Date: Feb 02, 2025 6:55 am Title: Chapter 22
Ahh... The End... how sad. Other than the first chapter, and the horrible things Brian said to Justin, I really liked Brian in this story. He promised Justin he'd help him get through this, and he stuck with him until the end. It seemed like the Brian who came back from NY, was a different, more mature Brian. Because before Justin re-entered his life, we didn't see him reverting to the person he was before he left Pittsbirgh. Now they're both mature, and they can start a mature adult relationship.
I'm proud of the changes Justin made and his career choices. That was how I felt about Blake in the series. Justin knows all the horrors that path can lead, and the terrible things that come with it. I can understand being a drug addict and chosing not to drink alcohol, as getting slighly drunk could lower his inhibitions, making the drugs sound like a good idea.
One of the other places I felt Brian was in the wrong, was when he badgered Justin about saying 'I hate you!' That was during the worst pain Justin ever had. Brian should have realized Justin was just lashing out. Kind of like a woman during her hard labor. :D
Overall, this was a really awesome story. I also see there are new stories in your Back to Good series. Those I definitely have to hit! I'm excited. Are you still writing?
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Feb 02, 2025 3:44 am Title: Chapter 21
Well, one of my past canon questions was answered. Ted didn't get into drugs, or hit rock bottom.
I loved the tender moment between Justin and Brian.
One chapter left... *sob*
Hugs ~Cathy
Date: Feb 01, 2025 3:10 pm Title: Chapter 20
A very good career choice, Justin.
I can see where a situation like that can seem daunting.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Feb 01, 2025 2:56 pm Title: Chapter 19
Ooooh, close call! Thank heavens for small favors!
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Feb 01, 2025 2:40 pm Title: Chapter 18
Ah shucks. Mikey did something nice. Although I'm sure he did for Brian, more than he did for Justin. Regardless, he came through.
I was surprised nobody else was there for the sentencing. Usually that's where family turns up so they can support the person. It shows solidarity to the judge.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Feb 01, 2025 2:12 pm Title: Chapter 17
There was kind of a situation like this where I live in the States. I believe if Michael showed up for Justin's court, he can speak on behalf of Justin, and tell the judge all the hard work Justin has done, and how he's cleaned himself up, and he'd like the court to let Justin off.
I was having a hard time with Mikey being too nice in this story... but to be that vindictive, even after Debbie, Vic, and Ben asked him not to, it's pretty low of him to do that after Vic passed. Why didn't the court ask Michael why he didn't come forth at the time it happened?
I had meant to say something early on... the First time Justin came to Brian's, and Michael called. Brian had said he was busy, yet Michael wasn't satisfied with that answer. Maybe it was as simple as Brian having a guy in his bed. Why hasn't that been mentioned? Is Brian on a sabbatical? :D
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Feb 01, 2025 1:36 pm Title: Chapter 16
Ohhhhh... So now we're getting to the core of the problem. Glad you answered that, because my first thought was - How did Michael know, and WHY didn't Michael call and tell Brian beforehand? With everything going on, that was pretty crappy of Michael to not tell Brian.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Feb 01, 2025 1:17 pm Title: Chapter 15
It's almost scary wondering what had happened between them; what might have been said.
Emmett is like a cuddly bear. I'm so happy he said all the right things to Justin.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Feb 01, 2025 12:50 pm Title: Chapter 14
Thank heavens that Justin got all that out, so the healing can really begin. I am a little surprised that Brian isn't taking more of the blame. He has to know all those demeaning words he said to Justin were kind of what made the spiraling descent occur.
Is Justin still drawing? I'd think that now that he's past a lot of that crap, that even doodling would be calming for him.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Feb 01, 2025 12:15 pm Title: Chapter 13
Brian should own a heating blanket. But then there's the sweating, so I don't know if that would help. I sure know I appreciated mine when I had Covid.
Did you ever watch Candy. with Heath Ledger? There was a part where they tried going cold turkey. Justin's pain reminds me of that. Now that they are into their second week, other than the cravings, Justin's detox symptoms should be almost over.
I keep thinking Ted will be around more, but he's just not.
Brian should be given a medal for helping Justin through this.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 10:14 pm Title: Chapter 12
Hmm... Brian Kinney doesn't beg...
I've almost been waiting for Justin to blame all his current problems as Brian's fault for leaving him. It's HUGE that Justin admitted he has a problem. Even if he doesn't think it will work.
I'm wondering if Brian should have called Debbie for help, verses Michael.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 9:44 pm Title: Chapter 11
You know, when a baby is born with fetal alcohol syndrome, the doctors wean them off slowly. Would that work with Justin? Cold turkey is another whole ballgame.
I have to wonder if Brian asked Justin about Michael's attitude, if Justin would tell him... It doesn't appear that anyone else will tell him.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 9:14 pm Title: Chapter 10
‘Don’t come back. It’s not safe. Stay away, please. Sorry! J’ Ohh... I choked up.
Your chapter note had me chuckling... I sure hoped it was Danny. Thank you! It was also the perfect way to get Justin to leave with Brian.
I have to wonder if all other canon is the same. Shouldn't Hunter be around? Has Ted hit his own rock bottom?
I do hope Justin stays there, and doesn't slip out of the house while Brian sleeps. Or will nightmares have him slipping into Brian's bed? (Seriously - just comfort.)
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 8:46 pm Title: Chapter 9
Let it go, Michael. Brian's a big boy, and knows Justin a heck of a lot better than you do. I think the way to help and get through to Justin, is through Brian.
I do wonder how long it will be before Justin shows back up at Brian's, if for no other reason than to see if Brian's all right.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 8:29 pm Title: Chapter 8
Since we don't know what all Justin has done against 'the family,' it just doesn't seem to me that Brian is in the wrong. Isn't that what the rest of the family tried to get Justin to do? Trust them? To help him? I can't see either Debbie or Emmett condemning that.
Jeez, just what the heck is the big secret about Justin and Michael? Unless it concerns Ben, or stealing from Michael, I can't think of anything else for Michael's attitude. Hopefully, we find out soon.
Brian got himself into a whole new mess of problems. I think if he'd gone to the Salvation Army for old clothes, it might have been better, maybe it wouldn't have given him away.
I didn't think Justin would take the money. Very happy he didn't, even though it would have gotten Justin what he needed. I just hope Danny left it there, and left Brian there.
How is Brian going to explain his beat-up face?
This is getting GOOD!
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 8:04 pm Title: Chapter 7
Brian worried about setting his home up to get robbed, but even as far gone as Justin is, I really don't think Justin would do that to Brian. Of that, I'm sure.
Brian worried about setting his home up to get robbed, but even as far gone as Justin is, I really don't think Justin would do that to Brian. Of that, I'm sure.
If Justin keeps showing up at Brian's, I hope Brian buys him some cheap sweats to put on after he showers. If he has a washer and dryer, it would be a way for Justin's clothes to get cleaned too.
Mikey calling to invite himself over to Brian's? He must not have a key! Yay Brian! That was always a bone of contention for me. And Christ, what a nosy person he is. Brian's an adult and can take care of himself. He doesn't need to explain himself to - of all people - Michael. He told him no enough times. Jeez Mikey... let it go! I'm your best friend. God, that statement makes me sick! Then Justin leaves. Damn, Michael!
The 'thank you' helped though.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 7:56 pm Title: Chapter 6
Well, at least they've connected. A different route than I thought it'd be, but one that will hopefully work for them. I hope Justin knows this is a lifeline.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 6:58 pm Title: Chapter 5
WHOA! What a bad situation! Is that the true Justin, or was he somehow protecting Brian and Emmett by talking to them like that?
Danny sounds like a psycho. If Danny had warned Emmett before, I'm surprised Emmett went back there. Just where does Danny get off calling Emmett a fag, when Danny must be one himself?
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 6:36 pm Title: Chapter 4
This added another layer to the story. Although nine months doesn't seem that long ago, it is when a drug addict is trying to survive. Those sketches seem to hit Brian, and made him realize a few things. He sounds like he's got a plan. But how is he going to find Justin?
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 10:18 am Title: Chapter 3
Okay... I'm looking forward to seeing if Justin is really as bad as Michael says. However, the bit about Michael's hatred toward him, has me confused. Did Justin get in bed with Ben? What else could Justin have done to make Michael so angry???
I have so many questions going through my head...
Where's Justin living? Where's Daphne? With the numerous quantity of drugs, how is it that Justin hasn't gotten something with Tylenol in his system? Does the family even know if Justin is still alive? If this has been going on for three years, how is it that Justin isn't sitting in a jail cell? Questions, questions...
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 9:48 am Title: Chapter 2
Well, that sounds ominous ... "We've lost him." That makes him sound dead.
I can't imagine what's going through Brian's mind right about then.
It seems strange that Brian's living in an actual house.
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Jan 31, 2025 9:19 am Title: Chapter 1
I'm finally getting around to reading this! Medical issues in 2020...
Anyway... this sounds like it might be a tough read. Between Brian leaving Justin high and dry - and the horrible things he said to Justin.The tags don't help either.
WHERE did he expect Justin to live? HOW did he expect Justin to live? Going home was out of the question - Brian made sure of that. I am kind of worried that there was no sign of Justin between their conversation and Brian leaving.
Hmm... this first chapter should almost have a warning of an Anti-Brian :D
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Sep 28, 2021 1:23 am Title: Chapter 22
I alway enjoy a good hurt/comfort story. Adding this one to my favorites! TAG
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked this one!
Thanks for letting me know :)

Date: Nov 04, 2020 7:51 pm Title: Chapter 22
The best ending one could ask for.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked it :)
Thanks for your comments - much appreciated!

Date: Nov 03, 2020 5:52 pm Title: Chapter 21
Good to see that Brian and Justin's relationship stood the test of time.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment - much appreciated :)