Reviews For Primitive
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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 07, 2021 12:33 am Title: Chapter 7: A Sinister Plan Revealed

What an evil swine! Craig better fear for his life when the king and his men catch these outlaws. (Because we KNOW they are.)

And Craig had already found a way to get rid of Justin - by way of the king. If that was the case, why not just forget the king and go straight to the hoodlums to just take Justin?? I’m sure they would have had opportunities to just grab him.

Because this way? Craig has sealed his death! (and I’m not even crying!)

And Justin's still playing tough... pushes away Sap's hand and says: "At least he's hot."



Author's Response:

Due to the contract, Craig knew he had no choice but to surrender Justin to the king. Of course, we know he had a plan in play for backstabbing his king as well. 

We definitely have a sassy Justin in this story. We'll have to see how patient Brian will be with THAT. LOL.

Very little compares with this king's rage. Something the disgusting Sap could be about to find out. 

Thanks for commenting!



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 07, 2021 12:28 am Title: Chapter 6: The King's Rage

They should have started beating on Craig until he broke down. It wouldn’t take much for the coward to break.

I wonder what Brian will see fit for punishment for Justin…. Hmm, better be more than spanking… because that could turn sensual.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 07, 2021 12:26 am Title: Chapter 5: Truth and Consequences

Poor Emmett. Should he have known about secret passages? Maybe he never lived anyplace with one!

I am so happy the king is going to remove Jennifer too. If Jennifer is removed, will Craig have any access to money?

Oooh, maybe the king can sentence him to death for striking his property.



Author's Response:

I think Craig controls everything that Jennifer has. That just seems to be how it works with the immoral savages such as Craig is here.

Then again, Craig's road ahead might not be so smooth. Haha.

Thanks for commenting! :) 

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 07, 2021 12:25 am Title: Chapter 4: A Surprising Offer

An escape??? I think King Brian will be rather furious and things will go bad. But is this truth, or subterfuge?

Ut-oh! And on Emmett’s watch! LOL - Here I was thinking the palace's walls - and he got out of his house!



Author's Response:

The escape is definitely real, but for how long? It doesn't appear as if the king's mood will be improving anytime soon - LOL.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 07, 2021 12:23 am Title: Chapter 3: A Defiant Spirit

Well, you had me laughing again! When Brian was considering his three options, as soon as I started reading the third one, I thought, Yep… this is it, then that was what Brian decided. LOL... And Emmett’s sixth sense had to tell Brian he couldn’t do that!

"This is much like an inspection of a horse. Should I take you on, I would be riding you in a different manner."  What if: What if Justin wasn’t gay??? LOL

Super strong-headed Justin, meet super, super strong-headed King Brian.

As far as Craig - I was so excited that the king witnessed the striking of Justin’s face. He shouldn’t only have had him removed, but Brian should have struck him just as hard if not harder, Let him be dragged out with his face burning in humiliation.

And Emmett is so funny. Besides, I highly doubt Justin could escape the palace walls.



Author's Response:

I did want a special line for Brian to use at his initial 'inspection' of Justin. I'm glad it was funny. It was meant to be amusing, but to also display Brian's extreme arrogance as well. LOL. 

It is surprising that Brian didn't retaliate against Craig, but his day is coming for sure. 

I enjoyed writing Emmett here as well. He is certainly entertaining. Haha.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.


Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 06, 2021 6:41 am Title: Chapter 2: Preparing For A Journey

Craig is a barbaric, evil man! And what kind of country is that if you are married, you OWN your wife! Especially when he’s beneath her!

All I can say, is poor Jennifer. Maybe if word got to her family what Craig is doing, they'd help.

If Ethan isn’t good for anything, they should kick him out!




Author's Response:

I will just say that Brian didn't make these laws. He inherited the throne from a barbaric king. Changing the laws that have been in place for really forever isn't easy to do, but perhaps he will bend things a bit in time. :) 

There are so many twists and turns in this story. I think my muse was over creative at times when I was writing this, but it was such fun. 

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 06, 2021 6:39 am Title: Chapter 1: A Journey Toward Destiny

Yuck, I don’t blame Brian thinking Ethan to not be acceptable to bed!

And Justin has been promised to the king? But if he’s a descendant from royalty, that doesn’t make much sense. Or is this something Craig has cooked up?




Author's Response:

This is a contract that has been in standing for a very long time. Of course, Justin didn't know anything about that. There are many elements that define this title - characters, and even the land that Brian rules. This one is quite an adventure. LOL.


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