who would have expected that of Joan? As usual, your writing is amazing and I love your stories. Really look forward to each new one. Hope all is well with you.
Author's Response:
Your comments are so delightful, Mamab. I always look forward to hearing from you. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed this story. My aim was to try and understand why a woman would be so cold to her own child. This was not to excuse her for her behavior, but to shed a light on why she was like she was. Even in the series, we had the impression that she had very little love for her husband, so this would explain that too. This story also gave Brian a chance to realize that it wasn't because of who he was, which made his mother treat him the way she did, but that she would have been that way with ANY first-born. Thank you so much for commenting. And yes, I am doing quite well right now, and I hope the same for you. Huge hugs, Grammy

Date: Feb 16, 2019 3:41 pm Title: Part Four: A Secret Revealed
This explains so much. Joanie deserved her life by failing to live how she could have. Ginny obviously did and was probably much happier for it.
Author's Response:
The truth is that so many folks suffered the way Joanie did for much the same reasons. It was such a different time and place back when she was young, and her upbringing had a lot to do with her choices. Ginny is actually based on a real person in my life. The very first friend I made the one year I attended college was a lovely girl we all called Kelly. She was gay, but she ended up marrying a gay man so that both of them could feel safe in their lives. This was back in the mid-'60s. I lost track of her years ago, but often wondered how her life turned out. She was such a beautiful human being and I prayed her life turned out happy, especially once some of the stigma of being gay was lessened.

Date: Feb 16, 2019 3:22 pm Title: Part Three: The Attic's Surprise
So who is Virginia Kelly? Was Joanie a closet lesbian?
Author's Response:
Sadly, Joanie was indeed a deeply closeted lesbian, which affected her entire life. Unfortunately, it affected the lives of others too, including her son. So sad! Hugs, Grammy

Date: Feb 16, 2019 3:12 pm Title: Part Two: The Will
My, my. So Joanie had more money then one would have thought. Interesting. Selling the house sounds like a good plan. I wonder what secrets there are inside. A secret room with BDMS equipment?
Author's Response:
Poor old Joanie just didn't like to spend money, so her frugal lifestyle will benefit the son she never gave her heart to. Ironic, isn't it?
Hmmm, never thought about a secret BDMS room. What a concept. LOL! Hugs, Grammy

Date: Feb 16, 2019 2:58 pm Title: Part One: Death in the Family
Wow! What an interesting start. What will Brian do and what doesn't he know?
Author's Response:
Oh, Brian doesn't know something quite remarkable. As you'll soon learn. Thank you for checking out my story and leaving your thoughts, YumYum. Hugs, Grammy