Date: Jun 28, 2021 10:51 am Title: Chapter 1: Gone... Far From Forgotten
Brian has the right idea.
Date: Jun 27, 2021 3:13 am Title: Chapter 23: The Most Perfect of Days
I've read this story many times and it is a favorite! Brian finally showing his vulnerability,even if it's only to strangers. Finally admitting to himself just what Justin really means to him. Finally! Showing some growth. Thank you for a great story
Author's Response:
This was definitely a very different undertaking for me. Brian was completely open to his feelings; especially, in regards to Justin. But, this would be a post-series timeline, so I think he was ready to do that at that time.
I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thanks so much for commenting. :)

Date: Jun 25, 2021 3:44 pm Title: Chapter 23: The Most Perfect of Days
I LOVE this story! It is def one of my faves I have previously read by you, so have had to leave A review.
Keep writin the good stuff!!
Deb L.
Author's Response:
Awww, thank you. I'm glad to hear that. This story was a touch different for me, the drama and danger I often write, but it was more emotional than normal for me. I think it fit here.
Thanks for reading and commenting. It's greatly appreciated!
Date: Jun 25, 2021 7:08 am Title: Chapter 23: The Most Perfect of Days
I loved this story it had angst and love and a happy ending thank you ðŸ˜
Author's Response:
Your welcome! I'm glad you liked it, angst and all. Always a happy ending for them, but I know it looked rough for a while.
Thanks for commenting!
Date: Jun 25, 2021 3:38 am Title: Chapter 23: The Most Perfect of Days
Good story. I know it’s supposed to follow on from the show...so where were the “crazy wesbians†and Gus? They would never get married without Gus.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked the story. Although in a timeline sort of way it should follow along after the show, some details were basically omitted. I'm not good about delving too deeply into Melanie and Lindsay in my stories, unless they are essential in the plot pertaining to Brian and Justin.
Thanks for reading!

Date: Jun 25, 2021 3:36 am Title: Chapter 23: The Most Perfect of Days
Bravo! Overall, this story was painfully lovely. Unforgettable.
Thank you for sharing your stories with us.
Author's Response:
Your welcome, Cathy. Thank you for reading and all of your support. I deeply appreciate that. :)
This story wasn't really my norm, but I did feel good about how it all eventually came together.
Thanks for reading and commenting!

Date: Jun 25, 2021 3:35 am Title: Chapter 22
I think in Brian’s talk with Michael he overlooked something. Michael said that all he could see at the time was that Justin had left Brian, and Brian suffered.
But that day that Brian and Justin saw everyone, BEFORE Michael spouted his bullshit, Brian had told everyone that Justin had been kidnapped by Sapperstein. So, Michael’s excuse is all bullshit. He WANTED to make Justin look bad. He was jealous that he was back in Brian’s life. I mean, if Justin was kidnapped by Sapperstein, who Michael knew to be a sleaze, what kind of life did he think Justin had? Oh yeah, he let everyone suffer while he lived in the lap of luxury in Barbados.
It shows Justin’s maturity in pushing Brian to make up with Michael, but the worst of it, Brian doesn’t know half the stuff Michael has said to him and how he’s treated him.
The ONLY thing pacifying me right now, is the fact that Brian said no more. He will choose Justin… and then Michael’s thoughts went immediately to how he resented Justin. Crap like that makes me want to slam my laptop shut!

Date: Jun 25, 2021 3:33 am Title: Chapter 21: Friendship and New Beginnings
YAY… Carl is a HERO. He should get an award for taking out scum like Sap, (wink) and the crooked FEDS.
I hope Brian doesn't have nightmares or PTSD from actually shooting Sapperstein. I KNOW he wanted him dead, but actually shooting someone is different.
Well Sap: Diviértete en el infierno!
Author's Response:
Carl really did an amazing thing for Brian. I think they could have gotten Brian out of trouble in the long run, but after all him and Justin have suffered, this was such a nice gesture.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Jun 25, 2021 3:30 am Title: Chapter 20: An Interminable Night
I hope with them in another room that Carl calls in reinforcements. But how the heck is Carl going to get down to the back, disable the guard, and back upstairs to deal with Sapperstein? That seems like a lot of elapsed time. Also, the FBI guard is trained. How easy will it be to disable him?

Date: Jun 24, 2021 11:31 pm Title: Chapter 19: Suspicion and Betrayal
OMG! I just knew there had to be a dirty FBI agent, but it sounds like more than one. And with it being the back door, will Carl or Brian even be aware of it??
I hope they are found out. I've always thought dirty cops, FBI, judges, or whatever, deserve harsher sentences that your common criminal thud. UNLESS it's someone like Sap, who like I said earlier, deserves the firing squad.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 11:27 pm Title: Chapter 18: Moving In For The Kill
Criminy sakes! Sap is one sick mother. But thank god that guy called him, so they have Saps location!
And I feel so much better knowing Carl is on his way! I also hope Debbie had someone to sit with her. She’s gonna go nuts until Carl is back home.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 11:26 pm Title: Chapter 17: Strength Reborn
Video feed. But Sap said he just received it. That, to me, means that someone sent it to him, not that he was watching Brian ramble around the house.
I hope Brian calls Carl again.
And just where IS Sap? Is he still in NY, or is he in the Pitts now? I’m tense.
Date: Jun 24, 2021 11:25 pm Title: Chapter 15: A Reunion Gone Awry
Argh the chapter ended again I read several chapters in a go and then bam I have to wait.
Author's Response:
Haha. It's a good thing the story was posted so quickly! The first time around it certainly wasn't.
Thanks for commenting! :)

Date: Jun 24, 2021 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 16: Together At Last
Bittersweet reunion, yet perfect.
But why do I not really trust that FBI guard that Brian was talking to? No FBI should have a problem looking even the fiercest of people in the eye. And it's always said that Sap has friends in high places.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 7:50 pm Title: Chapter 15: A Reunion Gone Awry
You go, Brian! It’s a nice thought - Brian exacting some revenge on Sapperstein. But only if it kept him out of orange.
And if it came to a showdown between Sap, Brian, and Justin, I almost wish Justin could be the one to look Sap in the eyes as he pulled the trigger. So long, motherfkr…
That blasted Michael. I was worried about that in the last chapter, but then I thought, no, he won’t start something, but by god, he did! When Brian mentioned hitting him again, WHY, pray tell, didn’t he say WHY? You want another black eye like when you said I should have left Justin to die?
Then when Justin had his turn to explain, he should have asked Michael what would he do if he was threatened that they’d kill Ben, his mother, or possibly Jenny Rebecca? That they were all continually watched?
People are always too nice when dealing with Michael. He needs hard facts so they sink into his super-thick skull. And he always expects his 'sorry' to have everybody forgiving him. I don't think the majority of time he even really means it!
Author's Response:
I think Michael's mentality is always that child that won't grow up, forever living in the past with his comic books and his good buddies. They have grown up and moved on, but he's stuck in the past even if he is in a relationship. Poor Ben. How does he endure the constant whining!?

Date: Jun 24, 2021 7:46 pm Title: Chapter 14: An Unexpected Reunion
Yeah, that would be a tremdous shock! Could you imagine thinking your son was dead, and three years later resurfacing???
I almost chuckled at Ben’s admonishment to Michael, and even though Michael thinks he moved past all that, his thoughts still centered on where Justin was hiding, and why he let them assume he was dead… torturing them with his loss. Not once did the thought enter his mind how glad he was that Justin was home, or that it was Justin being tortured, and how it wasn’t Justin’s fault. So he apparently still has some unkind and jealous thoughts regarding Justin.
Author's Response:
I don't think Michael can ever help himself. Even if he isn't obsessing over Brian in a romantic way, he is still bitterly jealous over Justin and how he perceives it's his fault that someone means more to Brian than his so-called 'best friend.' Michael's thought processes truly boggle the mind...but he's so predictable that he's all too easy to write. LOL.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 7:44 pm Title: Chapter 13: Relentless Evil
You know, if there was even the slightest possibility that Gary stood a chance after being caught, all the threatening text messages he will now send and after they are given to the Feds, he better know he’s a dead man.
The gallery owner better hope he’s in a place undetectable too.
Brian needs a gun permit and handgun to have on hand at Britin.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 7:43 pm Title: Chapter 12: Safe or Unsafe Harbor?
So much for safe passage! They get to Pittsburgh and they are right back where trouble is. And I suppose Gary will continue to use the fake ID. And probably disguise himself. I just hope the guys hole up in Britin and don’t leave. And I hope anyone other than the family, isn’t aware of Britin. Then there’s the question: will Gary be alone, or will he have ‘muscles’ with him? Because if he finds them, Brian is a dead man, and Justin will once more be captured.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 7:42 pm Title: Chapter 11: The Disturbing Truth
That doggone gallery owner! I just knew it! I can’t believe no one ever thought to check that out. They knew he’d gone with him. If he was alive - they should’ve hounded him until he broke and told the truth. Instead, the guy took off for unknown parts. And why didn’t THAT ever place any doubts in the authorities’ minds?

Date: Jun 24, 2021 3:01 pm Title: Chapter 10: A Long-Awaited Reunion
Author's Response:
Much more to come yet. Thanks for the comment.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:27 pm Title: Chapter 10: A Long-Awaited Reunion
YAY! Thank you, Ramone for taking that chance. But isn’t it dangerous to stay holed up in Ramone’s house? Wouldn’t the enforcers check there since they saw Brian and Ramone talking?
But Sapperstein must have the authorities and everybody in his pockets. How the hell will they get out of there and to the airport undetected.
I’m so glad they are reunited. I almost thought Justin would start out with their “Where’re you headed” scenario. But the words at Britin were perfect too.
I found Justn saying that he couldn't atone for Brian's pain kind of strange - that almost makes it seem intentional. Anyway...
There must be lots of thrills ahead.
Author's Response:
At this point, they have a bit of time. But, probably not wise to stay for too long with all of Sap's goons roaming around; although, some of them do seem a bit inept.
Fortunately, Brian could have some connections, but I certainly wouldn't trust the local authorities in Barbados.
I think Justin realizes that he could have reached out to Brian and let him know he was alive, but he didn't in order to protect him. I doubt Brian would take kindly to that.
Definitely thrills ahead, the drama far from over...
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:24 pm Title: Chapter 9: The Unsuspecting Hand of Fate
Oh boy! I sure hope Ramone’s hour is about up so they can leave undetected. But Marie had said Gary left with some security men. So I presume Stefan and his buddy are screwing up leaving Brian unattended. Too bad, so sad.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:23 pm Title: Chapter 8: A Plan is Born
Dun, dun, dun, dunn… It was one thing to hear there was a lookalike, but completely another to hear the name Justin. And is this the same Ramone that Justin had finally given into Gary’s bed in order for him to quit the beating and not kill him?
God bless Marie for taking that chance. I hope she plays it that she was knocked out or something. Otherwise, who knows what Sapperstein might do to her or one of her family members, if he gets suspicious.

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:22 pm Title: Chapter 7: Coincidence or Fate?
Well, his trip to Barbados is starting to look like the right thing to do. But I have to wonder why Sap wouldn’t keep the whole collection, and allowed eight to go to a gallery to sell. Sap should have prepared for the eventuality of Brian looking for paintings and know this will be only the beginning. Brian has always been persistent.
This could prove to be Sap’s downfall.
Author's Response:
Yes, the trip to Barbados is definitely the right thing to do. What a shock that's in store for Brian. A much wanted one!
The Sap isn't one to give up in this story. He planned so much to have Justin there to himself and away from Brian. We'll see how it all plays out.
Thanks for commenting!

Date: Jun 24, 2021 12:21 pm Title: Chapter 6: One Step Closer
Sap is one of the sleaziest people. Threatens death on innocents if Justin won’t have sex when he demands it. So it’s more or less, rape by coercion.
And I have to wonder if Sap bought the paintings so by the time Brian got around wanting to acquire him, it could possibly lead him to Barbados and Gary would have the perfect way to take him out, vs in Pittsburgh where his death would have been investigated.