Date: Apr 08, 2022 2:16 pm Title: Chapter 1
Ever thought about doing a sequel about Brian having out with everyone including Jennifer and Molly about how they treated Justin.
Author's Response:
I have made a few attempts, but nothing I'm really happy with. I've even considered writing one where Steve 'accidently' tells Jennifer or Molly about Ryan. And I have a bunny about Brian confronting Lindsay but, again, I'm not completely happy with it.
I do have other stories in this AU that don't have anything to do with this story. I have played around with how I think Justin would react to Brian leaving him for Steve, but they are all incomplete stories. One involves Justin breaking ties with everyone, while two others have him returning to Pittsburgh. If I every get them completed I might post them here. I actually do have one other story completed; I just haven't had the courage to post it! :)
Thanks for reading and your interest in a possible sequel.
Date: Dec 31, 2020 1:51 am Title: Chapter 1
Thank you for your response.
I really regret coming across Simon's story. I am not sure why the author felt that Justin's character needed to be written so badly...must have something against Justin:). As for Ethan arc, I really don't think this can be compared to Brian and Steve. Justin left Brian because he won't (not can't) commit/acknowledge their relationship not just then but also hinting in the near future too. I feel that Brian had hurt Justin's feelings quite a lot...Justin had put up with Brian a lot. If it wasn't for Brian's commitment issue, he would have been happy to be in a committed relationship with Brian and wouldn't have left for Ethan or break the rules.
But in this story and Simon's other foot, he is the one who cheated on Justin with Steve and left Justin for Steve and broke his promise to Justin. Justin was completely committed to him and loved him with all his heart. He really treated Justin badly and hurt him deeply. Not only that, he insulted Justin by saying he didn't feel the need for tricking or have one night stands after he was with Steve while he flaunted that in Justin's face when he was with Justin. That to me is disrespecting Justin and saying he is not enough. I mean how can he change for Steve so much and give his all and not give an inch to Justin?
To be honest I really can’t see or believe that Brian fell in love with Steve and in a monogamous relationship when he was so opposed to it. It’s hard to believe Brian changing that much in such a short time. Brian's character is actually unrecognizable compared to canon and hard to believe Brian treating Justin so badly. But it happened in this universe.
So after all this, it will be painful to read a story of Brian and Justin’s reunion in this series. I for one won’t enjoy it and not going to like it. I really don’t think it’s realistic nor can I believe Justin to just forgive Brian and forget everything that happened (after Brian being with Steve for a decade and Brian choosing Steve over Justin) and get back with Brian no matter how Brian’s relationship with Steve turns out.
If they get back together it will greatly discredit Justin’s character and make him Brian’s second choice. So, I really hope that you will not bring them back together in this series….friends maybe ……relationship definitely not. Sorry, but that’s how I feel. So, I am actually glad that you ended this story with Justin saying goodbye to Brian. …Justin successful with a son ….would have been even better if Justin had a partner.
If you are planning to continue to write in this series, I would love to read something about Justin moving on and his new relationship (definitely not with Brian) and a bonus would be Brian regretting dumping Justin. I find it hard to believe that Justin is still hung up on Brian, after 10 yrs, who hurt him so badly. I feel Justin deserves someone better than Brian.
Warm Regards and Best wishes for 2021!
Author's Response:
Thank you for your further comments. I would like to point out though, that Brian was no longer opposed to monogamy in Simon's story. Until the weekend with Steve, Brian was monogamous with Justin. Brian never told Justin that he had quit tricking; he simply stopped because he saw how hurt Justin was when he walked in on Brian fucking a trick in the loft. This happened in Simon's story after the Ethan arc and prior to the move to New York.
Canon Brian treated Justin pretty badly at times - Zucchini man for instance, as well as Hotlanta. Justin did live at the loft when Brian brought home both of those tricks; he had to know that Justin would either be at the loft or would return. In fact, Zucchini man was there to prove the point that Brian could fuck whomever and wherever he wanted without any regard for Justin's feelings. And don't forget that later in the series he ‘penciled' Justin into his schedule of tricks, even kicking him out for his "11 o'clock" trick - when Brian said that Justin was "the guy I fuck more than once" to which Justin said "and you're not" before leaving the loft. So, I don't find it hard to believe that Brian could treat Justin so badly.
I plan to continue to write in this AU series. I'm not certain whether this exact storyline will be continued or not. However, I do have 2 other storylines that I have written but not posted, and I do plan to continue them. Unfortunately, I'm certain you would not enjoy them since I will be working to get Brian and Justin back together, just don't know how long that will take.
I hope you have a great 2021! And keep on reading and reviewing! *Hugs*
Date: Nov 28, 2020 8:31 pm Title: Chapter 1
I like the way you potrayed Justin in this . I didn't like the way Justin was potrayed in Simon's story. I really didn't like that he got back with Brian (also in other two stories based on Simon's stories). I am not a big fan of Justin pining away for Brian when he leaves Justin for someone else. I rather he be happy with someone else.
Normally, I want Justin and Brian to end up together but in this story I want Justin to move on and find someone who loves him and live happily. Brian chose Steve over Justin and doesn't deserve him anymore no matter what happens between him and Steve. Though I wouldn't mind Brian seeing Justin with someone else and being jealous and realise what he missed out on. So whatever you do I hope you will never get them back together in this story but will give Justin a gorgeous and loving partner if you ever decide to explore more into it.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked the way I handled Justin. I really don't see him as being weak like he was in Simon's story, which is why I wrote this and a couple more that I haven't posted here. I like a stronger Justin.
As to getting them back together or not, I admit to being a die-hard Brian/Justin fan. As I see it with these two characters, it is a double edged sword. Justin cheated on Brian and left him for Ethan. Sure they had an open relationship at the time, but Justin broke all the rules that he wanted them to follow. Brian did stick to the rules. Brian cheated on Justin with Steve and he should have been honest with Justin from the moment the weekend affair happened, but he wasn't.
I do have a few ideas for another story in this AU of Simon's AU, but just haven't explored them a lot yet. I don't plan to have Justin pining after Brian for years. I see him having relationships, but nothing like the one Simon put Justin through in her later stories of the series.
Thank you for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.
Date: Nov 16, 2020 1:04 am Title: Chapter 1
powerful story. the pictures wow, from your description I could visualize them. thank you for sharing
Author's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed it and that you were able to visualize the painting. Thank you for such a wonderful compliment and thank you for reading and reviewing!

Date: Jul 23, 2020 8:34 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oh Deb, I've only just read this for the first time. It's so heart wrenching and made me cry.
Deb L.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Deb L.! I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for reading and reviewing!
PS: Somehow I managed to post this back in July as a review instead of a response to you. Guess I need to pay closer attention! Thanks again!
Date: Nov 20, 2019 6:27 am Title: Chapter 1
This was heartbreaking. It was well written too. I haven't read the other stories and I have no desire to... I like living in my little happy ending world but I can appreciate this Justin.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I know it's not for everyone, but it was just something I needed to write after reading Simon's series. I don't know if I can come up with a happy ending in this AU or not, but if I do, I'll post it.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review.
Date: Nov 17, 2019 7:53 am Title: Chapter 1
Whew! This was... difficult. And very good. I've been out the the loop for the most part for quite a few months, and just happened upon this one first time back in. Good thing I'm an angst ho.
I'm also one of those who firmly believe that B/J is the one true ship fit to sail. But... I have no problem with well written, in character (as much as possible) stories where they are not together. That was the problem I had with Simon's stories (The Other Foot, particularly) for the most part - the Justin characterization was selfish and childish, and the Brian characterization was totally self-consumed. That is so far outside of canon as to be from a whole other tv show altogether. Thanks for fixing at least a part of it for me.
I have written, read, loved stories where B/J are not together, or are with other people, but neither one is cruel to the other. For what it's worth, I firmly believe Justin is actually the stronger and more mature of the two. Brian has more experience, faux certainty, and the upper hand in the power dynamic, but Justin has the real fortitude. You showed that here. JustinStrong. Gonna have to hashtag that somewhere. LOL
Author's Response:
Thank you, Roni! I'm glad you liked it. (I love angst, too!)
I am definitely a die-hard B/J fan. Part of writing this (way back in 2007) was to get out of my comfort zone and this definitely did that. I agree that Justin was written as selfish and childish in Simon's AU. He reminded me so much of Michael, I thought maybe Simon wrote Justin's name instead of Michael's when I first read the entire series. And I felt that Brian became boring and at times seemed to look to Steve as if he were a father figure. I'm glad I could at least fix a bit of that for you with this fic.
I found Steve to be believable as someone that Brian would be attracted to and could possibly fall in love with in The Other Foot, but not so much in the later fics of the series. In the later stories he became someone that series canon Brian (even a more mature Brian) would never have been with.
I'm glad you found my characterization of Justin to be stronger. He was definitely the more mature one in the relationship with Brian. #JustinStrong LOL! I like it! :)
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review!
Date: Nov 16, 2019 11:56 am Title: Chapter 1
Wow it was an amazing read but Justin is really hurting
Author's Response:
Thank you! Justin is still hurting but his migraine is the result of Brian & Steve seeing Ryan and worrying that they might say something about his son to someone back in Pittsburgh. He asked Daphne to talk to them because he knew Brian would push for him to at least let Jennifer and Molly know about Ryan and Justin didn't want to get into an argument in front of his son or in the gallery. Justin still loves Brian and Brian still loves Justin, but sometimes that's not enough for a happy ending.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review.

Date: Nov 16, 2019 10:04 am Title: Chapter 1
I will not speak of Brian who is as out of character as in Simon's stories. By cons I like your Justin. He made his life with Daphne Margaret and Ryan away from his so-called family who rejected him. He has no accountability to Brian and makes it clear to him. I found your Justin strong and made his choice by trying to put the pain behind him even if it's difficult. I like your story. If you do a continuation with the evolution of the relationship between Justin and Gus it will be good but you can leave Brian aside, he screwed up with Justin and can not recover what he lost and Justin was very clear . Thank you for sharing.
Author's Response:
I didn't use the Out of Character tag for this since I was keeping Brian in character as to Simon's AU. I'm glad you liked the way I wrote Justin. I was trying to make him stronger than he was in Simon's series; he felt too much like Michael to me.
I'm glad you like the story. I think I upset a few readers with it. Even though I have several WIPs set in Simon's AU, I'm don't know if I will post them once they are completed unless I can get the boys back together. ;)
As for a continuation of this one, I'm not sure if I'll be able to bring Justin and Gus together again without including Brian in some capacity. I don't think Justin would trust Lindsay. Maybe Melanie could be the one to get them to connect again. Will have to give that some thought.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review.
Date: Nov 16, 2019 7:13 am Title: Chapter 1
Thank you very much for your reply. It has become much more understandable to me. I could only read Simon's story once, and I've been thinking a lot about it ever since. Every time I remember it, my stomach tightens and I get very nervous. I hated Steve. I didn't love Brian and Justin separately, but the two together. I have no special favorite. That is why I would like you to write an ending where you will be together again, not just for "lack of good", but with true love. For example, Steve might fall in love with someone else, or Brian might realize that Justin is in love with him, and so on. Thank you again for your comment.
Author's Response:
You're very welcome! I'm glad I was able to make it a bit more understandable to you. I think in this AU it will be difficult to bring Justin and Brian back together. I might try it anyway. LOL! I just never know!
Thanks again!
Date: Nov 15, 2019 11:58 pm Title: Chapter 1
I almost didn't read this when spotting the Brian/other tag. I haven't read Simon's stories so knew nothing of the background. This is a heartbreaking story for Justin. At least Justin wasn't written too weak, I think he would have been stronger and more forceful in telling Brian to stay out of his life. I've always been of the mind that Justin was too good for Brian. One thing I disagreed with was your choice of names for Justin's son. In no way would he name his son something derived from Brian's name-Ryan would only remind him of a man that broke his heart every time he spoke his son's name.
Well written, not sure I would read anything further in this world. I certainly didn't like Brian or his partner. Why would Brian feel he had the right to know about Justin's life-obviously he gave up that right when he left Justin as he did for another man.
Sry, enough of my soap box. Thanks for sharing
Author's Response:
The Justin that Simon wrote, to me, seemed more like Michael. Justin did things I could easily see Michael doing, but not the Justin I saw in the show. Justin matured, whereas, in my opinion, Michael never did. So I wanted to explore a stronger Justin and how he would handle Brian leaving him for a man 24 years older than Justin.
Ryan as a given name comes from the surname Ryan and is not a derivative of Brian. Honestly I don't think Justin would have a problem with the name. He does have a reason for naming his son Ryan which has nothing to do with Brian; I just didn't include that in this story.
Brian believes that he and Justin can be friends as they continued to look after each other throughout the Ethan arc. He doesn't really see that the situations are different. And since he still loves Justin, he wants to be sure he's okay.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review.
Date: Nov 15, 2019 10:45 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was fantastic! But don't end it here! I want more!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I do have a couple of ideas for a sequel but will have to really flesh them out before I try posting anything. I wrote this back in 2007 so it will take a while to get my head back into the notes I had (somewhere) about those plots.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review!
Date: Nov 15, 2019 2:17 pm Title: Chapter 1
I have to say, I really debated about reading this. I noticed the Brian/other tag and passed.Today, I read the premise on Simon's story. I hated that story, and quit reading before long, but did glance at the summary of each chapter.
Before giving in and reading this, I read your reviews, just to see what others were saying. I like your writing, so I thought I'd take a chance.
I'm at a loss for words, though. Is James Carlyle associated with the gallery? That wasn't specified. In order for him to peruse the guest list ahead of time, I'm thinking he must have been. HE NEEDS TO BE FIRED! If Justin's manager or Justin didn't okay the sending of the invite... he needs to be blacklisted, and have that info circulated into other art circles. If he did this... what's to stop him from giving out info about Ryan, or agreeing to Lindsay.
Don't get me started on the denizens of Pittsburgh. Brian needs to 'visit'... alone... and lay down the law. Family meeting. Air everybody's dirty laundry. Let Debbie and Ben see Michael's true colors. Allow Melanie to see what Lindsay is REALLY doing behind the scenes. Get Ted and Emmett's take on everything, before passing judgment. I bet this whole thing has been hard on Emmett.
Then he needs to pull that little upstart Molly aside, and give her (and Jennifer) a down-sizing.
And, (and I CANNOT believe I'm saying this) but after all this, I'm not sure I want to see Brian and Justin back together. Good Riddance. Brian made his bed, let him lie in it. I hope Steve dies a horrible death, and Brian is left all alone. Oh, wait. Michael will be there offering comfort.
It's a nice thought about getting Gus and Justin together, but maybe too much time has passed. In a few years, Gus will be eighteen. Maybe then he can learn the truth and build a friendship with Justin, when Lindsay can't interfere. Because, right now, she would. It would destroy Justin's life as he knows it.
I cried while reading this... now I'm just pissed. Do I want to see it revisited? Will I read it again? ONLY if we get to be witnesses to dinner at Debbie's.
XO ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Sorry! I thought I had noted that James Carlyle is the gallery manager. He made a mistake and of course would be reprimanded, but I don't think either Justin or his manger would want the man fired. There isn't anything to stop him from giving out info about Ryan except that's not the type of person he is. He didn't send the invitation to Brian to cause trouble for Justin, he simply made a mistake. As to agreeing to Lindsay, there isn't anything for him to agree to with regards to her. If she had the money and freedom to travel, there is nothing to stop her from attending Justin's shows. That was something I found odd in Simon's series... Steve traveled to a lot of Justin's shows, which to me reads: stalker. Or at the very least he was so insecure in his relationship with Brian that he kept track of where Justin was at all times.
I have been thinking about writing a possible sequel to ‘Ten Years Gone' but I haven't really fleshed it out much. Brian would definitely talk to Lindsay at the very least. And this was another strange thing I found in Simon's series... nobody in the Pittsburgh ‘family' met Steve until FOUR YEARS after Brian and Justin split up because Steve kept putting it off. He finally meets them when they go to Pittsburgh for Jennifer's wedding. Brian offered him a chance not to go with him to which Steve replied, "You know, I think I might enjoy being the home wrecking bastard...oh, come on, Brian. First of all, in all likelihood I'll never see these people again-or if I do the visits will be few and far between. Secondly it's just a couple of hours and thirdly it's time they find out-if they actually care-that I'm not a complete shit who done the poor lad wrong. I think I need to defend my virtue here...and yours, too I might add." He comes off as extremely callous and snobby. He's not planning to have anything to do with Brian's ‘family'? How lovely. Nice guy. Reminds me of Dr. Dave. So, yeah, some of this does play into some of the stories I have written in this AU.
Not sure what I'll do about Jennifer and Molly. I will have to think about that one for a while.
I would like to get Justin and Gus back in touch. Which could be handled by having Brian take Gus to a few of Justin's shows. Which could lead to Brian and Justin talking things out. Which could lead to other things... hmmmm.
"I cried while reading this... now I'm just pissed. Do I want to see it revisited? Will I read it again? ONLY if we get to be witnesses to dinner at Debbie's." I'm sorry I made you cry. I think I may have made a few readers cry. That wasn't my intention, although now that I think about it, I probably cried when I wrote it back in 2007. LOL! Dinner at Debbie's could be a lot of fun. Will have to think about that one, too.
Thank you, Cathy, for reading and taking the time to review!
Date: Nov 15, 2019 2:11 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hello again! I just have to say something again, please don‘t be annoyed, you asked for our opinions. So, just like Simon‘s story in earlier years, also your story seems to causes a little stir :-) I must admit, I haven‘t read your story, because I just couldn‘t. You mentioned Simon‘s story and also - and I‘m very thankful for that - tagged it as a Brian/other story, so I knew what to expect. Nevertheless, I was curious and skipped to the end to see if there maybe is a chance that they‘ll get their happy end... I have to say, just this conversation between Brian and Justin at the end broke my heart. To see Justin still suffering after all this time. Painful! So, no, I can‘t read it - it‘s just not for me.
I also can‘t share your opinion regarding Steve. But I think, to be honest, I could hardly like a guy who brings so much pain either to Justin or to Brian. And this scene in Simon‘s story at the party when Steve returns and Justin found them nearly fucking in the pantry and everythings what follows was so painful and terrible.... So, no, thanks very much, that‘s not for me. I think real life is often painful enough, so I don‘t need to see such things in a fiction regarding Brian and Justin. For me, they are the most beautiful couple in all film history and their love for each other is so deep and strong, i don‘t want to see this destroyed. Here, I can totally agree with Calliesky. I can accept them having other partners for a short time, I can accept a little cheating or being fascinated with someone else for a short time or such stuff, but at the end, it should be Brian and Justin.And many fictions handle this in my opinion quite well, because most of the time, when they meet again for what ever reasons after breaking up for whatever reasons, it‘s immediately clear, that no other man stand a chance any longer. And especially Brian - for me he represents this guy who loves only once in a lifetime (ridiculous romantic, i know, but who cares :-) ) So, no, I can‘t see him falling in love with someone else and especially not at the expense of Justin‘s feelings. And the same goes for Justin, but regarding Justin in my opinion I would say, he‘s able to fall in love more often, but deep inside he loves only Brian. And I also have to say, I‘m a sucker for their love, for their chemistry, so, yeah, I‘m here to read stories about them and not about one of them falling in love and building a longterm relationsship with another guy while the other one is suffering. For me it‘s not only painful, but I also have to say, I have just no interest in such stories. Of course, everyone is allowed to write what they want, but I would simply wish that, if one want to see Brian in a serious relationship with another man, just let Justin out of the picture at all and not make him suffer so much (the same goes to Justin).
So, I wish you all the best for further stories in this AU, and I really wish you would bring them back together, but that‘s your story to tell! Although, wouldn‘t it be quite a writing challenge to bring them together again? ;-) Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Not everyone gets their happy ever after when they want it and some never do. One of the things I love about Brian and Justin is that they will always be in each other's life in some way. In the TV series Brian could have easily turned his back on Justin during the Ethan arc but he never did. And Justin continued to protect Brian as shown during the ‘child molestation' bullshit that his nephew tried. So I'm not sure I will get them back together in this take on Simon's AU, but they will always be connected.
Date: Nov 15, 2019 10:21 am Title: Chapter 1
I liked the story, but I was expecting Brian and Justin to find each other. For me, it's a sad story. Justin appears to be getting a migraine even ten years later when he meets Brian and Steve. I understood and agreed with Justin that he rejected Brian. I just don't know what Brian wanted when he contacted Justin. He should have known that "just friendship" was not enough for Justin. A lot of time has passed and apparently Steve is very healthy and well with Brian. So it will take more time for Brian and Justin to find each other again. Although it seemed to me in the Simon story that Brian had only returned to Justin because of Steve's death. This is evidenced by the fact that at the end of his life, when he thought back to his life, he found that he loved Steve at that time.It is also sad that he did not say goodbye to Justin. I usually read stories several times about Brian or Justin being in contact with somebody, but in the end they find each other again. But I could only read Simon's story once, even though it left a deep imprint on me. In the Simon story, I was angry with Brian for leaving Justin. I know that the heart cannot be commanded. That's why I liked the story of „ by Margaret - Falling Down the Primrose Path" and „by Mouse - One Foot in the Front of the Other". <p>Regardless of how much you liked your story, I'd like you to continue and Justin and Brian find each other. That would be the real thing.</p><p></p>
Author's Response:
The migraine was caused by stress but not from seeing Brian and Steve still together; had they shown up the next night for the actual opening night of his show, there wouldn't have been any problem and therefore no migraine. Rather the stress was from them seeing Ryan. Their sudden appearance was definitely a surprise, but it was the added worry that they might say something about Ryan to someone in the Pittsburgh family. As Daphne told them Justin doesn't want his mother or sister to have any knowledge of Ryan. There are two reasons why Justin didn't stay to explain: 1) his son is tired and needs to be put to bed and 2) he doesn't want to argue with Brian over his decision to keep Ryan's existence from Jennifer, Molly, and the Pittsburgh contingent. That's why he told Daphne she could answer their questions and tell them anything she thought might help.
Brian believes that friendship is possible since he didn't turn his back on Justin when he left Brian for Ethan. What Brian doesn't understand is that the situation with Ethan isn't the same as with Steve. He pushed (whether intentional or not) Justin to Ethan whereas Justin never pushed Brian to be with Steve. Justin was blindsided by Brian's affair. And there was the added history of Michael interfering in their relationship as well as comments by others in the family (the bet comes to mind) and even strangers. Add to that the fact that Brian left Justin for someone 12 years older than Brian and not someone close to his own age. Steve is old enough to be Justin's father so that's got to be a bit of a blow to Justin's ego, especially with the fact that Steve looks like the men Brian so often tricked with in the past.
I agree with you about Brian's reason to go back to Justin following Steve's death in Simon's series. I felt he chose to be with Justin because he thought Justin would be easy, meaning Brian wouldn't have to make an effort to start a new relationship. He never considered Justin's feelings about anything once they were together again. He tells Justin they can find a new place to live so that they aren't in the duplex where he lived with Steve. But then he changes his mind and wants to move into Steve's lake cabin, saying they can renovate it so it would be their place. He walks around wearing Steve's cardigan, disappears for days without saying anything, etc. Then he gets sick and completely cuts Justin out. It felt as though he was somehow punishing Justin; basically saying "you aren't important enough to me."
Just a side note, Simon wasn't a fan of the TV series (which I find it odd that someone would write fanfiction for a show they don't like with unbelievable characters) and felt that Justin was not a good match to Brian. This was Simon's way of putting a natural end to their relationship. To be honest, I think Simon was bashing Justin with writing him as a clone of Michael and making a mature Brian to be very boring while with Steve and eventually cruel later with Justin back in his life.
I also enjoyed ‘Falling Down the Primrose Path' (except the disfigurement of Justin) and ‘One Foot in Front of the Other' very much.
Again, thank you for commenting.

Date: Nov 15, 2019 2:00 am Title: Chapter 1
Wonderful writing, but such a sad story. I am a happy ending person and this was not happy.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed my writing. I wish I could have given this a happy ending, but it just didn't work out that way. My main goal with this was to explore Justin standing up for himself instead of giving in to what Brian wants and to live his life the way he plans to go forward whether that's with or without a partner.
I may write a sequel that will at least get Justin and Gus back in touch with each other. Not sure if I can come up with a way to get Justin back with Brian just yet, even though I did try to leave it open-ended enough for that to possibly happen. I'm a happy ending person myself as well as a die-hard ‘Brian and Justin belong together forever' kinda person. But many years ago I decided that to help me grow as a writer I needed to step out of my comfort zone and try something that's different from what I usually write. That's where the Brian/Other comes in. However, I will never write Brian/Michael! That's waaaaaaayyyyy too far outside my comfort zone!!!
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review!

Date: Nov 14, 2019 10:23 pm Title: Chapter 1
If I didn't enjoy it would I want to see more? Of course I enjoyed it.
Author's Response:
Sorry! LOL! Just looked back to see what I wrote. That was supposed to say: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Guess I need to read my responses better before I hit 'submit.' LOL!
Date: Nov 14, 2019 9:32 pm Title: Chapter 1
I could deal with the new guy, but not for long. 20 years or death means Justin was runner up. The new guy is there to make Brian realize that Justin is his Soul mate. That was the only reason Ethan was necessary.
20 years is a life together. He can have 6 months, maybe a year. But after that he no longer deserves Justin.
I'm taking this way to personal right now. 🤦♀ï¸
Author's Response:
I often wondered if Simon had the Brian/Steve relationship last so long was to do something no one else was doing. Almost everyone gets Brian and Justin back together quickly and designates them as soul mates. I wanted to explore something different which is what Simon did. I remember there were writers who would pair Brian with Michael instead of an original character which is something I find offensive. (I'm getting way too personal now! LOL!) Most of them were the die-hard Brikey fans.
I do think it's possible to have Brian and steve together for several years the same way others have written Justin and Ethan together for several years before something happens to break them up, whether it's Ethan cheating, abusing Justin, or he dies in some way. I haven't really decided how long to have them together or how to get Brian and Justin back together, but it is fun playing around with the ideas.
Hopefully it won't take me too long to figure it out. Or at least finish my 4+ WIPs in this AU!
Date: Nov 14, 2019 8:44 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hi! I started to read the story of Simon two or three years ago and after a few chapters I stopped reading and skimmed through the remaining chapters to see if anything changed. I just can’t stand stories in which Brian seriously falls in love with another man, also for me “Justin is Brian’s one and only” :-) And I found this story particularly painful. The way Brian ended their relationship after he and Justin just moved to New York together. And even if the author brings them back together at the end, I couldn’t bring myself to like the story, also because of the end, how Brian dealt with his surgery and the risk of death, leaving Justin without saying goodbye, not telling him… So, after seeing that you tagged this as “complete”, I was a little bit surprised that you seem to try to find a way to bring them back together. I don’t know if it's really possible to give them a happy ending after these ten years, after the events so far, but at least I would be totally happy. :-)
Author's Response:
Hi! I know a lot of readers were upset by Simon's series. I wasn't sure that I would like it either; however, I had always wanted to explore the idea of Brian leaving Justin after watching the Ethan arc in the show, but I could never come up with an original character that seemed believable. When I stumbled across Simon's story I was hesitant to read it; once I started it, I realized that I could see Brian falling for Steve. Then as I read the stories that followed the first one, I realized that some of them contradicted events in the first story as well as some of the subsequent stories. That's when I started to look at the entire series as a group of ‘what if' stories set in the same universe. I'm not sure if I will write a sequel to this one that gets Brian and Justin back together or not. I do have an idea of how to Justin and Gus back in touch; I always liked the idea of them having a strong relationship whether Justin is seen as a father figure, uncle, or maybe a mentor.
And I would be really happy if I can figure out how to get Brian and Justin back together, too! :)
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review.

Date: Nov 14, 2019 8:29 pm Title: Chapter 1
You are going to finish this right. At least get Gus and Justin back together.
Author's Response:
As of right now, this one is complete. I did leave it somewhat open-ended so that I could possible write a sequel that might get Brian and Justin back together or at the very least, put Justin and Gus in touch again. That is one idea I have played with a bit, how to get them back in touch after what Lindsay did. I'm not a Lindsay fan; she's barely a step up from Michael whom I loath. LOL!
I do have a brief plot of Brian confronting Lindsay and even Steve confronting Molly, but I haven't worked on it for quite a while. Hopefully I can dig that up this weekend.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review! I'm hope you enjoyed it.
Date: Nov 14, 2019 7:57 pm Title: Chapter 1
Is there more if so can you post that as well
Author's Response:
Thank you for asking about other fics. I do have other fics set in this AU but so far they don't actually fit with this fic. What I have been doing is just exploring different ways their lives could have gone following the breakup. Most of them are WIPs. I think only 1 other fic is actually finished. I may post it later. It doesn't have anything to do with this fic though.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review. I hope you enjoyed it.
Date: Nov 14, 2019 7:37 pm Title: Chapter 1
It's not that I didn't enjoy it. It's a awesome heartbreaker. Heartbreak can be a good thing. And I kinda skimmed Simone's story before. It's just in my universe, Justin is Brian's one and only. I know many of us feel the same. It's the foundation of my love of the character's.
I enjoy your work. It's well written and I can see it playing out like this in RL. But I don't read my guys for that. I'm stubborn. 🤷ðŸ¼â™€ï¸
I knew you were going to break my heart but I read it anyway. You did your job, you made me cry. 😰.
Sounds like a backhanded compliment but it's a great story. And next time I need a good cry I'll read some of the others. But I'll still be lovingly mad at you.
That's why I'm a fan. ðŸ˜
Author's Response:
I swear I didn't mean to make you cry! But, yeah, in my universe Justin is Brian's one and only just as Brian is Justin's one and only. However... when I read Simon's first story in the series it was the first time (and quite honestly the only time) I found an original character that I could believe Brian would be attracted to beyond a one-time trick. And since the Ethan arc gets explored a lot, I decided to see what I could do with the idea of Brian leaving Justin for someone else, how Justin would react, how the others in the family might react, etc. Then when I read the other stories in the series I realized I really wanted to explore a stronger Justin, one who wouldn't begin taking drugs and partying all night (he had already done something similar in the series) or become Michael and mope around waiting for Brian. Anyway, I'm getting too long winded! :)
I'm glad you enjoy my work and if I do ever post anything else in this AU I hope you read it. Hopefully I can find a way to get them back together without it taking 20 years and/or a death as it did in Simon's series!
Date: Nov 14, 2019 7:15 pm Title: Chapter 1
😡😡😡.....was definitely not expecting what happened here. I can't see things happening this way or Brian being so callous about it.
Author's Response:
I know this type of story isn't for everyone, but thank you for reading and taking the time to review even though you didn't enjoy it.
Date: Nov 14, 2019 6:38 pm Title: Chapter 1
No. This is way to heart breaking.
Author's Response:
I know a story like this doesn't appeal to everyone, but I decided to post this to see what kind of reaction I might get since I actually have several WIPs in this AU that I have been working on for years... literally years. At this point they don't really tie in with each other since I'm basically exploring different scenarios of how their lives could have gone. I left this somewhat open-ended to allow myself the time to work out how I want to get Brian and Justin back together.
Thank you for reading. And thank you for taking the time to review even though you didn't enjoy it.