Date: Sep 14, 2020 11:55 am Title: Chapter 10
Good ending. I know you commented earlier that you could have probably explored this more, but I think it was perfect the way it was... unless you were to delve into what befell Stockwell. (Unfortunately, I thought the bastard was killed.) But to do that, it would have taken on a new story. I'll just assume there was enough evidence, the guy was locked up, and all the boys in there had fun with the cop.
It hit me funny when Carl was called 'sergeant'... I guess he was earlier, but it didn't register... but if he's Brian's superior, it makes sense. That and the fact they lived in NY. It must have been from all those middle of the night readings that it didn't stick. Oh well...
It would have been fun if when Brian was threatening Craig, if he'd also have told him that he should bring him in on charges for abandoning his son... that might have made Craig think twice. Although the threat of killing him was a nice touch. Brian's a cop... he just might know how to dispose of a body undetected.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked it. Yes, I definitely think this could have been explored more deeply, but at the time, I just didn't have the time. I think I had toyed with revisiting them down the road and see what they're doing, but it's them, so I think we know what they were probably doing - LOL.
I imagine Stockwell having a really rough time in prison. That loss of power would be pure torture for him. And, I definitely enjoyed writing the Craig/Brian confrontation. That is something I don't read a lot in fiction, and it's something I really enjoy to see. I have had Brian tear into Craig more than a few times, and it never gets old!
Thanks for commenting, Cathy. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. :)
Date: Sep 13, 2020 5:09 pm Title: Chapter 9
Omg nooo. Now that they've really found each Justin can't dieðŸ˜. Maxing job, can't wait to read the next few chapters.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying this. There is only one more chapter which should wrap the story up. I hope to post it later tonight. Thanks for commenting. :)
Date: Sep 13, 2020 3:01 pm Title: Chapter 9
thanks for updates
Author's Response:
You're welcome! :)
Date: Sep 13, 2020 9:38 am Title: Chapter 8
Haha! I just saw you're response... yes, BBM... that's why I said a light bulb... I think without looking, I could name them all... and for good reason.
Author's Response:
Thank you for that. It's always good to know they are memorable. Wow. BBM. It seems like a lifetime ago for me, but a time I think about still. I never rule out a revisit to any of my favorite fandoms, and that one will always be special.

Date: Sep 13, 2020 9:28 am Title: Chapter 9
Did I say: Eyes and ears EVERYWHERE! They were actualy fairly close.
Well, at least Stockwell is no more. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Your 'I swear' ... hit me kind of funny... Is Brian also fulfilling a promise that he should have made when Justin was still alive? (Sorry. It's the 'Temptation' story coming out again.) God, it's 4:30 in the morning. I shouldn't be laughing so much, I'll never get back to sleep.
Again with a side note... I'm going to have to scrounge back through GIH posts... someone was looking for stories without Lindsay in them... they said they detested her worse than Michael... LOL. I'm not sure but... okay. To each their own.
So, how long until the last chapter's posted? It's a good thing I know you love the boys... otherwise, I might be freaking.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
They were very close. Thankfully, Carl is a good cop. He just knew something was way off but couldn't pinpoint it.
Of course Justin isn't going to die. I would NEVER do that to either of them unless it was a supernatural story that enabled them to remain together. LOL. So no, don't freak. I think everything will work out just fine. In hindsight, I know this story could have been extended far beyond 10 chapters, but it was probably one of those times when I was writing numerous stories at a time. I did that to myself so many times! LOL.
Thanks for the comment. I hope to get the last part out later today.

Date: Sep 13, 2020 8:42 am Title: Chapter 8
STOCKWELL?!?! That homophobic S.O.B.!
How will he get by the other priests? The Abbot? Does he plan to shoot anyone in his way to gain entrance?
And - OMG - Justin is with him tonight! Oh shit!
At least there's another chapter posted.(Rushing to read!)
HUGS ~Cathy
Hmm... on a side note - I was telling a friend who's internet is out, how good 'Temptation' is... She said: Uhm... she didn't write a story called 'Temptation'... LOL...
Well... you know how our conversation went before a light bulb went off in my head! LOL... It HAS got to be an age thing! Right? At least I can say we were both right!
Author's Response:
Stockwell is the ultimate bad guy. I'm actually surprised he isn't explored more. I have a few times, but definitely not exclusively.
I think someone with Stockwell's police background will find a way to find his way in, and as quietly as possible. I'm sure he isn't seeking exposure.
And... regarding your side note, you aren't technically wrong. I did write a story called 'Temptation,' but it was in the BBM fandom. LOL. I had to scratch my head for a second. I kept repeating out loud, 'didn't I write a story by that title?' I guess we're both okay. LOL
Thanks for commenting.
Date: Sep 12, 2020 7:31 pm Title: Chapter 8
wow nasty Stockwell
Author's Response:
Yeah, Stockwell is always an ass.
Thanks for the comment.
Date: Sep 12, 2020 12:07 pm Title: Chapter 7
Thanks for updated love them
Author's Response:
Glad to hear it. Thanks for commenting!

Date: Sep 12, 2020 7:45 am Title: Chapter 7
So... Justin WASN'T naked under his robe: t-shirt and snug black briefs. (HA! At least he didn't have on boxers!) I'm sure they would be MUCH more comfy for sleeping. But... he just HAPPENED to have on SNUG black briefs.
Someone is always going to be trying to kill me. So, you better get to it while the going is safe! LOL.
No one would ever think of looking for me here. Uh-huh... think again, and keep telling yourself that. If you're wanted bad enough, they will look EVERYWHERE! But they also need to remember there are eyes and ears - EVERYWHERE!
Well, Brian better NOT plan an all-nighter. It would NOT be good for the Abbot to catch Justin descending from Brian's and returning to his own rooms in the morning.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
That is very true. The people Brian is dealing with do have eyes and ears everywhere. Nowhere is safe until the would-be assassin is caught.
Yeah, an all-nighter probably wouldn't be wise, but we know Brian would probably want that. LOL.
There are only 3 more chapters remaining so things should move very quickly now.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Sep 10, 2020 5:13 pm Title: Chapter 6
Nice chapter! But the only right way to review this, is my feelings while reading it, since Father Brian DID confess at the end...
First, I was surprised it was Carl who made sure Brian was well supplied... Nice friend!
I think Justin will find his thoughts of not letting his body react to Brian very unwarranted, and I find myself wondering if they wear clothes under their robes. (I don't know where I ever got the impression that nuns and monks don't.)
That stuff with Justin jacking off in the showers, and Brian saying he had a similar experience... Well, if we're sticking to canon here: Being fourteen and sucking off your gym teacher is a world of difference to jacking off in the shower at seventeen!
Actually, it was kind of mean for Brian to make him admit that stuff, and in turn, make Justn think he would disgust a 'Man of God', and having saying: You are a respected priest...
Well, at least Brian came clean about not being a priest. So, rest assured Justin, you have not corrupted a man of the cloth. Although, if his power of seduction was that great and irresistible, well, that's a powerful image.
I really liked this: a sudden movement that almost made Brian fall from the couch, - it would have served the sucker right if that had happened. And I hope he would have felll hard! He would have deserved it for what he put the kid through.
So, all-in-all, my thoughts whle reading this held no bearing in the end, but those were my rants before Brian came clean... Thank you for that, at least.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Carl does seem to think of everything! LOL.
Justin is very naive in this story. It's amazing with all that life has thrown him, but I think he will mature quickly with Brian as his guide - and, in more ways than one!
Brian was being overly predatory and perhaps a bit callous putting Justin through that. Hunter Brian can sometimes go too far, but he usually gets it right when he needs to.
I doubt Carl would be thrilled about Brian revealing his identity, but I'm sure everything will work out.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.
Date: Sep 08, 2020 4:53 pm Title: Chapter 1
I am loving the dynamic and new perspective of this story. Can't wait to read more, great job
Author's Response:
This is definitely something different, even from me. I'm glad you are enjoying it. More is posted now. Thanks for the comment!
Date: Sep 08, 2020 10:45 am Title: Chapter 5
thanks for update.. stay safe
Author's Response:
You're welcome. You do the same.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

Date: Sep 08, 2020 8:44 am Title: Chapter 5
HA! I saw another chapter, so I had to give into the next ten minutes.
The Abbot really is a sour thing, isn't he? Well, regardless, even if the classroom lessons finish, the nightly rendezvous can continue. Because even if Brian gets his one chance, but still has to stay for two more weeks - is once going to hold him for that length of time? Silly man!
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
The Abbot is definitely a stickler on what he views to be the proper order of things. He doesn't understand that neither Brian or Justin fit in with those type of rules - LOL.
Brian always likes to 'think' once is always enough, but we know it never seems to work out for him like that with Justin. I enjoy the process his makes of believing his rules apply to everyone, and the realization when he determines Justin is in an altogether different category. :)
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Sep 08, 2020 8:21 am Title: Chapter 4
Ah, 3:30 AM ... I was awakened with a text message. These seven hour difference time zones are killing me. So I decided to read this last chapter before trying to go back to sleep.
How Justin can't see just how different Father Brian is from the other Fathers, blows my mind... He's stroking his hand... LOL... This Justin is dense!
I was going to ask... Brian was concerned with Justin being underaged, but then figured he was close enough to eighteen. I thought legal age of consent was seventeen. Or is it because he's a cop?
So Brian was thinking of the luscious lips... Well, that's ONLY because he hasn't seen the other enticing ass-et of Justin...
So, Abbot Reynolds observed Justin being fifteen minutes early for his lessons... yet Justin was always late for morning prayers. What's that say?
Something hit me about this scenario with Justin being at the monastery... He's only seventeen, and his father forced him into going there. Isn't there some type of law against that? He pulled him out of finishing high school... he's paid a monastery to keep his son... I would really think that's against the law. Well, it will be interesting to see if the police have anything to say about that. But I really hope Craig gets brought up on charges for this.
All caught up! Yay me!
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
I usually have my cell phone off when I am ready to sleep, so I can avoid that. Of course, not that I don't sometimes fall asleep with my phone open in bed - LOL.
Justin is extremely naive in this story. There's not a doubt about that...
The age of consent is 17 in Pennsylvania. At least, that's what I had thought. It's even as young as 16 in some states. My state is one of those. I believe this is a moral issue, not to mention a bit inappropriate with Brian not only being a cop, but a detective as well. I think it would defenitely be a code of conduct issue with his superiors.
I am a bit vague on some aspects of the law, but I believe at 17 in regards to some things, he has to go to court for emancipation to declare himself as an adult. Of coure, Justin didn't really put up much of a fight either. That could stem from having an emotionally abusive father. This story could have explored so many avenues, but it's only a 10-chapter story, so things should move along quickly soon.
Hopefully you can get back to sleep. Sadly, this has become my new normal for awake time. I can't get used to it!

Date: Sep 07, 2020 10:33 pm Title: Chapter 3
I saw your reply to my review, and yes that was for chapter 2. I think I'm stretching myself too thin these days. Helping six newer writers, and still issuing out BBM stories through Find it here. And what don't have, I'm copying. I can't believe how many have friend-locked their journals over the years. ANYWAY...
Did Brian even bring lube and condoms? I know the motto, 'Always be prepared'... but come on, this is a monastery! Why be prepared with the old geezers? LOL...
Brian thought his room with the drab brown furniture probably looked the same as all the others... yet, I highly doubt the others have a sofa, recliner, table and chairs, and other kitchen amenities. Non-padded or not, he does has kitchen chairs.
I'm almost surprised Brian didn't insist on the 'lessons' to be in his 'suite' of rooms, because how else will he get him in that twin-sized bed? Although, if your story is rated E - maybe he doesn't?
And I think Father Brian will find his pupil, Seminarian Taylor, to be a lot more willing than his first impression. Haha!
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
It sounds like you have more than enough on your plate! I know how that is between working, two teenagers that are back in school - which is certainly another worry these days, and writing when I can cram in a moment or two. And, of course, I'm not just working on uploading older stories here, but my vampire story, and another in the background too. It never ends. LOL.
I think we know that Brian will always be prepared just in the case that he found someone that he didn't view as a 'dickless' breed. Haha.
I'm sure Brian would have liked the idea of his rooms, but without a doubt, the Abbot wouldn't sanction that. Lol. And the rating was wrong, but now fixed. This is me, remember? This story couldn't ever be for everyone. Haha. I had noticed that when posting a chapter, but forgot to go back and change it. Undoubtedly, we will get to a point where it would have required it, which won't be too much longer since this story only has 10 chapters in all.
More of this to come soon. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Date: Sep 07, 2020 3:24 am Title: Chapter 2
Interesting... Justin had to go to a monastery to find The Face of God! Isn't that some type of Blessing in Disguise? Ah... serendipitous... If Craig only knew the monastery was the worst place to send Justin. LOL.
And I think Justin's study for exams just became the highlight of his life.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Yeah, Craig didn't choose wisely... but we might not have seen the last of him yet! I'm not sure how far along you are since you commented this under Chapter 2. So I will be cautious about what I am answering. Lol.
I think exam 'prep' could take on an all new meaning...
Thanks for the comment, Cathy.
Date: Sep 06, 2020 11:36 am Title: Chapter 3
Loe it. thanks for update. stay safe
Author's Response:
Your welcome. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)
Date: Sep 06, 2020 1:43 am Title: Chapter 2
After reading this chapter I feel like singing "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?" Or something like that.
This should be fun. Brian now thinks he is on the proul. Well -- well don't look now but so it Justin.
Author's Response:
Haha. That made me laugh. That does seem fitting.
A very different kind of B/J meeting for sure. I hope it will be fun.
More to be posted soon. Thanks for the comment.

Date: Sep 04, 2020 1:53 pm Title: Chapter 1
Now this is interesting. Craig is playing true to form. Brian, however, is truely interesting. Hiding out at a monastary! What a twist.
Author's Response:
Craig is Craig here for sure, perhaps even more so. I enjoyed writing this tall tale. I think that's an apt description - LOL.
More to come soon. Thanks for commenting.
Date: Sep 03, 2020 11:34 pm Title: Chapter 1
Lol I see this monastery will be the enlightenment of truth and savior for both Brian and Justin
Author's Response:
Yes, that's a very apt description. Neither of them wants to be there, but I guess we'll see if that changes.
Thanks for commenting. More to come soon.

Date: Sep 02, 2020 9:09 pm Title: Chapter 1
Brian Kinney. Monk. Celibacy.
Brian must feel he's died and gone to hell. Oh, but ye of little faith.
I'm looking forward to the rest...
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
If there ever was an oxymoron that would be Brian's name attached to monk and celibacy! LOL.
Yeah, I think Brian would rather face his dangerous life than succumb to this. But, maybe that will change. Haha.
More to come. Thanks for commenting, Cathy.
Date: Sep 02, 2020 7:03 pm Title: Chapter 1
love it so far
Author's Response:
More to come. Thanks for the comment...