Date: Jun 29, 2021 4:00 am Title: Chapter 16
Author's Response:
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it!
Date: Jun 27, 2021 6:22 pm Title: Chapter 16
good one
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked it!

Date: Jun 26, 2021 8:07 pm Title: Chapter 16
This ended on a good note. They're in current time... they don't have to 'hide' themselves or their love. And Justin is doing what he loves, and what he was doing in 1937.
I'm sure he will miss his family occasionally, especially when he has exciting things to share.
But as soon as he considers - family or Brian - I'm sure he has no doubt that he made the right choice.
Author's Response:
Justin is so very sensistive that I am sure he will miss family and other memories from his time, but I doubt he will ever regret his choice. Brian is truly his soulmate. I don't see anything other than a rich and full life for them. :)
Thanks so much for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 7:01 pm Title: Chapter 15
Aah… how sweet. I think I’d have been nervous waking up with no sight of Brian either, because your mind would conjure up all sorts of things that might have gone wrong.
Well they better smash those watches soon. Leave no more chances to fate.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 6:39 pm Title: Chapter 14
Haha you slime! It was sneaky of Justin to get the watch by kissing him, yet with Brian and Justin aware of Ethan having the club, you’d think they could have just wrestled that away from him. Either that, or the men Brian hired could have held him as they just took it.
But Justin endured the kiss, which really took the pathetic man down. I wonder what Ethan will do in that time period? His clothes were outdated, and I assume he has little money. Some back-breaking menial labor would be funny.
I also think with Ethan having to stay in 1937, he’ll never find a bed mate unless it’s a woman. (Yes, I’m laughing!)
Author's Response:
Poor Justin having to endure THAT kiss. The very thought is too much for me. LOL. I think it was decided that the kiss was the safer route, although a revolting one. They wouldn't want to take the chance of the watch being damaged in any scuffle. I do think that would be a fitting end for Ethan. Lost and stuck in 1937. Of course, he could approach them as an old man. There's a thought. I should have done that - haha.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 2:41 pm Title: Chapter 13
Such a stupid man… if Justin didn’t want him the first time, he’s certainly not going to want him this time. But at least Justin knows Brian speaks the truth, and maybe they will both be more alert tonight.
Does Ethan plan on getting rid of Craig too if he succeeds with Brian?
Author's Response:
Justin's trust in Brian is absolute, but they are fated, so I think that goes hand in hand.
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised knowing how Craig feels about anyone queer. Ethan seems to be on all counts completely mad!
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 2:30 pm Title: Chapter 12
Do you hear Twilight Zone music? I was sure earlier Justin had said something about tonight’s performance too.
But I’m glad Brian’s going to level with him and see if they can figure out what happened, and what went wrong.
Author's Response:
It's a life saver that Brian is so aware of all of the details surrounding Justin and the past. Flying blind here would doom them for sure. Again!
Thanks for commenting!

Date: Jun 26, 2021 2:29 pm Title: Chapter 11
Brian Kinney in love. I know it’s getting easier and more accepted in this day and age, but I can’t imagine in 1937 how gay people were looked down on. And how forbidden it was.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 2:28 pm Title: Chapter 10
So Ethan came from another time? Like maybe after Brian was gone? How is Craig believing all this stuff? And doesn’t Craig realize the reason Ethan wants to get Justin away from Brian is that HE wants him? So Craig helps him get away from one man, for another one to steal him away? *SMH
I hope Jennifer complains to the management about this pest, and how is Craig going to explain him to her?
Author's Response:
Craig is so blinded in his rage about Justin and Brian that he isn't really seeing Ethan's true motives. Ethan and Craig working together certainly places a lot of strain and uncertainty in Justin's relationship with Brian, but I have the feeling they will make it. I cried so much watching the movie. Things won't finish like that here.
Thanks for the comments, Cathy.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 8:17 am Title: Chapter 9
So nice they are together. Ian, Alan and all the other names needs to get lost. Need more thank you.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 6:54 am Title: Chapter 9
Oh yay! Our boys are gonna get closer, and there’s nothing Ethan can do about it. LOL… And the repellant little man was kind of caught in a lie, so hopefully, that keeps Justin on his toes around him.
Author's Response:
Despite everything Craig has instilled in him of who and what he should be, Justin seems irresistibly drawn to Brian. I don't think he wants to be anywhere else. So it begins...
Thanks for commenting!
Date: Jun 26, 2021 6:50 am Title: Chapter 8
I just can’t stand Ethan. He gives me unwanted shivers sometimes. He always ruins private moments. But I think if he thinks history will repeat itself, I doubt it. Brian is much wiser and more cynical this time.
Author's Response:
Ethan can't win against destiny. Perhaps fate wanted them to fight for what they have together, and surely they have needed to do that. But Ethan can't outlast the hand of fate. Brian seems to be ready for anything Ethan dishes out. Hopefully that continues.
Thanks for your comment, Cathy.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 5:40 am Title: Chapter 7
Really you had to introduce Ian😂? More evil mischief.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 5:34 am Title: Chapter 6
Yessssss! Loving this.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you are enjoying it. Much more to come.
Thanks for your comments!

Date: Jun 26, 2021 5:31 am Title: Chapter 5
Of course the a***h**e is going to cause trouble.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 5:25 am Title: Chapter 4
On to the Next chapter.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 5:09 am Title: Chapter 3
Time travel. Interesting concept. I imagine all of us have things we would like to change. Perhaps things not even bad things.
Author's Response:
Very true, and I'm sure there are many things Brian will want to change here.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 5:02 am Title: Chapter 2
I’m assuming this is a portrait of Justin. What pulled them apart? Two souls, bound together in another time.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 4:46 am Title: Chapter 7
Yucky Ethan. All I can say is good luck… he will never beat Brian no matter what era.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 4:44 am Title: Chapter 6
The obnoxious, chin rat, Ethan strikes again. Between him and Craig, stumbling blocks are going to arise. But Ethan can dream all he wants about destroying feelings between Brian and Justin, the star-crossed lovers.
Author's Response:
Ethan will certainly try, but it appears these two would-be lovers are fated to meet and connect. Good luck stopping that!

Date: Jun 26, 2021 4:43 am Title: Chapter 1
Ohhhhh! How could I have not read this? No reason really. But I knew p that the old man was Justin as he approached Brian. This is gonna be good. Bravo!
Author's Response:
I hope you like it! If you've seen the film, so much will be familiar, but so much different as well.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 4:42 am Title: Chapter 5
Oh yes, we can’t not have the odious and controlling Craig Taylor. And then in 1037, Craig would be even worse.
I wonder if the woman was going to pass a warning to Brian.
It almost gave me chills when Justin asked: Is it you?
Author's Response:
I loved that line in the film - Is it you? Such chemistry Jane and Christopher had, and of course, we know the kind Brian and Justin have no matter the time period.
Definitely creepy thinking of Craig in this time, both as a father and a husband. I guess we need our villains to balance a story. LOL.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 4:41 am Title: Chapter 4
How exciting! Seeing how meticulous and determined Brian is to make everything plausible is really interesting. For skeptical Brian to even consider this could be possible is baffling.
I’m almost starting to feel sorry for poor Arthur.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 4:40 am Title: Chapter 3
Oh most definitely if Ted and Michael could see how Brian is acting now, they’d probably think he’d finally gone over the edge.
But it’s a good thing he found George Finney.

Date: Jun 26, 2021 4:39 am Title: Chapter 2
I loved this movie, even though it’s been years since I watched it. So reading this is bringing images of it to me.
Author's Response:
This is one of my favorite films. I based a great deal on it, but I altered many things to suit my story as well.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.