Reviews For Pizza Delivery to Kinney's Lair
Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed 

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Date: Apr 30, 2021 1:49 pm Title: Chapter 1

Date: Apr 30, 2021 1:49 pm Title: Chapter 1
You mentioned Justin reading minds, that would be interesting.
Reviewer: purpledee Signed 

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Date: Apr 15, 2021 1:52 am Title: Chapter 1

Date: Apr 15, 2021 1:52 am Title: Chapter 1
This was really good and I really enjoyed it.
Deb L.
Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed 

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Date: Apr 04, 2021 5:11 pm Title: Chapter 1

Date: Apr 04, 2021 5:11 pm Title: Chapter 1
A vampire tale like non I've ever read.
Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed 

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Date: Apr 04, 2021 5:31 am Title: Chapter 1

Date: Apr 04, 2021 5:31 am Title: Chapter 1
I had to read again. >>Cat
Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed 

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Date: Apr 03, 2021 7:58 am Title: Chapter 1

Date: Apr 03, 2021 7:58 am Title: Chapter 1
You scamp. This is totally new. I lovvvveee anything supernatural! More, more, more!!!!!
Author's Response:
These kind of stories are fun for a one shot or like the Ghost Story that I wrote that was quite short. I just don't know enough about vampires to feel confident writing much. Every time I would add something I did some quick research. I am afraid I won't be doing too many of those unless someone gives me a plot bunny that I can do another short sometime. What would you think about one where Justin can read minds?