Date: Oct 20, 2020 5:53 pm Title: June 2015, Part 1
I've said it once & I'll keep saying it! Molly & Hunter are THE best couple, after B/J of course, in the QAF universe! I love them together so much!!! They are quite morbid with each other at times, Christ! lol
Yes, throw in JLaw all you want hun, I'm obsessed with her!
Can't someone get 'something' to hold over Seth's parents with? Some sort of blackmail? The hatred I feel for this character is ridiculous!

Date: Aug 27, 2020 12:08 am Title: June 2015, Part 1
Things don't look to be getting better, though I know it does cause they move to the building Justin lives in. Justice needs to come for Seth big time.
Date: Aug 25, 2020 6:24 am Title: June 2015, Part 1
Omg I hate Seth so much and I am so dam worried he is going to hurt Molly and Hunter omg Molly stay with Hunter ffs
Date: Aug 10, 2020 7:50 pm Title: May 1st - June 5th, 2015
Wow! Wow! Just wow! I know she's being a little irrational NOT telling Hunter right away but I gotta say, I understand. I'm like that too. Yes, I know, it's not healthy to keep things from your family/friends especially in her case! My crap has never been that dangerous. I'm the one who takes care of everyone else, tht's always the way it's been. So it's hard to accept help or ask for it. However, thank God my closest friends know me and drive down here to 'take care of me' for the day or whatever.
I think Skinner, Seth & Reverend all need to be in jail! Holy shit! Molly girl, you in danger! She's too hot & too wonderful. Yes, yes, please go live with Hunterin NYC! Omg woman! I'm so glad Molly has video & audio of the assholes! Wicked smart friends!
Author's Response:
Yeah, I think she doesn't want to burden him and worry him. The distance is hard enough and she feels that the drama forced upon her makes it so she isn't worth it. :( She definitely needs to be more open though. I think if she saw progress regarding Seth, she would be. But to be failed by the authorities and the judicial system over something as severe as that traumatized her. So when it comes to other "less serious" offenses, she just doesn't bother trying to get justice or protection for herself. She definitely needs to go live with Hunter in NYC. She will have Hunter and her brother there, along with friends who will care deeply and want to protect her. She also won't be too far from Pittsburgh, Morgantown, Connecticut, and Toronto so staying close with other friends and family shouldn't be difficult.
I'm glad your friends can tell when something is wrong and come to check on you! You deserve it! New chapter is up now!

Date: Aug 07, 2020 11:52 pm Title: May 1st - June 5th, 2015
Living on two sides of the country aren't working. Molly on her own seems to attract the weirdest of men.
Author's Response:
The distance is definitely causing an issue, especially after experiencing essentially living together for three weeks. Molly DOES attract some weird and dangerous men. She actually had an ex who is lovely and Seth is her only bad ex. But she definitely attracts unwanted attention from creeps. New chapter is now up! Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Date: Aug 07, 2020 9:54 pm Title: April 2015, Part 4
Omg I'm NOT crying again!!! Omg they HAVE to get on the same coast like now....
Yeah, Justin will get over it.
I've missed Lily & Duncan so much! She definitely deserves more than a $5!
Date: Aug 07, 2020 8:34 pm Title: April 2015, Part 3
I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying!!!
"So the weirdness has hit it's peak" love it!
They are too damn adorable! Omg loved this so much! It was perfect! They are going to be so incredibly, lovingly, gross at the wedding lol I can't wait!

Date: Aug 07, 2020 12:14 am Title: April 2015, Part 4
So much happening on their last week together. Lilly, Duncan, and JR are so cute together. Justin will come around. Now I have to wait and see how you get them back together again.
Author's Response:
They had a lot going on for sure. The kids are super cute. Justin is just a worried older brother who didn't think this would happen. When it comes down to it, he loves Molly and honestly does care about Hunter too. Chapter 11 is now up! Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Date: Jul 30, 2020 3:56 pm Title: April 2015, Part 3
Love the pictures. Almost makes me want to go there and leave my safe and boring harbor.
Author's Response:
I would LOVE to stay in that room. Hunter has good tastes ;) Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! You've read chapter 10 but chapter 11 is now up!

Date: Jul 30, 2020 3:55 pm Title: April 2015, Part 2
I had to look up perogies. Rita gets an award for the world's worst mother.
Date: Jul 29, 2020 9:58 am Title: April 2015, Part 3
Aw the couple at last told each other their feelings â¤ï¸ I look forward to the next chapter
Author's Response:
They did <3 Chapter 10 was updated yesterday and Chapter 11 was updated today! I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Date: Jul 13, 2020 6:43 pm Title: April 2015, Part 1
Love these two together. Did I miss the meal with Brian's family?
Author's Response:
I haven't written that chapter of Intersect yet. Part 2 of April is now up though for LAX <==> PIT! :) Hopefully will get new chapters of both stories up soon. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jul 13, 2020 5:55 pm Title: April 2015, Part 2
Omg! That fucking wench! It's great drama for the story & Hunter's history but Jesus...I was loving this chapter until then, I still enjoyed it immensely but Rita really knows how to ruin shit doesn't she? God, I hope they get that poor baby out of her hands soon!
Hunter had a puppy as a kid? Awwwwww, he should get one now!
Yes, Justin deserved a little angst over his sister lol Ha!
Can't wait to read about their experience at the wedding!
Author's Response:
Rita is a total wench. I usually love to explore the complexities and the good and bad in even the worst of villains, but she is really hard when it comes to finding the good. I'm glad you loved the chapter up until she ruined everything though (and still enjoyed it after, despite Rita's shit)! I hope they get Nova out of her hands too and that she ends up with loving parents, like Molly said.
Hunter did have a puppy. It obviously didn't end well (that's an understatement) but he did. I would love to see him and Molly get a dog.
Justin totally did deserve it. He almost as shameless as Brian when it came to his sex life and he's going to judge these two kids? Pffft!
The next chapter is Molly's and Hunter's romantic getaway (which is now up!) The wedding chapter should be the one after that though. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 29, 2020 9:51 pm Title: April 2015, Part 1
It's offical! I am in love with Hazel! I wish she was a real person, I would be all over that! Mason is adorable and I totally saw that coming.
Even though you had to put in the hetero sex, I'll be okay, no worries.....
As usual Molly & Hunter are fabulous! Damn it guys, say I love you already!
Author's Response:
Hazel is pretty awesome! If she weren't engaged, I am sure she would be interested ;) Mason is a cutie. He's going through a rough time right now with his puppy love and being interested in a guy, but he has a support system.
Mwhahaha, yes, I totally put some explicit hetero sex in this chapter and I WOULD DO IT AGAIN 😈
I really enjoy writing Molly and Hunter and fleshing out their deep connection that was only hinted at throughout Intersect. Not many people are interested (for obvious reasons) but I am glad you and a couple of other readers have given this a chance! It means a lot!
And you're right. They should just say it. One of them needs to give in already. But their feelings are pretty intense plus the distance is still an issue (despite not being an issue right now with Hunter's extended visit). The love declaration will happen soon though! Thanks you so much for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 07, 2020 1:46 am Title: March 2015, Part 2
Omg hearing about Seths connections is so scary because he will try something and even though some information is getting out the police report is going to bring seths anger out again and this time he will have Hunter as well
Author's Response:
It is concerning! Right now, despite their relationship quickly growing and more people finding out about it, Molly is keeping it an absolute secret online - no pictures or posts with Hunter tagged, which means no bragging about her skydiving adventure, unfortunately :( Although if Seth is inclined, he could possibly attempt to hack her phone and read her texts to him. Hopefully he isn't feeling that ambitious right now. Thank you for reading and reviewing! New chapter is now up!

Date: Jun 06, 2020 7:07 pm Title: March 2015, Part 2
Very interesting chapter with Harry Potter and all. I say sic Lily on Seth. As a slytherin she'd give him a run for his money and if he tryed anything Brian would make sure he paid for it.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed the HP references! And yes, Lily can overwhelm and outsmart a lot of people. If anyone can get Seth, she can. ;) Thank you for reading and reviewing! New chapter is now up!
Date: Jun 06, 2020 4:10 pm Title: March 2015, Part 2
I am so in love with this couple! Truly, they are perfect for each other! Of course, your writing has everything to do with it!
Wow, what a difference a day & meds make for Craig huh? I love game night! Yes, I'm a nerd too & a Gryffindor! Lol
Cannot wait to read their POV'S at Brian & Eric's wedding!!!
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you are enjoying them! I'm aware that people don't come to the QAF fandom looking for Hunter/Molly fanfic (LOL) but it's awesome that this fic is getting the few reviews and hits that it is. I'm actually really enjoying the writing process of this one. It feels more like an original story more than anything, since this Hunter has grown and changed so much and Molly is essentially an OFC due to seeing so little of her in the show.
I believe the company of his daughter is what is helping Craig the most, but the med adjustments are beginning to calm him as well. And yay! I am like Justin. I am either a Gryffindor or a Slytherin, it can go either way lolol.
Hopefully I will get to the wedding eventually. It will be fun to write Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 04, 2020 7:59 pm Title: March 2015
Well, that first part was freaking adorable! Love Molly's friends, especially Hazel!
Then and I never thought I'd say this....poor Craig! Holy shit man, I think he DOES need constant supervision! OMG! Yeah, he definitely needs to be somewhere where he can be watched all the time, especially if he's still suicial. I hope his doctor finds a nice place for him where he can get some socialization, meds, is watched & can attend various therapies throughtout the day.
And then time for more psychopathic tendencies from Seth...Jesus Christ! Yikes! That boy needs to be on the greatest of medications for his conditions & locked up pronto! Can someone really do that? Appear to be calling from somewhere else on their phone? How the hell does that happen? I'd be totally freaked out if I were Molly.
Thank God Hunter flew in! Can't wait for more hun! This is awesome!
Author's Response:
I love Hazel too! She is a good and loyal friend. Craig is going through a rough time right now. :( He's not actively suicidal, but now that he's in therapy, he is thinking of what would have happened if he had succeeded in his previous attempt (he never would have seen Justin again, he would never get the chance to try to mend his relationship with Molly, etc). It might come down to an in-patient stay eventually if he has too many setbacks, but Molly's presence (and surprisingly Hunter's) are actually going to help him a great deal.
Seth definitely needs to be on meds and in a locked facility of some sort. He's proven in the past he can be dangerous and apparently still has fantasies about hurting/maybe killing Molly. And yes! You can block your location! Not through a cell phone, but if you call through a computer and have a VPN service, you can disguise your number from who you are calling just by using a simple number generator service and the VPN will protect you from being tracked down by the police. As for appearing to call from Justin's gallery, there are prank apps that allow you to appear to be calling from somewhere specific. Since Seth is a genius programmer, I'm assuming he compiled these services and used his abilities to create one master program to do most of the work for him.
And yay! Hunter is in! New chapter is now up! :) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 02, 2020 12:51 pm Title: March 2015
Omg Seth is a major danger and I am getting very nervous
Author's Response:
He is very dangerous, almost more so since they don't know where he is and he hasn't shown his face in a while. That will change in the Intersect sequel (where Hunter and Molly have a larger role).

Date: Jun 02, 2020 7:33 am Title: March 2015
Seth is a real psycho and is starting to scare me sh*tless, let alone poor Molly! I found myself holding my breath reading this chapter - very suspenseful. I do hope Hunter can track him down and deal to him quickly and as painfully as possible. What a sicko :-(
Author's Response:
Seth is in definite need of being locked up, whether that be in prison or a psychiatric hospital to become stable and realize what he's doing is wrong. Hunter definitely wants to track him down. It's a foreign feeling to him, since our boy is usually not violent but Seth is an exception. All of this is very new to him and unfortunately not new to Molly 😔. New chapter is now up! Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Date: Jun 02, 2020 3:10 am Title: March 2015
Poor Molly. Hopefully Hunter can help and whats-his-name gets run over by a subway car.
Author's Response:
Unfortunately, it might have to come to something like that because Seth is dangerous and no one in his life is making him face the consequences of what he's doing or at least getting him into psychiatric care. It's scary! Hunter is trying desperately to figure out what to do but it's definitely a hard situation. Seth is smart and his whereabouts are currently unknown. :/ New chapter is now up! Thanks for reading and reviewing! â¤ï¸

Date: May 29, 2020 7:35 pm Title: February 2015, Part 2
This story prompted me to go back and re-read the entire series again - it is really good. Poor Molly, she has a lot to contend with and Seth's stalking is beyond creepy. So glad Hunter is there for her, but this distance thing is really hard on her, she needs someone by her side, someone to hold her after yet another tough day :-(
I'm really looking forward to more series updates, in either this or the main story - both would be a welcome bonus lol, but no pressure :-)

Date: May 29, 2020 1:35 pm Title: February 2015, Part 2
Forgot to say I loved the sky diving. I rated your chapter a ten but it jumped back to none when I hit the submit button.
Date: May 29, 2020 1:33 pm Title: February 2015, Part 2
Hope you have something horrible planned for Seth. Now Molly has to get to the Pitts to pic up Craig from the airport. Wonder why he's having panic attacks.
Date: May 29, 2020 4:56 am Title: February 2015, Part 2
Love love love!!! This is so good! Finally getting around to reading it, sorry it took so long. What a complete psycho this Seth is! Jesus! So interesting & pulls you right in. Can't wait for more!