Date: May 26, 2021 12:46 pm Title: Chapter 29
Beautiful honeymoon. And an island for a gift. WOW!
I'm looking forward to the sequel.
Author's Response:
I wonder if Brian will regret giving Justin his own island? Maybe not, but what a grand gesture. Does he do anything in a small way? LOL
Thanks for reading and all of your incredible support. It's deeply appreciated.

Date: May 26, 2021 12:45 pm Title: Chapter 28
Sentimental Jennifer. At least she didn't try to change Justin's mind.
Brian was hilarious! First worried Justin was going to be late - then the whole sunglasses thing was very entertaining. Only Brian would wear sunglasses to his wedding so nobody could see him become emotional.
Daphne offering to carry a baby - what a wonderful gift.
Lindsay - what can I say? I doubt her father's warning will settle the bitch. I just hope she doesn't try to make problems for them. She must be wealthy now. But I just can't even imagine her reaction when she learns of Daphne carrying the heir.
Author's Response:
It was so easy for me to visualize Brian being the one to panic on the wedding day. He was a mess. I could see it in my mind vivdly!
I don't think a better or truer friend could Justin have than Daphne. She is so vital to their future, and I think it's a guarantee that Lindsay won't be pleased about the baby development. Have they seen the last of her? I guess we'll see...but there is a sequel. I wonder what that will be about. *Smirks*
Thanks so much for commenting, Cathy.

Date: May 26, 2021 12:37 pm Title: Chapter 27
Wedding preparations! I hope Craig realizes how lucky he was, and turns over a new leaf. What had he embezzled money for, anyway?
And Brian is being forced to follow the tradition of not spending the night before with his beloved. Ah shucks. Poor Brian.
Author's Response:
I don't think Brian really wanted to let Craig squirm off the hook, but he did it for Justin. I guess this is love. LOL.
No doubt Brian doesn't approve of this particular wedding tradition. I think he'll survive it, though.

Date: May 26, 2021 12:35 pm Title: Chapter 26
Down Brian. Justin simply didn't know what the old king would now be called - he wasn't making light of the situation, it was a valid question.
So then they sit glaring at each other all day, until Brian pops the question - Yay, they're getting married!
Author's Response:
Brian does need to learn some balance between his king moments and his more private moments. Hopefully he will get there, or poor Justin will lose his mind. Haha.
And yes, a proposal. My how far they have come since this started.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: May 26, 2021 12:32 pm Title: Chapter 25
Thankfully, Salah survived. (There wasn't any doubt.)
And if I thought the king could have somehow MADE himself have a heart attack, it's seems possible. Because with the proclamation, all of Salah's dreams became a reality.
King Brian.
Author's Response:
I think this moment was inevitable all along. It was just a question of Brian not only accepting his destiny but embracing it as well. He did have a love for his land and people, and undoubtedly the grandfather he idolizes, but his love for Justin probably didn't hurt either.
It is certainly debatable about how ill Salah truly was. Perhaps it was just the stress of being King, and/or Lindsay. Let's go with that. Another thing to lay at Lindsay's feet. LOL.

Date: May 26, 2021 12:28 pm Title: Chapter 24
Brian and his sentiments, he still has to get gruff, and brushing it off as if the king was somehow at fault for talking too much.
Then they had such a glorious reunion, only for it to be shattered by the horrid news of Salah.
Author's Response:
Brian can only handle sentiment in small doses. Hopefully, Justin isn't expecting daily proclamations of undying love. LOL.
Such timing for the bad news about the king. Of course, there's never a good time for news like that.
Thankfully, Brian has Justin by his side to support him.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: May 26, 2021 12:24 pm Title: Chapter 23
Prolonged time with Lindsay isn't in the boy's best interest. No Shit! Wicked witch from wherever.Another delusional who thinks she knows Brian so good!
And thank god Brahim came along when he did to hear Lindsay's hateful spewing. But as much as she tried to smooth it over, Brian was smarter. He heard her - she had no chance. And then she had to hear the most dreaded words straight from Brian's mouth: I love you, Justin. I love you... and I want you to stay.
Aww, poor, poor, Lindsay. She lost EVERYTHING!
Author's Response:
Linday's world definitely crashed down at that moment. Hearing Brian say those words would be a dagger to the heart for this vindictive witch. Hard to say if she would ever give up, but she knows she will never have the prince's heart. If she ever thought she could, she's even more delusional than she appears.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: May 26, 2021 12:17 pm Title: Chapter 22
Lindsay thought she was so coy: You couldn't wait to meet again. Am I right? So delusional!
And I'm so happy she got put in her place for snapping at Justin like she had the right to reprimand him.
And oh, Lindsay... there should have been MAJOR repercussions for her outraged tone directed at the king! The very least she shouldn't have been compensated after her outburst!
And hallelujah! The contract has been torched to ashes!
Author's Response:
That contract was doomed from the start. Someone as cold and cruel as Lindsay can't hide who they are for long.
One wonders if Salah will regret not taking a more firm stance with Lindsay. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Date: May 26, 2021 12:06 pm Title: Chapter 21
I'm glad Ted is going back to Brakania. And Salah is getting a clue about Lindsay. The only thing that really baffles me is: they just might be forced to be content with Lindsay as their choice. As big as the country is - with the multitude of women - probably some very beautiful women who aren't conniving and vindictive, who would bear the child, collect their reward, and walk quietly away, I'm just not understanding their choice of Lindsay.
Oh Justin - do you really think you will leave this man? But I'm so happy with how impressed Brian was with the portrait.
Author's Response:
I believe initially, Lindsay's father sold the idea of good lineage for the prince's heir. Of course, look past that fake smile, and you see nothing but evil. Not a good decision...but fortunately, Salah is very intutive. You can't keep speaking to him face-to-face and not be found out.
It's hard to fathom Justin leaving Brian, but perhaps he believes his heart will be broken more if he stays under the circumstances. I think the portrait could have caused Brian to lose his heart even more.

Date: May 26, 2021 11:58 am Title: Chapter 20
Ah - Lindsay's lawyer is Melanie. I wonder if Melanie is anything in the side? *Smirk.
At least this time she controlled her tone, but evil, wicked thoughts prevailed.
Ah, Brian. He certainly had an epiphany. Let's hope his stubbornness doesn't hold him back.
Author's Response:
It's doubtful that Lindsay is the dutiful daughter seeking to please her father by marrying into royalty. Perhaps she has more than one piece on the side. Nothing would surprise me about her. When someone is this vindictive, their true colors always show out. Sadly, we learn that in RL and in fanfiction.
Brian is evolving, and it's a good thing he has if he wants to hold onto Justin. These type of steps won't be easy for him.
Thanks for the comments and support, my friend.

Date: May 26, 2021 11:52 am Title: Chapter 19
One thing ALWAYS calms our boys... sex. But Brian still can't try not to goad - little captive - it's bound to get Justin's feathers ruffled.
Lindsay - how I hate the word COO - in regard to her. Because I can HEAR it in the way she talks. Vindictive bitch! And the fact she was trying to tell Salah - this is the way it should be - well, I think she just amped Salah's suspicions. Which us good. And I definitely think I could come up with a better word than "Ambitious" to describe her. But Salah is smart and ruthless. And he already sees it.
Author's Response:
At this point, Justin finds 'little captive' references much more degrading than he did in the beginning. Now that feelings have clearly developed, that's understandable.
I think it's curious to wonder if the king has seen through Lindsay all along and just toying with her to slip on the noose. What a delightful idea. Why didn't I think of that when I was writing this story? LOL.
'Ambitious' was probably too kind. A diplomatic answer if nothing else.
Her days do seem to be limited.

Date: May 26, 2021 11:39 am Title: Chapter 18
I still find it funny the lengths Jennifer went to!
And oh boy - but those two men can fight! They are both so stubborn, neither is willing to back down, and just because Brian is a prince - Justin is like - BIG DEAL! I'm not listening to you!
But King Salah is another thing. He must be almost the complete opposite of Brian. He was able to calm Justin and speak rationally.
But 'tame the wild beast'? Those words SOUND easy enough! LOL
Author's Response:
Jennifer is certainly protective of her cub, perhaps overly so...but maybe she is over compensating for Craig's lack of parenting.
I guess we knew this would be an all out battle, with Brian thinking he should win on all counts. He is the heir to the throne after all. LOL.
Justin and Salah have quickly developed an interesting relationship. In fact, almost a bond. It was fun writing this variable with an original character.
Some taming is probably in order...but is it possible? I guess we'll find out.
Thanks for the support, Cathy. Always so much appreciated!

Date: May 26, 2021 11:34 am Title: Chapter 17
Jennifer could almost put countries at war with her wondering about Justin. Good thing Salah is quick thinking.
I really hope Salah knows what he's doing, because these men are delusional if they think (that the Lindsay I know) will create any problems.
Poor Justin - what a way to find out without knowing the particulars. Talk fast, Brian!
Author's Response:
I think we can see that Salah is a great king; although, we didn't get a lot of exposure to his ruling practices, but enough to get a good grasp of who he is.
The Lindsay you know probably isn't any different here either.
It's very doubtful Justin expected to hear anything like that! Hopefully Brian can be patient with what could be an outraged tirade from his fiery blond!

Date: May 26, 2021 11:27 am Title: Chapter 16
In hindsight, I think Craig may be aware of the truth, but it's easier to just pretend things are as Vance says.
My, my, those boys are having quite the time!
Author's Response:
Yes, I don't think Craig is clueless; although, he often makes some questionable choices. Ultimately, Craig does what's best for Craig.
These two always know how to enjoy themselves - LOL.

Date: May 19, 2021 6:12 pm Title: Chapter 15
A nice chapter of their first time that neither of them would ever forget.
Author's Response:
In each story, I try to make their first time memorable, and something a bit different than the other. Not easy with as many I have written now - LOL.
I'm glad you liked it.
Thanks for commenting!

Date: May 19, 2021 6:08 pm Title: Chapter 14
I was going to say: Does Brian have to be so crude? But Justin came back with: "Stated with your inestimable brand of finesse."
But all that overlooks everything else, when Brian showed how impressed he was with Justin's art.
So Jennifer and Craig are getting closer to knowing the truth. What will come out?
Author's Response:
Justin certainly gives as good as he gets...but Brian sure knows how to push his buttons. Doesn't he always, though? LOL
I guess we'll see what Jennifer, and Craig figure out and what follows. Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: May 18, 2021 5:36 am Title: Chapter 13
Ben pleading Mikey's case? What is it with that man? His looks alone could get him anyone - why he continually wants some doe-eyed mama's boy who's in love with another man...
And Ben might be precious to the king, but I still think he overstepped the line in his comment to the king about Justin: he doesn't seem to be overly respectful or feel honored by being Prince Brahim's chosen one..." Ben returned, remembered the rumblings he had heard ... pprecisely - if he heard those RUMBLINGS from Michael, maybe they were biased half-truths. He was speaking on gossip - not first hand knowledge. He should have been told: SILENCE!
I LOVED Brian's veiled threats to Justin. But Brian should have remembered that Justin has good reason to be hostile toward him, but did he really think he'd portray that attitute in front of the king?
Author's Response:
Ben always seems so charmed by Michael. Why? I will never know. He deserves so much better!
I think King Salah turned his ear from Ben's comment about Justin not knowing him yet either...but that could be changing very soon.
Brian does enjoy throwing his position around, and Justin certainly has good reason for hostility. But, he isn't stupid. He does know how to carry himself with the king. I would think deep down Brian would realize that too.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy! :)

Date: May 18, 2021 5:21 am Title: Chapter 12
So Justin made a deal with - well, in this case - the devil. I will sleep with you in exchange for...
I liked the play on their length of time - just like canon when they set the "Ill be home by"... And once Justin gets a true taste of what's to come, will he want to stick to those two weeks?
And Brian - My Prince - would it kill you to curb that tongue of yours a little? The poor boy had just gone through an awful experience.
Author's Response:
Perhaps Justin feels more on equal ground making the offer, and the two-week agreement giving him more control of his destiny. Will he want to leave or not is the question. I think we can already see that Brian doesn't want the two-week limit...and for Brian to realize that is huge. He already knows his blond is a keeper. :)
And yes, our prince is very caustic at times. He just has to get the last word and do so with emphasis! LOL.
Thanks for commenting!

Date: May 18, 2021 5:14 am Title: Chapter 11
Mikey, Mikey... Wow - desperate much? I hope his actions find him beheaded, or at least mangled, so nobody would ever be able to LOOK at him again. Cantharides are illegal in the US - I have no idea about Brakania... but that alone should carry a heavy sentence. Besides, what if there was something that Justin was allergic to? He could have killed him. So I hope all that plays into his punishment.
Justin is a stubborn one. He easily played with Michael's mind and emotions. And the poor little lap dog just couldn't conceive how one could even think of NOT doing what the prince wanted.
"Doesn't appear to me that it's overly difficult to shock him." That's because he's an imbecile!
Author's Response:
Mikey is beyond ridiculous here. He never seems to learn. I would imagine Cantharides are illegal in the US, perhaps not in Brakania, but in any event, how they were used against the prince's guest would be a severly punishable offense.
Justin is certainly intuitve, especially where Michael is concerned. After these events, the prince will possibly need a new personal servant.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: May 15, 2021 9:59 pm Title: Chapter 10
Well, we are definitely at odds here. Behind closed doors, Brian might let Justin release his anger and not 'punish' him, but in front of staff and the people of Brakania, respect must be shown at all times! So Justin needs to learn to control his temper!
Author's Response:
Yes, this is a very fine line Justin is walking with the prince. At times, Brian seems more the half-American he is, but in his home country, the expectations are very different. Maybe Justin will balance that in time.
Thanks for the comment, Cathy.

Date: May 15, 2021 8:59 am Title: Chapter 9
Michael's contempt seems to be growing along with Justin's attitudes. I love the fiesty Justin, and not kowtowing to Michael, which probably infuriates Michael more. But the fact that Justin has this air of aloofness toward the prince really gets Michael upset. Too sad, so bad.
But once again, Michael has the amazing Ben loving him. Not sure how that mealy mouthed child gets him. And then can't appreciate - he still lusts after Brian, and holds onto his delusions how one day he will be Brian's.
Lindsay as mother to the heir. I sure hope artificial insemination is available - but oh boy - I see PROBLEMS on the horizons if this happens.
I'm trying to figure out how Justin can holler: kidnapping. It's not like Brian stuffed him in his suitcase and brought him across the ocean...
Author's Response:
Michael does seem to be extra delusional in this story, and poor Ben devoted to him as well. It's truly sad. Why he can't be happy with this great man loving him I will never understand. Brian is always Michael's perfect dream, and totally unsuitable for him. Sadly, Michael always has to learn the hard way...
Justin was certainly manipulated into coming to Brakania, but technically, I don't think kidnapping could ever fly. It's called do research on those you do business with...extensive research. LOL.
And yeah, that woman as mother to the heir. Perhaps the King should dig deeper in the barrel. Haha.

Date: May 14, 2021 2:45 pm Title: Chapter 8
Yep, Vance sold his campaign quite well.
Justin went off after the fussing from Jennifer, and the fact things already seem amiss to Craig and Jennifer, it doesn't really bode well.
Ha! Brian has such high hopes just because he will have Justin in his home. I'm not so sure about that.
Dun, dun, dun, dunnnn... "Welcome to Brakania, Mr. Taylor. I am Michael, a loyal servant to Prince Brahim." This sounds ominous. We already have a jealous Michael. I just cannot imagine what he wil try to do to harm Justin while under the prince's roof, but you can bet he will try.
Author's Response:
I guess Vance is experienced at selling a campaign. I think he strategized that quite well in his mind. Undoubtedly, he didn't want Justin to refuse and lose that big payday!
Justin probably won't be a very happy guest in the prince's home. The only thing that benefits Brian in that, is the access he will have to Justin, and that Justin is physically attracted to him, whether he wants to be or not.
And yes, of course, even without the tag I think we knew Michael would be a problem here...but nothing that can't be handled. :)
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: May 14, 2021 2:36 pm Title: Chapter 7
Vance is such a wuss! Let him get a smell of that check with all those zeroes, and he'd probably sell his soul to the devil.Instead of the prooffered drink, it's funny he didn't just grab the bottle.
Very noble of Justin meeting the wolf in his hotel room to extend a thank you. Little does he know just how soon he will be seeing him again. I have a feeling he won't be as congenial.
Author's Response:
Vance would suck up to anyone, especially when the 'almighty dollar' was involved. That was simply too easy. Brian could have probably secured Vance's cooperation with a mere pittance!
I think Justin was a bit unnerved to be alone with Brian in his hotel room, and he was proven right in that...but their next meeting should be much different. LOL.
Thanks for all of your support, Cathy.
Date: May 13, 2021 4:09 pm Title: Chapter 1
'I hope to post updates regularly'
Best six words I absolutely love <3
Author's Response:
I am getting some help from a Good Samaritan helping me to get these older stories posted, so we hope for daily updates. :)
I do hope to keep them coming.

Date: May 13, 2021 11:11 am Title: Chapter 6
So, Craig was fairly good at the money manipulation game, and Brian chose to let it slide, hoping to gain an in with Justin.
But does he really think if he gets Justin in his country under false pretenses, that Justin won't balk at every turn?
It's gonna be interesting...
Author's Response:
I think if Brian wasn't distracted, and a bit off of his game, he would have had Ted push harder, and dig a lot deeper...especially during inventory night. Hopefully, this serves as a wake-up call for Craig.
I can't imagine Brian thinks having Justin in Brakania will make him an easy mark. He should know better after their first meeting...but, he will have endless access to him in his country, and more opportunity to wear him down. LOL.