Date: Jul 12, 2020 8:37 pm Title: Snapshots
This look at what happened from Mikey's POV is interesting. It fits right in.

Date: Jul 12, 2020 8:20 pm Title: The Scenery Changed While I Was Gone
This is what we should have seen in the series!

Date: Jul 10, 2020 5:43 am Title: Snapshots
Ha ha ha!!! Brian and Jacinta!!! That's an image Michael will have burnt in his mind knowing that Brian needed her because he was missing Justin's dick. Excellent!

Date: Jul 08, 2020 8:16 pm Title: Snapshots
Sorry that there are people like Jim in the world, but we have to be better and stronger than them. Wonderful update. Vic & Justin are good together. Terrific writing.
Date: Jul 08, 2020 5:55 pm Title: Snapshots
Hej! Great, you continued this! Thanks for another chapter! Vic is amazing! But we want more Brian-Justin-interaction! :-) And I so want to see Justin getting better! And I want Brian to admit, that he not only misses Justin's dick... But it's amazing, although it's so sad and heartbreaking, you manged to let me smile a little bit! Don't stop! Warmest regards!

Date: Jul 04, 2020 9:39 am Title: The Scenery Changed While I Was Gone
Oh I really enjoyed this, and echoing previous reviewers hopefully you will add more to this story/universe. Excellent!
Date: Jul 02, 2020 5:35 pm Title: The Scenery Changed While I Was Gone
Hi! I like your writing-style, it's great. And you also represented the characters very well. I also wish you would continue this, because I so would like to see Justin getting better! And although it was very sad and heartbreaking, I really liked that your Brian doesn't hide his visits and that he shows his love for Justin openly. Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response: Hey! Wow thank you, that is super sweet. I'm not gonna lie, I have had a few ideas for snapshot stories within this universe but I have a really terrible habit of coming up with the entire thing in my head (usually while walking the dog) and then forgetting the whole thing as soon as I try to write it down.

Date: Jul 02, 2020 8:35 am Title: The Scenery Changed While I Was Gone
This was awesome. I really would like this storyline to continue but, in lieu of that, I look forward to your next story :-)
Author's Response: That's so nice. If I were to add to this alternative timeline I think it would only be in snapshots but I will not commit to anything since I have a horrible history of not finishing anything lol.

Date: Jul 02, 2020 7:21 am Title: The Scenery Changed While I Was Gone
So sad. Thank you for sharing.
Date: Jul 02, 2020 12:38 am Title: The Scenery Changed While I Was Gone
Didn't think any of them but Jennifer knew he went at night to see Justin.
I found myself wanting more. Maybe Brian helping some way with his therapy.
Really enjoyed this.
Author's Response: I'm afraid I suck at writing anything multi-chaptery (I genuinely don't want to know how many half written things I have abandoned because it will depress me) so while I have had a couple of ideas for a continuation I prefer to keep it as a one-shot until it isn't ;)

Date: Jul 01, 2020 8:03 pm Title: The Scenery Changed While I Was Gone
Wow, great story, but so sad. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response: Thank you so much :)
Date: Jul 01, 2020 7:30 pm Title: The Scenery Changed While I Was Gone
Welcome to Kinnetik Dreams! So excited to have a new author posting here! Can't wait to read your story. TAG
Author's Response: That is so sweet, thank you! Hope you enjoyed :)