Date: Jul 27, 2021 3:53 pm Title: Chapter 4
The peace before the storm :(

Date: Jul 27, 2021 3:41 pm Title: Chapter 3
Oh, Justin, you're making our boy worry so much about you. What is happening :(

Date: Jul 27, 2021 3:41 pm Title: Chapter 3
Oh, Justin, you're making our boy worry so much about you. What is happening :(

Date: Jul 27, 2021 2:33 pm Title: Chapter 2
Something isn't right with our Sunshine :(
Author's Response:
Not sure why my last reply added a bunch of question marks. ;) But anyway, this story comes before "A Thousand Lifetimes."

Date: Jul 27, 2021 2:33 pm Title: Chapter 2
Something isn't right with our Sunshine :(

Date: Jul 27, 2021 2:25 pm Title: Chapter 1
I hope I am reading this in the right order. Anyway, happy to find more from this universe... are there any more bottom brian chapters?
What is wrong with Justin? :(
Author's Response:
If you go to the "Stories from the Changed verse" series, they should be listed in order there ????
Date: Nov 26, 2019 12:28 pm Title: Chapter 19
great story
Author's Response:
Thank you <3
Date: Nov 15, 2019 7:03 am Title: Chapter 1
Just a quick note to say thanks for this story. You are such a talented writer and although this is not what I pictured their future to be like, I really enjoy your tales. You note at the end was very moving. Look after yourself.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much <3 It makes me happy that you enjoy reading the stories! :) I am doing much better, and my brain has started thinking in this verse again, so there might be something new soon.

Date: Nov 07, 2019 6:09 pm Title: Chapter 19
Beautiful ending: Brian admissions are always great to read and knowing that Justin, yet still struggling sometimes, is on his way to better physical and psychological states is a relief.
I'm always admiring people who can write such powerful stories and knowing what you went through, I can't even imagine how painful it must have been to write such detailed story, yet as you said, it helped you. Thank you for sharing your talent with us and for giving some insight into your own journey.
It's great to know that you will continue this saga and keep them alive and kicking.
Author's Response:
Thank you<3 Writing this story was very cathartic in a way, bringing Justin through to the other side. I do tend to put myself in the chatacters' shoes when I write, which can make for some emotional moments and occasional tears, but in the end, it's all very cathartic. I love this version of Brian and Justin far too much to let them go! Thanks for always reading and commenting! I appreciate it!

Date: Nov 07, 2019 5:03 pm Title: Chapter 18
Wonderful chapter, once more!
So glad they spent a night out and were able to have fun, as before.
What amazes me is how you can make me feel what they go through. The fleeting glimpse of tear, the angst to go back to the studio, the uncertainty of what is happening. And then, "You did this for me?", just like when Brian went to Britin to propose one more time, just after the bombing. Then, the full megawatt smile!
Thank you!
Author's Response:
Thank *you*! I so appreciate hearing all of this, and I'm so, so glad that you've continued to enjoy the story. <3
Date: Nov 04, 2019 1:45 am Title: Chapter 18
This story, as well as your ending words, are so beautiful!
i look forward to reading whatever and whenever you write. You are a gifted writer â¤
Author's Response:
Thank you so much <3 I’m so glad you enjoyed the story...thanks for reading! I’ve definitely got some ideas floating around in my head, and some of them are starting to make it to “paper.” (Well, screen. But still.)

Date: Nov 03, 2019 1:56 am Title: Chapter 19
Of course, the cat had to get Brian to know who was the Boss. Frankly, I always thought Justin was allergic to flowers, which was one of the reasons that Brian never got him any. Thanksgiving turned out great and I'm sure that there is more happy moments ahead for Brian and Justin.
Author's Response:
I think fear was probably the determining factor more than anything when it came to canon Brian not buying flowers for Justin. And I figure hopefully adult Justin has some of his allergies a little better managed. ;) There are definitely more happy moments ahead for them! Thanks for reading <3

Date: Nov 03, 2019 1:52 am Title: Chapter 18
I think the white Persian is mostly for Brian, but I'm sure Justin will love her too.
Author's Response:
She's a classy lady, so she definitely appealed to Brian there! But she is definitely for Justin. ;)

Date: Nov 03, 2019 1:34 am Title: Chapter 17
Justin is going to be surprised, but Brian is even more surprised to find that he wants to grow old with Justin.
Author's Response:
I loved writing that thought for Brian...that he wanted to grow old with Justin. *happy sigh*

Date: Nov 02, 2019 4:23 pm Title: Chapter 19
What a wonderful ending to this part of their story. If you continue to write their story it will be great, but if you choose another route, we will know that they are well and getting better and that is all that counts. I truly hope that your personal life improves minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day and year by year. Writing this story may have been just what it took for you to get through a dark period in life. We all have them to some degree and must find a way out if it possible. I think you have done that and I praise you for that. If you write or when you write, we will be here ready to read. I am sure others agree that when we read a story, we not only get attached to it, but to the writer who has gifted us with the story. Sending you hugs and love, Marilynne
Author's Response:
Thank you so much <3 Like Justin, I have good days and bad, and I have some work to do to ensure there are more good than bad, so I'll be slowing down but not going away. :) Hugs! I'm so glad you've enjoyed their story as much as I've enjoyed writing it!

Date: Oct 31, 2019 5:40 pm Title: Chapter 18
Happy to see that Brian and Justin are back on track. The kitty should go a long way to helping. Surprise, surprise.
Author's Response:
I'm hoping that adding a cat to the family will be helpful for them and maybe fun for me as the writer, in the future. :)

Date: Oct 31, 2019 2:32 pm Title: Chapter 18
I knew it. Thank you for giving Justin Minnie. They will be good for each other and Brian. Wonderful writing. Happy Halloween.
Author's Response:
Happy Halloween! Glad you enjoyed the new addition to the Taylor-Kinney family. ;) I think she'll be fun for the future.

Date: Oct 28, 2019 6:03 pm Title: Chapter 17
Beautiful chapter: first, because Justin is drawing again and then because Brian is honest about his feelings and his hopes for the future.
The only "grey" part is what they found in the studio: sad reminders of what Justin has been through and still is on some level.
What is the other surprise Brian has in mind?
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 I have so loved taking our boys on this adventure, and I'm so happy you all are enjoying it too. Justin is definitely still working his way out of what he's been through, and will be for quite some time, but things are looking up. There will always be reminders, but at the same time, those are also reminders of how strong he is. Brian's other surprise is coming in the next chapter. (But I bet if you think about what happened in the last chapter, you might be able to figure it out! ;)

Date: Oct 28, 2019 5:16 pm Title: Chapter 17
Another fantastic chapter. I love how you have let Brian and Justin grow through the years. No more club boys and twinks. Grown men having to deal with bad circumstances, but learning from them. Thank you for wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 It means a lot to hear that you are loving their growth. I've been nervous about it, but I've tried to keep them "in character" while also letting them continue to mature with age and experience. Neither one of them is the person they were under that street lamp, or even the one they were standing in the mansion as Brian proposed and Justin finally accepted. They've each lived quite a life that had changed and shaped them...at least that's my take on them. :)
Date: Oct 25, 2019 7:41 am Title: Chapter 16
Aw that was nice I love that Brian is really turning into Justin and they shared the awesome moment of letting go. But I also love that Brian has a real friend someone he can totally relate to and knows the real Brian.
Author's Response:
Brian has realized a lot of things on this journey...not just in this story, but in this whole universe. He can lose it all in an instant and be left with nothing but regret. He might try to deny it, but it’s true, and he is beginning to wrap his head around that. (And I am so in love with Rob and I love that you all love him just as much!)

Date: Oct 25, 2019 12:09 am Title: Chapter 16
Wonderful, just wonderful. I love this story so much and am happy with Justin getting better. Could a kitten or cat be waiting in Justin's studio? Just asking. Fantstic writing.
Author's Response:
Brian just might work something out ;) He’s surprising us all! So glad you enjoyed the chapter <3

Date: Oct 24, 2019 2:46 pm Title: Chapter 16
Justin burning his bad thoughts/words is genius. It seems so simple and yet, it does the trick. The clay is also a great idea as the touch sense is involved.
The last piece of good news is the idea of going back to the studio; hiding the old pieces will allow a sort of a new beginning.
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 Burning things as a way of releasing them into the universe is something I've done as a part of my yoga practice, and it seemed appropriate here for Brian and Justin. He is finding his way, slowly but surely. PrettyTheWorld gave me the pottery idea...I loved it too because it's so tactile from a standpoint as an emotional release, as well as helping him with dexterity. Going back to the studio will be a complicated endeavor for Justin, but more on that later...

Date: Oct 24, 2019 2:23 pm Title: Chapter 15
It's great to read that Justin and Brian are getting closer and that Justin is trying to get out of his comfort zone.
Author's Response:
They both have a lot of work they've already done, and lots more left to do, on this journey of self discovery. Glad you enjoyed the chapter!

Date: Oct 24, 2019 2:13 pm Title: Chapter 16
Love the way this story is going. I'm thinking that Brian should take up pottery, afterall he's got just as many hangups as Justin. The only problem would be if he turned out to be better at it then Justin. I'm all for a cat!
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 Brian definitely has as many hangups as Justin...haha. Maybe more. ;) He's sort of going through his own journey of self-discovery here alongside Justin's.
Date: Oct 21, 2019 2:21 am Title: Chapter 15
Brian is struggling with letting Justin make his own decisions. I understand his reluctance as his allowing Justin to make his own decisions was the very thing that allowed Justin to plunge into Depression while his partner made multiple excuses. Brian is at least aware of the difficulties of hte situation and I'm pleased to see he was able distract himself enough. Love the last line of the chapter.
Author's Response:
Brian standing back now is a lot different from the way he stood back as Justin was falling deeper into depression, I think. He's still being mindful of the situation, but he knows he has to let Justin lead the way here. And for control-freak Brian, that's big. ;) So glad you loved the last line! <3