Date: May 20, 2017 5:42 pm Title: Chapter 16
They couldn't resist very long... That was hot and yet, there was something else; they wanted this so much, both of them.
Brian is finally letting Justin in, at his own risks.
What will be the diagnosis? Evil cliffhanger!!!
Author's Response:
Right? They tried so hard to resist LOL But it was impossible, since as you say, they wanted this a bit too much :D
Evil cliffhanger? Where? ** innocent smile **
We promise the next chpater will come very soon :) Thank you as always for your comments, we love them a bit too much, too ;)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 18, 2017 8:40 am Title: Chapter 15
Love that Brian now feels 'connected' to someone. Now, how about that operation for Justin . . . TAG
Author's Response:
He does! And about Justin's sight, you might be onto something ;)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 18, 2017 12:53 am Title: Chapter 15
I can't tell you how happy this story makes me, everything about it just makes me smile. Brian's relationship with Gus, how protective Brian is of Justin, how Brian is slowly realising that he wants Justin in his life for the long haul and that it's actually not too scary to think about. And well, everything is just so good. The way you write Justin and his vision is on point! Hands down this is one of my favourite stories. You ladies work very well together.
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you so much for letting us know you're enjoying this story! We like to write about that 'softer' side of Brian, if we can say that. We tried really hard to put ourselves in Justin's shoes regarding his sight, although the medical part of it is certainly inacurrate (searches on the net is not the real thing, but we tried!). But thank you so much for the praise! We hope you will like what's to come :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 15, 2017 2:41 am Title: Chapter 14
Brian's 'In Vino Veritas' moment, lol. TAG
Author's Response:
Right? Alcohol can be so much fun! LOL
~ Alois and addict-writer ~
Date: May 14, 2017 6:13 pm Title: Chapter 15
What a chapter!!! The part with Gus was just an invitation for a sweet moment and the rest was so sensual.
Thank you for this delight!
Author's Response:
And thank YOU for this delightful review!! We're so happy you enjoyed it :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 13, 2017 8:26 pm Title: Chapter 15
Good to see that Gus likes Justin as much as Brian does.
Author's Response:
The Kinney boys are lost! But with Justin, they had no chance to begin with ;)
Thank you for the review :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 13, 2017 5:19 pm Title: Chapter 15
YAY!! Justin rocked Brian's world LOL
Author's Response:
He did!!! And it's just the beginning (Poor Brian haha)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 09, 2017 2:24 am Title: Chapter 14
so glad that Brian finally figured out that he wants and needs Justin- Happy that Justin did not kick him out and is willing to start the conversation again. Thanks for updaing.
Author's Response:
You're very welcome :) Thank YOU for commenting!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 06, 2017 1:18 pm Title: Chapter 14
I'm so glad they have made up. They agreed to be friends, but they want more right ?
Brian is cute when he is drunk, and Emmett it's a good frien here !
Thanks for the update
Author's Response:
They do want more. Let's see how they procceed from there :)
Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire Marie-France!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 05, 2017 8:20 pm Title: Chapter 14
I apologize. I've missed a few chapters in reviewing.
Glad the boys were able to take that step. Both fucked up. both made amends.
Would've loved to have seen Jennifer's facial expressions throughout that though!! LOL! when she found out that Brian is really an escort?! hehehe. Wonder what she'll do now?
Kind of feel bad for Matthew, but he knew the score going into it. He can't be pissed at Brian having feelings for someone (no matter what Brian said about getting attached) He himself got too attached to Brian.
Author's Response:
We probably would all have loved to be a fly to witness Jennifer's face as she learned the truth about her son's grand romance LOL.
Matthew will survive but he needs time to process that the great Brian Kinney is in love.
Thank you very much for your review!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 05, 2017 6:55 pm Title: Chapter 14
I am so glad they are back together, but I'm not sure how together they are. Love how Emmett was the voice of reason.
Author's Response:
We will know very soon, we promise :) And Emmett is a very smart man!
Thank you!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 05, 2017 6:18 pm Title: Chapter 14
It's been a long time since I read about a drunken Brian and this is so funny.
This is so not him as sober, but after drinking like he did, it was "natural":“Justin, I want to cuddle your skin,” Brian slurred
Thank you for the update and for their reunion, even only as friends.
Author's Response:
Drunk Brian is irresistible! And you're right, he is so not Brian in moments like this. But it's so funny to write him that way!
Thanks again for your amazing support!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: May 05, 2017 4:01 pm Title: Chapter 14
Aw, I'm so glad they have made up. They both agreed to be friends, but it's the last thing either want, right? I mean, they want to be friends, of course, but they want more.
Brian wanting to cuddle Justin's skin was so cute and it's one of those things you think when you're drunk, and say and then regret haha!
Thanks for the update x
Author's Response:
Brian and Justin as friends. HAHA. Let's see if they manage that one, or should we say, how long they manage that one ;D
And drunk Brian is quite adorable, isn't he?
Thank you for such a lovely comment, Sally! We're very glad you're still enjoying this story :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: Apr 24, 2017 2:03 am Title: Chapter 13
I panicked when I saw they were going to Ethan's recital. I was like, you little, bearded rat better not come near Justin, you big teases :D But you completely surprised me with Brian and Matthew being there though. I can't believe Justin admitted to his mom that Brian was an escort. I just wanted to cuddle him :(
And as much as I want B/J to get together, I feel sad for Matthew. He couldn't help falling in love with Brian :(
I am now all caught up and it is the middle of the night LOL. But thank you for this wonderful story.
Author's Response:
LOLOL Ethan was just the fool of the play :D
Justin is having a hard time right now, but at least, he could confront Brian, so that's good, right? And we do feel bad for Matthew too. He is a good guy, even though Brian can't help his feelings for Justin.
We hope you're rested today :D Sorry we can't answer all your reviews right away, life is ectic these days! Thank you so much for all your reviews Sally, it was a real pleasure to read your thoughts on every chapter :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: Apr 24, 2017 1:51 am Title: Chapter 12
Nooooooooooooooo! Oh, Brian, can I slap him, please? Justin made a mistake, he told you that. Go easy on him... but his arranging the appointment with the doctor was such a wonderful gesture and something Brian WOULD do.
I now need Justin to get a service dog, like NOW!
Date: Apr 24, 2017 1:40 am Title: Chapter 11
Awww, I love how Debbie came to Justin's rescue - and Michael was SO in character here. I wanted to punch him a little lol.
Lindsay is SO on to Brian, I love it.
Seeing Brian as a doting daddy is so lovely. And for Melanie to see what Brian is doing by being Gus's donor was great.
Poor Brian needs his brain bleached hehe!
Date: Apr 24, 2017 1:25 am Title: Chapter 10
Okay, first, that was so hot. Brian was so sweet and gentle with him. But omg, as soon as I read that Justin has given him money, I immediately thought back to his comment about not working and I wanted to jump into the story and smack some sense into Justin. Arggggh!!!! Brian's hurting (and mad) and argh! They need to fix this. YOU NEED TO FIX THIS (you may have already lol)
Date: Apr 24, 2017 1:07 am Title: Chapter 9
Urgh, the bloody boys had to show up at the club, didn't they? But they saw Brian smooching Justin's face off, which makes me happy. It'll really get them talking mwahahaha.
OOOOOH, they're about to do it!!!!!!!!
*runs to next chapter*
Date: Apr 24, 2017 12:54 am Title: Chapter 8
I guessed right, that something had happened to Gus, I'm glad he's going to be okay.
And the reason Brian got so snippy with the boys at the diner is because he knows they're right! mwahaha!
Date: Apr 24, 2017 12:32 am Title: Chapter 7
Yesssssssssss. They both opened up to each other a little and that makes me smile so much. I was wondering when Brian would share Gus's story and his reasonings for becoming an escort - and Justin explaining the prom made my heart hurt. I have never been more grateful for him having Daphne in his life than now.
I am also really enjoying how Brian is learning what it's like to be in a relationship and that what may have once scared him isn't so scary anymore. And that maybe he could have this with Justin. He at least wants it :)
Date: Apr 24, 2017 12:20 am Title: Chapter 6
Can Stephen please fall down a rabbit hole???????? He is just so annoying lol.
Jennifer is so hilarious, you can tell how happy she is to have Justin with her and for him to be "so in love."
When are these stupid boys going to realise they're falling for each other? They're both such babies about it :D
Also, I can't wait for Justin to find out about Gus!
Date: Apr 24, 2017 12:06 am Title: Chapter 5
Oh, poor, sweet drunk, Justin. I love how a little alcohol took away his anxiety, but I am also glad that Brian was with him, because who knows what would have happened otherwise lol. Also, Brian saying no to Stephen was awesome, I really wondered what his reaction would be, but YES!!!
Date: Apr 23, 2017 7:32 pm Title: Chapter 13
Things are moving fast forward here!
I loved the interactions between Daphne and Justin, then with the doc; as for her confession about Brian's attributes, it was priceless!
And then, comes the rat chin who dares serenading Justin: what a buffoon...
The confrontation between Brian, Matthew, Jennifer and Justin was heartbroken, but the truth is out now. How will they deal with it will be interesting to follow?
The last part was difficult as well because Matthew has to let Brian go and Brian didn't want to be considered an escort for once, maybe he needed a friend. Just a guess of what might have happened.
Author's Response:
Daphne and Justin are a hit :) And really, what would Justin do without Daphne'e enlightments, right? LOL
The confrontation between the boys was long overdue and of course, they can't do things halfway. But we have a feeling it will be for the best in the end ;) As for Matthew, well, the guy doesn't really consider Brian as an escort anymore, but he can't stop his feelings and knowing Brian loves another man hurts. But again, this is probably for the best. At least, everything is in the open now.
Thank you so much for your review!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Date: Apr 23, 2017 4:28 pm Title: Chapter 13
Glad that John might be able to help Justin. He deserves something good to happen after all the crap he's gone through.
As for the conversation/confrontation with Brian... WHOA! What a MESS! Good Gravy Brian and Justin are two hard-headed, stubborn men! And yet, I feel proud of Justin for standing up and saying what he needed to say to Brian, even if he was angry while doing it. I hope Brian really heard him! Jennifer was right. Whatever is between Brian and Justin is NOT a lie. But I am concerned how she is going to act towards Brian now. I wonder if Justin is going to divulge Brian's reason for being an escort to save her opinion of the man clearly willing to do anything for his son. As for Matthew, I feel sorry for him but he was brave to force Brian to face the reality of his feelings for Justin, even at the expense of himself.
Well it's all out in the open now. Let's see what they do with it! Looking forward to the next chapter Ladies!
happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Thank you for this detailed review Nichelle! We love your analysis here :D We're also very proud of Justin for calling Brian on his bullshit. And hopefully, Brian did hear him. As for Jennifer, her immediate reaction might be protective of her son, of course, but she is a smart lady. And yes, Matthew is a good guy, even though Brian is in love with someone else.
More to come soon!!!
~Alois and addict_writer~
Date: Apr 23, 2017 2:16 pm Title: Chapter 4
The sexual chemistry in this is so hot, really intense, but also, kinda romantic - and I love that. This is going to be fun. I don't think Brian was using Justin's disability to tease him in the bathroom, I genuinely think Brian just can't control himself around Justin and he just HAS to touch him :)
Jennifer was AMAZING in this, and Molly too. I really enjoy stories where they're involved, and Jennifer is so team Britin LOL